This has been requested by a friend of mine who loves his green-haired shrine maiden. And I have to admit she is pretty cute, I own nothing but the story, Disclaimer: Praise be to ZUN for your games of bullet hell shooters, and turning me into a huge Touhou Project fanatic. So without further ado, LET'S ROLL WITH THE SHOW....well story that is, you get the idea.
(Y/n) POV
I was getting ready to head to Youkai Mountain and meet my friend/crush Sanae, the goddess that can create miracles, and the shrine maiden of Moriya Shrine. Reason why she's a goddess is from what I heard from Suwako is that she's a descendant of her the goddess of mountains Suwako Moriya, in which I dub her as Chibi Goddess, since she has the body structure of an 11 or 12 year old child, and I'm surprised she allows me to call her that because if anybody looks down on her for her size then they suffer her wrath. But with me she says it has a nice, cute ring to it. So by then we became good friends, exchanging friendly banter, talking about the outside world, or having a drink, with her it's easy to bond with however there's the other goddess who I'm actually intimidated of Kanako Yasaka, the current ruling goddess in Moriya Shrine. From what I heard, I heard that Suwako lost to Kanako and she took over the shrine so now it's in her ruling. But the way she treats faith she mostly looks at it like a business, in which her mindset if I'm thinking correctly faith=profit. And every now and then she's been trying to reel me in to give her faith. But I don't which makes her have a really terrifying aura around her, in which I instantly run before she tries to hunt me down. But lately she's been getting really sneaky, she notices that Sanae and I were getting really comfortable around one another, and she purposefully tries to get us into one of her crazy hijincks. Like how last time I came back from the village she said that Sanae started to drown in the hot spring, and like an idiot I ran towards the area, only to get a major nosebleed seeing her naked, and later receiving a red mark on my cheek where you can see a handprint that resembles a slap. Although I did had to admit, she did have a nice body, a body fit for a goddess, perfect curves and her chest is quite big. I also admit that I had to try really hard not to get a trigger on my bottom half when she hugs me as a sign of goodbye when I go to the village dammit hormones! and I know that Kanako, and Suwako know that I have a crush on her cause they always tease me by making me picture her in my mind wearing something, that can cause an instant trigger, and make Sanae either look at me weird, or just outright dislike me. But I decided to no longer be hesitant in confessing my feelings to her because she was the one who took me to Moriya Shrine and took me back to the village. Along the way we talked for a long time, and I knew some of what she was talking about because I came from the outside world when I got here. I didn't know what to do when I fell down a hole that had eyes (creepy). I woke up in the middle of nowhere surrounded by trees, only to meet someone who wanted to eat me for lunch. (Help please!)
(Y/n) POV (really long flashback before falling into the hole that led me to Gensokyo)
It was a beautiful day outside the sun was out birds were chriping, and I just had a good breakfast, and was on my way to university, after going through the same street, I passed by what once stood Moriya Shrine, for some odd reason the shrine mysteriously vanished, and I wondered what happened to it, shrine's don't just stay for a long period of time then next day they disappear. It was a big mystery, and the news went up in arms talking about the mysterious disappearance of Moriya shrine. Some claim it was abducted by aliens, it was an act of God, or spirits came and took the shrine to heaven. I didn't believe that, because most of them sounded really ridiculous. I looked at my watch and I could see it was still early, I got time to spare, so curiously I walked up the steps to that once stood Moriya Shrine, and I still couldn't believe it was gone without a trace. I always came here to offer my respects, and prayers. But I then felt my danger alarm kick into high gear, I sensed that something was wrong, when I looked around nothing was there, I felt an otherworldly presence, something spiritual but malevolent. Then the next a hole that looked like it has eyes within them appeared under me, I quickly jumped before the hole expanded, and dodged it. (Could this be what happened to Moriya shrine? Did it sink into this hole? If so I have to escape!) I tried to make a break for it but the portal appeared in front of me, and it was too late I went in.
