Chapter 7

[Third Person-POV]


Cabba:Come on! you can do it,Caulifla!

(Y/N):Just a little more,don't stop now!

Kale:Y-You can do it sis!


Right now,everyone was watching as Caulifla was trying to overcome the power of the Super Saiyan trying to reach Super Saiyan 2


Caulifla released her energy making her hair stand up more than before and that rays appeared in her aura

(Y/N):Haha! you did it,you became Super Saiyan 2!

Caulifla:But not for much longer!...Agh!

Caulifla returned to her Base Form very tired,(Y/N) approached Caulifla and began stroking her hair

(Y/N):Do not worry,you will be able to control that transformation,with adequate training you can do it in a short time

Caulifla:I hope so,I want to be at your level one day!

(Y/N):That will be very difficult but I know that someday you three will make it to my level...but now it's time to start your training,Kale

Kale:A-Are you sure? what happens if I lose my the several times it has happened?

(Y/N):You have made good progress but now is the time for you to do it on your own and not for us to insult you all the time,think of something that makes you really angry

Kale:E-Ehm...Hmmmm...I can not think of anything

Cabba:And if you think that in a moment you are going to lose Caulifla or (Y/N)?

Kale:I did that but it scared me a bit

(Y/N):Hmmm...So think about this,close your eyes...

Kale closed her eyes

(Y/N):Imagine that you are in a cabin in the middle of a snowy forest,at one point you hear my screams,you open the door and see how someone hits me on the head with a golf club and then...


In a few seconds Kale transformed into her Berserk form,(Y/N)/Cabba and Caulifla were pushed back when Kale released a large amount of energy

(Y/N):Haha! that would make anyone angry!

(Y/N) started walking slowly towards Kale,she was just looking at him as he got closer

(Y/N) remember me?...


(Y/N) could feel Kale's energy begin to decrease because she wasn't releasing too much through her aura,Kale's body began to decrease in size,everyone looked surprised to see Kale's new appearance

Caulifla:Kale,you did it,you controlled your Berserk Form!

Kale:H-Huh?...Y-Yes!! I did it,I finally did it!

Caulifla and Kale started to jump with excitement as (Y/N) looked at them with a smile

Cabba:You know a lot about this,(Y/N),I may be about to call you master heheh

(Y/N):Hehe I only teach what I have learned from my experience,of course that is a good thing but it is always better than someone who knows more than you teach you,like Whis or Lord Beerus

Caulifla:But do you have something else to make us even more powerful? like you

(Y/N):Hmmmm...I can not think of anything

Caulifla:Come on,you must know something to become more powerful in a short time,maybe that tournament that you said is going to start

(Y/N):Hmmm...well I have some brothers are pretty weak so when there is a serious fight they use fusion

Caulifla:And what does it do?

(Y/N):Well,you merge with someone else creating a new being with the maximum power of both of you

Caulifla:That sounds good,I could do it with Kale!

Kale:I also t-think it is a good idea

(Y/N):Yeah well...there are some...several drawbacks,the fusion lasts thirty minutes,your powers must be equal,they must be almost the same height and they must also take a few steps to make the fusion

Caulifla:And how are the steps?

(Y/N):Something like this,pay close attention...for example,me and another person must be at a certain distance,after that they must move both arms to the side,they must be very careful with the angle at which you place the arms and then...FUUUUU!!!...

(Y/N) took small steps to one side moving both arms to the side he was moving on

(Y/N):You have to say FUUUU while you pass your arms on the other side taking three small steps...SIIIIOOOONNN!!!

(Y/N) moved his arms to the other side while lifting one leg

(Y/N):You must be careful with the angle of the legs...after that you must do this...HAAAAAAA!!

(Y/N) moved his body to the side raising his two fingers

(Y/N):Here you must join your fingers while maintaining the position of your legs have no other way to do the fusion without it being...very ridiculous?

(Y/N):Well,there is a way,you need something called Potara Earrings,with them it is much easier to make the fusion but the...

At that moment a white light appeared in the middle of the place,from there Vados and Whis appeared

(Y/N):Whis? why are you here? I still didn't say I want to go

Whis:But it is very important,Zen-Oh wants to talk to you

(Y/N):Now?...well I guess i'll have to go,I'll be back in a moment buy guys!

