Chapter 2
[Third Person-POV]
(Y/N):And that's all we have to do!
(Y/N) said as he finished explaining to everyone how to do the ritual
Goten:Well that's easy to do
Gohan:So we only need six Saiyans,but who will be the person who will get the Super Saiyan God?
Beerus:I will decide that,after all I will have to fight against the Super Saiyan God
Gohan:Well then who will you choose,Lord Beerus?
Beerus:Let's see...
Beerus set his sights on Goten and Trunks
Beerus:I will kill you two instead of fighting so no
Beerus shifted his gaze to Pan
Beerus:You don't look so strong
Pan clenched her fists in anger but Gohan put his hand on her shoulder to calm her down,Beerus looked at Gohan,you're decent but not surprising
Beerus shifted his gaze to Bra
Beerus:I must say that you are very strong,you surprised me just a little when you fought against me
Bra:T-Then I...
Beerus:Nop,you surprised me just a little,not too much
Beerus now looked at the person who is going to be the Super Saiyan God
Beerus:You,you have great talent,it was a short battle but surprising in my opinion
Vegito:I thought so,I hope you are...
Beerus:I'm not talking to you,I'm talking about (Y/N)
Beerus:Yes,you said it,your strength was obtained by yourself and if that power that you obtained was able to fight against God Of Destruction then the Super Saiyan God is perfect for you,as I said,you have a great talent in my opinion
(Y/N):...Very well,then I will
Goten/Trunks/Bra/Gohan and Vegito got into position,Goten and Trunks put their hands on (Y/N)'s back and they all started giving him their energies
Goten:How are you feeling,(Y/N)?
(Y/N):I-I if a flame is growing inside me
At that moment they all became Super Saiyan,a blue colored aura began to surround them
Pan:Hey! it's working,it seems it's working!
(Y/N) began to rise in the sky as the blue aura began to surround him,a light appeared around him,the aura and the light disappeared after a few seconds showing (Y/N) in the transformation of Super Saiyan God
Bra:I-Is that the S-Super Saiyan God?
Trunks:I can't feel your ki,(Y/N)
Whis:That's because (Y/N) is now using divine ki
Pan:Divine ki? what is that?
Whis:It is a ki that only the gods can obtain,the ki cannot be perceived by mortals,that is why you cannot feel the ki of (Y/N)
Gohan:(Y/N),how do you feel?
(Y/N):...It is a strange feeling...but incredible,it is like a great flame inside me...I feel extremely powerful
Beerus:I hope it is so,because I expect a good fight
(Y/N) nodded with a smile,he along with Beerus rose in the sky
Pan:You can do it,(Y/N),show him who's boss!!
Goten:Woah! this will be amazing!
Bra:I think so,do you think (Y/N) can win?
Gohan:I'm not sure,but I know he can give Lord Beerus a good fight,what do you think,Dad?
Vegito:...I just hope he doesn't disappoint
Gohan was angered upon hearing his father's words
[Meanwhile At The Sacred World Of The Supreme Kai]
Supreme Kai:Elder Kai,we are already here
Elder Kai:Yeah and I can see that you guys used the Dragon Balls to override the Fusion
Kibito:Y-Yeah but in the end the people who were looking for the Dragon Balls never managed to get to the planet Namek and also (Y/N) needed them to know about a Super Saiyan God
Elder Kai:I see,but I am surprised that those two people have not searched in Namek or on Earth,they both still travel through space
The Supreme and Kibito approached the crystal ball to see what Elder Kai was looking at, they could see the two people he was talking about
Supreme Kai:Wait,he looks like Lord Beerus...but fatter E-EH?!?!
The Supreme Kai/Kibito and Elder Kai were terrified by what they had seen
Elder Kai ended with the vision of the crystal sphere
Kibito:D-Did they h-hear us?!
Elder Kai:H-How could I have f-forgotten?...THAT IS CHAMPA,THE GOD OF DESTRUCTION OF THE UNIVERSE 6
Elder Kai:U-Uh?!
