Chapter 1

[Third Person-POV]

(Y/N):Tsk! I can't believe Goten and Trunks left all the work to me!

Right now,(Y/N),possibly the most powerful person on Earth...was working on his mother's crops,something he should be doing with his brothers

(Y/N):Next time I'll let Goten and Trunks do all this work!...but this serves as training,I feel like my whole body is training!

(Y/N) continued working on his mother's crops until it was already beginning to dusk

(Y/N):Apparently I'm done with this,now is the time for the real training to begin!

(Y/N) took off his work clothes and put on his Gi

(Y/N):Well,Dad is not going to help me train,he always has to train my sister...oh well...I also don't need him to see that I've gotten stronger...I need to keep this a secret for now

(Y/N) started training on site,making sure his mother's crops were not destroyed,he trained for several hours perfecting his movements and techniques until he felt the great urge to eat

(Y/N):Working in the crops and training really has made me very hungry,I hope Mom can give me something delicious to eat

(Y/N) flew back to his mother's house,he entered the house and could see his mother washing some dishes

Chi-Chi:Uh?...Hey sweetie!

(Y/N):Hey mom,I'm done with the crops

Chi-Chi:Thank you very much for that,Son,do you want something to eat?

(Y/N):You read my mind,I'm very hungry here hehe

Chi-Chi served (Y/N) several plates full of food which he began to swallow

(Y/N):By the way...*Gulp* I plan to go train a bit with King Kai

Chi-Chi:I thought you were going to train with your father

(Y/N):Hmmm...I-I don't think it's know...he doesn't care about me

Chi-Chi:Don't say that,we all love you equally (Y/N),the same goes for your father

(Y/N):...Whatever you say...but it doesn't matter,I've gotten stronger by myself...please don't mention that to anyone


(Y/N):...For nothing...just don't tell anyone

Chi-Chi looked sadly at (Y/N),she approached him and gave him a hug as she poked his cheek

Chi-Chi:But me and Bulma we care how strong you have become,like your brothers,do not be depressed by what your father thinks

(Y/N):I know Mom,but I already told you that but I already told you not to mention this to anyone 

Chi-Chi:You can trust your mother but remember that you also have to train your brain,in my time I was also a fighter and you should always have a plan when you fight

(Y/N):I know,you have told me that many times,well I will go with King Kai now,I think I will train some days with him

Chi-Chi:Very well but remember that in a few days it will be Bulma's birthday,you must be there with your mother

(Y/N):Yeah,I know bye mom!

(Y/N) said goodbye to Chi-Chi while he used Instant Transmission to teleport to the King Kai planet

King Kai:Oh! I did not expect to see you here

(Y/N):I had nothing else to do so I wanted to train a little

King Kai:Okay,the same as always?

(Y/N):Nop! I want to train with 100 tons!

King Kai:A-Are you sure?

(Y/N):I need to progress with my training,I cannot use the same as always

King Kai:Okay,I guess you're right

King Kai created some weights on (Y/N)'s arms and legs,he lifted his limbs with a lot of effort

(Y/N):By the way, does it bother you that I stay a few days? I would like to train as much as possible until my mom's birthday

King Kai:Alright just promise me you won't destroy my planets too much

(Y/N):Sure thing!


During the days tha(Y/N) was training,a person who lived far away from Earth was waking up from his nap

???:Lord Beerus,wake up,it's been a long time since you started your nap

Beerus:...N-Ngh!...get out of here Whis,five more years

Whis:Well...then I will have to practice my singing

Beerus:OKAY!! I'M AWAKE!!

Beerus screamed as he fell from his bed

Whis:Good,here are your clothes for when you finish taking your bath,My Lord

Beerus:Ugh! sometimes you are very annoying,did you know?

Whis:I'm just trying to get you to take your job as a God Of Destruction a bit seriously,remember that Zen-Oh could erase our universe if he sees that we are at a much lower level

Beerus:I know,I know but now I have something else in mind

Whis:And what would that be,My Lord?

Beerus:I had a was very strange but I remember I had a fantastic fight with...the..Super Saiyan God...I think that was the way it was mentioned

Whis:A Saiyan?