(Y/N) said goodbye to Caulifla and Kale with a kiss on their cheeks making them both blush,(Y/N) went with Whis and both were returned to universe 7

Caulifla:Hmmm...Hey Vados,do you know anything about the Potara Earrings?

[Meanwhile On Beerus' Planet]

(Y/N):Hey Lord Beerus! I'm here!

(Y/N) said approaching Beerus,he and Whis had already reached Beerus's planet

Beerus:It was time,you had me worried!

(Y/N):You were worried about me?

Beerus:Don't have the wrong idea,if you don't go with Zen-Oh then he could erase the universe!

(Y/N):Well,maybe it's because of the tournament,but right now I'm busy with something else

Beerus:Don't you dare say no to Zen-Oh or make him wait,Whis,how long would it take you to take him to Zen-Oh?

Whis:About three days in total,for that long delay I contacted the Supreme Kai


Elder Kai:Because we are the only ones who can travel to a place without much delay

(Y/N) turned to see Supreme Kai/Elder Kai and Kibito

Supreme Kai:D-Do you want me to take you to where Zen-Oh is?

(Y/N):Yes! although I don't know why

Elder Kai:You? you are not even a god

Kibito:Even I have not gone to the Land of the Great Zen-Oh

Elder Kai:Well,that's logical,I've only been there three times accompanied by Lord Beerus

Beerus:Because the gods of destruction must be accompanied by the Supreme Kai!

Elder Kai:I already know that...Hmmmm...I ask you please to behave well with Zen-Oh,young man

(Y/N):Why does everyone tell me the same thing? okay yeah I'm a bit childish sometimes but I know in the moments where I have to be serious,I'm quite mature

Beerus:So prove it with this and make everything go well!

(Y/N):O-Okay,okay,could you please take us there,Supreme Kai?

Supreme Kai:Would be the best

The Supreme Kai stood behind (Y/N) and Whis,he put his hands on their backs,all three were teleported to the place where Zen-Oh lived

(Y/N):Woah! here lives Zen-Oh?...and what are those spheres that are on those stones?

???:Those are the twelve universes

Everyone turned to see where the voice came from

Grand Priest:Welcome and thanks for your visit,I am the Grand Priest,you must be (Y/N)

(Y/N):Y-Yes! M-Mr....ehm Grand Priest,Mr Grand Priest!

Grand Priest:Just call me Grand Priest,Zen-Oh is waiting for you,please follow me

Everyone followed the Grand Priest into Zen-Oh's house,as they walked down a long hallway,(Y/N) decided to ask Whis something

(Y/N):Whis,a he your father or something like that? you two are very similar

Whis:You are right,he is my father and father of the twelve angels of the twelve universes

(Y/N):Oh woah! then he must be very strong 

Whis:Of course,The Grand Priest is the most powerful warrior in the entire multiverse 

(Y/N):It is incredible!...and I thought you were the strongest that existed

Whis:With all the humility of the universe,I'm not even close to his power and I doubt that I ever will be

(Y/N):It is incredible,I never thought that I would be so close to gods or angels or the person who created the twelve universes and the strongest warrior on the multiverse!!

Once they reached the end of the hall,(Y/N) saw Zen-Oh sitting on his throne alongside two attendats

Zen-Oh:(Y/N)!! thanks for coming!

(Y/N):Hehe it's nothing,why did you want me here?

Zen-Oh:I want to know if you want to play with me?!

(Y/N):...Play with you?

Zen-Oh:That is wrong?

Supreme Kai:T-There is nothing wrong,G-Great Zen-Oh,(Y/N) is deeply g-grateful that he can play with you,o-on top of that h-he...

Zen-Oh:Be Quiet

Supreme Kai:A-Ah! Y-Yes Great Zen-Oh!

(Y/N):Well if that's it then why didn't you say it before? of course I will play with you!


(Y/N):But it could be fast,is that I have another business to do

Attendat 1/2:Be careful with your words!

Zen-Oh:Shut up or disappear

Attendat 1/2:A-AH!...w-we are v-very sorry!

(Y/N):I promise that when that is over then we can play as long as you want

Zen-Oh:Okay! if you want to play with me then have this

Zen-Oh gave (Y/N) a little button

(Y/N):W-what is this?

Zen-Oh:It is a button,with it you can teleport me to where you are or with the button that is on the other side you can come with me

(Y/N):Cool! so let's not waste any more time,let's start playing!

