Chapter 4

[Third Person-POV]

Ize:Ize? Is that my name?

Soldier:That's right,My Lord,your late father,Lord Frieza had given you that name when you were born

Ize:My father died?

Soldier:That's right,Lord Ize,we are sorry for your loss,you are the only living person in the King Cold family,your father,grandfather and uncle died at the hands of a Saiyan

Ize:Hmmmm it's a shame but I don't care in the least

Soldier:Sorry for bothering you,My Lord something wrong? if you want something just ask

Ize:I'm just assimilating all my power,being in hibernation for 50 years is a great feat for someone of my race

Soldier:It is completely understandable,My Lord,your father could not last more than 5 years in hibernation

Ize:Thank you very much for the compliments but I really want something,I want to fight the most powerful adversary

Soldier:A-A powerful adversary?

Ize:I am eager to try this new power,after getting a fight that satisfies me,I led my father, grandfather and uncle's army back,only the most powerful can control a great army,it is necessary to instill fear in the soldiers...I'm right?

Soldier:S-Sure! T-Thing!! L-L-Lord I-I-I-ZE!!

Ize:For now I have liked you,what is your name?

Cranberry:C-Cranberry! M-My Lord

Ize:All right,Cranberry,what are you waiting for? I said I want the most powerful adversary

Cranberry:Understood,we will prepare the spaceship to go to planets with very powerful warriors immediately

Ize:Oh! and bring me a cold drink,50 degrees below zero will be fine

Cranberry:Yes! My Lord! I'll bring it to you right now!

Cranberry walked away from Ize,he started walking around the place seeing how each soldier greeted him with the greatest possible respect,but he did not care about that,he was thinking of something else

Ize:So a Saiyan was the one who defeated my father,Grandpa Cold and my uncle Cooler...I hope he or she is still alive...I would like to see how much I can destroy it with so much power

[Meanwhile On The Planet Of Beerus]

(Y/N):Wow!! So if the tournament is going to take place?

Beerus:Yes!! It is the fifth time that I repeat it!

(Y/N):I'm sorry but I am very excited to know that I can fight warriors from another universe,I wonder if they are stronger than me

Beerus:I hope not,because right now you will be the team leader

(Y/N):The team leader?

Beerus:That's right, you are the only person I trust and the only one I see who really has great power,I leave that position to you but on the other hand you also have to look for those who will participate in the tournament,we need four since you will be the leader

(Y/N):Four people...don't worry,Lord Beerus,it won't be too difficult

Beerus:Very well,the tournament will be ready in several days so you will have plenty of time to choose wisely who you will bring to the tournament

(Y/N):That sounds good,that also means I also have plenty of time to train

Whis:Sorry (Y/N) but your mother sent me a message that she wanted to see me on Earth,for now we will not be able to train

(Y/N):But it's my day off and I really want to train

Whis:If you want to train so much then I won't be able to go to Earth to bring more food to Lord Beerus

Beerus:W-WHAT?!?!?! don't even think about doing that,(Y/N),I will train you,did you hear me?!


Beerus:Good! you,go to Earth and bring some more food and you,you better prepare because I will not be as gentle as Whis!

(Y/N):A-All that t-training was...gentle?


Whis headed towards Earth

(Y/N):So are you going to be my new master,Lord Beerus?

Beerus:I guess,I will teach you what I know but I hope you know that the training will not be easy,I expect great things from the way, don't make this more annoying and don't die so fast

(Y/N):*Gulp* I-I will do my best

[Timeskip,With Ize]

Ize:This is useless!! they are all weak!!

Ize screamed as he threw a corpse into a pile of corpses behind him

Ize:These weaklings die just by touching them! I have not been able to use all the power that I have acquired!!

Cranberry:L-Lord Ize,please calm down,I think I just remembered the planet where that Saiyan lives

Ize:The Saiyan that defeated my whole family...okay,where is that Saiyan located?

Cranberry:Eh! is a planet called,Earth,it is beyond the border

Ize:Then we will go to that place without wasting any more time!

Cranberry:Yes! Lord Ize

Ize:...Get ready,Saiyan...