At that moment the three felt a powerful sensation,Elder Kai quickly took the crystal sphere and could see (Y/N)'s fight against Beerus
Elder Kai:Oh no,this is bad,this is really bad
Supreme Kai:Why? (Y/N) seems to be on the same level as Lord Beerus
Elder Kai:FOOL!!! Lord Beerus is only playing with (Y/N),he is much more powerful than you think...but what worries me is that due to this fight...the universe will be destroyed
Kibito:But why do you think that,Elder Kai?!
Elder Kai:There is a very strict rule between gods of destruction,the gods cannot fight each other,their great power would cause a catastrophe in the entire universe
Supreme Kai:Are you sure about that?
Elder Kai:Of course,I witnessed that!! was a long time ago,Lord Beerus and Lord Champa had an argument which led to a fight,only with that fight universe 7 and 6 were about to be destroyed...If (Y/N) does not control the power of the Super Saiyan God,then he and Lord Beerus will destroy the universe due to their great power
[Meanwhile On Earth]
(Y/N) screamed as he punched Beerus in the chest several times,he ended up with a kick to his chest that made him back off
Beerus smiled and disappeared from (Y/N)'s sight,he appeared behind him and kicked him in the back so hard that he threw him so far causing him to fall into a rocky area
(Y/N) rose from the ground and quickly leaped into the air dodging Beerus's ki blast
(Y/N) received a strong punch in the stomach from Beerus,he followed with a kick to the head throwing him against several rocks
Beerus created a Cataclysm Orb and launched it at (Y/N),he quickly slashed his arm through the air to create a barrier that was able to reflect the Cataclysm Orb causing him to return to Beerus
He moved to the side dodging his own attack,Beerus watched as (Y/N) disappeared from where he was,he watched as (Y/N) appeared behind him
(Y/N):Let's see if you can against this! BIG BANG KAMEHAMEHAAAAAA!!!
(Y/N) fired a gigantic Energy Wave at Beerus,the energy released by the attack was such that it destroyed everything around him
(Y/N) back off due to the intensity of his own attack,his Gi was destroyed after receiving such attack
(Y/N):Damn it,even that attack was nothing to him
(Y/N) saw how Beerus's silhouette was through the smoke,he tried to attack him but Beerus was faster than him
(Y/N) tried to fight back by punching Beerus in the stomach but he dodged his attack
Beerus:You are very slow,with that speed of yours you will not be able to...AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! NGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH!!!
Beerus kicked (Y/N) hard in the stomach enough to throw him far into the sky,(Y/N) got so far that he could already see the stars and the moon in the distance
(Y/N):Huh?! I am in space...and I can breathe!
Beerus:You are a fool,we are in the Earth's atmosphere,you can still breathe oxygen,you can only hold a few minutes in the vacuum of space
(Y/N):I see...but this is not over yet,I still have the power of a Super Saiyan God
Beerus:Hmmm? haven't you noticed yet?
(Y/N):What thing?
Beerus:After receiving your own attack,you lost the Super Saiyan God
(Y/N) could see that his appearance and aura had changed,now he was in Super Saiyan
(Y/N):But what happened to me?...I don't understand,I still feel the power of the Super Saiyan God
Beerus:I think I know what happens,your body got used to the power of the Super Saiyan God,it adapted and now you may be able to use the Super Saiyan God,as a small flame inside you that needs something to start increasing in size and intensity...and I think I can help you with that
Beerus clapped his hands together and then spread them apart creating a Sphere Of Destruction
(Y/N):W-Wait!!! that's too much for me,not only will you destroy me but also the Earth!!
Beerus:You don't know how little I care about that,I destroy planets all the time!
Beerus:If you care so much about your planet...THEN TRY TO SAVE IT!!
(Y/N):N-NO!! GRRRR!!!!
Beerus:Remember this is not a game,you are fighting to live!!
