The window in your room opens up abruptly, stirring you in your sleep. A groan escapes your mouth as your eyes try to adjust to the brightness of the invading sunlight. You see Rebecca standing at the window in nothing but her underwear as she strut walks over to you and stands over you with her hands on her hips.
(Y/n): Becca? What time is it?
You ask as you pull up your phone and check the time.
Rebecca: It's 'Get your ass up, Jackie has something to talk to you about.' Time.
You groan as you ignore her after seeing the actual time which was 7:30. You slump back into your pillow and wave her away.
(Y/n): Thirty minutes...
Rebecca pouts and jumps onto your bed then proceeds to tickle you.
(Y/n): Ahh! No! Fuck off!
You scream as you begin to laugh uncontrollably as Rebecca begins hitting your most sensitive spots while giggling.
Rebecca: Gonna get up now?
She says as she leans in and letting her hair cover your face as you let out little laughs.
(Y/n): Okay, Okay.
You say in between the laughs and sit up as she sits up with you.
(Y/n): I'll change now. Please get out of my room and make yourself decent as well, you little exhibitionist.
You tell her which causes her to playfully slap you as you both get out of bed. As you walk to the bathroom, Rebecca gives you a playful love tap on your butt and giggles as she runs out of the door and back to her room.
(Y/n): Crazy chick.
You say to yourself as you head into your bathroom to shower. During your shower you get a message from Kiwi asking you to come over to her room. You wondered why but shrug, mentally noting to head to her room on the way to Jackie. After the shower and slipping into your casual wear, you head out of your room and make a stop at a door to a room and knock. The door opens revealing a tall slender woman with spiderweb motif tattoos along her body. You sigh and avert your eyes.
(Y/n): Fuck sake Kiwi. I thought we talked wearing the suit.
Kiwi puffs smoke from her mask and crosses her arms under her exposed chest.
Kiwi: You just had Rebecca wake you up in nothing but her underwear dude. Plus Maine doesn't have a problem with it.
She blankly says as she places the cigarette in her hand back into her mask.
(Y/n): Okay first, at least Rebecca had something covering those parts and two, that's one person. I'm sure the others have a problem with it.
You explain. Kiwi's eyes trail to the right as she sees Pilar passing.
Kiwi: Hey Pilar!
Pilar, the long armed member of the group hums as he looks at the both of you.
Pilar: What?
Kiwi: It's cool that I walk around exposed after deep diving, yeah?
She asks. This causes the man to smirk and give a thumbs up.
Pilar: Hell yeah! Let the light shine in the least common places!
He shouts as he then continues walking. Kiwi may not have a mouth but if she did, she'd be shooting you a coy smile.
(Y/n): You basically just asked Pilar of all people to take your side...
Kiwi closes her eyes and looks away from you.
Kiwi: Pilar's input is needed from time to time.
She concludes. You just sigh and lean against her door frame.
(Y/n): So what did you want?
Kiwi looks at you as her eyes glow blue as you then get a notification and look to see a number added to your contacts.
(Y/n): And this number is...?
Kiwi blows smoke again as she gives you the deets.
Kiwi: Regina Jones. Former media turned fixer. What media? World news service.
She says the last details of the fixer while looking at you as you had your mouth slightly opened as if you were going to ask a question.
(Y/n): Fast as ever, blue.
You admit and smirk at the nickname you gave her as you push yourself off the door frame.
(Y/n): I'll give her a call after I see what Jackie wants.
Kiwi nods.
Kiwi: Preem. Oh and V.
You look at Kiwi as you were about to leave.
Kiwi: Don't call me blue.
She says with a hint of anger due to the nickname referring to the abnormal colour of her private areas. You smirk and head off, hearing the door close behind you.
As you reach the kitchen, a foreign smell invades your nostrils as you turn to see Jackie with Maine and Dorio. You see Jackie consuming a paper bowl of noodles with chopsticks being his choice of utensil.
Jackie: Mm! Man of the hour! Heheh, sheesh - took you long enough! Worked up an appetite just waiting! Siddown, lemme finish this.
He points to the empty chair across from him. You fist bump Dorio and dap up Maine as you then sit down.
(Y/n): Asian for breakfast? Woulda thought you'd find it too exotic.
Jackie: Whaddaya mean? What's there not to like? Noodles - check. Synthsirloin - check. Get some more chill action up in here, and you're lookin' at Moma Welles' signature sopa de fideos hahah!
You leans back with a smirk and an eyebrow raised.
(Y/n): You'd also get a kick in the ass if Mama Welles saw you eating Asian for breakfast instead of a bowl of oatmeal or at least some toast.
Jackie waves your concerns off and continues eating. You look at Maine.
(Y/n): Where's David and Lucy?
Maine: Out for a morning jog. Only advice I had for that kid was to beef up. Especially if he wants to install more chrome into his system.
You fully turn to Maine and give him a confused look.
(Y/n): More chrome? What makes you think he would want more. Thought the sandy would be enough for him.
Maine chuckles as he gets up and grabs a beer from the fridge.
