

3rd pov

Aaravos: long ago xadia was one land rich in magic and wonder in the old times there were only the six primal sources of magic the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, the sky and the ocean but a thousand years ago a human mage discovered new magic a seventh source dark magic it used the essence within magical creatures themselves to unleash dark power horrified by what they saw the elves and the dragon with the help of a human royal family by the name l/n they where very understanding to the elves that their kingdom had many humans and elves live in it as equals the elf leaders would also pay a visit to the l/n's to social lies and train the younger generation put a stop to the madness they drove every last human it the west but the elves let the l/n family have their kingdom in between the two races to keep their beliefs in human and elves as one and so the continent was divided in two in the east the magical lands of xadia and in the west the human kingdoms while the l/n's kingdom was in between the two continents 

As the scene changes to a volcanic land as a dragon appears

Aaravos: for centuries the king of the dragons himself defended the border

Then the dragon let out a mighty roar as thunder came roaring in as the two armies of men and elves watch

Random human soldier: forward!!!!!

As the rest came charging in as the elves have their armies ready while the l/n's watch in sadness of the war between the two races

Aaravos: the humans called him thunder for when he spoke his voice shook the earth and sky

The dragon lands scaring away some humans while it roared

Aaravos: but on the eve of last winter's turn the humans used unspeakable dark magic to slay thunder then without mercy they destroyed his only egg his heir the dragon Prince then some time the l/n's kingdom was attacked by rogue mercenaries as they killed its current king as both humans and elves tried their best to destroy the mercenaries the elves thought the kingdom's Prince was killed by the group but the humans got to him and saved him a family friend of the l/n's took him in to raise him until he's ready to claim his place on the throne of his kingdom now the world stands on the edge of all out war

Scene change

Here we see the kingdom of katolis then changes to a bedroom where there's a sleeping ezran and bait on the bed snoring as ezran turned over and put an arm around bait while he is glowing in his sleep then the scene moves two another bedroom were a young lad is up drawing this young lad is callum

Callum: ahh take that marshmallow monster *growls* 

Then shows a drawing of a dragon raining fire down on a marshmallow person then thunder crashes down as the rain storm continues 

Callum: *yelps*

Exran: *squeals* callum!

Callum: it's okay ezran it's just a thunderstorm nothing to be afraid of go back to sleep

Ezran: I wasn't scared bait was scared

Then bait changed to color to red and give a look that said "really" while he growls then changed back to yellow as the scene changed again the show another young man his name is Prince y/n l/n of the kingdom of k/n (kingdon's name) he was trying to sleep as some memories of when he was a kid of losing his father and kingdom as well being separated by his teacher in combat and uncle figure 

Y/n's thoughts: 'can't sleep that same nightmare keeps coming why can't I be done with it no I just got to relax like uncle runaan's lessons'

as y/n began to drift to sleep the scene changes once again into the forest as a soldier of katolis is doing his patrol making sure no intruders attempt to sneak inside the kingdom as he heard a sound

Soldier: who's there

He turned to where it came from with his crossbow ready he see what looks like a silhouette of a man in the shadows

Soldier: declare yourself in the name of king harrow!

He said waiting for the person to respon to him as thunder crashed again as it's light showed not one but five people with horns armed the soldier fired his crossbow but it only hit the tree next to the youngest of the group of five individuals as they looked at the arrow that's inbedded in the the tree as the soldier realises he missed he began to panic and ran away from them as the youngest of the group gave chase while they wore their hood the soldier was running as his hooded chaser used the trees for more mobility the soldier tripped on the ground but quickly picked him self up and continued to run as the hooded person came jumping from tree to tree to catch up to the soldier as he triesto out run his pursuer the soldier was panting as he runs while taking a glace behind him as the hooded person landed on the ground and continued to chase him as the hooded person pulled out their blade ready to strike the soldier then the soldier quickly turned around to fire another arrow from his crossbow at the hooded person but they weren't behind him then he was kicked by his pursuer the soldier rolls down a slope as he landed in mud as his helmet came off he catches his breath the quickly looks behind him to see the hooded person coming down to him with two blades he quickly aims his crossbow but the hooded person slashed it out of his hands then the soldier grabs his sword to defend himself but it was quickly out of his hands as the hooded figure slashed it out of his hands 

Now defenceless as the hooded person puts both blades at his neck

Soldier: please!

As the hooded person just looks at him inching their blades closer to the soldier's neck

Soldier: who are you?