(Falling in the gap that leads to Gensokyo)
When I woke up I saw that I was in a forest trees all around a dirt pavement made for walking, Both sides from left to right goes to nowhere but more trees. I heard rustling behind me, and I thought it must be an animal probably searching for food, but what I didn't realize that it was a small girl with short blonde hair, arms spread out like she was airplane, and a hair ornament on her head. (Maybe this girl can help me, but why is she here all alone, could there be some sort of town or city nearby?)
(Y/n): Excuse me
???: Hmm?
(Y/n): Where am I, and where is the nearest town or city?
???: Town? City? What is that? Also are you a human?
(Y/n): You don't know what a town or city is. The girl shakes her head no. Okay then do you know a place that has a lot of people?
???: Mmhm! nodding her head yes.
(Y/n): That's great! Can you take me there?
???: Nope! She smiled happily as she said it in a sing-song voice.
(Y/n): Why not?
???: Cause you are gonna be my lunch! She smiled innocently
(Y/n): What?!
???: So time to eat!
It was then the little girl began to fly, (Oh my gosh, she must be either a cannibalistic witch and yes i know that's not a word, or a demon.) I ran quickly and took the opposite direction she was facing which was left. But she was steadily catching up.
???: Hahaha time for my lunch, that way I won't be hungry anymore.
(Y/n): (She's hungry, I thought then I stopped in my tracks, and held my hand out as a means of telling her to stop, it was a gamble of doing two things. One I can appease her hunger by substituting myself with something else, and two risking that fact that I hoped she stopped since she was still a child.) Luckily for me she stopped.
???: Hmm? That's weird most humans, would still run until out of breath and I can eat them that's what makes the game so much fun, but since you stopped it ruins the fun but at least it things easy, time to eat!
(Y/n): Wait, if you're hungry you can have this, I held a canister that had my lunch, which was rice, broccoli dipped in soy sauce, mixed with pieces of meat and chicken, and gave her a bottle of apple juice. She looked at it quizzically and decided to take them, little that I realized that she was trying to bote the canister and the bottle.
???: This tastes bad, I wanna eat you!
(Y/n): Give me that, reason why it tastes bad, is because you were trying to eat the canister and bottle. I'll open it for you, and then you can eat. As I took the canister she got closer but her attention was focused more on the canister than me, and then soon I opened both canister and bottle. Then the delicious smell of my lunch went into the air.
(Y/n): Now it's open
???: *stare* sniff, sniff, sniff It smells great. She uses her hands to eat.
(Y/n): Wait you're supposed to eat the food with this. I gave her a spoon, and a fork and held the napkin when she was done. But she just looked at it, tilting her head side to side which I had to admit it was really cute. But she didn't know how to use it. Would it help if I fed you?
???: Mhm! nodding her head yes
(Y/n): Okay here open up, I took a spoonful of my lunch, and fed her, (looks like I get to live after all), because she was really happy when she ate it, when she was done I gave her my bottle of apple juice, and she happily drank it. Then I wiped her mouth clean. Satisfied? I asked.
???: Mhm, thank you very much for the lunch uh.... um...... Who are you?
(Y/n): My name is (Y/n) and what's your name?
???: Rumia
(Y/n): Well hello Rumia, may I ask where am I, better yet Where can we find more people?
Rumia: There's a village ahead.
She motioned over to the side she was at and flew making me follow after her, hoping she wasn't luring me into my death but just up the cliff I saw what looks to be a village.
Rumia: There is where you will find more humans.
(Y/n): Thank you Rumia, also you refer to me as a human, are you perhaps, a witch, or demon?
Rumia: I know a witch, she is very scary with her laser, demon don't know what that is? But I'm a youkai! She happily announced.
(Y/n): (So Japanese term for demon huh) I see, so Rumia what are you gonna do now?
Rumia: ....don't know. She replied, As for you can we play sometime, I promise I won't eat you, reason why is because you're nice and even gave me food! She happily exclaimed.
(Y/n): Sure and I'll be sure to bring you something good to eat
Rumia: Yay! and with that she flew off in another direction but stopping a little just to say one thing. Bye (Y/n), hope we can play sometime.