[Meanwhile In Universe 6]

Vados:Do you really think something like that is necessary?

Caulifla:Of course,(Y/N) said that this would make us more powerful

Cabba:He is right,his father is a fusion and he is very powerful

Caulifla:If me and Kale will merge then we will be much stronger than before

Vados:But that would cause a new being to be created with the maximum power of both of you

Caulifla:So it's perfect for that tournament! what do you say,Kale?

Kale:I-I guess it would be a good idea

Vados:Alright,here you go

Vados created two Potara Earrings in her hand and gave them to Caulifla and Kale

Vados:I'll have to go for now,Lord Champa is about to wake up and he likes food in his bed,bye for now

Vados surrounded herself with a white light and left the planet Sadala

Caulifla:Alright,now how does this work?

Cabba:Well,if I remember correctly,Vegito had them on his ears


Caulifla put the two Potara Earrings on her ears

Kale:Do you feel stronger,Sis?

Caulifla:No! I don't feel more powerful

Cabba:Well,maybe Kale has to wear one of those Potara Earrings while you have one on

Caulifla gave Kale a Potara Earring and she put it on the same ear that Caulifla was wearing

Kale:Nothing happens

Caulifla approached Cabba and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt

Caulifla:Is this a damn joke?!

Cabba:N-No! I just think this is how it works,I've never heard anything like...

Kale:Wait,Sis! I think I...

Kale put the Potara Earring on her other ear and just at that moment,Caulifla and Kale were attracted to each other colliding their bodies causing a white light to be created in the place

Cabba covered his eyes avoiding being blinded by the white light,once the light disappeared,he was surprised to see the person in front of him

Cabba:O-Oh woah!

[Meanwhile With (Y/N)]

Zen-Oh:That was fun!!

(Y/N):Hehe,yeah I think so

(Y/N) and Zen-Oh had spent the last hour playing

(Y/N):That was a lot of fun but I have to go

Zen-Oh:Too bad but come back again so we can keep playing!

(Y/N):Sure thing

At that time the Grand Priest approached Zen-Oh and (Y/N)

Grand Priest:Great Zen-Oh,I come to remember what you had told me to make you remember

Zen-Oh:Hmmm...oh! now I remember

(Y/N):What are you going to do?

Zen-Oh:I will erase some universes


Grand Priest:Universes with low level of fighting or progress are eliminated to create new ones, universes that still maintain great progress will not be erased by Zen-Oh

(Y/N):B-But!...W-WAIT!! Z-Zen-Oh!

Zen-Oh:Something happens?

(Y/N):W-Well...the tournament! if I remember correctly you said you wanted to do a tournament with all the universes,why don't you give those universes a second chance?


Grand Priest:Great Zen-Oh,what (Y/N) says is right,a tournament can be held with those low-level universe to give them a second chance...or we can give something in return,the Super Dragon Balls to the universe that has tried the most in the tournament

Zen-Oh:...You're right,but I don't know how to do a tournament

Grand Priest:Don't worry,Great Zen-Oh,I'll take care of it

(Y/N):And when will this tournament be ready?

Grand Priest:If you want you can be part of this,right now I will call the gods to present themselves

The Grand Priest made his own staff appear,he called all the gods of the destruction of the twelve universes

Grand Priest:Apparently all the gods are ready,I'll bring them now

The Grand Priest used his great power to bring all the gods of destruction,angels and Supreme Kais,each of them kneeling in front of Zen-Oh and (Y/N)

(Y/N):Impressive,the gods of the twelve universes!

All the gods realized (Y/N)'s presence in the place

Champa:Champa,what the hell is that kid doing here?

Beerus:Don't ask me,what the hell am I going to know?!

Champa:Why do you always cause problems for other universes?!

Grand Priest:Huh? Vermouth


Grand Priest:Who is the person behind you?

Vermouth:Ah! yes,this is Toppo

Toppo:I am Toppo,I am very grateful to meet you

Vermouth:Actually,I was thinking of retiring at some point so Toppo will be my next candidate so I brought him here to learn some things

Grand Priest:I see,please work hard so that you can become a successful god of destruction

Toppo:T-Thank you!

Grand Priest:All right,let's put that aside,for now I'd like to let everyone know that the Tournament Of Power will take place

Geene:T-Tournament Of Power?

