Chapter 8
[Third Person-POV]
After a while Gohan and (Y/N) had already managed to gather several people for their team but unfortunately the secret had been revealed because some people don't know how to keep secrets
Pan:I-I'm sorry,I didn't know t-this must be a secret heheh!
Right now everyone was at Capsule Corp,everyone except for Gohan/Whis and Beerus was mad at (Y/N)
Bra:Why didn't you tell us anything about what would happen if we lose?!
(Y/N):I-I'm sorry! I know it's hard to swallow about being annihilated but I had no choice,was this tournament or nothing
Goten:A-Annihilated? but didn't you tell us about this before?
(Y/N):I agreed with Gohan that it would be better not to mention about being annihilated because it would cause great chaos among people
Piccolo:And you didn't think that we could possibly support you in this?
(Y/N):Sorry but I did not want you to be scared and stressed in this tournament,the last thing I want you to be annihilated,the best thing that occurred to me was to do this tournament so that universe 6 and 7 were not eliminated
Bulma:And why do you care about universe 6?
(Y/N):W-Well...I also have friends there and I don't want them to be annihilated
Pan:But not that you also had a girlfriend in that universe?
Bulma:G-Girlfriend?...aww!! my (Y/N) has finally got a girlfriend!!!
(Y/N):T-That's not i-important right n-now!
Bulma:It is for me~
Beerus:That doesn't matter anymore! the tournament will start in a few hours and we still have two participants left!
(Y/N):Don't worry,only one is missing
Gohan:Did you get someone else?
(Y/N):Yeah,he's my boss
Android 17:I guess I owe you something for the good job you do
Everyone saw how Android 17 landed in the place dressed in his ranger clothes
Piccolo:I didn't think you wanted to help us
Android 17:As I said,it is a small favor for my best worker
(Y/N):Not that I'm the only one?
Android 17:That is why I have not hired anyone else
Trunks:Well,we still need one person
Vegito:Hmm...what about your sister,17?
Android 17:I doubt she wants to participate,she doesn't care about tournaments
Bulma:Well she should,the whole universe is in danger!
Goten:Maybe there must be someone else out there,do you know anyone,Dad?
Vegito:Nah,they are all idiotic and weak criminals,they will not do any good in this tournament, we need someone strong and of great potential,it is the best we should have right now
(Y/N):...Strong...and great potential...I have it!! I have the perfect person for this,Mom! do you have the dragon radar?
Bulma:Sure,here you ha...
(Y/N) takes the radar from Bulma's hands,he quickly flew off in search of the Dragon Balls
Vegito:I hope he doesn't disappoint in this tournament
Gohan:...Dad,can I talk to you privately for a second
Gohan and Vegito flew out of Capsule Corp landing at a farther location
Beerus:And now where are those two going?!
Whis:Maybe they will only have a little chat before the tournament,take advantage of savoring the rest of the food
Beerus:This may be my last meal so I will fully enjoy it
Beerus said as he began to eat all of the food that was on the table
Pan:Hmmm...why does (Y/N) need the Dragon Balls?
Goten:He said he was going to bring the perfect person for this tournament
Bra:Yeah but wh...Oh no...OH NO!!
Bra:The only person who comes to mind with great potential and power is...
At that moment everyone saw how the sky turned black,you could see Shenron in the distance
Bulma:That was fast
Bra:Please,(Y/N)...of all people do not revive...
Everyone in the place could feel the great ki and the great pressure exerted by the person who had revived (Y/N)
Bulma:H-He...did he revive that demon?!?!
[Meanwhile with Gohan and Vegito]
Gohan:This is a good place
Gohan said landing several meters away from Capsule Corp,Vegito landed next to him
Vegito:Well,what do you want to talk about?
Gohan:Why are you an asshole?
Vegito:Huh? excuse me?
Gohan:(Y/N) told me what happens between him and you...tell me the reason why you beat him up and told him that someday you were going to kill him? what happened that you started treating (Y/N) so miserably?
Vegito:...You wouldn't get it
Gohan:You better start talking,Dad!! because if you don't finish this then you will lose something very valuable!
Vegito:What am I going to lose?