(Y/n): Sure, as I head into the road that leads to the village I began to think to myself of what transpired before I ended going to university, and now. (First thing I did in this world, get found by a hungry youkai girl, gave her lunch, and now became friends with her.....really strange world, but that maybe the cause of her being a child still.) As I kept contemplating on my thoughts little did I know that I was already at the gate, and being confronted by two guards wearing armor.
Guard 1: Halt
(Y/n): Hmm?
Guard 2: Who are you we've never seen a youkai like you before?
(Y/n): I'm not a youkai I'm a human
Guard 1: How can we be sure to trust you?
(Y/n): Do you have some sort of trial, or test to prove I'm human?
Guard 1: Call in the Moriya Shrine Maiden
(Y/n): Moriya Shrine! It's here?!
Guard 2: You know of it,
(Y/n): Yes I have, I visit everytime before it mysteriously vanished.
Guard 1: Grant him access
Guard 2: You may pass
(Y/n): Huh why didn't you go through with the test, and prove that I was human?
Guard 2: We know about people from other worlds who come here out of thin air mostly saying they fell in a gap filled with eyes.
Guard 1: Must be the youkai of boundaries, messing with the boundaries of this world and the other, and before you say anything yes you are in another world. Amazing right the concept of another world that you've never seen before.
(Y/n): Yea sure is.
Guard 2: Go right ahead and enter we're about to close the gate soon.
(Y/n): Okay thank you. I went in the village and saw that everything was old fashioned, food stalls were out selling food, a river flows in the main road and small bridges connect the sides of the road. Even though everything looked old fashioned it was still pretty interesting to see a village like this.
(Y/n): Wow this looks so cool as I saw the village, I then heard a loud noise mechanism, and turned around to see the guards closing the gate. Well looks like I'll be staying here for now. Oh right I nearly forgot I quickly ran back to the guard and asked.
(Y/n): Excuse me for bugging you but do you know where the Moriya Shrine Maiden is?
Guard 2: Follow the main road, until you see a big group of people, that's where you'll find her, and if that doesn't help much try looking for a person with green hair wearing a snake ornament on the left side of hair, and a frog ornament at the top of her head, and if she doesn't appear, tomorrow she will arrive at midday to preach.
(Y/n): I see thank you very much.
Guard 2: No problem farewell. He left leaving me to find the maiden.
(Y/n): Okay main road, group of people, if no show, then look for a girl that has green hair wearing a snake ornament on the left side of her hair, and a frog ornament. (Time to find her!) I mentally shouted, but after 50 minutes I began to get exhausted, Who knew that finding this girl was so difficult although this village is pretty big, it will take me a long time to find her.
???: Excuse me who are you?
I turned to see a beautiful woman, who was wearing a blue dress, a weird hat, and had bluish like silver hair. I was just entranced by her that she began to wave her hand in front of me.
???: It's rude to stare you know, saying it in a nice yet scolding voice
(Y/n): Oh sorry I was just entranced by your beauty. And I can't believe I said that outloud, I'm really sorry.
???: *blushes red* Oh it's all right thank you for saying that. But who are you by your appearance I would say you're an outsider.
(Y/n): I did come from another world,my name is (Y/n) what's your name?
???: My name is Keine Kamishirasawa
(Y/n): O_o Oh.... Hi Keine Kamishiwa,Kamishisa
Keine: *giggle* just call me Keine
(Y/n): All right Keine, have you seen a girl with green hair, wearing a snake and frog ornament on her hair?
Keine: Are you referring to Sanae from Moriya Shrine?
(Y/n): Is she the shrine maiden?
Keine: Yes, she just left a while ago, did you want to see her?
(Y/n): Yeah I have some questions to ask her about the shrine that disappeared from my world.
Keine: I see, unfortunately she won't be back until tomorrow at 12
(Y/n): Okay then I'll wait till tomorrow and I just realized where am I going to sleep?