[Meanwhile On Earth]



Right now at Capsule Corp,a little training was going on between Vegito/Bra/Goten and Trunks while Pan just watched them,somewhat jealous of not being able to participate in the training

Goten:...Hmmmm...this is taking a long time,I have to go now

Trunks:What? you have something to do?

Goten:Yeah,you know,hard work,studying too much,things like that

Trunks:...You have a date

Goten:Yeah! and with a very pretty girl,I have to go to the ice cream shop with her in an hour...huh?...w-what is that?!?!

At that moment everyone saw how a spaceship landed in place

Pan:Woah! an alien comes to pay us a visit

Trunks:Or it want to invade Earth

The hatch of the spaceship was opened revealing a person


???:Hey,excuse me,but is this the house of a lady named Bulma?

Trunks:Well,yeah,but why do you need my mother?

???:Y-Your mother? 

Trunks:Yeah that's right

Goten:I am also part of my mother but not biological

???:Impressive,so Bulma is now a mother...but why does that boy mention that he is not Bulma's biological son,is he perhaps adopted?

Vegito:Excuse me but what do you need?

???:Sorry but I need to speak to Bulma immediately

Vegito:Why is it necessary to speak to my wife right now?

Bulma:Don't worry,he's Jaco,my friend

Everyone saw Bulma approaching the place,Jaco got off his spaceship to talk to Bulma

Trunks:W-Wait! Mom,do you have a friend who uses such ridiculous tights?

Jaco:Just so you know,the only clothes I wear is what you see on my chest,my gloves and the latest generation radios that are in my ears

Goten:W-WAIT! YOU ARE!!...

Bulma:Anyway,tell me what brings you here?

Jaco:Bulma,is it true that you are a close friend of the man who defeated Frieza and his family?

Bulma:Well...was,the person you see there is my husband,he is Vegito,he is a fusion between the person who defeated Frieza and the prince of the Saiyans...but he was not the only one,Trunks was also the person who killed Friza and his father

Trunks:I-I did that?!

Bulma:Of course not,a Trunks that came from the future did that,he used a Time Machine to get to this timeline

Jaco:What brazen do you say that? the laws are very strict,no one should mess with the laws of the time,the person who does that must be arrested and then destroyed

Vegito:What do you mean about "arrested and destroyed"?

Jaco:It's easy,I'm a Galactic Patrol,I'm in charge of patrolling this part of the galaxy to arrest space thieves,space pirates...

Vegito:I think you have competence,I am the person who ensures that this universe is safe

Jaco:Nah! I don't think so,we have seen your reports,your arrest rate is very low compared to ours,in addition to the fact that we have very dangerous people in Intergalatic Prison...but anyway,I came for something more important than explaining something like that,Frieza's son is heading towards Earth in the company of more than a thousand soldiers

Bulma:W-What?! did you say Frieza? that's impossible...Frieza has a son?


Bra:And what's so special about this certain son of Frieza? if he is dead then his son will not be that bad

Jaco:I'll give you a little lesson about Frieza's race,those of his race,when they are born on the planet Winter,they go into hibernation surrounding themselves with an ice cube,the longer the hibernation time,the stronger the warrior who will be born,in the case of Frieza and his family, they did not even manage to exceed 5 years

Vegito:And how long was this guy Ize in hibernation? 10,15 years?

Jaco:50 years of hibernation for which we understand in our database,which makes him the most powerful person to date

Vegito:Don't believe that,there is a person much more powerful than him


Bulma:Yes! (Y/N),my son! he is training with Lord Beerus!

Vegito:...I was talking about me

Jaco:I'm sorry but I don't believe it,a god of destruction would not have his eyes on a mortal

Bra:Well believe it,my brother is the most powerful person there can be right now

Pan:Yeah! (Y/N) can defeat Ize very easily!

Jaco:Then I will not have any concern for now,I suppose I will go to not...

At that moment everyone felt a great weight in the place,a great pressure of energy that made everyone start breathing heavily,everyone saw in the sky how a great spaceship was flying through the sky

Jaco:U-Ups! I think he should have come about four months ago


Vegito:It is an energy that I have never felt before...this will be a good challenge,something that I have waited for a long time

Vegito flew to the place where the spaceship had landed,the others followed,Jaco went with Bulma in his spaceship to the place where Ize's spacehip was

Trunks:I never thought I would face something like this...and that before I faced Lord Beerus

Bra:You didn't face him,he humiliated you for how fool you are

Goten:Great! now what shall I tell my girlfriend right now?

