Fairytales (AU)
Heyyyyy I suck.
So um yeah I never updated and I started another oneshot and at the moment it's at 2272 words and I think it's pretty crappy so far but I'll finish it. So yeah. By the way this is my giant thank you for
A) 100+ followers!
B) 40+k reads!
Thanks so much my burbies and I love you all so much! I'm going to do a q/a chapter for the following so get your questions in
Q for Alec
Q for Magnus
Q for Chairman
Q for Malec together
Q for me (optional) also I'm putting a hold on heaven boy and instead I'm going to make some DESTIEL oneshots instead. Now that we're all caught up lets begin!
"You need to stop stalking him Magnus" said Catarina for the fifth time now as Magnus hid behind the bookshelf in the public library.
"Shhhh shut up!" he whispered hoarsely as he watched his major crush stock the shelfs with books. He had such a grace to it, it was a if he had angel blood in him, making him even more magical then he already was.
"It's creepy and weird and if he found out I doubt he'd be into you Mags!"
Magnus turned to scowl at Catarina. "I said shut up please!" He turned his attention back to the black haired beauty and the way his sweater was rising up slightly when he reached up for the top shelf...
"We have a test okay? I don't know about you but I want to be successful in life. This is university Mags. You can't waste time stalking cute guys. You have to study" said Catarina as she crossed her arms over her chest. She blew a strand of her snow white hair out of the way and glared at Magnus the way a sister would at her troublesome sibling. "Magnus...." She began to tap her foot as she stared at him expectantly, Magnus too caught up in his fantasies to notice.
"Please... Five more minutes."
Cat rolled her eyes. "Fine. I'll be in the medical section. And then she left, leaving Magnus to watch his knight in shining armour.
He's so dreamy thought Magnus as he watched him with interest. I want to know his name...
When Magnus had first seen him, he'd almost fainted.
It was a sunny afternoon, and Magnus had a big test to study for and his flat mate Raphael was being pissy about it. He would not shut up. So Magnus finally gave up and decided to hit up the library down the street. He sat down, and then he saw him.
Black hair, blue eyes and a toned body too good to be real. Magnus' eyes followed him around the whole time, and unless Cat hadn't shown up to study with him, Magnus would've failed that test. As his crush turned to push his cart away and he left, Magnus sighed and got up. Cats right. I gotta study now. Until tomorrow, my knight in shining armour. Magnus gathered his books and walked over to Catarina, chancing a look over his shoulder one last time before meeting up with her.
Alec felt like he was being watched.
You know that feeling you get, like you have eyes on your back? Yeah. Except Alec could almost feel them eye raping him. He casually placed books on the shelfs, acting completely normal when really he was freaking out.
It's probably some too-shy-to-ask-for help-kid. No worries... Alec tried to tell himself. His sweater clung to his body with sweat and he hastily pushed his glasses up his nose. He was too nervous to even chance a glance back at his stalker/potential murderer. Placing the last book on the shelf, he turned his body and quickly pushed his cart away, as fast as possible and not giving a seconds glance behind him.
Once he was sure he was safe, he sighed and took a shaking hand and ran it through his sweat soaked hair.
Alec was a nervous sort of fellow.
Extremely shy, very independent and well kept to himself, he wasn't the type of guy to strike you as "exciting". No. He was exactly what he looked like. A librarian, a book nerd, a stay-at-home in-his-basement-and-binge-watch Sherlock- type of guy. And then go crazy about it. Alone of course.
That's who Alec, straight as Dean Winchester (as his sisters boyfriend Simon liked to call him) Lightwood was. Closeted.
He knew he liked boys since he was about fourteen. When all the girls looked like pimpley brats to him, and even the prettiest girl in school was nothing to him.
Granted, most of the girls were pimpley brats and so were most of the guys, that is, except for one.
Sebastian Morgenstern, the hottest boy in school and apparently the nicest.
That is, until, he went crazy and tried to sabotage the school president votes and also campaigned a huge Anti-Gay protest and ended up being the most hated on boy in school. Alec was personally but thankfully not publicly targeted, and as a result, had been in the closet ever since. Only his closest of friends knew, not even his own parents whom, he didn't think should know anytime soon.
Sometimes Alec wished he'd meet a good guy in his boring life though, as he wanted adventure. He was waiting for his handsome prince to take him away, free him from his tower and then save the world. Together. With the power of rainbows. And unicorns.
But his life, sadly, wasn't a fairytale, although he was kinda glad it wasn't too. He didn't want to have to deal with step-siblings chopping of their heels to wear his shoes and shit, or sentencing his stepmother to dancing to death on hot coals at his own wedding. Fairytales were cruel, although Disney movies weren't.
A lesbian princess thought Alec as he fingered the spine of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. Wish Disney would finally make that movie, he smirked as he opened the first page again and revisited his old frenemies, the Dursleys.
"Alec? You there?!" called out a familiar voice.
"I'm here!" he called to his sister, Isabelle. She popped her head around a wall and grinned at him, beckoning for him to come forward with her finger. Alec sighed and rolled his eyes. He got up and walked over to her, placing the book in his satchel and pushing his frames up his nose.