Dorio: David took an interest in Maine's arms. Was laughing his ass off all night last night saying 'should have seen the little bastard. Was drooling so much I thought he'd flood the room!' And all that other shit.
Maine comes next to her and puts his arm around her shoulder.
Maine: Come on baby, you can't blame the kid. You do it too~
Maine flirts causing Dorio to elbow him causing the giant to gasp and nearly drop his beer. You wince for the boss then turn to see Jackie finish his meal.
(Y/n): So uh...Rebecca said you wanted to talk to me? Or was she just blowing smoke to wake me up?
Jackie let's out a small laugh.
Jackie: Prolly both. Nah, just yankin' your chain mano. I think mighta bagged us a sweet-ass J-O-B.
You lean forward and cup your hands together.
(Y/n): Go on...
Jackie smiles but the smile doesn't last long as he leans back and taps his fingers on the table nervously.
Jackie: I mean, maybe it's not as big as that, but... Just that it's fronted by a little-known someone named Dexter DeShawn. Only the top fixer in Night-fuckin'-City! Fat-assed Black Jesus of the Afterlife. Three hundred pounds of portly gold plated cool.
Everyone looks at Jackie. You raise a brow at his outburst.
(Y/n): 'Fat-assed Black Jesus' is crazy.
Maine cuts in as you were sitting up straight with your arms crossed.
Maine: Thought Dex bounced outta the ring a few years ago. Messed with Roman's crew, things got ugly.
You nod recalling the events in the news. It was his crew versus Roman's crew and a few white fang that had formed an alliance. It was odd seeing as how the white fang would never side with humans. I guess to coexist there has to be rough steps. Even if the humans you're working with ARE hardened criminals.
Jackie: Mhm. Gang wars two years back. Somehow Dex got caught up in the craziness. Lotta bodies lyin' in the streets by the time the shootin' stopped. Eh, Dex got lucky, though. Managed to slip under the radar till tempers cooled. Took a while... but he's made one hell of a comeback.
Dorio leans forward with her head resting in her hand as he elbow leaned on the counter.
Dorio: Guy's up to his elbows in blood, Jack. And you wanna shake his hand, work with him?
Jackie looks at her and gives her a 'come on' look.
Jackie: It's the biz, Dorio. Everyone's got blood on their hands. Our crew especially should have a decent amount. Enough to donate to a fuckin' blood bank. Bottom line is you deal with it, you move on.
You shook your head and finally chip in again.
(Y/n): How'd you manage to pull this? Trade in your spleen or somethin'? Far as I know, we're not the type to get fingered by Dex.
Jackie smiles.
Jackie: You, me - nah. But T-Bug - she's the one that hooked us up, got us talkin' knew it was a done deal the moment he laid eyes on me. 'Cause, c'mon - ain't nobody who can resist this. Am I right?
He says as he stretches his arms outwards to show off himself. You chuckle.
(Y/n): Yeah, guess Misty isn't the only one to just fall for it I guess.
Maine and Dorio let out a snort while Jackie gives you a deadpanned look.
Jackie: ahhh, fuck you.
He taunts as you just shook your head with a smile.
(Y/n): Alright, So what's the gig? We guaranteed to come out in one piece?
Jackie stands up and dusts his hands.
Jackie: Our lord and savior wants to tell you everything himself. Face to face. Oh no pressure, but, uh... this whole deal? 'S ridin' on you now, ese.
You're taken back by this. More to the lack of information and forewarning.
(Y/n): Why do I gotta go? Did you and T-Bug draw straws without me?
Jackie dismisses the accusation by waving his hand in front of his face.
Jackie: T-Bug and Dex go way back. And my face is yesterday's news. Aw. Dex says he needs to check you, talk to you.
You give an uncomfortable look.
(Y/n): If he wants to fuck me then he better wine and dine me first.
This caught Jackie off guard as he laughs to the point he lets out a wheeze. After calming down form his outburst and looks at you seriously.
Jackie: Look, V. It's his job, his rules. I can't blame 'im for takin' a personal approach. An' it ain't as bad as you think, OK? Trust me.
You let out a frustrated sigh and tap your foot before sitting up and nodding at Jackie.
(Y/n): Guess I got no choice, then.
You stand and walk past Jackie as he puts a hand on your shoulder.
Jackie: Dex is the real deal when it comes to Fixers. Don't get me wrong, don't got nothin' against the Padre or Wakako, but... Dex is in a league of his own You know what I'm sayin'?
You shrug and nod.
(Y/n): Considering that you've called him Fat-assed black Jesus and, lord and saviour. Imma have to take your word for it, Jacks.
Jackie gives you a smile and pats you on the back.
Jackie: I'll give him a call to see where he wants to meet. Send you the deets later.
You nod and head out for the day.
Jackie: Enjoy your ride back! I had it taken into the shop for a tuneup!
You turn while still walking backwards towards the door.
(Y/n): Tried doing some stunts to impress Misty huh?
You joke causing Jackie to laugh nervously.
Jackie: Ah, V. You know I wouldn't do that with your ride.