Beerus snapped his fingers making the Sphere Of Destruction go faster towards Earth
(Y/N) tried to stop the Sphere Of Destruction but it was too powerful to stop it,the only thing that caused this is for (Y/N) to back off
(Y/N) released so much energy that it caused the Super Saiyan God to return to him,the transformation healing his wounds that he had
The Kamehameha was so powerful that it destroyed Beerus' Sphere Of Destruction,he could see how (Y/N) charging against him at full speed giving him a strong punch in the stomach
Beerus fell back a great distance
Beerus was prepared to dodge (Y/N)'s Kamehameha but instead,he absorbed the Kamehameha's power,further increasing his power
Beerus:This kid is no longer playing,he is taking the fight seriously
Beerus blocked (Y/N)'s attack but he kept hitting him,knocking Beerus back
Beerus gave (Y/N) a strong kick followed by a ki blast that sent him back to Earth,Beerus flew towards him and punched him in the face,he pushed (Y/N) at full speed until they both hit the ground creating a large hole in the ground
Pan:W-Was that (Y/N)?!
Piccolo:T-That seems to be...I don't know what happened but his ki disappeared again!
Now everyone was watching the fight from a distant point
Bra:We should help him! (Y/N) may be...
Gohan:Don't worry about him Bra...(Y/N) has everything under control,I trust him
They all watched as Beerus came out of the hole and kept floating in the air,he raised his gaze to see (Y/N) in front of him with his two fingers on his forehead,Beerus noticed how (Y/N)'s wounds were slowly beginning to heal
Beerus:I can't believe...this brat is adapting to the power of a god so fast...what is he?
They both looked at each other for a few seconds until they charged at the same time giving each other a strong punch in the face that both fell back a great distance
Beerus and (Y/N) charged at the same time at a great speed destroying the sound barrier,(Y/N) began to gather a large amount of divine energy in his fist
(Y/N) hit Beerus's arm causing him to avoid the punch he was going to give him
(Y/N) punched Beerus on his cheek so hard that it caused the clouds surrounding the Earth to vanish and Beerus to be thrown out of the Earth's atmosphere causing him to land on the moon
(Y/N):T-This is not over yet...I hope I don't regret this...
(Y/N) flew at full speed and left the Earth's atmosphere
Bra:What are you doing?! he is going to suffocate!
Piccolo:Even if we wanted to do something...we can't do anything...this fight is between gods...we are nothing right now
Vegito clenched his fists while looking at the sky
Vegito:This can't be happening...not now!
[Meanwhile with Beerus and (Y/N)]
Beerus released his energy causing a purple aura to surround him,several ki bullets began to shoot out from his own aura,each of them began to follow (Y/N),he tried to dodge them but it was impossible for him,he stopped escaping and created a ki shield in front of him protecting himself from all ki bullets
(Y/N) used Instant Transmission to teleport in front of Beerus and punch him in the face,he started doing the same thing several times hitting Beerus on different parts of his body
Beerus predicted (Y/N) next attack by grabbing his fist and throwing him away from him
Beerus:I was right...I was very right,you do have great talent!
(Y/N):It's just that you didn't give me the time to demonstrate more of my own abilities...but now I won't hold back anymore,you wanted a real fight...NOW I WILL GIVE MY 100% IN THIS FIGHT!!
Beerus:So bring it on,Kiddo!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
(Y/N) and Beerus charge at the same time hitting their forearms creating a blast wave that could be felt even on Earth
(Y/N) wasted no time and filled his fist with a large amount of concentrated energy to hit Beerus in the face which made him back off a great distance
Beerus looked up to see how (Y/N) was about to give him another punch until he used his great power to paralyze (Y/N)
Beerus:Just so you know,I haven't shown everything I have either
Beerus created several clones of him around (Y/N),each of whom created a Cataclysm Orb in his hands and threw them at (Y/N)
(Y/N) flew a long distance until he created a ki blade in his hand and buried it in the ground, he stopped and looked at Beerus,(Y/N) started to move his ki blade with enough force
Beerus was confused by this but then he saw how several ki arrows started shooting out of (Y/N)'s ki blade,Beerus pointed his hand at the ki arrows and released a wave of energy that made them change direction
(Y/N):Tsk! HAAAAAAA!!!