"What?" Alec asked, exasperated.
Isabelle squealed and tugged on his arm. "You're coming with me!"
Isabelle grinned a feral smile that would put even Lucifer to shame.
"For a party."
"A PARTY MAGNUS BANE, REALLY?!" screeched Catarina as she paced his flat, Magnus smiling lazily at her from behind his cup of coffee.
"Yes darling, now do stop shouting, my cat is sleeping."
"I TOLD YOU-" she placed a hand on her temple. "I told you, that you had to study. You said you would. WHAT IS THIS!?" she hollered, spinning around with her arms out at her sides.
"An undecorated flat. Cat, I need a break. You need a break. Everyone, needs a break. Raphael's on a trip. Everything is screaming THROW A PARTY MAGS. I just have to, it's my duty."
(A/N pfft. He said duty ahahaha)
Catarina glared at him. "Sometimes I really wish I never met you, you know that right?"
Magnus smiled and slung an arm over her shoulder. "Mhm, but you and I both know you wouldn't replace me for the world."
"Oh my chuck" breathed Alec as he looked at himself in the mirror.
Skin tight ripped skinny jeans, a tight black fitted tee shirt and hightops. Isabelle hadn't even let him keep his glasses, instead gave him contacts and told him to put the ensemble on.
"I don't want to do this Isabelle" he said finally, turning around to look at her. She smirked, and ruffled his hair.
"Cmon! It's going to be thrown by this totally cool guy, at his flat. It'll be fun! And...word has it that he's single..." she raised her eyebrows suggestively at Alec causing him to blush.
"Nononononono Izzy I can't!"
"You can! Now cmon we are going whether you like it or not!" She grabbed Alec by the arm and dragged him outside and into the car.
"Or not" muttered Alec.
Upon arriving at the party, Izzy pushed Alec around, found the host, and the proceeded to leave him claiming to be thirsty. Alec stood still, watching the sparkly hot man talking brightly to a white haired dark skinned woman. Alec had to admit, he was good looking. He looked like he wasn't the shy type, judging by the makeup and glitter. Alec wished that he could learn his name when the man turned and spotted him.
Oh God he probably thinks I'm a creepy stalker thought Alec as he felt a blush creep up his cheeks. He stood frozen in place, as the host winked at him, said something to the woman and then slinked his way over to Alec.
"Hello" he said in a deep voice, that was honestly a turn on for him. Alec stuttered as he raised Alec's thin pale hand and kissed it gently, his eyes grinning at him. "I'm Magnus."
Whoa. That's like, a wizard name. Awesome.
"A-Alec" he whispered, and without meaning to, fixed his messy hair. Magnus grinned at this, and linked arms with Alec.
"Let's get to know each other Alec," he said as he began to lead both of them through the party, writhing bodies surrounding them, but to Alec it felt like they were the only two in the whole world. As Magnus led him down the halls, he checked him out, noticing a blush on the mans cheeks that got him curious. It's probably the makeup thought Alec as he grabbed a chip from a passing by waiter, shoving it in his mouth hurriedly as Magnus turned to looked at him.
(A/N I'm on a plane right now, sitting next to some elderly people. Reading and writing gay shit. And there's a crying baby that WONT SHUT UP AND I'm sorry but children can be worse then the devil sometimes and I just. Nope. Anywho, yeah I'm on a plane, previously reading destiel smut, because why not hey. Anywho sorry about this random ass note, but I'm loving this chapter ok CONTINUE)
Alec blushed as he realised he had guacamole on his face, and Magnus smiled softly and reached up and wiped it away with a thumb, then proceeded to lick his thumb after. Alec's face was on fire, and he hastily wiped his face with his hand before looking down at Magnus' shoes.
I'm going to die of embarrassment thought Alec as he watched Magnus' mouth move slightly.
"You're adorable" breathed Magnus, barely getting the words out.
"I'm, I'm what?" asked Alec, looking up at him. Magnus felt the slight blush creep up on his cheeks as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Nothing!" he replied with a smile, before turning away and beginning to walk again, this time a bit faster.
When Magnus spotted him at the party, he, again, almost fainted. He could recognise that face anywhere, glasses or not. It was his librarian, his knight in shining armour. At his party. Wearing the hottest ensemble he'd ever witnessed in his entire life.
Magnus had quickly shared this with Catarina, who'd smiled at him and pushed him lightly away before leaving. Magnus took a deep breath and walked up to him, putting on the facade of confidence when really he thought he was blushing so hard he was going to die.
Now he was here, with the man of his pathetic little dreams, acting like a big showman when really, like the rest of the world, he was over flowing with self consciousness. He smirked to himself as he wiped the guac away from his adorable face, and then muttered something to himself oh so quietly under his breath.
"I'm, I'm what?" asked Alec, looking up and meeting Magnus' eyes.
"Nothing!" replied Magnus as he ran a hand through his hair.