Gohan:The little love that (Y/N) has for you right now
Vegito felt a great pang in his heart
Gohan:Do you think that all this would have no consequences? (Y/N) said it clearly,he doesn't want to become someone like you
Gohan:What happened?...what happened for you to turn from a proud father of his son to one who threatens to kill him when he gets stronger?
Vegito:...It was on that mission...I had to fight someone who created illusions...and he created my worst fear...that (Y/N) would use his potential for evil deeds
Vegito:Tsk!...I don't know how that guy did it but I really felt fear at that time...I managed to kill him but the fear was still inside me...and what you already know happened
Gohan:...But did you really have to treat him that way?
Vegito:...What do you think of me,Gohan? I don't love (Y/N)?...from the moment he was born I was proud of him,I knew he had great potential...and I was really think I'm not proud of him? Hell,possibly I am the proudest father in the entire universe of my son,I would like to hug him and tell him how proud I am of him...I Love My Son!...but you don't know how it hurts me that at some point...he sees that his potential that he has can use it for other things...and that he becomes evil...when Ize made him that offer...I was afraid again...afraid that I would have to fight and try to kill my son...or on the contrary, he would kill us all...the least I want is to do that to (Y/N)...I love him too much to accept that at some point he will become evil...that's why I was hard on him...but I didn't realize...that the only thing I was doing was losing my son's love...and that possibly this will lead him to have more reasons to become someone evil...
Vegito wiped the tears that fell down his cheeks with his hand are very wrong...we are talking about (Y/N),the person who saved Earth several times in the last time,he completely denied Ize's offer without thinking twice,he is doing everything possible to prevent us and universe 6 from being erased,he cares a lot about us,his friends and his girlfriend,I highly doubt that at some point (Y/N) will turn evil
Vegito:..I think...I think you're right...but I really want to make sure of that...I just want to do one last thi...
At that moment they both saw how Shenron appeared in the place,in just a few seconds they both felt a great power in the place
Vegito:...W-Why...Why is he back?!?!
[Meanwhile with (Y/N)]
Shenron:Your wish has been granted,farewell
Shenron disappeared and the Dragon Balls rose in the sky to scatter in different directions,(Y/N) looked at the person in front of him
(Y/N):It is a pleasure to see you again...Ize
Ize:(Y/N),but what a surprise,of all people...I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to revive me
(Y/N):It was necessary to revive you
Ize:Oh yeah? well maybe you don't know but I have other plans...
Ize said as he started to charge a Death Beam on his finger
Ize:Plan what your death involves...
(Y/N):I hope you can put that grudge aside now...I can see that you have become stronger,have you been training in hell?
Ize:It was another type of training that your inferior race could never achieve,the mental concentration that I achieved in hell was not very easy but all that paid off,now I have perfectly mastered my transformations
(Y/N):And what did you focus on to make yourself stronger?
Ize:Well it's very your death!...
Ize:I trained my mind simulating an endless battle where I always ended up killing you!...
Ize:I remembered every moment of our combat,your movements,your transformations,your attacks,I have imagined my triumph in an impeccable way!...tell me,for what reason did you revive me? do you want to die? because I can do it right now
(Y/N):...You better listen to me because your existence is in danger
Ize:...what do you mean?
(Y/N):I will give you a summary,a tournament will be held where several universes will fight at the same time,if we lose then we will be annihilated...the entire universe,that's why I came for you,there is a person missing from our team
Ize:...Do you really believe that I will join you? I would rather that you were erased from existence,I did not join exchange for something
(Y/N):What do you want?
Ize:It is very easy,I want that when we win the stupid tournament,you will let me go so I can rule the empire that belongs to me
(Y/N):...Okay...but I hope you don't try something,Ize
Ize:Well,If you don't trust me,you can let your universe be destroyed
(Y/N):...Tsk! okay,we have a deal
Ize:I hope you don't break your promise...because if so,I will destroy this planet once I put my foot on the ground...and I guarantee that I can do that very easily
(Y/N):I promise I won't,let's go
(Y/N) raised his hand to Ize,he looked confused at him
(Y/N):I will make the Instant Transmission,I think you saw it when I got to Earth,you just have to grab my hand
Ize:I see...okay...