Beerus:Yeah,do you know if there is any alive? this Super Saiyan God called me a lot of attention

Beerus went with Whis to the place where he would take his bath,he got into the big bathtub while Whis used his staff to visualize some Saiyan alive in the universe

Whis:I focused on looking for the Saiyans that survived the destruction of Planet Vegeta and I was able to find two that are very striking for what they have done

Beerus:And why are they so important?

Whis:One of them was Prince Vegeta while one was a Saiyan who defeated Frieza

Beerus:Frieza was defeated?!...well that prick deserved to die,at some point I would have to erase him from existence

Whis:But that is not the most interesting thing,both apparently merged into a stronger Saiyan to eliminate an ancient threat,remember Majin Buu?

Beerus:Oh yes,It was not a problem at first,it only destroyed some planets,but if I remember correctly a cockroach managed to control it,a great threat was not either

Whis:Well,apparently there is no trace of Majin Buu left

Beerus:So he is the strongest Saiyan there is,so he must be the Super Saiyan God I must suppose

Whis:Sorry but no,My Lord,the Saiyan has several children,among one of them you can see that he is the strongest

Whis showed (Y/N) training on the King Kai planet,Beerus approached without taking his eyes off (Y/N)

Beerus:Interesting,the son has more potential than his father,I am very sure that he could be the Super Saiyan God,a fusion...what nonsense to get stronger...but I'll go with that (Y/N) guy,I'll see if what you say is true Whis

Beerus got out of his bathtub and put on his clothes

Whis:Are you ready to go,Lord Beerus? you bring something to eat along the way?

Whis:Of course,the food I have prepared is delicious!

Beerus:Good,let's go

Beerus put his hand on Whis's back,both of them headed towards the planet of King Kai

[Meanwhile On The Planet Of King Kai]

(Y/N):Hahaha! come here,Bubbles!

Right now (Y/N) was playing with Bubbles while King Kai was cleaning his car

King Kai:Hehe it is as shiny as ever

Elder Kai:King Kai,are you there?! I need you to answer now!!

King Kai:E-Eh?!...I-I hear you well,you don't have to scream so loud

Elder Kai:This is very,it is EXTREMELY DANGEROUS!!!

King Kai:What the hell happen?

Elder Kai:Lord Beerus has awakened from his nap!!!

King Kai:L-LORD B-B-BEERUS?!?!...well,there's no problem with that...right?

Elder Kai:It wouldn't be so much if he wasn't going to your planet,I understand that (Y/N) is with you

King Kai:You're right,(Y/N) could be stupid and ask Lord Beerus for a fight,I have to make him leave here

Elder Kai:Try to keep Lord Beerus calm,you know how his attitude is

King Kai:Well of course,I don't want my planet to be smaller...(Y/N),I think you must...

(Y/N):Nice to meet you two,Mr Whis and Lord Beerus

King Kai:...OH CRAP!!

Whis:A pleasure to meet you,(Y/N)

Beerus:I am grateful for the warm welcome,I came here because I had the need to ask you something...

King Kai:...C-CRAP! CRAP! CRAP!..

King Kai ran to stand in front of Lord Beerus

King Kai:L-Lord B-B-Beerus,what a pleasure to see you again in this place,I...

Beerus:....Hmph! what disrespect to interrupt a conversation

King Kai:U-Uh?!

Beerus:As I was saying,(Y/N),have you ever heard of the Super Saiyan God?

(Y/N),sorry,I have never heard anything about a Saiyan who is a god or something similar

Beerus:But what a shame,I guess we will have to go to Earth to see if anyone knows about the Super Saiyan God

King Kai:Phew! That was a close call

(Y/N):Wait,Lord Beerus! sorry for this but I was wondering if I could fight you,I can see that you are very strong and very rarely can I fight someone that powerful

Beerus:I should destroy you for asking God of Destruction for a request like that...but for the warm welcome and for how respectful you have been with me then I will give you that silly wish

(Y/N):Thanks! but we will have to be quick,I have to go to my mother's birthday after this

Beerus:Don't worry,this won't last long

(Y/N) jumped back to prepare to face Beerus,on the other hand King Kai and Bubbles hid inside their house while Whis watched everything while he began to eat

(Y/N) quickly charged against Beerus trying to punch him in the face but he only shook his head a few inches avoiding (Y/N)

He fell a few meters behind Beerus,he turned to see him with a calm gaze,(Y/N) returned to charge against him trying to give him several punches and kicks but he dodged every attack

(Y/N):I guess it's better to take it to the next level!