Bra:Just like Goten...

At that time,Gohan and Piccolo also appeared in the place


Gohan:Pan! You better stay behind us,this could be very dangerous

Piccolo:This is a ki similar to that of Frieza's family,cold...very cold

At that moment the hatch of the spaceship opened,several soldiers left from there and behind them was Ize

Ize:So this is Earth?...not bad...who are you?

Vegito:That's what I say,who are you? the only thing I understand is that you are Frieza's son

Ize:Oh please,I would like to be recognized for more than being my father's son

Gohan:F-Frieza's son?!...I never thought that his son...would be that powerful

Vegito:Tell me,what is your purpose to come to Earth?

Ize:I have come here because I have heard that a Saiyan lives in this place which killed all my family

Vegito:Are you coming for revenge?

Ize:I think you have misunderstood me,I want to fight powerful adversaries,I have no interest in revenge

Vegito:In that case I will be your adversary

Ize:You are strong?

Vegito:I am the strongest Saiyan that exists in the universe,I'm Vegito!

Ize:Interesting! would you be so kind as to show your power? all your power

Vegito:...Hehe...alright!....this is Super Vegito!! HAAAAAAA!!

Vegito screamed becoming Super Saiyan

Vegito:So are you going to fight against me or are you going to waste more time?

Ize:I can see that your friends also want to fight and since I don't like to be interrupted,Soldiers! I want no one else to approach me while fighting this guy 

All the soldiers agreed and rushed to fight the others

Ize:Alright,now let's get started on...


Vegito charge against Ize without him noticing but that didn't work,Ize dodges every punch from Vegito,he kicked Vegito on his chin that made him back off

Vegito returned to charge against Ize,he caught Vegito's fist to punch him in the face but he caught Ize's fist,he quickly kneeled Vegito in the chest to then head-butt him,Ize was about to kick Vegito but he teleported behind him to hit him on the head but Ize ducked dodging the attack and then slapped Vegito with his tail in the face,this made him back off

Vegito quickly leapt into the air and pointed the palm of his hand at Ize


Vegito fired the Big Bang Attack at Ize but instead of hitting him,he hit the attack with his tail reflecting it launching the attack towards the sea,a great explosion occurred in the ocean raising a large amount of water


Ize:Is that the best you have? I expect a lot from you being the strongest Saiyan in the universe

Vegito:I hope you don't get this too fast,just so you know,I can still get stronger HAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Ize could see how Vegito became Super Saiyan 2,he kept a calm look against Vegito

Vegito:Let's see how you can do it against Vegito 2 now!

Vegito charge against Ize,he just grabbed Vegito's wrist and hit him on the ground,Ize put his foot on his head and started hitting him on the ground

Vegito created an explosion of ki around him that knocked Ize back,Vegito started trying to kick Ize but he dodged each of his attacks

Ize:I am feeling very disappointed in this fight

Vegito:The only thing you do is dodge my attacks,are you afraid that I will defeat you?


Ize quickly charged against Vegito by elbowing him in the face followed by a punch in the stomach,Vegito recoiled but he was prepared to attack Ize until he realized that he had disappeared

Ize was behind him,he kicked him in the back,throwing him through the skies,Ize flew over him to give him a double axe handle in his face,throwing him against the ground,a crater was created under Vegito

Vegito tried to get up but quickly his face hit the ground once Ize put his foot on his head

Ize:Don't tell me this is all your power,if so,I am very disappointed...again

Vegito:...Hmmmm...quiet this is not my true power


Ize jumped back watching as Vegito began to gather a lot of energy,he was surprised how Vegito became Super Saiyan 3

Ize:So you had something else,very well,the third round begi...

Ize was interrupted by Vegito hitting him in the neck followed by a kick to his ribs throwing him against some rocks

Ize tried to get up but Vegito grabbed him from his tail to lift him in the sky,Vegito started to descend at a high speed and then threw Ize to the ground

Vegito flew at him and stomped on his stomach causing Ize to spit blood from his mouth,Vegito jumped back and started looking at Ize


Vegito:It seems that you have already learned your lesson,you better get out of here because if not...then I will destroy you right now


Ize got up off the ground

Ize:Honestly,I didn't think you would fight that seems like I will have to take things seriously

Vegito:Are you telling me that you weren't fighting seriously?

