Movie Night (Pt. 2 because why not and featuring the gang)

A/N haha I always think about this post in a situation lol

Jace, Clary, Simon, Isabelle, Alec and Magnus were all sprawled on the sofa in the couples loft. They were all chatting, deciding what movie to watch while Magnus snapped his fingers and three bowls of popcorn appeared. Licking her buttery fingers, Isabelle pulled a blu-Ray out of her black fringed bag. The title read 50 Shades of Grey.

     "Tonight's movie isssss.... 50 Shades of Grey! Your welcome everyone" smirked Izzy.

    "Hey! That movie sounds great... Never heard of it, but I think I'll like it cause grey is my bae!" said Alec, then immediately he blushed and muttered "Magnus your rubbing off on me."
The group laughed.

    "Alec you are in for one hell of a surprise" laughed Jace.

  Alec was confused. "What why?"

  "Nothing" said the friends in unison. Alec looked wary but said nothing as the movie started, Magnus dimmed the lights, and everyone snuggled up with their significant other.


From the hallway bathroom, sounds of Alec retching (A/N I honestly don't know how to spell that lol) could be heard as Alec had soon learned that the movie was not about sweaters and sweatpants but rather the complete opposite of clothing. He came back to see a laughing Magnus, a grinning Jace, an annoyed Clary, and an equally interested Simon and Izzy. He hastily sat beside Magnus and cuddled with him, hoping to not see anything else. But oh was he wrong.

Magnus sat holding in his laughter as he watched Alec's reaction to the movie. His hand stopped in mid air, dropping the popcorn he was about to eat, his mouth forming a large O. Magnus knew he wasn't the only one enjoying Alec's reaction. Then Alec quickly got up and ran to the bathroom, and Magnus could hear him barfing. Another time he'd be holding Alec and soothing him, but now Magnus and the others were laughing. When Alec came back he glared at them all, sat down beside Magnus and snuggled in. After what Alec had called "the horror" passed he seemed to get comfortable with the movie. When it was over he looked over at them all.

   "Why in the world would anyone want to watch this stuff!?" he asked.

    "Because sex is sexy?" piped up Simon. Alec rolled his eyes.

     "Again, straight people, why can't they control themselves?" he said.

    "Woah. You have no right to say that. I mean, look at you and Magnus! I'm guessing that after we leave you two are gonna get busy! By the Angel you two are ALWAYS getting laid! I bet you can't last three days with no sex!" challenged Jace. Clary and Isabelle rolled their eyes, Simon snickered and Jace had a malevolent look in his eyes. Alec had a determined look on his face and suddenly Magnus did a mental face palm. Dear God I hope he doesn't say anything stupid he thought.

"I accept your challenge Jace!" said Alec pointedly. Magnus face palmed. (Not internally this time).

Jace was grinning as the others (except Magnus) eagerly sat and watched.

"Fine. You have to go for a whole week without sex" explained Jace.

"You said three days!" complained Alec.

"Sure, if you want to do it the wimp way" said Jace mockingly. Oh no thought Magnus, he's gonna extend the date.

Alec looked like he contemplated the bet for a second before he agreed.

"So it's settled. You guys can't do anything sexual, as in sex itself, heated kissing-" at which Magnus groaned- "and groping and all that other good stuff" said Jace with a smug look on his face.

    "Deal" said Alec hesitantly. They shook their hands on it and then suddenly Clary shouted "Oh God look at the time!" And everyone turned to look. It read 12:37 am and everyone quickly grabbed their things.

   "Have a fun night, or should I say, don't" sniggered Jace and then he bolted out the door. Alec slowly turned around to see a grumpy  Magnus, his hands crossed over his chest, a foot tapping impatiently and an annoyed look on his face.

   "Well!? Thanks a lot Alexander, thanks to you I have to wait a whole damn week to try those movie ideas on you! God Alec you screwed up" Magnus shook his head. Alec smiled peevishly and came up to Magnus for a hug. Magnus backed away.

