Chapter1: a gift from a father

Y/n's pov

After awhile we were going to the throne room of king harrow I wonder what he wants he's usually busy with his duty as a king once we got to the door of the throne room the woman knocks on it to let them know we're here then me, callum and ezran open the door to take a look then the king sees us with a friendly smile

Harrow: boys! *walks towards them* your going on a trip to the banter lodge!

Callum: but... it's spring that's the winter lodge

Harrow: eh winter is coming... eventually

Ezran: what will we do? Everything fun there has to do with snow or ice

Harrow: maybe you can invent new versions using.... dirt and rocks you can build a dirt man! Or.... what about mud-sledding? That can be a thing!

Ezran doesn't looked convinced while I'm just thinking of a dirt man sometimes harrow can be silly but I have a feeling it has to do with something else

Harrow: look this is something I need you to do

Ezran: dad-

Harrow: it's decided you'll leave before sundown so go get packed up and y/n I need to talk to you

I nod while callum and ezran left I look at harrow and he motions me to fallow so i did we get to the war table it looks like they know that runaan and his assassins are here but don't know their location except me then a soldier comes with an object that's wrapped up in cloth

Harrow: y/n the reason I'm sending you callum and ezren to the winter lodge is because moonshadow elves are coming here to kill me

Y/n: why is that why would they want to kill you

Harrow: I've made mistakes in the past that aren't forgivable one was that I was too late to help you father and your kingdom which the elves hate most of humans and another reason but I can't tell you now

Y/n: I understand and it's not you fault that you didn't help my father and kingdom in time what happened happen if there's anything my father taught me is to let go of the past and move forward

Harrow: *chuckles* just like your father well I think it's time to give you this

The soldier walks up to me and offered me the object I take it  and unwrapped it to reveal a sword with red patterns

Y/n: what's this?

Harrow: it's a gift from your father before he died

Viren: I took a look at it and the writing along the blade is embedded with lightning magic making it a magic sword

I was surprised to took a look at the sword and couldn't help but smile then a small tear came down knowing it's from my father

Y/n: thank you both of you 

Harrow: no need to thank us it was an honor now go pack you things and please keep my sons safe

I nod and proceeded to leave the from to go pack my things I put my new sword on my back for now 

Soren's pov

Me, my sister and father entered one of the studie room to talk about something important 

Soren: what's going on father?

As we entered our father closed the doors behind us

Viren: we have visitors from xadia... unwanted visitors

Siren: what are they minstrels or something

Claudia: *whispers* assassins

Soren: I know! What do you think I'm an idiot?

Viren: they've set up a secret camp somewhere near the base of the cliffs soren you will lead an attack

Soren: right their secret camp how am I supposed to find it if it's secret?

My father moves to a rather small chest

Viren: these assassins are moonshadow elves they draw power from the moon inside this box is an archangel lunaris a giant moon moth it will be drawn to their energy

He says as I'm looking at the box I don't get this magic stuff but if it's drawn to the moonshadow elves energy then that's helpful

Viren: fallow it and you'll find them

Soren: and what happens if I can't find them?

Viren: then we may be on the brink of changing times

Soren: your saying they'll kill the king?

As I said that my father shushed me to not cause panic then he goes to the window that's open then closes it

Viren: discretion boy!

He says as he hands me the box 

Viren: do you want to cause a panic?

Soren: I'm sorry

Viren: just get out there and find them before sundown!

Claudia: so if these are really moonshadow elves then once the moon rises....

Viren: they'll be unstoppable 

Claudia: well I'm going to find a way to stop them after all "unstoppable" is just another kind of "stoppable"

Viren: no that's not really right

Claudia: yeah it made more sense in my head wait do the moonshadow elves know that Prince y/n if alive

Viren: that I don't know if they did I highly doubt that they'll kill him since his kingdom was friendly to both humans and elves now go find the elves


With that I went and gather some troops to find the moonshadow elves we were waiting at the front gate ready for the search I was looking at the box with the moon moth inside it

????: wait I'm coming with you!

I look behind me to see callum wearing armor but not just any armor it look like he was having trouble with it 

Soren: you look terrific but just so you know that's ceremonial armor it's three times as heavy and half as strong oh but so shiny

Callum: I don't care I know what's going on and I'm coming with you

Soren: your just a kid callum

Callum: I'll be 15 in two months

Soren: ooh fourteen and three quarters! Wow!

Callum: five-sixth Soren he's our king and he's my father it's my duty to help him

Soren: well technically he is your step-dad *takes a bit of an apple* but I'm sure it's similar think fast!

I throw the Apple he manages to block it but loses balance and falls of the horse then lands in mud

Soren: *sighs* you were supposed to catch it

As I said that I signaled the troops to follow and begin the search for the moonshadow elves

Callum's pov

As Soren left with a couple of troops I got frustrated and threw the shield on the ground unfortunately it laned in more mud causing it to splash on my as i whipped it off and sat there while the left

Rayla's pov 

Runaan: four full moons past on the eve of the winter's turn the humans destroyed the kingdom of k/n crossed into Xadia and murdered king F/n and the king of the dragons then they destroyed his only egg the dragon Prince

He said as I slightly lowered my head down at least we know that king F/n's son is alive and well by after I've met him but for some reason I can't get him out of my mind

Runaan: tonight we bind our lives to justice!