Grand Priest:That's right,the select members are the ones that will participate in the tournament

At that moment Beerus got up and grabbed (Y/N) by the neck of his Gi

Beerus:What did I tell you about what you said to Great Zen-Oh about this tournament?!

(Y/N):I'm sorry but I had to,it was necessary

Beerus:You all you wanted was an interesting fight,you put your interests first than the well-being of your damn universe!


(Y/N) became Super Saiyan God and grabbed Beerus's wrist causing him to release him

(Y/N):Listen to me first,damn asshole! I would never endanger my family and much less my universe,I did this for a good reason!

Zen-Oh:(Y/N),is that god of destruction bothering you? do you want me to erase him from existence?

Beerus started to sweat a lot,he looked at (Y/N) very scared



(Y/N):...No,don't worry,we were just having a little talk that we'll finish later


(Y/N) returned to his Base Form,Beerus knelt again

Grand Priest:Well,going back to what I was saying before,the Tournament will take place in two days in which the universes with a low rank will have to find a team of very powerful warriors

Arack:Excuse me for my daring,Grand Priest,but how will this tournament be?

Grand Priest:I was thinking it over well and I deduced that it would be better a tournament of all against all,I mean a pitched battle...and since Zen-Oh wants to see a fight again to get more familiar with the tournaments,I thought about making a fight between gods of destruction

All the gods of destruction stared in surprise at the Grand Priest

Grand Priest:But I discarded that idea,I thought it would be somewhat more logical in a fight against a very strong mortal against one of equal power

Vermouth:Ah! you mean that Toppo fights against that mortal who has Beerus at his side

Grand Priest:That's right,I thought it would be a better way to demonstrate power in different universes

(Y/N):For me there is no problem

Vermouth:Hmmmm...come on,Toppo,fight him,let's see how long it takes you to beat him

Toppo:...Okay,I gladly accept this fight

Grand Priest:Alright,I'll create the ring for you two

The Grand Priest raised their hands and they were all teleported to another location,all the gods of destruction/Angels and Supreme Kais were on a platform representing their respective universes

Toppo and (Y/N) were in the ring that the Grand Priest had created while he and Zen-Oh were on a much higher platform to see all the action

Grand Priest:Alright! warriors prepare!

Toppo got into a fighting pose just like (Y/N)

(Y/N):I hope you can give me an exciting fight

Toppo:You'll be surprised

Grand Priest:...FIGHT!!

Toppo quickly pointed his hand at (Y/N)


(Y/N) raised his hand and created a barrier around him to protect himself from the attack,he used Instant Transmission to get behind Toppo and kick him in the back that made him back off,Toppo quickly leaped into the air and charged against (Y/N) 



Toppo punched him in the chest and stomach at the same time thanks to his big fist

(Y/N) fell to the ground and was about to receive a double axe handle from Toppo until he became Super Saiyan 3 and kneeled him in the face followed by a punch that knocked him back

Toppo:Hmph! apparently you are not using all your power

(Y/N):I don't want this to end too fast

Toppo:...Kid,arrogance is not a good thing

(Y/N):Hehe but honesty is


Toppo returned to charge against (Y/N) but he had already prepared a counterattack



(Y/N) flipped several times in the air as he became Super Saiyan God


(Y/N) started throwing several ki balls at Toppo,he pointed his fingers at (Y/N) and fires rapid ki blasts from his fingertips,a smokescreen was created in mid-air where (Y/N) and Toppo passed through to start fighting

Marcarita:Apparently this mortal is at the same level as Toppo and is also using divine energy

Vermouth:Hmph! although he is at the same level as Toppo,I doubt that he can defeat him...come on,Toppo,demonstrate what the candidate of God Of Destruction can do!!!

Toppo nodded,he began to charge energy,a red aura began to surround him

(Y/N):Oh! so you can also use God Ki!

Toppo:You better focus on the fight or else...

Toppo moved very quickly getting behind (Y/N)


Toppo:You could end up crushed...HMMM!!



Toppo started screaming when (Y/N) started biting his arm,once Toppo let go of (Y/N) a bit,he butted him in the face causing him to release him,(Y/N) walked away from Toppo

Toppo:Hmph! what a wild way to fight

Toppo said looking at the teeth mark that (Y/N) had left on his arm

(Y/N):Yeah yeah...*Pant*...*Pant*...they always tell me that


Toppo was about to punch him until he saw how (Y/N) stopped his fist very easily

(Y/N):Who said that I was not focused on the fight? Maybe you shouldn't underestimate me just because I'm young or something like this could happen!!

