Just Studying? (Featuring Aubrey and Max)
In which Aubrey is well... Studying more then just her books.
Aubrey's age: 17
Max: 13
PS JAHAHAHA stamina runes they make me laugh every time
Alec and Magnus unlocked the door carrying in their groceries to find Max (their 13 year old warlock son) sitting on the couch playing a video game titled "Die Zombies Die!" The two regretted buying him the game as all he ever did was play it now.
"Max!? Maax!? Where's your sister? Why'd she leave you alone?" asked Alex. Max paused his game and set down his controller. He ran a hand through his ruby red hair and rubbed his iridescent violet eyes. He had two warlocks marks, his hair and eyes. He stood out so much to the two that they had to adopt him as a baby. Although his colouring was interesting, it wasn't an issue in class. Most kids and people thought his hair was dyed, and with a little glamour his eyes became blue.
"Pops. I'm thirteen I can take care of myself" he sighed. Pops was what the two called Alec and Dad was Magnus' name. "But she told me to tell you that she's in her room studying for a big test and not to disturb her at all. But I think she's studying more then just her books if you ask me." With that he turned back toward his game and focused all of his attention on the screen. Magnus and Alec shook their heads at their sons nonsense and went to put the groceries away. Suddenly Magnus was overcome with something and sat down.
"Mags what's wrong!?" asked Alec, panicked.
"Nothing I- well there's a soundless charm in our house."
"Where?" asked Alec. Magnus pointed toward the room at the farthest end of the corridor, Aubrey's room. The two looked at each other and got up to investigate. The arrived at the door and Alec said in a sing song voice "Aubrey! We brought you your favourite cookies! Come out for a snack and take a break from studying." Silence. Then:
"N-no thanks guys heh I'm fine!" Aubrey called. This time, Magnus answered her sternly.
"Open the door Aubs" he said. Alec and Magnus heard silence but on the other side of the door there was hustling and bustling as Aubrey shoved her blue-skinned boyfriend into her closet. She hastily unlocked the door and climbed into her bed, pulling the covers up high over her midsection and pretended to be reading something out of a textbook and on her laptop. The door swung open to reveal her two fathers standing in the doorway.
"How's the studying going?" Magnus asked. Alec looked around. Aubrey's face was flushed, hair disheveled and the covers were pulled up around her tight, but for the most part everything seemed normal.
"That's nice. By the way what's with the soundless charm?" threw in Magnus casually. Aubrey blanched but quickly pushed the emotion away before the two could notice. Or so she thought. They had caught it, but said nothing.
"You know me. I recite everything loud when I study." It was true. She liked to study while reading loudly because she said it helped her focus better and memorize things easier. "I added the charm so Max wouldn't get annoyed. You know him, always playing that darn video game. He should really get out more" she said, trying to change the discussion.
"How'd you put it up? You're not a warlock?" said Alec.
"Max did it. Remember you taught him how Dad?"
"You just said you did it."
Aubrey silently cursed herself.
"I mean I did it in the sense of was my idea you know?" Alec and Magnus didn't look like they bought it though.
They strode over to her bed, and Aubrey inched away.
"Cmon Aubrey let me sit down with you. Let's watch some Netflix. Take a break" Alec said evilly. They took another step. Aubrey inched away. Then when Alec was close enough he noticed something. On his daughters right shoulder, was a stamina rune. He crossed his muscular arms over his chest.
"I don't recall the need for stamina runes for studying" he exclaimed. Aubrey slapped a hand on her neck. When she pulled it away, Magnus noticed some horrifically applied concealer come away with her hand, and realized why it was there in the first place. On her neck was a round red bite mark. A hickey, he realized.
"Are you sure your studying alone Aubrey?" Asked Magnus. He pulled the duvet back and to Alec and Aubrey's horror (and Magnus' mild amusement) there was a condom wrapper. And beside it, underwear. Boxers to be specific. Aubrey like her father, looked like she was about to throw up. Magnus on the other hand found the situation slightly humorous. Aubrey was blushing like crazy, so was Alec and she gave herself away with a quick glance at her wardrobe. Alec marched over to it and yanked open the door. A very un-manly squeal issued from it, as the naked blue warlock covered his privates with his hands, blushing like crazy. He knew he was in for it now.
"Seth...RUN!" screeched Aubrey. He snapped his fingers and he disappeared, naked but clutching his clothes. Alec lunged for the inside of the closet but it was too late. He slowly turned around to stare his daughter in the eye. Magnus rushed to him and kept him in a firm grasp.
"Don't do anything hasty Alec" whispered Magnus. Aubrey looked like a deer caught in the headlights, scared out of her mind.
"I'm so glad Max warned us before hand... I now understand what he meant!" he yelled. Max suddenly appeared at the doorway, clutching his controller and looking amused.
"I heard my name. You called?" he asked, looking bored.
"Traitor!" hissed Aubrey. Max simply grinned and stuck his tongue out at her.
"What's going on? Dads?" he asked innocently.
"Nothing Max. Go back to your game now honey" answered Magnus.
"Don't have to tell me twice!" he exclaimed cheerfully, and bounded away. Not before giving Aubrey an evil grin.
"I'm going to find that warlock boy and kill him if it's the last thing I do!" said Alec through clenched teeth. He broke free of Magnus' grasp and ran toward Aubrey. "Do you have an item of his?" he paused, "other then his underwear" he added annoyedly. Aubrey nodded.
"Yeah his ring wh-."
She was interrupted by Alec grabbing the ring, placing a tracking rune on his right hand he closed his eyes.
"Got it." Alec rushed out the door before Magnus or Aubrey could protest. They heard the door slam shut and Aubrey turned to look at Magnus.
"Daddy?" She hardly ever called him that anymore.
"Yes Aubbey?"
"Are-are you mad?"
Magnus sighed and sat down beside her. "No well yes. You lied and deceived us Aubrey and that's not what you were raised to do. So yes I'm a little disappointed but otherwise I'm fine."
"You're not mad about me and Seth?"
she asked, choosing her words carefully. Magnus looked at her.
"Of course not. Okay maybe a little bit that's just me and my father-y-ness. I can see where you were coming from. Especially at your age. I mean, EVERYONE wants to get laid at that age. I've seen it happen multiple times at the same age in people. Like I remember these three people, two of them loved the same girl right? Well they also couldn't keep it in their pants for her" he chuckled. "And they were 17 too" he added. "My point is, I wish you could have came to me about it. Maybe not Alec no, but I'm a chill guy. We both know I'm the cooler dad right?"
Aubrey grinned.
"Please don't ever say your a "chill guy" again Dad." Magnus rolled his eyes. "You don't think he'll actually hurt Seth do you?" she asked.
"Who Alec? No. Well maybe. Probably not, but he'll give him a hell of a lecture for sure. Speaking of which, I have to go try to get Max away from that game. Care to join me?" he held out his hand.
"Of course! I can't wait to get even!"
She rubbed her hands together. The two stood up, the duvet falling from Aubrey's midsection. She was half naked and blushing like crazy. Magnus turned away and walked down the hall.
"You might want to put some pants on before your Pops comes home Aubrey!" he called. She slammed the door shut before hearing Alec storm in.
"wHAT!?" he exclaimed.
Aubrey shook her head. This was going to be a long day.
I hope that was funny guys. I love Max. This was my own version of him and I love how monotone and evil he is. WELP please comment and vote and leave suggestions. I'm on spring break now baby so I'm freeeeeee of the hell that is called school.
Bai my hippopotamus'!
(Don't ask just roll with it)
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