Oh my lord what have I done. This is crazy thought Magnus as he quickly turned and began to briskly walk again. Alec followed him, and eventually they ended up in Magnus' study, away from the loud noise and commotion from the flat.
He sat down on the sofa, gesturing for Alec to do the same. Alec nervously sat down, again, fiddling with his hair as he did so.
"So Alec what do you do for a living?" asked Magnus, already knowing the answer.
"Oh I'm a-a librarian" replied Alec shakily, fixing his hair yet again.
"Oh wow! The one down the sidewalk right?!" he said excitedly without thinking.
Alec frowned at him for the briefest moment, but replied with a "yeah" anyway. Magnus gulped. He had to be careful, he didn't need Alec finding out about the whole stalking thing.
"What do you do?" Alec asked, gaining the courage randomly. Magnus grinned.
"I have a job as a barista, that's basically it. Somehow pays my fees but, I don't want it to be my forever job though. I'm doing phycology, and hope to open my own branch one day. I like helping people with their problems, kinda like a therapist but not, you know?" he looked at Alec, letting himself get lost in those spectacular blue eyes.
Alec smiled shyly, tilting his head down slightly as he did so.
"Yeah, that's really sweet. I'm- I'm just kind of finding out what I want to do as I go along, I don't really have a clue yet. But it's good that you know what you want to do right now Magnus." He looked at him thoughtfully, a look Magnus could only describe as so intimate and powerful that he couldn't stop himself from leaning over and planting his lips over those soft, pink ones that he'd imagined kissing countless times before. Before he could even begin to realise what was happening, he found himself right up against Alec's sweet lips, tasting almost of honey and feeling like velvet as they shyly moved behind his.
(A/N OMC guys I'm so proud of this chapter you don't even know. It's so fetch. (Lmao) btw I'm long off the plane now like that was a month ago lol anywho)
Alec couldn't quite grasp what was happening. All he knew was Magnus' lips gentle against his, and his own nervously moving with Magnus'. It was amazing. He could feel his cheeks getting hotter and hotter as he found himself slipping a hand into Magnus' gelled hair, scooting in closer so he could kiss him better.
This is a great first fucking kiss he thought randomly, as Magnus moved his hand to cup his neck tenderly, not being rough at all. I only just met him, but I feel like I've known him my whole life. Maybe he's the one... My Prince Charming. My hero, the person to take me away on a white horse and let me live freely and happily along side him, not a care in the world.
Alec was so caught up in his thoughts, he never even heard Magnus moan softly, then only noticing when Magnus licked his bottom lip, causing him to gasp, and Magnus slipped his tongue in.
Oh my goooooooooood this is really happening?! First kiss and first time in the same night?! Woah there Alec, you're gonna get some bragging rights tonight he thought foolishly as he timidly kissed Magnus back, his tongue and lips meeting Magnus' in almost a synchronised duet. It was all so perfect, until a drunk Catarina accidentally opened the study door, burst into giggles and slurred something Magnus didn't think he could ever forgive her for:
"Ayyyye Maggy! All that stalking him finally payed off eh?" with that, she snorted unceremoniously and slammed the door shut. Alec jumped back, face flushed and confused, as he frantically fixed his hair and stared at Magnus.
"What.." he asked ever so slowly, "did she mean by stalking me?"
Magnus had never been more scared in his entire life. Oh no he cried in his mind, it's over, it's all over. I knew it was too good to be true! No one ever gets their knight in shining armour no one no one no...
"Magnus?" Alec said softly.
Magnus blanched, cleared his throat and finally mustered up the courage to speak.
"I've uh, kind of been stalking you.."
Annnnd this is why my mom always said never talk to strangers. Alec had never felt more confused before in his life. He was hot, sweet, had a nice home, was gentle when needed, but of course, to ruin it all he had to be a stalker. This is where my fairytale ends thought Alec sadly, staring at Magnus with mild interest and slight confusion.
"Can, can you elaborate?" he said finally after an awkward silence.
Magnus looked at him as if he couldn't believe that Alec wasn't slapping him and getting the hell out here already.
"I well, I um... I saw you at the library once and ever since I've kinda... Gone there just to watch you so I could pretend that we were there together?" replied Magnus awkwardly, clearly feeling extremely ashamed and embarrassed about this. His cheeks were rosy, his head bent and his voice low, something that he didn't let people see a lot. Alec didn't know what to think. "I-I saw you and I knew, I knew you had to be as amazing as you looked. I don't think I've ever obsessed that much overs crush before..." laughed Magnus nervously as he ran a hand through his hair. Alec looked at him.
So it was him all the time. The eye raping, the constant feeling of ekes on the back of my head. Him. Should I- should I go for it? I honestly don't care that he "stalked" me. Well I do a little but for the most part he's seems sweet. And that he genuinely cares. Like a Prince Charming should....
Alec looked at Magnus and smiled.
Magnus looked at him, baffled. "W-what?"
Alec laced his fingers with Magnus' entwining them so that it was the only thing he cared about in the world.
"'Magnus.." he asked hesitantly, not knowing that this decision would be the best one he ever made in his life. "Do you believe in fairytales?"
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