(Y/N) cried out in pain as Ize gripped his wrist tightly
Ize:My apologies,I think I still can't control my great strength
(Y/N):G-GRR!!...l-let's go...
(Y/N) used Instant Transmission to return to Capsule Corp,once they both got there they were all scared to see Ize
Ize:Oh my,apparently my presence is already beginning to be respected
Beerus:I warn you,if you do something silly I'll give you a punishment
Ize:Of course,Lord Beerus,as you say
At that moment Vegito and Gohan arrived at the place
Vegito:Did you revive this bastard? What the hell is wrong with you,(Y/N)?!
(Y/N):I-I-I-I-I'm s-sorry...
Ize:What's going on? did my beating leave you some trauma?
Vegito:GRRRR!!!! was your stay in hell?
Ize:N-Ngh!! ngh!!...It was gratifying,if you want I can send you there right now
Piccolo:Don't provoke him,Vegito!
Ize:You better listen to the Namekian,I can destroy you in just a few seconds
Beerus:I just warned you not to do anything silly!!
(Y/N):Please calm down,we have something else to worry about
Supreme Kai:(Y/N) is right,it is better to be calm at this time,since we are meeting please listen to me as I will explain the strategy we have to win
Vegito:It's silly and stupid,we don't need it
Supreme Kai:H-Huh?!
Vegito:Just worry about the strong opponents and that's it,the weak ones will not last long
Piccolo:Vegito stop acting like a stupid cocky,if we lose then your whole family will be annihilated
Gohan:Please,Dad,it is clear that you and (Y/N) are the stron...
Vegito:Okay! I will hear that plan
Gohan:Dad...think hard about what you're doing right now
Supreme Kai:Okay,we think of a very simple strategy,in the beginning all of you will stay together so as not to waste energy,when an enemy approaches,fight together,do not fight alone,get together with the people you best sync up with in combat
Gohan:It is a good strategy,did you think of it,Supreme Kai?
Supreme Kai:N-No,I was not the one who devised this plan
Elder Kai:It was (Y/N) who devised the plan,I am surprised that he has devised something like this even if it is quite simple
Vegito:I see...I see the reason why I dislike this plan so much
Vegito:I will not follow this plan,I will fight my way,so I have always managed to win...what stupidity
Vegito said as he crossed his arms and turned his back on (Y/N)
Vegito:I hope your friends don't get in the way,they may be the first one that I eliminate
Gohan:What the hell is wrong with you? is this part of your plan?
Vegito:...*Sigh*...I-I think I was...
Vegito:YeA A-AAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!!!!!!
Vegito cried out in pain when he received a punch in his face that made him back off and fall on his back,he got up and could see how blood was coming out of his nose,everyone saw (Y/N) surprised
(Y/N):....GRRRRR!!!! I'M SICK OF THIS CRAP!!!....mess with me,insult me if you wan...but...DON'T MESS WITH MY FRIEEEEENDS!!!!
(Y/N) released a titanic-sized aura around him causing almost everyone to back off,he charged Vegito with a sharp punch to the face throwing him through the sky
Ize:But what a great time to be alive,I can see my favorite show,monkeys killing each other!
(Y/N) teleported in front of Vegito giving him a double axe handle on his face that made him back off,he quickly became Super Saiyan,(Y/N) also became Super Saiyan
Before (Y/N) could launch himself against Vegito,Gohan/Piccolo/Pan/Bra/Goten and Trunks immobilized him by holding him by his limbs
Gohan:DAD!!! stop this,is enough!!
Vegito:What's going on? aren't you going to attack me? not that you had become so strong?
Piccolo:What are you trying to do? stop now,don't you see that (Y/N) want...