Keine: There is an inn nearby you could stay there, I'll pay for your stay, dinner and your breakfast tomorrow.
(Y/n): Thank you very much, but this is too much I don't want to be a burden on you by doing this kind deed.
Keine: Please I insist
(Y/n): Very well then thank you very much Keine.
Keine: Your welcome.
She took me to an inn, and from there we said our goodbyes I was hoping she would stay for some time and discuss, but unfortunately she said she had to prepare for tomorrow. So with that we parted ways, and I slept eagerly just to see what this shrine maiden is like, hearing about this is quite the shock because I've never seen a shrine maiden in that shrine ground before let alone a green haired shrine maiden. Maybe she knew something about the disappearance of Moriya Shrine, meh who knows. All I know is that tomorrow is when I'll meet her, and that's when my stomach decides to growl. Okay dinner first, then bed.
Next morning
I slowly woke up and looked at my surroundings (........same world and I thought it was just a dream but it's a reality. Well time to see this shrine maiden.) I got dressed in the inn's clothing and went outside. First things first let's see what the time is now, I looked at the sky while covering my eyes so that thhe sun couldn't hinder my sight. The sun is not in the middle, however it's moving away from the east so I would say around 9 to 10. As I said that I began walking around, and taking in the sights, walking by shops that sell clothing, food, toys for kids. Wow most of the toys here are pretty old fashioned, even this top, it had the engraving that said (Hope). It looks really nice, little did I know that the time was coming for the shrine maiden to be here. So I didn't hear the girl who was chatting with a group of people just nearby the main road of the village. I turned around a corner and see her. (Green hair, check) (Snake and frog ornament: left side of her hair, check. This has to be the shrine maiden Keine and the guard were talking about), but I decided not to get close in case if that's not the actual person, however when she mentioned to give faith to Moriya Shrine. That is when it was confirmed, so I waited until she was done preaching about Moriya Shrine and waited for her to be alone. When she was finished, I walked towards her, I didn't get a close look at her face, but when I approached her she turned around and saw me, she looked beautiful, extremely cute as well. However I didn't let that stop me from talking to her.
(Y/n): Hello
Sanae: Hello, how do you do?
(Y/n): Great actually, I would like to ask some questions about Moriya Shrine.
Sanae: I see, what type of questions.
(Y/n): For one I have never seen or heard of a green haired shrine maiden before, because Moriya Shrine had no shrine maiden at the time. Two do you know of the mysterious disappearance of the shrine in my world?
Sanae: By asking those questions you must be an outsider just like me, she replied with a small smile.
(Y/n): Yeah
Sanae: I see well unfortunately I can't speak about that right now, however if you wish to know more then come to Youkai Mountain I will tell you there, At the top of the mountain lies Moriya Shrine okay Mister are you?
(Y/n): (Y/n)(L/n) pleased to meet you miss....(I trailed off so she doesn't know that I know her name)
Sanae: Sanae Kochiya pleased to meet you
(Y/n): When do I meet you at Youkai Mountain at the top?
Sanae: Is right now a good time?
(Y/n): Yeah (Although I wonder how am I supposed to go from here to there) There should be a path right?
Sanae: Yes from here to Moriya shrine there is a path that leads from the gate of the back entrance of the village which is in front of you. Now follow me please.
(Y/n): All right
I was shocked that she began to float and soon looked down, only to see me on the ground looking shocked.
Sanae: Oh right, in this world it is possible for people to fly, but seeing as how you can't fly give me your hand.
I gave her my hand and was surprised to that she was able to pick me up like I weighed nothing, It's either she's strong, or I'm not really heavy.
Sanae: Wow you're surprisingly light, this will make things easier for me so hold my hand tightly.
I blushed lightly at the thought of holding her hand but got over it, as we began to fly towards the shrine. A little while later, after ascending to the the top of the mountain I began to see the shrine gate, and further down I saw the shrine itself.
(Y/n): Yeesh it must be hard to get to Moriya shrine on foot, than flight.
Sanae: Indeed but people go through the trouble of coming here to pay respects, and I admire that about them.