Ize:Exact!...if you know my father...then you know that we are a transformable race


The others had already taken care of the soldiers,now they were seeing how Ize began to transform,his body began to change dramatically,now horns had grown on his head and his bio armor had grown larger

Ize:Believe me,I'm not lying,I'm just asking you not to die too fast...if you want all of you can attack me at the same time,my power is so gigantic that it won't be very difficult for me to fight against all of you...

Everyone charge at the same time against Ize

Ize:It seems like everyone in this place lacks a little common sense

[Meanwhile On The Planet Of Beerus]


Right now,(Y/N) was training with Beerus,he was only catching every attack with his hand

Beerus:I am very surprised,your attacks are very firm at the same time as powerful

(Y/N):So am I doing well?

Beerus:More or less,if you continue in this way then you will become stronger,I hope you have learned my techniques well because if not then you would be destroyed by so much power

(Y/N):I got it,Lord Beerus

Whis:Hey (Y/N)

(Y/N) turned to see Whis approaching with his staff

Whis:Apparently your mother is trying to contact you,she looks very nervous

(Y/N):Huh? something must be happening on Earth

(Y/N) approached Whis' staff to speak to Bulma

(Y/N):...Mom? can you hear me?!

Bulma:(Y/N)?! is this you?!?

(Y/N):Yes,Something happens? you look very nervous

Bulma:Of course I am!! right now the Earth is in total danger,Frieza's son is here and he is more powerful than your father and everyone else together!!

Beerus:Frieza had a son? I didn't know that

Bulma:(Y/N),you have to come right now,you're the only person who can fight Ize

(Y/N):Don't worry,Mom,I'll go right now!!

The call ended

(Y/N):Whis,how long would it take you to get me to Earth?

Whis:That would be a total of about thirty minutes

(Y/N):That is a long time...I think I will have to use the Instant Transmission,then we will continue with our training Lord Beerus,bye

(Y/N) focused as best he could until he could find a recognizable ki on Earth,he teleported back to Earth

Ize:Huh?...apparently someone else wanted to come see this fight


(Y/N) could see how everyone was lying on the ground very hurt but the one who was carrying him worse was his father,he was being hanged by Ize's tail

(Y/N):I want you to release my Dad and tell me what you want from Earth


Ize threw Vegito to the ground

Vegito:U-Ugh!...I was about to defeat you...

Ize:It seems that I hit him so hard that his brain stopped receiving oxygen...take it,I'll give it back to you,I don't need him anymore

Ize said giving a kick to Vegito throwing him towards where the others were

Ize:Well I guess you want an explanation why I'm here...the only thing I want is to fight powerful people,but as you can see,none of them could give me a challenge,I couldn't even try all my power

(Y/N):If so...then I will be your opponent!

Ize:Are you sure of your decision? as you can see,I am more powerful than you think

(Y/N):So let me be on your level

(Y/N) clenched his fists and a white aura began to surround him

(Y/N):This is the power beyond a god,I think it is enough to be at your level

Ize:Surprising,let's see if what you say is A-AGHH!!

Ize received a strong punch in the stomach from (Y/N),he followed with a kick to the face of Ize making him back off,he was about to attack him until (Y/N) charged against him with a knee to his chin causing him to fall on his back

Ize quickly got up from the ground and charged against (Y/N) trying to hurt him with his horns but he grabbed them and started hitting Ize on the ground and then throwing him away from him,he fell to his feet while wiping the blood that came out of his mouth

Ize:Well,you were not lying,you really have a lot of power

(Y/N):That's right,I've trained with God Of Destruction himself and his master,I'm not someone you have to underestimate

Ize:And I think you shouldn't underestimate me either,I still have something else to teach...but before an imminent slaughter happens...I will propose something to you

(Y/N):Huh?...what do you mean?

Ize:Your great power is similar to mine,we both have great potential that would scare anyone...that is why I want to give you this option,do you want to join my army?

(Y/N):...Do you want me to join you?