(Y/N) created a ki ball in Toppo's stomach causing it to explode and knock him back,Toppo was about to counterattack


(Y/N) put his feet on Toppo's chest and leaped into the air


Toppo saw surprised how (Y/N) was being surrounded by a blue aura while charging the Kamehameha,he smiled and at that moment absorbed the power of the Kamehameha abysmally increasing his power

(Y/N):Let's see how you can do it against this,Toppo...HAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

(Y/N) charged at top speed against Toppo,he started fires rapid ki blasts from his fingertips against (Y/N) but his aura was powerful enough to protect him from the attack,(Y/N) filled his fist with ki


Grand Priest:That will be enough

The Grand Priest appeared in front of (Y/N) and stopped his attack with his little finger,(Y/N) returned to his Base Form

Grand Priest:That was a great fight,but you two better save that power for the Tournament Of Power...Great Zen-Oh, how would you rate that fight?

Zen-Oh:They moved very fast when they flew out

Grand Priest:That will not be a problem,for now I will be in charge of creating the place where the Tournament Of Power will take place,please the participating universes prepare their best warriors,goodbye

The Grand Priest raised their hands teleporting everyone to their respective universes,once (Y/N) and the others reached the planet of Beerus,he grabbed (Y/N) from the neck of his Gi

Beerus:Can you explain now why the hell did you tell the Great Zen-Oh about the tournament?!

(Y/N):Because if not then our universe would be eliminated without any salvation,Zen-Oh said that he was going to eliminate some universes,and I assumed that among them was our universe,that's why I told him about the tournament,so that we and the other universes we had a second chance to live!

Whis:(Y/N) is right,My Lord,we are a low ranking universe due to the few planets with little intelligence


Beerus let (Y/N) go

Beerus:Sorry about before,I was a little upset,I suppose I owe you one for this...but we are not safe yet,we must win the tournament to avoid being destroyed!!

(Y/N):Don't worry about that,Lord Beerus,I already have the perfect team for the tournament...wait,I have something to do first,I'll be back!!

(Y/N) used Instant Transmission to literally teleport from Universe 7 to 6,where Cabba was

Cabba:Huh?! (Y/N),you came back!

(Y/N):Yeah,I have something to tell the way,where is Kale and Caulifla? I couldn't feel their ki


???:Apparently you're back,babe

(Y/N) turned to see where the voice came from,he quickly blushed when he saw the person in front of him

(Y/N):U-Uh? look like...Caulifla and Kale

Kefla:You can call me Kefla,after all I am the fusion of the two of them

(Y/N):Yeah,I could tell by the Potara...W-WHAT?!?

Kefla:T-There is something wrong?

(Y/N):I forgot to mention that the Potara Earrings make the fusion last forever

Kefla:W-WHAT?!?!...oh well...I guess this doesn't bother you?~...right?~

Kefla said approaching (Y/N) wiggling her hips,she put her head on (Y/N)'s chest and started making strokes with her finger on his chest

(Y/N):O-Of course n-not...I mean,I will still love you,after all you are the fusion of the people I love the m-most

Kefla:I like hearing look so cute,so,I'm really lucky to have someone like you...

Kefla started running her hand down (Y/N)'s chest until he stopped her

(Y/N):Kefla,I think we shouldn't do this with people who are present here

(Y/N) said referring to Cabba,Kefla looked at him

Kefla:What are you waiting for,Cabba? get out of here,we need a little time alone like...all day ~

Cabba:Y-Yeah sure...I'Im...

(Y/N):Wait! I'm sorry,babe but it will have to be another time,I have to tell you something very important

Kefla:What's going on? you look very nervous

(Y/N):Look,you have to gather some warriors for the tournament that I was mentioning during these months,it is important that they are very strong


(Y/N):Because if you lose then your universe may be erased from existence


(Y/N):That's right,if they win then they can get the Super Dragon Balls as a prize

Cabba:You mean those orbs from the previous tournament?

(Y/N):Yes,my universe will also participate but I promise that I will try to win the tournament to get the Super Dragon Balls and make you revived

Kefla:How much time do we have?