(Y/N) became Super Saiyan

Beerus:What is that transformation?

(Y/N):This is the Super Saiyan

Beerus:I see,your power increases a little more than before...but it is not something that surprises me

(Y/N):Really? So let's see with this! HAAAAAAA!!!

(Y/N) released his energy by becoming Super Saiyan 2 that a new transformation?

(Y/N):Yes! don't you see the difference?

Beerus:What a difference?

(Y/N):My hair got up a little more...and I have rays in my aura

Beerus:...Let me tell you that it is a very stupid transformation but well,I can feel that your power increases more than before,so it is not a waste,let's see how you fight now

(Y/N) got into a fighting pose and charged quickly against Beerus,he now stopped (Y/N)'s attack with his hand,(Y/N)'s every attack was stopped by Beerus without much effort,he jumped back away from him

(Y/N):Lord Beerus,if you don't fight seriously then I can't see how much power you have

Beerus:Well,you haven't given me a good challenge either

(Y/N):Hehe with that there is no problem,I still have one more transformation HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! 

Beerus could see how (Y/N) became Super Saiyan 3

(Y/N):This is the best transformation I have,I have not shown it to anyone,you are the first person to see me in this transformation

Beerus:Hmmm...I have to admit that your power is quite amazing...but your appearance is not at all that of a god,you look very primitive in that transformation,but you are calling my attention a lot,I did not think you would be that strong

(Y/N):I can get much more than this,I have trained myself so this is the result of my own training! HAAAAA!!

(Y/N) screamed as he charged against Beerus,he stopped (Y/N)'s attack with his hand creating a strong blast wave around the planet of King Kai

(Y/N) tried to punch Beerus but he dodged the attack and gave him a gentle punch to the chest that was enough to knock him back


(Y/N):He is not even taking the fight seriously,how strong is Lord Beerus?!

Beerus smiled and kicked (Y/N) in the head throwing him to the ground,he quickly got up just to see Beerus in front of him




(Y/N) got up off the ground with great difficulty,he saw Beerus in front of him and without thinking twice he charged against him

Beerus just dodged (Y/N) to punch him in the nape of the neck with great force,(Y/N) circled the planet of King Kai until he returned to where Beerus was only to have him elbow him in the face and throw him to the ground

(Y/N) returned to his Base Form,Beerus could see how he was unconscious on the ground

Beerus:I can see great talent in you...

Beerus put his foot on (Y/N)'s chest,he leaned on his knee while looking at him

Beerus:It is a disappointment that you are not the Super Saiyan God,you would have given me a decent fight...but I guess you cannot ask for everything...Whis,let's go to Earth,maybe the other Saiyans on that planet know about the Super Saiyan God

Whis nodded while wiping his mouth with a napkin,he along with Beerus left the place heading towards Earth,King Kai left his house to help (Y/N)

King Kai:Damn it! (Y/N) will not wake up for now...I will have to warn of the arrival of Beerus

[Meanwhile On Earth]

Right now on Earth,Bulma's birthday was taking place in the Capsule Corp courtyard,several people are worrying about (Y/N)'s presence

Gohan:Where will (Y/N) be? I'm starting to worry

Bra:Maybe he's still training with King Kai

Gohan:I doubt it very much,he is not one of those people who always arrive late to places

Bra:...The last thing we should think is that something has happened to him,I doubt that something happened to my brother coming here

Gohan:But I'm still worried...hey Dad! you know where...

Gohan looked towards his father

Vegito:I'm sorry Gohan but now I'm on to something more important

Vegito said as he walked away from the others

Bra:...You know,it bothers me a lot that Dad is always an asshole with my brother

Gohan:I know,it bothers me too...which has always seemed strange to me that change of attitude in him

[With Vegito]

King Kai:And that is what happens,Lord Beerus will go to Earth,he is the most powerful person in the entire universe,do not go to fight him!

