Cloud Watching

Ehhhh. Did you think I died? Hm.
Sorry for the delay, I tried writing falling part two but I can't. So soz. If any of you are dying to know what happened this is it:
Camille sends her minions to harm Magnus. Alec and he both don't get back together till the end. Then Magnus is shot in a battle between the vampires and shadowhunters and Alec jumps in the way and they both die on top of each other. Yay. That's it. I've had a really rough week this week guys. Something devastating happened to me and it'll take some time for me to recover. But till then, I'll keep writing for y'all and meh!!!

As Alec lay lazily on the couch, Chairman Meow snoring soundly on top of him, Magnus crept up behind him.

"ALEC BOO!" he yelled, startling the two so that Alec fell off the couch, almost squishing the Chairman.

"What Magnus?" growled Alec as he rubbed the now forming bump on his head.

Magnus grinned. "Oh I love it when you growl like that. Makes me wanna go "grrrrrr" Magnus growled like an animal and pretended to claw the air. Alec rolled his eyes.

  "I'm going to go back to sleep" he said, laying down and covering his eyes with his arm. Magnus went over top of him and peeled his arm off, smiling malevolently down at him.

  "Peek-a-boo!" he whispered hoarsely. "Stop playing so hard to get!" pouted Magnus, making a big show out of his quivering bottom lip. Alec sighed but didn't get up.

  "What?!" he barked.

  "AWWW how cute! Look at my wittle Mr Grumpy Wumpikins!" crooned Magnus, petting Alec's head. "Whys he in such a bad mood? We should cheer him up!" he said in that annoying voice of his.

  "Would you fuck off and tell me what you want!?" snarled Alec, as he yanked Magnus's hand off his head. Magnus faked mock hurt, and then sighed.

  "Oh fine. You're no fun! I was thinking, today's a beautiful day, so why not go cloud watching!?"

  It took a moment before Alec realized what he was asking. He blew a raspberry, and then started to laugh.

"Yeah, sure, okay. Cloud watching?" he asked incredulously. Magnus nodded eagerly. Alec blew another raspberry. (A/N I hope you guys get what I'm saying. I mean Alec's all like "Pfffffffffffttttt" you know? Like, when you spit everywhere when you go pfffffff cuz somethings unbelievable or something? Yeah. That's what I mean. Carry on. (My wayward son)

  "Wait a minute. Your not serious are you?"

  "No, I'm Magnus!"

  Alec raised an eyebrow.

  "It's a Harry Potter thing! You know, Sirius Black, "are you serious? no I'm Magnus." Cmon Alec get your reference game on!" scolded Magnus. Alec snorted.

"Okay, so, why exactly do you want to go cloud watching?" asked Alec.

"It's going to be the next big thing, I can feel it! I need to be ahead of everyone though so I can say "I cloud watched before it was cool". Cmon it'll be fun!" exclaimed Magnus excitedly.

"So basically you want to act like a hipster?"


Alec rolled his eyes.

  "So let me guess... You got this from your "Weekly Internet Finds" didn't you?" inquired Alec. Recently, Magnus had discovered that the internet  had multiple layers, including new fads and undiscovered trends that would soon (as many blogs promised) grow big. Magnus had taken a liking to this, and made it his weekly goal to discover a new fad or undiscovered trend and do it. He'd mostly done it alone, but today he was going to make it a couple thing.

  "Why drag me into this?" complained Alec, as he ran his hand through his hair.

  "Oh shut up and get ready alright? Or else we'll spend this whole oneshot arguing!"


  "I mean day. Well spend this whole day arguing. Now go change before I strip you naked myself, and no I would not do naughty things to you!" exclaimed Magnus. Alec gasped and walked away, towards the bedroom. Then, he paused at the doorway, turning to grin at Magnus.

  "Remind me to get back at you for threatening me with no sex, honey." Then he walked into the room and closed the door.

Magnus sighed. He'd deal with that later.


After driving around for two hours, searching for the perfect spot, Magnus finally found it. He jumped out of the car, dragging Alec behind him and lay down the picnic blanket. Magnus flopped down and then patted for Alec to do the same. Alec lowered down, lay down and then looked at Magnus.

"What now?" he asked.

"You cloud watch!"

"How? What's the point? Why? What is the function of a rubber duck?"


"You told me to get my reference game on when you never even got that one!"

Magnus sighed through his nose. "Anyway, the blog I read said that you're supposed to record yourselves and then point out clouds. Easy" explained Magnus.

"So", said Alec, as he lay on his back and pointed at the cumulonimbus clouds, "we just talk about what we see?"

Alec's hand fell back down and the two lay in silence staring at the clouds. Magnus was soon about to get up when Alec pointed to the sky.

Giggling childishly, he said:

"It's shaped like a dick!"

Magnus looked up towards the sky, and indeed, the cloud looked like a penis. Leave it to Alec to ruin touching moments like these thought Magnus.

  "It's not that accurate though, just the general shape of one I guess but it could be better" replied Magnus.

  "Like you would know" snorted Alec. Magnus gave him a questioning look, opened his mouth a bit, raised an eyebrow, and then gave Alec a look that said are you even paying attention to what you're  saying?

It took Alec a sad minute to realize what he said, and then blushed at his own stupid comment. Magnus laughed and then looked up again.

  "That" he said pointing "looks like an ass, does it not?"

  Alec looked up, and then burst out laughing. "It does!" Alec wheezed, "it really does!"

  Magnus promptly started singing. "I like big...."

  "BUTTS AND I CANNOT LIE" joined in Alec.

  "THESES OTHER BOYS CAN'T DENY" sang the two, going through the whole song before falling back after laughing so much.

  Magnus moved closer to Alec, so that there was no space between them. Alec grasped hands, and the two spent the rest of their time laughing their asses off at all the inappropriate pictures in the clouds.

  Some of their favourites were "the anal sex" cloud and the "you wouldn't know this Alec, but that's what a vagina looks like" cloud.  Then, a thundershower came, raining all over them and ruining their time, causing the two to run home. They realized they forgot to record themselves, and then went to spend the rest of the day in bed.

  But not to worry, because after that, Magnus and Alec did the "Weekly Internet Finds" together. Every week. And soon, they got Izzy, Simon, Clary and Jace doing it too. Although, they only went all together sometimes, as for the latter couples they were the ones who surprisingly ended up doing the do while cloud watching. But, knowing Alec and Magnus, they probably did it too.


SO SOZ FOR THAT WEIRD AF CHAPPY. Like woah it took a weird af turn. Lol but I guess it was good. I liked it! So sorry about the late chapters and crappy ones too. But yeah, something just won't let me write falling part 2. Soooooo sorry. ANYWAY IM BORED SO HMU BRUH. ANYWAY BAI MAI CHOOCHOOS!!!!!

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