Once (Y/N) became Super Saiyan 3,no one could bear that much power,they all flew out due to the great energy that (Y/N) was releasing
He charged against Vegito with a knee to his face,(Y/N) grabbed him by his hair and began to fly at full speed around the Earth
(Y/N) dragged Vegito's face against the ground in addition to hitting him against several mountains,Vegito released himself from (Y/N)'s grip and quickly became Super Saiyan 3
Vegito kicked (Y/N) in the head by throwing him to the ground
Vegito fired the Big Bang Attack at (Y/N) but he created a barrier around him protecting him from the attack
(Y/N) released his energy and charged against Vegito,he also did the same,they both surrounded his fist with a large amount of ki
They both yelled at the same once they were about to hit unfortunately for Vegito,(Y/N) dodged his punch making him take the full impact of (Y/N)'s attack
Vegito:U-Uagh!!...GRRRRR!!!!! BIG BANG FLAAAAAASH!!!
Vegito screamed firing the Big Bang Flash directly into (Y/N)'s chest causing him to back off,he quickly charged against (Y/N) by punching him hard in the stomach that made him spit blood from his mouth,he tried to fight back but Vegito used his legs to stop (Y/N)'s attacks
Vegito:Apparently you are at my level,surprising
(Y/N):GRRRRR!!! Don't compare me with you!! DAMN BASTARD!!!
(Y/N) became Super Saiyan Blue,he grabbed Vegito from his head and kneed him very hard in his mouth that until he managed to get some teeth out,he put his arm around Vegito's neck
He began to fly towards the ocean causing them both to enter the depths of the sea,Vegito began to slowly lose his breath
(Y/N):This is no longer fun,is it? RIGHT NOW YOU ARE FIGHTING TO SURVIVE!!!
(Y/N) began to knee Vegito in the back causing him to open his mouth,he began to feel like he was drowning until he created an explosion of ki around him causing (Y/N) to release him,Vegito quickly emerged from the sea trying to recover the oxygen only so that at that moment,the sea literally opened up revealing (Y/N) charging against him
Out of fear,Vegito created a ki sword against (Y/N),this caused the ki sword to pierce (Y/N)'s chest causing him to spit blood from his mouth and a large hole to be created in his chest
Vegito started to worry when he saw (Y/N) spit blood in his hand
Vegito:I-I'm sorry! I-I did not w-want to d-do A-Agh!!! Uagh!! A-Agh!!
Vegito started screaming in pain when (Y/N) started hitting him hard all over his body
(Y/N):I spent my whole life being afraid of you!!...
(Y/N):Fearing every second of my life when at some point my own father was going to kill me!!
(Y/N) gave Vegito a double axe handle on the head by throwing him to the ground,he quickly teleported over him,grabbing him by the neck of his gi and throwing him back into the sky
(Y/N):...That every second of my life...I was just a disappointment to you!! GRAAAAAAHHHH!!!
Vegito:Ngh! Ngh!! A-Agh!!
(Y/N):You made me think I was pathetic! that I was not worth anything!!
Vegito fired a Kamehameha Final with the last remaining energy against (Y/N)
Vegito's Final Kamehameha started to back towards him,he covered himself from the attack but saw that (Y/N) had something else,he charged against him and started punching him all over his body that started knocking him back out of Earth's atmosphere
(Y/N):I became stronger not only to survive you,but so that you were proud of me!!...and still you are not proud of me!!! TELL ME WHY!! WHY!! WHYYYYYY!!!! TELL MEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
(Y/N) said with one last punch so hard he threw Vegito against the moon
A great explosion occurred around the moon,(Y/N) descended only to see Vegito in a deplorable state,he reached out to Vegito and grabbed him by the neck,he created a ki blade in his hand
(Y/N):Last words,Vegito?!
Vegito:I-I...was always proud of y-you...
(Y/N):...M-Manipulating me won't do you any good,Vegito!
Vegito:...I-I'm being...*Cough*...completely honest...I-I've always been p-proud of you...f-from the moment y-you were born...m-my son...
Vegito:I never wanted to treat you this h-harsh...but I was afraid of y-your potential...that you u-used it...for something e-evil...and I think it was m-my fear...that blinded me...I love you too much to...accept that something like that happens...*Cough*...but I was completely without the help of anyone have saved the planet from threats that have overcome are being trained by the master of the god of you have a best friend and a girlfriend who you want to protect them from all this...
Vegito:P-Please son...I know that what I h-have done during these y-years...i-is unforgivable...b-but...I only ask for a s-second chance...t-that I your father...