He says as you just nod and walk out of the warehouse. You open the garage and call your car as it rolls out of the garage. You enter the vehicle and stroke the wheel with both hands before starting the engine. You begin calling Regina to see what the ex-media fixer wants.
Regina: Hello? Who is this?
You hear as you see in the top left corner of your vision a woman with black hair tied in a ponytail with an eyepatch. She also wore a white shirt with a black coloured body armour over it.
(Y/n): V, Kiwi chucked me your deets. Told me to give you a call.
Regina: Ah, V. Alright listen I'll get straight to the point as I have got this delicate matter. It's why I contacted you. The number of cyberpsycho attacks in this city is on the rise.
You perk up from this as you come to a red light and watch the people of Vale walk along the crosswalks. You crack your knuckles as you wait while continuing your conversation with Regina.
(Y/n): You need me to take out some cyberpsychos ?
Regina: No. Don't jump the gun, this probably isn't news to you, but this issue matters to me... For a few reasons. There are people who say cyberpsychosis can be treated.
The light turns green and you continue on the road.
(Y/n): Riiiiight.
You say sounding unconvinced.
Regina: And I know exactly how that sounds. But I believe even an unproven therapy is still better than a bullet to the brain. If I get a tip about a possible attack, I'll give ya a call. Maybe you can investigate before MaxTac or the local PD hits the scene. But remember! You're not there to execute anybody. Try to incapacitate the attacker, and I'll send someone to pick 'em up. I hope that's all clear.
Before you get another word in she hangs up causing you to blow raspberries and bang your hand against the wheel. Suddenly, you hear glitching next to you causing you to look at the passenger seat and see Johnny with his feet up on the dash.
Johnny: That's fixers for ya. Catch a client, find the cheapest gonk to do the job, then drop their corpse at a landfill where all the other cheap shit is.
You roll your eyes and pull into a parallel park. Before exiting you look at Johnny.
(Y/n): Always appreciate your input.
You say sarcastically which gains a scoff from the rocker man.
Johnny: You will someday.
He says before disappearing as you slam the door shut.
You walk into an alley and look behind you to make sure you weren't followed. You begin walking down some stairs till you come to a gate that you open up leading to a room where you see a man in blue dress up shirt with a stethoscope around his neck watching tv on his desk.
(Y/n): Vik.
Viktor Vektor. Best ripperdoc you and Jackie have ever been to. His eyes tear away from the tv screen. He smiles and leans back in his seat.
Vik: V! How's it going?
You stuff your hands into your pockets and shrug.
(Y/n): Been okay. The chrome you gave me last week has been collecting dust. Not for long though after today.
Vik raises a brow.
Vik: Oh? Something big happening?
You nod and smile no longer able to contain your excitement.
(Y/n): Yeah. Jackie and I got a job lined up with Dexter Deshawn.
Vik looks at you wide eyed under his glasses.
Viktor: The Dexter DeShawn? Heheh, well, that is something. But lemme guess - hasn't paid you yet.
Your excitement withers away as you groan remembering the debt you owe Vik for the implants.
(Y/n): Vik. I promise, I'll bring you the lien later. And with interest.
Viktor: Hmm...? What's the interest to cover? Late fees?
Your face drops.
(Y/n): No...It's more for a friend. You remember David?
Vik: Yeah? That kid looking to get more chrome? Honestly for someone at his age he should ease up on that.
You shrug with an unsure look.
(Y/n): I don't know, he's only one year younger than me. Anyway, I was wondering if you've heard anything about a Fixer named Talon.
Vik eyes you suspiciously and leans forward.
Vik: Talon?
You walk to the operating table overlooking it to see dried blood.
(Y/n): Word is he's organising a smash and grab in Atlas. Was wondering when and where it would be.
Vik hums as he drags his chair to his computer and starts typing.
Vik: Hmm...don't see anything about a smash and grab. You sure it's Talon?
You nod.
(Y/n): Positive.
Vik leans back and shrugs.
Vik: Can't find anything. Then again it isn't Talon's MO to throw around fliers to just random people. If it's a serious smash and grab then he'd want the best of the best.
You raise a brow and smirk a little.
(Y/n): What? Am I not cut out already?
Vik looks you up and down before sighing and shaking his head with a smile.
Vik: Tell you what? One job at a time. See how this thing with Dex goes, see how high your rep goes and then maybe Talon will take notice.
You take in Vik's words and nod. Suddenly, Jackie messages you.
Aye, Mano. You at Vik's?
You raise a brow. How did he know?
How did you know?
I didn't. Dexter is waiting outside his place in his limo for you.
Dexter followed you? When? How?
Alright. I'll talk to him now just like I said I would.
Preem. Call me after the meeting to discuss the game plan.
With that said you look at Vik.
(Y/n): Thanks for the advice Vik. I gotta delta. I'll catch up with you again soon.
You wave goodbye to the ripperdoc who waves.
Vik: Don't be a stranger.
He calls out as you go to meet the fixer who will hopefully make you famous.
Until next time :)
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