Vegito:Hmm...and why not? sounds like a good challenge

King Kai:He will kill you in a few seconds if you bother him,(Y/N) ended up unconscious after a fight against him and that Lord Beerus was only playing with him

Vegito:(Y/N) was defeated?!...w-what...a disappointment...well,I guess I'll keep that Beerus guy at...

Beerus:It's Lord Beerus for you

Vegito turned to see Beerus together with Whis,a rather bitter memory came to his mind

Vegito:U-Uh?!...L-Lord B-Beerus!

Beerus:You have a certain resemblance to Vegeta...I wonder what it is?

Beerus said looking at Vegito's hair

Beerus:But hey,it's obvious I guess since you're a fusion

Vegito:H-How you...

Beerus:I have a little knowledge about what Fusion is,from what I see you are (Y/N)'s father, right?


Beerus:I see,well let me tell you...

Bulma:Hey Vegito! didn't tell me that you brought your friends

Bulma approached Beerus and Whis

Bulma:Hi,I'm Bulma,a pleasure to meet you

Whis:I'm Whis

Beerus:And I am Beerus but you can call me Lord Beerus

Bulma:Ehm...Okay,I did not know that you were friends of my husband

Beerus:Yeah...You could say that we have been friends for a long time

Beerus said looking at Vegito,he felt a great chill run down his spine

Bulma:I did not know that,you should talk more about your friends and less about your training,Vegito...but hey,come with me,I will introduce you to the others and also we have a lot of food that you can taste

Bulma left along with Beerus and Whis while with Vegito,a drop of sweat began to fall on his forehead

Vegito:I see why that name was known to me,The God Of Destruction here...damn it,I'll have to keep him calm until he leaves this place...but most importantly...(Y/N) faced Beerus...I have no idea if he has become more powerful to hold a fight against Beerus...Tsk! I'll think about that later

[Meanwhile On The Planet Of King Kai]

(Y/N):...U-Ugh!...m-my head

King Kai:(Y/N)! you woke up!

(Y/N):Y-Yeah...but what...Oh! Lord Beerus...that was a great fight!

King Kai:That was nowhere near a fight,Lord Beerus wasn't even trying

(Y/N):I know...but it was surprising, his power was something that I never thought I would ever know,now I'm also interested about the Super Saiyan God...hmmm...

King Kai:What are you thinking

(Y/N):In a way to find the Super Saiyan God...and I think I have it!

King Kai:What are you going to do?

(Y/N):I will use Namek's Dragon Balls and ask Porunga to bring the Super Saiyan God,my mother was already using the Dragon Balls of the Earth as a prize for her birthday so I will go to Namek

King Kai:You better hurry up,Lord Beerus is on Earth and if he gets upset then he won't hesitate to destroy it

(Y/N):Come on,I don't think there's anyone that bothers Lord Beerus that much

King Kai:I remind you that Goten and Trunks are there

(Y/N):...Shit!! it's true,I have to hurry!

(Y/N) used Instant Transmission to teleport Namek but just as he arrived on the planet,he saw Porunga along with the other Namekians

(Y/N):Huh? Porunga has already been summoned...wait!

(Y/N) realized that in front of Porunga were Shin and Kibito

(Y/N):Wait,you weren't Kibito-Kai before? used the Dragon Balls for that?!

Supreme Kai:I-It's just t-that we didn't need to be fused anymore

Kibito:It was no longer necessary but we were hiding the Dragon Balls

(Y/N):If it's for Lord Beerus then don't worry,I know what he wants,Hey Moori!

(Y/N) approached new Namek Guru

(Y/N):I was wondering if you could tell Porunga that he can bring the Super Saiyan God,it is necessary

Moori:Don't worry,we are aware of what is happening on Earth

Moori stood in front of Porunga and he began to speak on Namekian

Porunga:...I'm sorry but I can't bring the Super Saiyan God...