Vegito started to get scared seeing how (Y/N) was somewhat interested in what Ize was saying

Ize:That's right,you could be my right hand,someone I could trust and you could trust me too,you could have everything you want,conquer the planets you want,kill the people you want,I will help you become stronger so that everyone in the universe will fear you...what do you say? you caught my attention,It is an offer that I would not give it to anyone else

(Y/N):...Everything you it true? would you do all that if I joined you? is not possible that (Y/N) thinking of allying himself with that demon

Vegito:...N-Not now...why?...why did it have to be at the time when (Y/N) became more powerful than ever?

Ize:Everything I've said is true,you can take my word for it

(Y/N):Good...then tell that bullshit to another idiot,I won't join you!

Ize:Do you dare to refuse a great offer from the great Ize?...those of your race have no brains...oh well...let's get this over with...and I assure you this will end sooner than you think...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!

(Y/N) saw how Ize's body started to change again,his head started to get bigger,horns started to come out of his back,now his appearance was something out of a nightmare

(Y/N):S-Such power...

Ize:No need to be will all be over soon...HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

Ize released so much energy that it sent everyone back except for (Y/N),both were on rock pillars that had not been destroyed

Ize charged at full speed against (Y/N),he received a strong punch in the stomach that made him spit blood from his mouth,Ize kicked him in the face,throwing him to the ground,he charged against (Y/N) by giving him a strong stomp on his chest causing him to spit a lot of blood from his mouth, he finished with a kick to (Y/N)'s chest making him go back,falling on his back



Ize:Huh? what is so funny?

(Y/N):That you really think this is over

(Y/N) got up from the floor wiping the dust off his Gi,he wiped the blood that he had in his mouth

(Y/N):I also have something else...I even have three more things I can show...but here is one of those

(Y/N) became Super Saiyan God,his wounds had healed

Ize:What is happening? I can't feel your energy

(Y/N):Yeah,that's what can happen when you become a very powerful deity

Ize:...Hehe well,god,let me how fast you are

Ize raised his fingers against (Y/N),he stepped aside dodging the wave of ki which managed to cut several trees at once

(Y/N):That was a powerful wave of ki that you released...let me show you mine


Ize was thrown against some rocks,he quickly got out of there

Ize:So you are that powerful...I'm surprised,this is a rival that I was waiting to face

(Y/N):Same here...I finally find someone with whom I can have a very exciting battle

(Y/N) and Ize charge at the same time crashing their fists creating a ripple wave around them,they both started a rampant battle

Ize tried to punch (Y/N) in the face but he caught Ize's fist and countered by kicking him in the ribs,(Y/N) started kicking him several times until he wrapped his tail around his neck with the intention of hanging him,while he did that,Ize started punching (Y/N) in the face


Ize:AAAAAAAAHHH!!! YOU BASTARD!!! How dare you bite my tail?....THAT HURT ME SO MUCH!!

(Y/N):Huh? I see why they tell me that I have very sharp teeth Agh!!

Ize had kicked (Y/N) in the face that made him back off,he started shooting various Death Beams from his fingers at (Y/N),he managed to dodge all Death Beam very easily,until one hit him on the shoulder destroying part of his Gi and leaving him with a horrible burn,the power of the Super Saiyan God healed his wound but the pain still remained

(Y/N):T-Tsk! He is still very powerful...I never thought that I could find someone that powerful who was not a god...KAMEHAMEHAAAAAAAAA!!!

Ize could see how (Y/N)'s Kamehameha was going directly towards him,Ize managed to reflect the Kamehameha with his hands but before the Kamehameha left the Earth's atmosphere,(Y/N) appeared in front of his attack and caught it with his hands

(Y/N):I'm sorry but there are no returns! HAAAAAAAAA!!


(Y/N) could see how the smoke dissipated,Ize had his body hurt,with steam coming out of his burns

Bra:I think that guy can't take it anymore...(Y/N) has defeated him!

Piccolo:I never thought it would be this strong,I'm surprised

(Y/N) descended and stood in front of Ize

(Y/N):You better get off this planet and never come back if you intend to destroy it

Ize:...Do you really think this is over?...DO YOU REALLY THINK THAT WAS ALL MY POWER?!?!