Alec pouted. "But hugging isn't sexual!" he exclaimed

   "Knowing us, we could take it there."
Last night had been awkward.
Alec had tried to cuddle but soon things we're becoming sexual so he had to pull away, resulting in Magnus turning his back on him and not coming near him the whole night.
Why the fuck would I agree to this? he thought helplessly.

In the morning, they were annoyingly greeted by Simon at their door, and then following them around all day because "apparently they could break out in sex at any moment says Jace." Magnus was extremely pissed, although so was Alec. Simon sat and played Mario Kart (no I don't own Mario kart) while Alec sat around sulking and Magnus dealt with clients. Then Simon finally left, at night, and left Alec and Magnus to have an awkward dinner and sleep awkwardly all night.

Magnus woke up to see that Alec was up already and that he was talking to someone. Jeez thought Magnus, Jace is making sure he doesn't cheat. He moodily got up out of bed and ignored Alec and Isabelle, grabbing a cup of coffee.

"Surprised you guys haven't cracked yet" was all she said. Then Magnus had some clients to deal with, Alec and Izzy had to deal with demons and soon Alec came home sweaty and tired. Magnus ignored him the whole night in bed and silently wished he was doing other things to him instead. So did Alec.

Jace was here today. He was an annoying person to be around. He followed Alec and Magnus around, making dirty jokes and moaning like a twelve year old. He was clearly enjoying this thought Alec grumpily. He soon went off into the bedroom and around the loft.

"What are you doing?" Alec asked.

"Nothing" shrugged Jace. "Just bored." Soon he left, saying (with a smirk) that Clary had a surprise for him and that he had to go see. Then, when Magnus was sitting on the sofa watching Deathnote Alec appeared at his side. The two watched the anime intently when soon Alec exclaimed "Oh by the Angel I can't do this!" and was kissing Magnus greedily. Magnus, thrown off for a second, slipped his hands into Alec's hair while Alec (still kissing him) began to fumble with Magnus's jeans. Magnus pulled back.

" he panted.

"I....can't...fucking.....take it anymore" and Alec was hungrily kissing Magnus, jeans were successfully off and the two stumbled into the bedroom and their clothes were off, and they leaped into bed. Magnus bit down on Alec's neck on his sweet spot and Alec groaned "Magnus not to hard or they'll find out"
But Magnus was already one step ahead of Alec, and the two had quite the passionate night.

;3 mm Smexy lol

The two had lost the bet but they never said so. Although when Jace, Simon, Clary and Izzy showed up at their door, they had the look of someone who just won. They invited themselves in and sat down on the sofa.

"What brings you people here?" snapped Magnus, acting as if he never broke the bet.

"Oh you don't know? Well I guess I'll have to explain to you. We won. You broke the bet" smirked Jace.

"W-what makes you think so?" said Alec shakily.

"Oh I don't know, maybe this" and Jace pulled out a recorder and pressed play.


"I....can't...fucking....take it anymore"

Alec and Magnus sat in horror, as they realized that Jace had had them bugged. Soon there were moans and yelps coming from the recorder and Alec's voice saying "Mag-nus faster faster!" When Alec hurriedly yanked the recorder away and turned it off. Magnus looked slightly angry while Alec was fifty shades of red. Jace and the others on the other hand looked pleased.

"That was disgusting to listen to last night by the way" he added.

"Yup" said Simon.

"Agreed" said Clary as she shivered.

"I thought it was hot big bro"
Everyone turned to look at Izzy.

"I mean we should totally sell it to a porn company or something! Make some cash off the audio!" she suggested.

"So you people came into my home, breached my privacy and now you want to make a profit off of it!?" Exclaimed Magnus. "OUT!" He shouted. "OUT RIGHT NOW!" And he snapped his fingers and the four disappeared. "Right. Now Alec lets get rid of those recorders so we can make up for three days of no sex!" said Magnus and the two cut to the job straight away.


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