(Y/n): I see.
Afterwards we landed on the ground that stood Moriya Shrine, and from there I saw what looked like a little girl wearing a hat that has eyes on it, and oh snap did that hat blink. That's a weird hat.
???: Oh hey Sanae I see that you're back and oh you brought a guy here, I never thought that this day will come, the day that Sanae becomes a woman.
Both Sanae and I look to each other and blush insanely.
Sanae: S-S-S-S-S-Suwako it isn't like that, I didn't bring him here to do it, I brought him here because he wants to know about the disappearance of the shrine.
(Y/n): Yea she's right, she didn't take me here to do that, she took me here because I want answers as to what happened to the shrine, and did you say your name is Suwako?
Suwako: Hahahaha you should see the look on your faces, it's priceless, I can't hahaha oh man that is funny I should've brought a camera to take a picture of that. *deep breath and exhales* Also as to what you said (Y/n) yep that's my name Suwako Moriya! She proudly proclaims.
(Y/n): Wait how do you know my name unless you're the goddess of the shrine!
Suwako: Hahaha, yep well used to be goddess of this shrine, I'm also surprised that you didn't call me a kid, or call me short
(Y/n): As for the second question, there could be many gods or goddesses out there that can be small, but is also feared or loved by many, and for the first what do you mean used to be the goddess?
Sanae: It's best not to ask that.
(Y/n): Oh sorry that was insensitive of me to ask.
Suwako: No it's all right you didn't know, I will however answer your primary question as to why the shrine dissapeared in the outside world. Back then in the old days people always come to this shrine to offer respects, and in turn I give them what they need in order to survive. But now with the advancement of technology throughout time, the shrine began to have less, and less people, however you still come by the shrine to either donate, or offer your prayers, or respects to the shrine, and for that I thank you (Y/n). But as you can see now this shrine is something that is forgotten and it was best to dissapear, so we came here and found people who would offer their respects to us. As for the other part when I said I used to be I don't want to tell it, so it's best not intrude okay kiddo. She gave off a small smirk at calling me kiddo, knowing full well that she's older than me, and has the appearance of a small 11-12 year old child.
???: That's because you're too embarrassed to say that you lost to me. From within the shrine a woman with blue hair stepped out.
(A/n): (Not good at describing their clothing, sorry, but pictures will do since you get to see what they look like.)
(Y/n): Who's that?
???: Hello there, my name is Kanako Yasaka, the goddess of this shrine.
(Y/n): Moriya shrine houses two goddesses wow that's something I never expected.
Kanako: So you came here to offer faith to me.
Suwako: Oi hag, he came from the outside world, and wanted to get answers from me, the real goddess of the shrine in the outside world.
Kanako: Yes that is true but we're not in the outside world are we. I also think kids like you need to be punished and show their seniors some respect.
Suwako: So you just called yourself a hag then. She replied smugly with a grin on her face.
(Y/n): (Give this girl some shades right here, we got a badass over here.)
Kanako: That's it come here.
Sanae: O_O Suwako, Kanako let's not fight please.
Suwako & Kanako: Stay outta this!
(Y/n): Uh's best if we run now.
Sanae: Right
As we ran away from them, all we could see behind are brightly colored orbs in many different colors in the sky.
Sanae: Well that was hectic, do you mind coming here tomorrow, it's getting pretty late, also if you want I could take you from the village to the shrine.
(Y/n): That's great, but I don't have a place to sleep in, Keine paid for my stay at inn yesterday, and I highly doubt she'll do the same today.
Suwako: Why not just let him stay here?
Sanae: Suwako?!
(Y/n): (The fight was over that quick wow.)
Suwako: Yea I insist plus he's an interesting guy, I want to know more about him. So long as he does these things he can stay for as long as he likes so long as he does his daily routine like he did back in the outside world.