Ize:Hehe do you think I didn't see you? you are clearly scared of my power,you showed it when one of my attacks seriously hurt you

(Y/N):You may be right...but that won't stop me from trying to stop you

Ize:...*Sigh* From the beginning you should have accepted my offer,now you will have to appreciate the great power of the most powerful member of the Frost Demons race!

Just when Ize said that a golden glow completely surrounded him causing everything to be blinded,the glow was such that it could be seen even miles away from Earth,after several seconds passed,(Y/N) could see the new evolution of Ize

Ize:Sorry for making you wait...this is all my power,this is my great Golden Ize

(Y/N):Your power is amazing...I even feel a chill run down my back

Ize:It is understandable,this is the greatest evolution that my race can obtain,I chose the golden color to make my great transformation noticeable,I have so much power that I can destroy this galaxy and the ones that were around with just a simple have no way to beat me

(Y/N):Actually I have it,I think you already know that this is the Super Saiyan God...but there is more than this transformation,something beyond this...EVEN FUTHER BEYONG!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!

All who were present were surprised to see how a blue aura surrounded (Y/N) which reached the sky, it disappeared causing a shell to be created around (Y/N) which began to break

Everything around him to be disintegrated by his aura,everyone was absolutely amazed by (Y/N)'s new transformation


Bra:D-Did you manage t-to overcome the p-power of the S-Super Saiyan God?!

(Y/N):More than I can control it perfectly,I can use this power without losing too much energy...I baptized this transformation as Super Saiyan Blue!...and it is also time to use what I have learned with Lord Beerus,Ize...I hope you understand...that in this of us will die

Ize:Of course I understand,your planet is special to I think it would be nice of me to destroy you along with it...

(Y/N) and Ize looked at each other for a few seconds until they both charged at the same time



The amount of energy (Y/N) and Ize were releasing was such that everything around them was being destroyed,everyone had to back off to avoid being destroyed

Ize moved (Y/N)'s arms aside to then knee him in the face but he grabbed Ize's knee inches from his face,(Y/N) punched Ize hard in the stomach but he countered by slapping him in the face with his tail

Ize tried to punch (Y/N) in the face but he bent down to dodge his attack to kick him in the ribs,Ize quickly grabbed (Y/N)'s arm leaving him immobile,he hit (Y/N) very hard in the back,throwing him into the sea

Ize:Taste a little of the power of the new emperor! HIAAAAAAAAA!!!

Ize aggressively moved his arm down creating a very large Death Wave,(Y/N) came out of the water and fired a ki blast against the Death Wave causing it to disappear

(Y/N) quickly flew to Ize and kneed him on his chin,he grabbed him from his head and threw him away from him,(Y/N) used the Instant Transmission to appear on Ize and kneed him in the back throwing him to the ground

(Y/N):Now taste a little of my power! HAAAAAAAAHHH!!!


Ize shot an energy wave from his body towards where (Y/N) was,causing an explosion to be created in the place where he was,Ize rose in the air trying to search for (Y/N)

Ize:W-Where is h...

(Y/N):Hey Ize!

Ize turned to see (Y/N) behind him

(Y/N):Come on...this is getting very interesting

Ize:...Hehe the same I fellow Saiyan...HAAAAH!! 

Ize created several balls of energy around him and threw them towards where (Y/N) had fallen,before the energy balls could impact the place where he had fallen,(Y/N) rose in the air and his aura began to get brighter,from his aura he began to shoot multiple ki blast that went towards Ize

Ize protected himself from the ki blast but (Y/N) had used the Instant Transmission to get behind Ize and kick him in the back by throwing him directly against the ki blast causing him to take a lot of damage

Ize tried to attack (Y/N) but didn't see him anywhere until he looked in front of him

The blow to Ize's chest was so strong that it knocked him far away from (Y/N)

Ize:Incredible,his power is amazing...I never imagined a power like this...especially on this planet...You fool! I will not let you make a fool of is time for you to see what I am capable of doing!!

Ize began to gather a lot of energy in his two hands,this caused the tides to start going crazy

Ize:Prepare to will die along with your planet,as I promise you!!