Then he bind a band on his arms

Elf1: my breath for freedom!

Elf2: my eyes for truth!

Elf3: my strength for honor!

Elf4: my blood for justice

Rayla: my heart for Xadia!

I said as I put my arms out like the rest then runaan proceeded to wrap the string on the others

Runaan: life is precious. Life is valuable. We take it but we do not take it lightly

Then runaan wrapped it around my wrist of my hands

Rayla: moon reflects sun as death reflects life!

Then as the string was wrapped by everyone runaan grabs is swords and cut off the the extra string as it was cut off the bindings started to glow meaning one thing

Runaan: when it is done I will send a shadowhawk with a blood ribbon message to the queen of the dragons we strike when the moon is highest!

the others proceeded to leave I walked up to runaan

Rayla: uh Runaan?

Runaan: what is it Rayla?

Rayla: I was wondering... what if they know we're coming?

Runaan: we have the advantage of surprise if we act fast we will accomplish our goals without sacrifice

He says as he leaves I couldn't help but feel guilty cause I let a human guard live now the humans will know but if I can get y/n to Xadia then maybe I'll be forgiven

Ezran's pov

I was in my room playing hide and seek with bait I looked near the fire place then turned behind me to see a yellow glow knowing that's baite so I went to the glow and lift up the sheet and see bait

Ezran: *laughs* oh bait you're terrible at hide and seek

Then I took out another jelly tart for bait which he grabbed with his tongue then I got slightly startled by a door opening up

Callum: Ez! What are you doing?

Ezran: hi callum do you want a-

Callum: no I don't want a stupid jelly tart! Why aren't you packed? You know we have to get going soon

Ezran: but... your not packed

Callum: what do you think I'm doing?

As he put one of his shirts in his bag but it got stained with jelly tarts so I couldn't help but laugh

Callum: Ezran! You don't get it do you? Why do you think they're sending us away? Because they're coming to kill him!

I got upset that I just went to my room and closed the door while baite came through the the little door as he growled then closes his door

3rd pov 

With the search party looking for any sign of the moonshadow elves assassins once they made it to a clearing

Soren: let's see if this magic moon moth can find more than a closet of moon sweaters *chuckles* you know 'cause moths eat clothes?

Soldier: yes sir

Then Soren opened up the box and reached his hand in it as he pulled out the moon moth then it made some bug noise and began to fly up in the air then make a couple laps around Soren then fly to a direction as if it's following a scent

Soren: let's go!

Then Soren and his men followed the moth in hopes of leading them to the moonshadow elf secret camp 

Meanwhile at the moonshadow elf secret camp

The moonshadow elves were in a circle either eating or maintaining their weapons Runaan was putting some of his arrows in some vile of green substance as Rayla was polishing one of her swords then the moon moth came into view of Runaan and land on the point of one of his arrows while making some bug noise then Runaan took a closer look at the bug as he knows at it is

Runaan: they know we'rehere!

As the rest of the elves stand up they her some horse sounds in the distance then Runaan quickly grabbed his medallion and crushed it in his hand and threw the crushed medallion in the air

Runaan: mystica-arbora!

Back with the search party

Soren and his men were following the trail that the moon moth went as Sorengot to the location of where the moon moth went only to see a clearing with no moonshadow elves then he gets off his horse and steps forward as the moon moth got his attention 

Soren: *scoffs* nothing! Surprising no one a magic moth is just as worthless as a regular moth

Then the moon moth went and landed on one of the trees making more bug noise

Soren: we'll have to wait for the elves to come to us

Then Soren and his men went back on their horses to leave the area as soon as they left one of the soldiers in Soren's group takes one last look of the clearing mainly looking at the moth then proceeds to leave but what they didn't know was that the elves were actually camouflaged as trees it was at this moment that Rayla was in trouble

Runaan: you lied to me you let him go!

Rayla: Runaan I'm sorry! The human... he looked up at me and I saw the fear in his eyes.

Runaan: of course he was afraid. But you had a job to do!

Rayla: he didn't do anything to me! How could I take his life?

Runaan: you let him live... but you've killed us all!

Then Rayla was even more worried then she ever thought what will happen to her

Deadpool: find out next time on the dragon pool

*fourth wall breaks*

Icedemon: God damnit who broke the fourth wall this time!

Deadpool: oh don't get your panties in a twist it just me your friendly neighborhood fourth wall breaking deadpool 

Icedemon: of course why am I not surprised*sighs* aqua he the necessary tools in fixing the fourth wall and xion get me the perfect repellent for our fourth wall break in friend

Aqua/xion: ok

Deadpool: let's see what you can do

Icedemon proceeds to use a giant eraser on deadpool

Deadpool: not again you monster you can't do this to me!

Icedemon: oh you'll be back nothing can truly get rid of you now back to business 

To be continued


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