(Y/N) looked at Vegito for a few seconds until he let go of his neck,that is until (Y/N) pointed his hand at him and created a ki ball,Vegito closed his eyes as a tear fell down his cheeks
Vegito:I guess I get what I deserve...I hope you can ever forgive me,my son
Vegito waited to feel the ki ball impact on him,that until he felt his energies recover and his wounds were healing,Vegito opened his eyes to see (Y/N) in Super Saiyan God
(Y/N):I'll...I'll give you a second chance...but if I see that you're still the same as before...
Vegito:I promise you that won't happen never again son
At that moment,Vegito began to hug (Y/N),he did not know how to react at that moment but after a few seconds he began to hug his father
Vegito:I promise that I will treat you like I always wanted to,my son
Whis:But what an emotional scene
(Y/N) and Vegito watched as Whis and Beerus arrived at the scene
Beerus:A-Are you*Sob* done with that?!*Sob* we have to go!
(Y/N):A-Are you crying,Lord Beerus?
Beerus:Of course not!...a god must never cry
Whis:Yeah he's crying
Beerus:WHIS!! SHUT UP!!...a-anyway,we have to go b-back and fast,the tournament is going to start
Whis teleported everyone back to Earth
Gohan:(Y/N)! Dad!
Bulma:What happened to you two?!
Vegito:Don't worry,we're fine hehe
Vegito said while stroking (Y/N)'s hair,Gohan smiled realizing what had happened
Bra:Well (Y/N),that hole in your chest worries me a lot
(Y/N):Uh?...Oh! don't worry,Sis,I don't even feel pain anymore
Whis:But it's troubling,let me fix your clothes and heal you,(Y/N)
Whis pointed his staff at (Y/N) and Vegito,their clothes returned to normal and the hole in (Y/N)'s chest disappeared
(Y/N):I think I gave you a lot of my power in Super Saiyan God to heal you,Dad,maybe that's why my wound didn't heal but at least I didn't feel the pain
Whis:Well,we better go,please,everyone come here and come together in a circle,hold hands so we can be taken to the Tournament
Beerus:Don't forget,don't be stupid,let's make that point clear!
They all did what Whis said,they had all formed a circle holding hands,unfortunately for Vegito,Ize was the last person he had to hold hands
Vegito:A-And why the hell do I have to be next to Ize?!
Ize:Hohoho! what happens? are you still afraid of me,weakling?
Beerus:Stop,I just said don't be stupid!!!
Beerus grabbed Ize from his wrist
Beerus:There! happy?!
Vegito:T-Tsk!...damn it!
Vegito took the hand of Beerus and Gohan
Beerus:You are more troublesome than your father!
Ize:Ohohoho! you should have seen the mess I made in hell
Whis:Grand Priest! the team of universe 7 is ready
Grand Priest:Perfect,I'll take you to the tournament right now
They were all enveloped in a white light which shot out of the Earth,it only took a few seconds for everyone to reach the tournament platform
(Y/N):Woah! so this is the tournament platform
Whis:That's right,we are at Null Realm
Pan:One question,we...will we be eliminated if we fall into the void?
Whis:That's right but don't worry,once you fall off the platform you will be taken to the stands
Bra:I don't see it as something to worry about,we'll just have to fly and voila
Whis:Unfortunately this is not the case,only winged people like birds on Earth can fly while others cannot even float a few centimeters
Goten:Let me try!...
Goten made a big jump in the air but quickly started to fall
Goten:You're right,I can't fly
Trunks:So we have to be careful not to fall
Ize:I have a question,in this tournament...are you allowed to kill opponents?
Whis:No,if you kill an opponent you will be disqualified from the tournament
Ize:Shame,then this tournament will be slower than I had thought
Beerus:You better control yourself,did you hear me?
Ize:Very well...but I will not be responsible for what happens outside the platform
Beerus:Anyway,just try not to be disqualified...let's go,I guess we can fly
Whis:Of course,those who are not fighters can fly
Supreme Kai:Guys,be very lucky
Beerus/Whis/Supreme Kai and Elder Kai flew to the stands,just then the other universe began to appear
(Y/N):Oh! the other universes have already appeared!
Goten:So,(Y/N) tell me,who is your girlfriend? is she cute?