Ize raised his hand in the air and created a Supernova so large that it looked like a second planet next to Earth


Ize launched the Omega Supernova against (Y/N),rather against the entire planet


(Y/N) fired a Kamehameha of such magnitude that it made a fool of the previous Kamehameha that he launched against Beerus

Ize:W-WHAT?!? my attack could he stop my attack with all my power?!?! HAAAAAAAAAAAA!!

Ize began to launch ki balls against the Omega Supernova causing it to start taking more and more power

(Y/N):NGGGGHH!!!!....GRRRRR!!!...I guess it's time to show the last thing I have!!...I hope I don't die for this...KAIOKEN!!! x 10!!!!

A red aura appeared around (Y/N)'s bluish aura,the Kamehameha started to become extremely powerful,Ize could see this in the worst possible place


Ize was swallowed up by the Kamehameha and by his own attack

Ize:Can not be!!....NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! D-DAMN IIIIIITTT!!!!!!....I will not forget this...I will not forget this Saiyan...I will get my revenge...I will not let someone who has humiliated me continue living!!

Both attacks were launched out of Earth's atmosphere,Ize's Omega Supernova exploded along with him completely disintegrating it without leaving a trace of him

(Y/N) quickly returned to his Base Form as he clutched at his chest from the throbbing pain he felt

(Y/N):U-Ugh!! my heart is not yet ready for something of this magnitude...but at least I managed to save the Earth...

(Y/N) flew to where the others were,he was quickly hugged by his mother

Bulma:My god!! I was so worried about you,nothing happened to you?

(Y/N):N-No mom,nothing happens to me...could you stop hugging me? everyone is watching

Bulma stopped hugging (Y/N),he saw how the others got up from the ground and ate a Senzu Bean

Gohan:Woah!...(Y/N),what happened to you? you have become so strong that I no longer recognize you

Piccolo:The same I say,you were at the same level as Ize...and that he had not even shown his last two evolutions

(Y/N):Well,I was training all this time with Whis and Lord Beerus

Bra:Lord Beerus? is he really training you?

(Y/N):Yep! he is helping me improve my fighting style with stronger punches while Whis helps me control my's lucky I got here in time before Ize could hurt you guys,Is there something else I should help with?

Jaco:I would like you to help me take this criminal to the intergalactic prison

Jaco said pointing his gun at Cranberry

Cranberry:W-What?! and what did I do?

Jaco:For your being an accomplice in trying to invade and destroy a planet,that's why you will be in a cell...I can not say more about the other soldiers

Jaco said seeing how the other soldiers had been disintegrated by the others

(Y/N):Sure,I'd like to see what the Intergalactic Prison looks like!

(Y/N) created ki handcuffs around Cranberry's wrists,he and Jaco climbed into the spaceship and headed towards the Intergalactic Prison

Piccolo:Who would say that (Y/N) would be trained by a God Of Destruction? I am proud of him

Gohan:Yeah,me too...are you surprised that he has become very strong,Dad?

Vegito:...Yeah...and that worries me

[Timeskip-With (Y/N)]

(Y/N):Wow! and in this place all the criminals of the universe are imprisoned?

Jaco:From some galaxies,for the first time we have captured a soldier from Frieza's army or rather the empire of Ize,it is fortunate that someone reported about Ize 

(Y/N):And why haven't you captured Frieza too? not that he was a criminal

Jaco:Not technically,the only thing he did was business...somewhat questionable,he invaded planets and sold them to the best buyer,in addition to that we had a deal with him,If we meddle with their business then their empire and the Galatic Patrol would be in serious conflict

(Y/N):I see...and who was the person who knew about Ize?

???:That would be me

(Y/N) turned to see a member of the Galactic Patrol

Meerus:A pleasure to meet you,I am Meerus

(Y/N):(Y/N)! a pleasure to meet you too

Meerus:I must thank you for taking care of Ize,he had caused great chaos on many planets by moving away from what was business

(Y/N):Hehe! is nothing

While (Y/N) and Meerus continued talking,Cranberry was locked in a cell quite angry

Cranberry:D-Damn it! I didn't want to end this way...Lord Ize should have heard me from the Dragon wouldn't have taken him long to go to Namek and make a wish

???:Excuse me but you can repeat that,I was struck by what you said,something about...Dragon Balls

Cranberry began to sweat a lot and to get very nervous when he turned around and saw the figure in a cell next to him

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