As the hooded person lift their head up slightly enough to see some of their face they have purple eyes with purple markings near the lower parts of their eyes as the hooded person eyes slightly widen while looking into the soldier's eyes as he showed fear as he was scared of the person who might end his life the hooded person did nothing as the soldier backed away form the hooded person then he gets up and grabbed he helmet as the hooded person lowered their weapons the soldier looked at the hooded person who didn't want to kill him as the soldier ran away back to the castle as the hooded person just looked down as they couldn't take the soldier's life

Next morning 

The morning Sun comes up for the new day as the scene changed to what appears to be a study there was a man who was staring at a interesting mirror as he put a hand on it while in thought as the man puts his fingers to one of the writing the is engraved on the mirror then suddenly there was a knock on his door

????: high mage! please it's urgent!

The mage looked over to his door then grabbed a sheet of cloth to cover the mirror as the knocking continued the mage went to his door and opened it to reveal the soldier was being chased

Soldier: Lord viren! I've seen something

This gives viren a serious look as the scene changes again to another part of the castle as viren is walking to a door with two guards standing by

Guard1: Lord viren uh... king harrow hasn't risen yet

Viren didn't listen as he opened the doors and entered the bedroom of katolis' king harrow viren goes to the window near the kings bed and opens the blinds to let the morning Sun shine threw as he did the same to the other window to viren's left as the window blinds were away from the window the king's pet bird started whistling that woke up the king as he slightly gets up his hand near his eyes to let them adjust to the lighting of the room

King harrow: viren didn't I tell you if you ever woke me up this early again... I'd have you executed?

Harrow said in a tease tone with a joking grin

Viren: *clears throat* I'll give you a moment

Viren proceeds to leave the room as scene changed to viren standing on a balcony looking at the sun that fully risen then king harrow walks towards viren with his pet/ companion on his arm stoking the bird with his finger 

King harrow: so what's so important that you come into my bedroom risking your life like this?

Viren: *takes a deep breath* assassins

King harrow: I see 

Harrow proceeded to put his bird on a perch on the balcony

Viren: a scout on patrol discovered them just before dawn

King harrow: well don't look so grim we've fought off plenty of assassins haven't we pip?

Viren: it's different this time we believe they're moonshadow elves

King harrow: moonshadow elves? Then how did the scout escape

Viren: I don't know it was muddy, wet, dark... somehow he got very lucky

King harrow: do the elves know of Prince y/n's whereabouts? 

Viren: no I don't think so if they did they would probably find him and help rebuild his fallen kingdom

King harrow: the crown guard won't be enough to hold them off send for general amaya and the standing battalion

Viren: the breach is too far they'll never make it back in time

King harrow: what's to nights moon?

Viren: full

King harrow: *chuckles* of course it is...

Viren: with the moonshadow elves at the height of their power no defense will stand against them

King harrow: then won't defend we will attack we must find them today in the light of the sun and stop them before it's too late

Pip: *chirping*

With that viren nods to his king and friend

Rayla's pov 

I was running back to my group to regroup jumping from rock to rock then running along a fallen log then swingingfrom the branch then jumping off of another tree and landing on the ground as i removed my hood and draw out my blades looking at them remembering that I failed to kill a human scout

Rayla: *sighs*

I look down in disappointment then my attention drew to a bush of red barries as I looked at them an idea came into mind 

Short timeskip

I walked back to were we set up camp with my weapons what looked like covered in blood I walk past rumaan 

Runaan: well done rayla 

Rayla: yeah I used both of them 

Runaan: I can see that

He then pulled out a small cloth and tossed it into the air as I grabbed it before it could hit the ground and used it to clean my blades as I put it in my pocket and walked off getting slight nods of encouragement before I could sit our group heard a twig snapped near our location we all took are weapons to scout to where the noise was coming from then we see a young man with h/c around my age walking through the woods wired we looked at runaan who gave us a nod to be ready to fight poor guy I really don't want to hurt him cause our mission does not involve him but we can't be discovered 

Y/n's pov

After I woke up a few hours ago I was dressed in my outfit ( the one from the bio) and have my sword wrapped in cloth to keep it hidden in case of emergencies I was on my morning walk through the woods as I was walking for a few minutes I get a strange feeling that I was being watched by something or someone so I stopped in my tracks