(Y/N) and Beerus charge at the same time with their fists raised,once they both hit each other in the face at the same time,a gigantic blast wave was created in space,they both fell back
He quickly got up off the ground but he began to feel like his entire body had become so weak that he couldn't even stand up properly,he looked up to see Beerus floating above him,He gave him an arrogant smile,he put his hands in opposite directions creating two balls of energy which later joined creating a Sphere of Destruction more powerful and bigger than before
(Y/N):T-That attack again?!
Beerus:I do not leave a fight unfinished,you will be destroyed along with your planet,you were not the adversary that I expected...bye
Beerus threw the Sphere Of Destruction at (Y/N),he used what little energy he had to fly and face the Sphere of Destruction
(Y/N):D-Damn it!!...DAMN IT AAAAALLLL!!!!
The Sphere Of Destruction made (Y/N) go back causing him to fall back to the moon,he saw how Beerus's attack went directly towards him and towards the Earth
(Y/N):I can't do anything else...I only have energy left for one more attack...If so then I will put all my power in this last attack!!!!
(Y/N) pointed his hand at the ground and fired a ki blast which propelled him towards the Sphere Of Destruction
(Y/N) returned to his base form the moment he used all his divine energy to put it in his fist
Beerus looked extremely surprised how (Y/N) had destroyed his attack with his fist causing a shock wave to be created throughout the galaxy
Beerus:He...could destroy my attack...with so little energy
(Y/N):*Pant*...*Pant*...*Cough* that was amazing...but I don't think I can keep fighting anymore
(Y/N) said while floating in the middle of space
Beerus:...You must rest,that fight really satisfied me,it was a really good fight,you really surprised me
(Y/N):T-Thank you...but...I think I-I'm running...out of oxygen...
Beerus approached (Y/N) and lifted him on his shoulder,he flew back to Earth
[On Earth]
Bra:I-I can't feel (Y/N)'s ki anymore
Trunks:Maybe he is still using the Super Saiyan God
Piccolo:I don't think so,before we could feel his ki and he was very weak
Goten:And what happened? that shock wave was extremely powerful
Gohan:...Wait look!!
Everyone saw how Beerus returned to Earth along with (Y/N) on his shoulders,he threw (Y/N) to the ground,he pointed his hand at (Y/N),Bra/Gohan/Goten/Trunks and Pan became Super Saiyan
Bra:Don't you dare hurt my brother!!
Gohan:You already had what you wanted,leave him alone!!
Beerus didn't speak,he just gave them an arrogant smile,he shot a ball of energy at (Y/N),the only thing this did was give him some of his energy making him open his eyes
(Y/N):A-Agh! m-my body...h-hurts!
Gohan ran to (Y/N) and took him in his arms,Piccolo gave him a Senzu Bean causing his wounds to heal
(Y/N):T-Thanks Gohan and you,Piccolo...L-Lord Beerus
Beerus:...You have surprised me a lot,Kid...and I have never said that to anyone in my life,you have a great talent,for now you and your planet are safe...but only for the delicious food that is in this place
Whis:With good reason,My Lord,I have plenty of food for our return trip
Beerus put his hand on Whis's back,they both left Earth,everyone approached (Y/N) as he got up
Pan:(Y/N),tell me,tell me,how was the fight with Lord Beerus?!
(Y/N):It was great! I even fought him on the moon!
Piccolo:So that was the reason why we couldn't see your fight anymore,we only felt the intensity of the punches and attacks
(Y/N):Yeah hehe I had to use everything I had,I could not even scratch Lord Beerus with that,he is really powerful...hey dad!
(Y/N) saw Vegito change his gaze towards him,he had a serious face
(Y/N):How do you think I did it against Lord Beerus?
Vegito:...I have to be honest with you...I could have done better
Vegito said as he walked away from the others,Gohan put his hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder
Gohan:Don't worry,you did very well
(Y/N):...Yeah,I know
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