(Y/n): Okay then thank you very much. It was then that I began to live with the people of Moriya Shrine, Sanae also took the time to teach me how to fly although she did get a lot of laughing when she saw me plummet to the ground. But throughtout the time we bonded and became really good friends, in which Suwako or Kanako step in to make a joke or two about us being a good couple. Suwako and I became good friends, I also learned that Sanae is also a goddess, because she's a descendant of her, and I also gave her nickname which was Chibi Goddess, surprisingly she took it well even knowing what the definition meant. Kanako however is still a bit iffy cause she can be intimidating, and also a prankster because of many reasons there was one time that she said Sanae wanted to see me in her room and I went to her room only to find a condom. That was when she came looked at me, and what I was holding she blushed then ran. (Dammit Kanako!)
3 months later
It was a great day, I had a good night's rest mostly because I would use my nights to practice on how to fly, I took the time to visit the village every now and then and visit Keine and the guards and became goods friends with them as for Rumia we played a lot together and had so much fun, like tag or hide and seek. Then we would stop and eat a snack together. However today on this day I felt something within me, telling me to go to the village, I set off towards the village after offering my faith to Suwako, I went to the village and saw many things that looked the same. However I was looking for somethingand I knew it was here in the village somewhere. It was then that I spotted it an emerald necklace the color matches with Sanae's hair, and next to it I saw what looks like an engagement ring, the stone in the middle is also emerald. Luckily I had with me a lot of money so I spent it on those two items.
(Y/n): It's now or never I gotta confess, this feeling within me has building up so much, I knew then that I was in love with her.
Sanae's POV
As I was tending to the shrine grounds, I thought about every single thing that has happened so far, an outsider came into this world wondering what happened to the shrine that was once in his world. Then given the opportunity to stay with us. I didn't mind him at first but later on I learned that he is pretty funny, and always knows how to make me smile, we would also have embarrassing moments like peeping on me in the hot spring, wanting to do it, or even falling on top of me when he tripped once. It was really fun the times that he stayed but lately he's all I think about and I wonder is he thinking about me as well I see that he goes to the village, and I thought that he may have found someone there and he was taken. But I shook that feeling away feeling confident that he wasn't and that he would be able to return those feelings to me. I hope what I say doesn't ruin our relationship as I kept sweeping the grounds, only to see someone coming here.
(Y/n) POV
I went back to the shrine in hopes that Kanako or Suwako weren't there, and I saw Sanae sweeping the grounds as I landed I went up to her.
(Y/n): Hey Sanae
Sanae: Oh hi (Y/n)
(Y/n): I got you something close your eyes.
Sanae:Okay *closes eyes*
(Y/n): *places necklace around her* Okay open them how do you like it.
Sanae: It's beautiful thank you so much *b-dmp, b-dmp* (Come on say it! I love you!)
(A/n: b-dmp means heartbeat in this one)
(Y/n): (Now or never) Sanae....
Sanae: Yes
(Y/n): *Deep breath and exhales* These past few months were amazing you taught me so much, and I greatly appreciate it so there's one thing I want to say. Sanae Kochiya I love you. *blushing furiously*
Sanae:*blushes furiously* M-M-Me too, I l-l-l-l-love you too (Y/n)!
(Y/n): Man that feels nice to get off your shoulders no heavy feeling on them and since we both know how we feel about each other then do you want to you know......kiss.
Sanae: Oh um sure.
She walks over to me only to trip on her broom and fall on top of me and our faces were really close, and for me to drop the ring that I had for her, luckily it was in a small box.
(Y/n): Ow, are you alright Sanae.
Sanae:I should be asking you that are you hurt.
(Y/n): I'm fine
Sanae's POV
I gently touched his cheek and slowly lowered myself down to meet (Y/n)'s lips, and kissed him. He felt so soft and warm. But we had to seperate to get air.
(Y/n): Wow that was amazing
Sanae: Yeah sure was um,do you mind if we kissed again.
(Y/n): Not at all, but mind if I take the lead on this one.
Sanae: Sure. she squeaked
(Y/n) POV
This time I wrapped my arms around her hugging her and made out with her, and she decided to get a little furious with our make out session, her tongue fought with mine for dominance, but she won and we both liked it. That is until we heard someone clearing their throat.