Supreme Kai:So there is no Super Saiyan God?

Kibito:If so then Lord Beerus will be very angry

Porunga:...I can only give you the information on how to get the Super Saiyan God

(Y/N):W-Wait...the Super Saiyan God is not a person?!

Porunga:No...The Super Saiyan God is a very complicated transformation to achieve for the Saiyans

(Y/N):Complicated?...but what do I need to get the Super Saiyan God?

[Meanwhile On Earth]


The four cried out in pain when Beerus beat them up at the same time,they fell to the ground in pain

Bra:D-Damn it! how the hell is this guy so powerful?!

Beerus:God Of Destruction is for a reason,did you know?

Goten:Quick,Trunks,let's do the fusion

Trunks:Yeah let's doA-Agh!


Goten and Trunks were hit on the head by Chi-Chi and Bulma

Chi-Chi:You two already caused a lot of trouble!!

Bulma:You two are the reason Lord Beerus is angry!

Trunks:We just wanted some Pudding

Chi-Chi:And was it necessary to challenge Lord Beerus to combat and be disrespectful to him?!

Goten:...Well maybe there you are right

Beerus:I am a very generous god but when someone is disrespectful to me...that is something that I will not forgive! right now I will destroy the Earth!!

Vegito:Well it seems you still don't realize that I can still fight

Beerus could see how Vegito got up off the ground

Beerus:The only thing you will do is increase my boredom

Vegito:Hmph! you better get ready because this time you will face all my power HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Vegito began to release a large amount of energy that was enough to make everyone present fly through the air,Beerus was not at all surprised to see Vegito in Super Saiyan 3

Vegito:So now do you think you can face me?

Beerus:I see...your son had that same transformation

Vegito:Huh? (Y/N) got the Super Saiyan 3?

Beerus:That's right and I can assure you one thing,he gave me a better fight than you have given me so far

Vegito:But that's impossible...(Y/N) was training all this time in secret?...that's not the important thing right now, let's start with this...HAAAAAA!!!!

Vegito charge against Beerus at full speed with a strong knee to his stomach,he began to punch Beerus several times throughout his body

Vegito:This is why you should not underestimate Vegito! HAAAA!!


Vegito did not stop and kept hitting Beerus until he punched him in the jaw,throwing him into the sky,Vegito charged against him and kicked him in the chest making him back off,he pointed the palm of his hand against Beerus


A great energy wave shot out from the palm of Vegito's hand towards Beerus hitting him creating a gigantic explosion in the place

Vegito:...Hehe! apparently being a god is not for...U-UH...

Vegito was paralyzed to see how Beerus was floating without any scratch on his body

Beerus:Woah and thought that a Fusion would give a decent are not even good for that

Vegito:T-Tsk! and why the hell don't you fight seriously?

Beerus:...If that's what you want...I hope you don't regret your decision

Beerus disappeared and appeared in front of Vegito,he did not have enough time to dodge his attacks

Vegito:A-Agh! Ugh! AAAAAHH!!!

Beerus:What is happening to you? don't you know that every decision there are consequences!

Beerus grabbed Vegito from his face and fired a Ki blast directly at him causing him to fly off until he fell into a pond in the Capsule Corp courtyard,Vegito crawled out of the pond only to see Beerus in front of him with a Cataclysm Orb on his finger

Beerus:There is no more pudding and the Super Saiyan God is not comes the destruction

Vegito:...Hehe be destroyed by a God of Destruction...I guess that is a death that many will remember

Beerus:Wow,that was very flattering...but the flattery will not save you from your destiny,much less that of your planet

Beerus was about to launch the Cataclysm Orb towards Vegito until...

(Y/N):Wait! Lord Beerus!!

Beerus and Vegito saw (Y/N) at the scene


Beerus:You again,Kid? what do you want?

(Y/N):Is that I discovered the way to get the Super Saiyan God

Beerus:Oh yeah and where is he?

(Y/N):That is the thing,it is not someone,it is a transformation,if you let me do the ritual then you can face the Super Saiyan God as you wanted!

Beerus:...Very well,I hope you do not disappoint me

(Y/N):I promise I won't

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