Trunks:Hehe leave him alone,Goten,but tell us,where is your girlfriend?
(Y/N):Hmmmm...there she is!! hey Kefla!!
Goten and Trunks gasped when they saw Kefla,she approached (Y/N) giving him a big hug and a kiss on the lips
Gohan:I see that (Y/N) was not lying
Goten:N-No way...
Goten and Trunks were speechless
Vegito:(Y/N) has a really cute girlfriend,I'm proud of him
Once all the universes appeared,the Grand Priest descended on a small platform to introduce himself to the others
Grand Priest:I welcome all of you to the Tournament Of Power,I must already assume that your angels and Gods Of Destruction have already explained to you about the rules of this tournament,I just tell you that I am very grateful that all of you are here but we do not extend this anymore...
The Grand Priest raised his hand in the air
Grand Priest:Let the Tournament Of Power begin!...FIGHT!!
The moment the Grand Priest gave the order,all the warriors from the different universes began to fight,while that was going on,universe 7 held together
Gohan:Do you think it's better to stick with your strategy,(Y/N)?
(Y/N):I don't know,there are a lot of very powerful guys
Vegito:Yeah,but one of them stands out more than the others
Vegito said looking at the person he was referring to,that person was on his back but did not prevent him from realizing that Vegito was looking at him,he was scared to see how that person began to look at him
(Y/N):I think it would be better to separate but as a group,you get together with the people who best synchronize,If we are like this,the strongest guys may stay until the end,do not use too much energy
Ize:I deny that idea,I don't think any of you can be at my level
Ize said as he walked away from the others,they waited a few seconds until they separated
(Y/N) spent as much time as possible dodging any fight until he received a punch in the face followed by a knee to the stomach,all he did was back off a few meters
???:So you're the guy that got us into all of this
(Y/N):I think you have a bad idea about me,my name is (Y/N)
Bergamo:Apparently you are already with the presentations,okay,my name is Bergamo,the guy on my right is my brother Basil and the one on the right is my other brother,Lavender,we are better known as the Trio Of Danger
(Y/N):Cool name!
Basil:We hear that you are the person who endangered all universes
(Y/N):W-Wait! you guys are wrong I did this for a good thing
Lavender:You put us all in danger,I would like to see you as you die thanks to my poison
Bergamo:Calm down,Lavender,just play with him,we will be disqualified if we use all our power against him
Basil:I will kick him so hard that all his bones will break
(Y/N):...Didn't they realize they just told me about the way they fight?
Bergamo charge against (Y/N),he started throwing ki balls at him but he absorbed the power of his attacks making the ki balls weaker
(Y/N) tried to punch Bergamo in the face but he didn't even feel pain,Bergamo kneeled (Y/N) in the stomach,behind him Basil appeared giving him a strong kick to the face
(Y/N) flew falling onto his back,he stayed on the ground looking at the sky until he heard someone walk towards him
Bra:You're having trouble,do you need a hand?
(Y/N) you want to team up with me?
Bra:It is not the first time that we do it,what do you say,brother and sister? it will be fun
(Y/N):...Sure! but I don't think it's necessary to use all our power
Bra helped (Y/N) to get off the ground,they both watched as the Danger Trio stood in front of them
Bergamo:What's going on? do you now need help from your girlfriend?
Bra:Three against one? are you really so afraid of my brother?
Bergamo:U-Uh?!...Grrrr!! you will realize that messing with the leader of the Trio Of Danger is the worst thing that you...
Bergamo closed his mouth when he could see how (Y/N) and Bra moved with great speed, giving Basil and Lavender an elbow in their stomachs,they both kicked Basil and Lavender in their snouts,knocking them back
Bergamo turned around trying to kick Bra but (Y/N) got in the way stopping his foot,(Y/N) used all his strength to launch Bergamo through the air and then shoot a very powerful ki ball at him
Basil charge against (Y/N) trying to kick him in the face but Bra teleported over him punching him in the face and throwing him to the ground
Bra kicked Basil almost throwing him to the edge of the platform
Bra:Damn it,I needed a little more strength
Bra turned quickly just to see how (Y/N) had protected her from Lavender,he had used his arms to stop Lavender's punch
Lavender:HAHAHA!! I just injected you with my poison,it won't be long until you're paralyzed!!