Y/n: come on out I know your there 

I said as my response was an arrow coming at me which I manage to catch before it hit me I dropped the arrow as soon it hit the ground two moonshadow elves came out one rushed me to go for a strike but I grabbed my cloaked sword and blocked the strike the elf that tried to attack me was surprised then I pushed him back the second on  tried to attack me from behind but I moved to my right put my hand at the back their head give him a log nudged as the moonshadow elf barely kept his balance and tripped then three one of them was a young moonshadow elf girl that looked around my age then I looked at at a familiar looking moonshadow elf that was older than me his weapon was a dual swords that make a bow

Y/n thoughts: 'who are you why do you look so familiar'

Then the moonshadow elf that was near the young lady moonshadow elf came to rush me I quickly uncloacked my sword to reveal it

As soon as the elf came close our blades clashed I broke the clash and tripped her then I turned in time to block the youngest as I looked at her i got a good look of her and I have to admit she was quite cute as I shook those thoughts we clashed each other's strikes once she tried to use both blades the swing them down but I blocked them and forced them down while knocking her down then the last one was quick I barely blocked some of them then in a instance we stop are blades near our vital points as we looked at each other

Y/n: your good

Elf man: like wise young human your very skilled even at a young age 

Y/n: so you ask your question then i ask you mine

Elf man: agreed so who are you and where did you get the sword of the kingdom of k/n

My eyes widen as he said the name of my kingdom that I lived in before the rouge mercs as I lowered my sword the moonshadow elf man notice my reaction and action as my sword was 

Y/n: how do you know the name of my home

Elf man: your home? What do you mean by that what is your name

Y/n: my name is Prince y/n of k/n the next heir to the throne

As I finished the next thing I didn't expect the man wrapped me in a hug then I heard him say

Elf man: it's been too long since I saw you my favorite student

Then I remembered runaan would call me that as my eyes widen and return the hug

Yz/n: uncle runaan! It's good to see you again

As me and uncle runaan having a heart felt reunion as as three of the moonshadow elves bowed as they know who I am but the youngest one was confused

Youngest elf girl: uh what's going on here and how are you two related when he is a human?

Runaan: *chuckles* well that's a story for another time as of now y/n why are you doing her in katolis I thought you died with your father

So i told them what happen that my father and king harrow were friends when they were younger as my father arrange to have me stay with king harrow if anything to happen to him runaan was relieved that my father made sure that my wellbeing was the first priority after we talked I had to return to the castle so the guards won't get worried and that runaan's group doesn't get discovered so they can do their mission I know they were planning to kill harrow I would try to stop them to convince them but they were determined to avenge thunder and the dragon Prince as I made it back to the castle grounds i see callum and soren beginning their practice with a sword so I decided to watch and see what happens

3rd pov

In another part of the castle of katolis we see a chief cooking up some treats in the oven as he grabs the ones that are ready out he then walks pass a vent in the kitchen we see young ezran with bait

Ezran: bait shh 

Ezran opens up the vent to get out as he waits for the chief to leave the treats to cool down ezran goose to where the treats are as the young boy gets to them he tries to grab one

Chief: prince ezran! *chuckles* I caught you!

Ezran: I was just... admiring them

Chief: oh with your hands?

Ezran: they look amazing

Chief: well they are amazing and they're not for you! Or your little monster bait

As the chief finished his baits snatches one of the treats as he used his tongue like a frog would do when a fly comes by the chief turns around to see bait

Chief: did you just...

Ezran: you can tell by his eyes he's innocent

As ezran stated bait gives a puppy  look saying "I didn't do it" as he blinked a couple times then the chief turns around again to see ezran with a treat in his hand about to eat it 

Chief: are you kidding me I'm standing right here

Ezran then hides the treat behind him as the chief's attention was off bait he quickly took another treat then he takes two more as the chief looks at the tray of treats and see bait's tongue grabbed the third pieces at his attention returns to bait still with his puppy dog eyes

Chief: hey!

Bait then crooks abit and drools as the treats are in his mouth then drops the puppy dog act and jumps off the counter as the chief tried to grab him then proceeds to chase bait out of the kitchen allowing ezran to take some of the treats he then puts one in his mouth enjoying the the treat and runs back into the vent and closes it 

Scene change back to callum,soren and y/n

In the training field we see callum walking up to a young man wearing knight armor waiting for the young prince

Soren: prince callum today we focus on the art of-

Before he could finish callum interrupted him

Callum: art! Finally something I'm good at

Y/n chuckles at his response knowing what soren actually meant but still appreciates callum's love for art soren gives a look that was saying "I wasn't finished"

Callum: sorry sorry won't interrupt again please uh continue soren

Soren: the art of defense is critical in sword fighting parrying is about angle, motion, anticipation... misjudge your opponent and it's over you ready?