(Y/N):About two days,please do what I tell you,bring Hit/Frost/Magetta/Botamo and some more, the important thing is that they are powerful,I have to go to my universe,I have to tell my family about this,bye for now

Kefla:Bye babe

Kefla kissed (Y/N) on the lips,he used Instant Transmission to return to Earth,more specifically where Gohan lived

(Y/N):Gohan is the only one I have enough confidence to say this to!

(Y/N) knocked on the door of Hercule's mansion,the door opened revealing Pan

Pan:(Y/N)! what are you doing here?

(Y/N):I came to see my brother,is he here?

Pan:Yeah! Dad is in the yard reading some books,why do you...

Pan had finished speaking when she realized that (Y/N) was no longer in front of her,he crossed the entire mansion until he reached the courtyard of the mansion and stood in front of Gohan


Gohan:(Y-Y/N)?!...what happens? why are you so nervous?

(Y/N):O-okay...okay,look,something very serious is about to happen and you are the only person I know who can tell you this without being scolded

Gohan:What is happening? tell me

(Y/N) explained in detail about the Tournament Of Power to Gohan

(Y/N):And we will be annihilated by Zen-Oh


(Y/N):Y-Yes,that's going to happen

Gohan:...(Y-Y/N) could you do something like that?


Gohan:If the universes know about this...everything will turn into chaos

(Y/N):But what else did you want me to do?! was this or being eliminated anyway,among those universes are my best friend and my girlfriend,I couldn't let that happen,Gohan!!

Gohan:...Do you have a girlfriend?


(Y/N) started to blush while scratching his head,he looked away

(Y/N):It's a little complicated to explain...but I had to! I had no other idea! yell at me,scold me,beat me up if you want but we need to win this tournament and I need your help!

Gohan:...Uh?...why would I beat you up,(Y/N)? I would never in life do something like that

(Y/N):...Sorry, it's just that I'm very stressed,several universes believe that it's all my fault,my family and friends are in danger and I don't know how to tell others that we have to participate in a tournament where if we lose then we will be eliminated from the existence

Gohan:...Are you sure this has nothing to do with Dad?

A great chill ran down (Y/N)'s back


Gohan:(Y/N),tell me...what is happening between Dad and you?

(Y/N):...If I tell you...then you won't tell Dad?

Gohan:(Y/N),you have always trusted me and I assure you that I will never break that trust you have in me

(Y/N) you remember that mission where we all went to help Dad?

Gohan:Oh! yes,I remember that

(Y/N):Well...I don't know what happened but...Dad told me to be very careful and that nothing happen to me...but when a few minutes passed,he teleported to where I was and the first thing he did was beat me up


(Y/N):He said that someday I would overcome him and before that day came...he was going to kill me...that's why I trained alone,so that Dad doesn't even know how strong I have become

Gohan:...I-I see...and is that why you're afraid of him?

(Y/N):W-Well...n-no...I am no longer afraid of him...I am more powerful than before and I think I can face fills me with sadness to know that everything I do to become strong is not to make him proud...I do that to prevent him from killing me...I always wanted to be like him...but now...I think that...I don't want to become someone like him...

Gohan felt a lump in his throat from the revelation that (Y/N) had given,he approached his younger brother and gave him a hug,he began to stroke his hair

Gohan:Don't worry,(Y/N)...I promise I won't let something like that happen

(Y/N):Don't worry about me,Gohan,I know how to take care of myself...I think you've already seen it

They both broke the hug

Gohan:...hehe I think so,you have matured so much that I am very surprised...but we better focus on the tournament

(Y/N) the way,don't tell our mothers that I have a girlfriend


(Y/N):Because Chi-Chi the first thing she will do is mention about marriage and Bulma won't stop bothering me,okay!!!

Gohan:Hehe okay,okay...and she is cute?

(Y/N):Yeah,she's very cute and I really love her and that's why I have to win the tournament,I don't want anything to happen to her and to all of you...but let's put that aside,the tournament is more important

Gohan:You're right,let me put my Gi on and we'll look for people who want to participate in the tournament

(Y/N) nodded,while he was waiting in the courtyard for Gohan,he did not realize that someone had overheard the whole conversation

Pan:Will there be a tournament between universes?...that sounds exciting! I have to tell the others about this!

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