Kanako & Suwako: Ahem I hope we're not interrupting something are we, they replied with a smug face.
Suwako: Sanae to want to do it outside you are quite a wild girl.
Kanako: Agreed, and I think he's been keeping one more gift from you.
(Y/n): H-H-H-H-How long were you there
Suwako: The whole time. She replied cheerfully Finally it happened, and Sanae looks like your boyfriend wanted to think ahead.
Sanae: What do you mean?
(Y/n): (I'm doomed!)
Kanako: Here. She hands Sanae the box and opens it up to see an engagement ring.
Sanae: Wow it looks so beautiful, and it looks expensive (Y/n) did you buy this for me?
(Y/n): Yeah I did I wanted to wait a while longer but looks like the secret is out. I know it's extremely early but *takes the ring and gets on one knee* Sanae will you marry me?
Sanae: Yes I will. But let's wait a while until then we're boyfriend and girlfriend.
During that time both of you had so much fun together, and made lots of memories even Rumia congratulated you. It was all going good until...
1 year later
Sanae: Hey (Y/n)
(Y/n): Yeah
Sanae: Remember how I said let's wait a while until we get married.
(Y/n): Yeah I remember that.
Sanae: Close your eyes
(Y/n): *closes eyes* okay they're closed
Sanae: Okay give me your hand (hope it fits)
(Y/n): All right. I felt something latch on to my ring finger but it felt pretty loose like it could fall if my arm went down.
Sanae: Okay open your eyes
I looked at my right hand to see an engagement ring on it, but it was a bit too loose, but when I looked at Sanae's right hand I saw the ring that I planned to give her later on in a couple of years, and it fit her well.
Sanae: Now we're engaged.
(Y/n): So ehehehe...... When's the wedding?
Kanako: Tomorrow.
(Y/n): Huh?! Hold up I wasn't told about this.
Sanae: I wanted to keep it a secret, sorry for nit telling you, but do you want to marry me now?
(Y/n): I wanted to wait a couple of years but all right, let's get married.
The next day.
People from the village came to see the wedding.
(Y/n): Wow never anticipated to see the village here.
Rumia: Hey (Y/n)
(Y/n): Hey Rumia are you here to see the wedding.
Rumia: Yep congratulations.
(Y/n): Thanks
As I looked out I see everyone getting ready to take seats.
Kanako: We are gathered here today for the wedding of both our dear Sanae and (Y/n), I would give a speech, but that would take too much of our time so we'll cut it short. May the bride please step forward.
I looked at Sanae and my jaw dropped at what she was wearing, she truly did look like an enchanting goddess.
Kanako: Now Sanae do you take (Y/n) to be your loving husband?
Sanae: I do
Kanako: And do you (Y/n) take Sanae to be your loving wife?
(Y/n): I do
Kanako: Then you may kiss the bride.
(Y/n) POV
I turned and kissed Sanae, it felt strange kissing in front of so many people but it felt nice.
(Y/n): I love you Sanae
Sanae: And I love you too.
After the marriage, you and Sanae never fought once, and made so many fun memories, with one another.
(A/n): Finally I'm done with this, holy snap did this take forever because I was busy throughout the week and trying to write while I was in class and doing my job didn't leave much time in order to write it. Not to mention I had a major writer's block while writing this, also sorry for the unsatisfying ending. Hopefully you enjoy it my friend. So this week hopefully I'll be able to crank out 1 or 2 stories if I'm not busy in the kitchen making and helping my family with the food. Then Black Friday to buy a PS4 that way I can livestream holy shoot would that be fun, and if you ever feel like requesting in the livestream go right ahead I won't stop ya. So onto the next thing I want to point out please leave your requests onto the chapter that was recently placed that way I can see it a lot quicker. So next story is Saiyan Male Reader X Penny by MichaelCipher. Until next time people if I don't freeze to death while waiting for to get a PS4 . Rekxyen out.
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