(Y/N):I don't think so
Lavender looked confused at (Y/N) until he saw that his arms were surrounded with ki
Lavender:W-WHAT?!?! AAAAGGHH!!!
Lavender received a strong punch in the stomach from Bra that pushed him back to the edge of the platform,Bra and (Y/N) nodded at the same time
They both used Instant Transmission to get in front of Basil and Lavender,(Y/N) punched Lavender in the muzzle,throwing him through the air,just like Bra did with Basil
They both started using Instant Transmission every time they hit Basil and Lavender making the four of them soar high in the sky
(Y/N) kicked Lavender in the ribs just like Bra did with Basil,they both collided mid-air only so that seconds later (Y/N) and Bra appeared in front of them two pointing their hands at them
Lavender and Basil were pushed by the combined Big Bang Attack causing them both to fly off the platform,both were teleported into the stands
Grand Priest:Lavender and Basil from Universe 9 have been eliminated!
Beerus:Impressive,I had never seen a team of two that synchronized!
(Y/N) and Bra landed on the tournament floor only to see Bergamo rise from the ground
Bergamo:D-Damn it!!..I can't believe I'm the only one left
Bra:Now do you think it is unfair?
Bergamo:...Hehe!...a fight is a fight...EVERYTHING IS WORTH!!!!
Bergamo began to increase in size,Bra and (Y/N) could see how Bergamo was now gigantic
(Y/N):H-He got bigger!
Bergamo:I'll show you why they call me Bergamo The Crusher!! HAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!
Bergamo's fist started to glow red,he tried to crush (Y/N) and Bra but they both dodged Bergamo's big fist,but this caused the platform to be seriously damaged
(Y/N):Bra! he not only wants to crush us,he wants to destroy the platform so that we fall into the void!
Bra:...I have an idea,try to distract him
(Y/N) started throwing ki balls against Bergamo,he stopped concentrating on Bra and tried to go for (Y/N)
Bergamo:Come here and I might not crush you too much,I just want to get you off the platform!!
(Y/N):You won't do that,come on,try to attack me!
Bergamo:You wanted it! HAAAAAAA!!
(Y/N) leaped back,dodging Bergamo's fist only so that at that moment,Bra started running down Bergamo's arm while charging Final Flash
Bergamo:Get off me!!
Bergamo tried to crush Bra with his hand but at that moment (Y/N) appeared in front of her and created a barrier around them
(Y/N):Y-You just keep going! prepare an attack strong enough to make him back off!
Bra nodded and began to charge more energy in her attack,once they were both close to Bergamo's face,(Y/N) turned around and helped Bra to propel herself into the air by getting over Bergamo
Bra's attack was powerful enough to completely push Bergamo backwards causing him to fall off the platform,he appeared in the stands at his normal size
Grand Priest:Bergamo from Universe 9 has been eliminated
(Y/N) and Bra landed on the ground,they gave a high five as a sign of victory
(Y/N):Haha! that was amazing!
Bra:Yeah,I told you it would be fun
(Y/N):I think so,I'll go see who else I will face,now I'm really excited
(Y/N) left looking for someone else to fight
Kefla:So you are Bra?
Bra turned to see Kefla
Bra:Oh! you must be (Y/N)'s girlfriend
Kefla:Y-Yeah,I guess you must be his sister
Bra:That's right,it's a pleasure to meet you,Kefla
Kefla:It is also a pleasure to meet you
Bra:...I hope you don't think badly of me about this but I will give you a little break my brother's heart...I will destroy every bone in your body,do you understand?
Kefla:Y-Yeah!...b-but don't worry,I love your brother,I really do,the last thing that would go through my head is to hurt him
Bra:I'm glad to hear that,for now I'm leaving...but I would like to see how strong you are
Kefla:Hehe I also want to see how powerful you are at some point we will have a fight during the tournament!
Bra:I'll wait until that time comes!
Bra and Kefla walked away,they both had an arrogant smile on their faces
Bra/Kefla:I'll see how much power you really have
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