Highschool Crush Pt.2
Here's something to cheer you up after that depressing chapter!
Alec paced his room, scared out of his wits. This was his first date, and it was with Magnus Babe. Oh God. Magnus Bane he thought. He hoped he wouldn't say something like that today.
Isabelle walked into the room.
"Aw. Our little Alec is finally growing up!" she mocked. Jace then came in beside her.
"If everything goes well, I suggest you use some lube and a condom if you don't want any STD's" he joked. Alec blanched.
"S-stop it you two! And Jace! That's gross. Nothing like that's going to happen tonight" he said, gradually growing redder in the face. Suddenly the doorbell rang downstairs. Isabelle pat Alec encouragingly on the back, while Jace grinned and said "go get em tiger!" Alec gave the two a death glare before pushing past them and rushing downstairs. Maryse was waiting for him in front of the door, tapping her foot impatiently.
"Alec its for you!" she grinned. Alec rolled his eyes and opened the door. His jaw dropped at the sight in front of him. Magnus was wearing tight red skinny jeans, a bright orange tee that read : "caution: hotness overload may blind" in black letters. The shirt hugged his frame so that Alec found himself staring. Magnus' makeup was elaborate and his hair caked with glitter. Alec suddenly felt underdressed and self conscious. Maryse clapped her hands together and laughed.
"Oh Alec!" she squealed, "It's your first date! Hold up, let me take a picture!" Alec rolled his eyes.
"Mooom" he whispered, "your embarrassing me!" He turned to look at Magnus who smiled.
"Alec! Aren't you going to let your date in!" she asked. Alec stuttered and simply raised a hand to let Magnus in. Magnus grinned thankfully and stepped inside. Maryse got a phone and snapped a picture of the two awkwardly standing apart from each other. "Scoot in you two!" she said, motioning with her hands. The two awkwardly moved together, side by side. "There" she said, taking the picture. "I'll leave you two alone now! It was a pleasure to meet you..."
"Magnus" said Magnus, extending his arm. "It's a pleasure to meet you too Mrs. Lightwood, and I simply love what you've done with the place!" Magnus smiled. Maryse grinned.
"Oh why thank you Magnus!" Maryse turned on her heel and walked away.
"Shall we?" asked Magnus.
"Oh wait let me get my jacket" said Alec. "I'll come back in a-"
"Why don't I join you? Take a tour of your humble home. And meet my future in-laws" he mumbled.
"Hm? Oh nothing. Let's go on now c'mon!"
Magnus followed Alec down the halls. Magnus idled and fell back. He opened a door to his right and looked in. The red and orange walls were plastered with posters of Naruto and on a shelf were hundreds of manga's of the spiky haired ninja. Magnus gazed around at the neatly made bed, the untouched shelves of memorabilia and the closed curtains. The place was spotless, not a speck of dust to be seen. Magnus was about to step in, when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He spun around to face Alec holding a black faded sweater.
"Omigosh I'm so sorry Alec! But honestly, I never knew you were such a Naruto fan! Or a neat freak" he added. Alec's eyes began to water, and he turned around quickly, sniffling.
"Oh Alec what's wrong? I'm sorry for intruding if I knew it would make you that upset-"
"That's not my room" sniffled Alec, "it was Max's." Magnus was dumbfounded for a minute before it sank in.
"Was?" he breathed.
"He um, died last year from a brain tumour" he said, his voice cracking. Magnus didn't know what he was doing but he enveloped Alec in a hug. Alec was motionless for a second, before he raised his arms and placed them around Magnus' torso. They were like that for a minute, before Isabelle walked into the hallway.
"Awwww!!! Omg you guys are so cute!" she exclaimed. Alec broke apart quickly, blushing profoundly.
"Let's go" he muttered, and Magnus followed them out.
Time skip brought to you by Izzy fangirling and Jace plugging his ears.
They arrived at the park, walking around in the darkness. The city lights illuminated the streets as few people were out at the hour, and the pair sat down under a tree. They sat in silence for a bit, not an awkward one but a pleasant one. Then finally Alec spoke.
"So, how's your family?" Alec asked casually.
"Oh no, I don't have a "family" said Magnus, adding quotations with his fingers. "My parents kicked me out when I opened up to them. I live alone in my own apartment, but don't worry I make enough money to provide for myself. And extra left to buy amazing outfits" he said, with an air as if he did not care but underneath he did. Alec was speechless. He put a hand on Magnus' thigh and looked up into his startlingly interestingly coloured eyes.
"Magnus I am so sorry" he whispered. He suddenly felt extremely grateful to have such an understanding family. He thought his life was bad when his father left because of his coming out, but nothing compared to this. At least he had three people, not living alone.
"But don't you get lonely?" he asked.
Magnus chortled. "That's why I'm on this date! And I have a cat. The Chairman" he explained. Alec suddenly felt sympathy for Magnus. Only eighteen, already living alone. Alec didn't realize he was leaning in, until his lips crashed against Magnus', soft and caressing. He was surprised when Magnus kissed back, this time with fire and passion. Alec's hands slid up into Magnus' hair and tugged, and Magnus groaned in the back of his throat. Alec pulled back.
"Sorry" he muttered.
Magnus pulled him back into the kiss, and when Alec moaned he split apart and grabbed Alec's hard, pulling him up.
"My apartment. Let's finish this there" he growled. "Race you!" he exclaimed. He ran at full speed, Alec close on his heels. They arrived at the flat, and mag us quickly unlocked the door, allowed the two inside, and then after locking the door pressed his lips to Alec's. Alec returned the kiss with desire, and the two found themselves on the floor, fumbling with belt buckles but never splitting apart. Magnus bit down on Alec's neck, leaving a mark. Alec was caressing his now bare stomach, his hands and body shaking. Magnus put his hands on Alec's, stopping them. Alec looked up into his eyes, hurt, and Magnus sighed.
"Alec as much as I want you, you seem weary. I don't want to force you to do anything, if you're not ready."
Alec stood up and paced. Magnus wondered what he was thinking. Finally, Alec sighed.
"I um, should get home"
"If you want to"
"But I don't want to leave"
"I don't want you to leave either. So Tuesday at six?" replied Magnus. Alec nodded happily and the two bid farewell and he left. Magnus watched him walk down the street with a skip in his step. Magnus grinned and shook his head, then turned around to go feed his cat.
Time skip brought to you by Alec whistling down the street.
Alec reached his bedroom, but not before he unfortunately met Jace in the hall.
"What's that!?"
"What?" Alec asked.
"On your neck"
Alec slapped his hand into his throat, blushing. "I fell" he said.
"On your neck?"
Alec scowled. "Yes now goodnight."
He turned around to enter his room, closing the door hoping to cut off the loud noise of Jace singing.
"STD's! Oh STD's!
Just how are they acquired?
One must go down to the bad parts of town till one is very tired.
STD's oh STD's!
I had it all along.
Not the Ds you foolish leak!
I mean this very song!
For I was right, and you were wrong!"
"Would you shut up!?" yelled Alec. "When did you even come up with that!?" he asked.
"I don't know. Either I'm lyrically gifted or its just in my blood."
Alec flopped into bed and fell asleep instantly, dreaming about Magnus.
Woah that was long. Like my demon pox remix? Oh Jace! And Maryse is super perky and supportive while Magnus' parents aren't. I did that cause I feel as if everyone does it the other way around, so I mixed it up. Maryse is prolly me. Anyway please vote and comment And
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