He says as he offers callum a wooden training sword he lets it go as callum tries to grab it be fore it falls but fails as I drops to the ground as callum goes and picks it up after he has it he stands back up with the sword in both hands

Callum: uh I'm gonna have to say no

Soren: great lets do this

He says with his back towards callum and draws his training sword and walks to his side to be ready for the practice while this was happening two guards that were chatting they took notice and decided to watch

Soren: *lazily tries to parry callum* parry, parry, parry... your dead

As callum falls on his back on how he easily defeated callum then callum grabs his sword and tries again putting little bit more effort

Soren: parry, parry...your dead

Callum tries again and strikes once but was parried then soren log lightly bonks him on the head

Soren: parry... dead

As callum rubs his head and looks around lightly embarrassed

Callum: really? Are you sure? Even if I was wearing armor? 

Soren: even if you were wearing the rarest legendary armor forged by sunfire elves... super dead

Callum: *scoffs* I'm terrible at this

Soren: yep but you have to practice anyway because that's what's expected of a prince 

He says as he help callum up as callum went to grab the sword again

Soren: or a step prince actually

Callum: what?

Soren: what

As they look at each other a girl with black hair wearing mage attire reading a book as she walks callum,soren and y/n look to see its soren's sister Claudia as callum looked at her as she walks with a look that shows he has a crush on her which y/n would tease him about it as Claudia reads while walking heading towards a tree in her way 

Callum: hey your sister she's gonna walk right into that

Soren: shh

Soren puts his finger to callum's lips to not ruin the fun as y/n was trying to hold in his laughter as he sees the brother's antics Claudia rearing closer to the tree as callum didn't want her to get hurt

Callum: claudia!

As he yelled out her name getting her attention and stopping her from going face first into a tree

Claudia: oh hi callum!

She waves to him as he waves back as soren as a little pout that his fun was ruined

Soren: your no fun

He says as callum slumps down slightly as y/n snickers at soren's reaction 

claudia: is this new?

Callum: relatively new *nervous chuckle* it's only been there for 300 years

Claudia laughs then sighs after words then sits on a bench to continue reading her book then callum looks at soren

Callum: hey uh can we try again? I think I can do it now

Then they both ready their training swords y/n knew that callum was going to try to soren's sister then soren made the first move with a overhead strike which callum blocked then soren tried to do a couple more strikes as callum was on the defense blocking the strikes then callum tried swing his sword at soren's feet to knock him off his feet but soren stopped the wooden sword with his feet as callum gave a surprised look and tries to pull his training sword way from soren's foot

Soren: what was that?

Callum: I don't know uh I was trying to "sweep the leg"

Soren: that's not a thing in sword fighting

Y/n: oh really are you forgetting the times I swept your leg when we practice

Soren and callum both look and see a familiar h/c young man looking at them with his e/c eyes walking towards them

Soren: ah prince y/n when did you get here

Y/n: since you guys started your practice

Soren: ok and for your question just because you make it a thing that still not in sword fighting

Y/n: true but it help... got it memorized

Then they look over Claudia who's still reading her book then she looks up

Soren/y/n: oh *chuckles*

Soren: I see what's going on here*lifts his foot to realese the training sword* don't worry I'll help you come at me this time

Callum see what he doing then smiles as y/n talk some steps back to on get caught up in the cross fire then callum charges in he did two strikes as they were blocked by soren then did a stab that went to soren's left to pretend he was stabbed

Soren: oh I am stabbed! By the stab prince

Pretends falls on the ground as callum stands with both hands at his waist as y/n tries to hold his laughter when it comes to soren's acting

Soren: Lord stabbington! Why? Spurt! Spurt!

Callum looks over where Claudia sits as she looks up from her book

Claudia: *chuckles* nice work callum *sighs* he deserves it

As she said that a woman in a robe came to callum

Woman: prince callum and prince y/n the king needs to speak with you two urgently

Callum and y/n nods in understanding as soren sits up a little with the training sword in his hand

Soren: he didn't really stab me

Y/n laughed at how soren was casual about that then both callum and y/n followed the woman to pick up ezran then head to the throb room

To be continued


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