Chapter 8: through the ice part 2

A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story. now on with the story.

3rd pov

-at Katolis-

in Viren's study Claudia removes the cloth covering the mirror and placing the cover to theside near a small table. Claudia then walks up to another table that has a glass jar with something inside, she then opens it using metal tongs to grab one and place it in the bowl next to the far. then grabs an even smaller bowl with green powder and sprinkles some on the pink piece from the jar making a sizzling sound. once that was done she grabs the bowl and makes her way back to the mirror to the point she is in front of it.

Claudia: speak your true nature to me.

she then begins chanting a spell making a green mist in her hand as her eyes turn purple, then sticks her hand with the green mist in front of the mirror making the mist go around the mirror until it fades.

Claudia: nothing? *looks closer to the mirror* you are a stubborn magi mirror.

????: you think I haven't tried that?

Claudia then turns to see her father in the door way of the study while Claudia's eyes are black.

Viren: I've cast eight different reveal spells. they all failed. *takes a breath* at the end, I see nothing, but my own frustrated face staring back at me.

Claudia: *with normal eyes* well, maybe it's just a mirror.

Viren: * sighs* of all the treasures, artifacts and relics *places his hand on the mirror* in the lair of the Dragon King and Queen... they kept this close to where they slept. *takes his hand off* it must be important.

Claudia: then we'll figure it out. whatever it takes. *to the mirror* hear that, mirror? I'm putting you on notice. *points her eyes to the mirror* kind of weird how the mirror did it right back at me. like it was putting me on notice.\

Viren: *covers the mirror with the cloth* we have something more important to discuss. your mission.

Claudia: to rescue the princes.

Viren: yes, but you will have a secret mission that is far more important. *places his hand on Claudia's shoulder* Claudia, you must recover that dragon egg.

Claudia: they have it with them, so shouldn't be a problem. Princes, egg... I've got room for a third mission if you need anything else while we're out.

Viren: the egg cannot fall into the wrong hands. it is too powerful, too dangerous. whatever happens, whatever accidents or tragedies may occur... above all else, you must return with that egg!

Claudia: I understand.

Viren: good.

Claudia: one question. let's say we're attacked by giant bumble-scorps and their all buzzing like... *makes buzzing sounds* and flailing their scorps at us like... *reenacts while making buzzing sounds* and I'm forced to choose between saving the egg and saving Soren. what should I do?

Viren was trying to think of something to say about the hypothetical question until his daughter cuts him off from his thoughts.

Claudia: dad, it's a joke. relax, I'm kidding. *makes buzzing sounds and chuckling* everything will be fine.

she says making her way out of the study, but is stopped by her father.

Viren: the egg... if you have to choose, choose the egg.

Y/n's pov

me, Callum, Ezran and Rayla were walking through the rough terrain of the mountain with snow all around us. while Bait is hanging on to Ezran's bag with his mouth.

Ezran: Rayla, can you slow down? it's getting a little tricky.

Callum: *helps his brother* Rayla! come on! your the one who made us take this crazy route, at least let us keep up with you.

Y/n: they got a point some people aren't used to walking on rough terrain.

Ezran: *sits down on the snow* I just need to put this down a second and catch my breath.

Rayla: *climbs up* there is a solution, you know. you can just let me or Y/n carry the egg.

Y/n: yet another very good point.

me and Callum both climbed up to stand next to Rayla with me on her right and Callum on her left.

Rayla: you realize that I could just take it, right?

Y/n: now, now Rayla no need to get any ideas.

Rayla: I could just take it from you any time I wanted.

Callum: yeah that's good, Rayla. Way to increase trust.

Y/n: hey, at least she's trying to be trust worthy.

Rayla: thanks Y/n, and I don't just take it. that's the point.

Callum: oh, well, congratulations! you haven't threatened us and forced us to give you the egg? you deserve a medal.

Y/n: I'm not liking that tone of yours Callum.

at this point I was getting frustrated by how Callum is still not trusting Rayla after many of the things that risked her life to help us on this journey. but then the sound of cracking was heard while Rayla and Callum are too busy arguing I look at Ezran who looks up above us which I followed to see what he was looking at. to see a piece of snow on the mountain come of and crumble making my eyes widen.

Y/n: [oh crap baskets! all of this yelling could start an avalanche!]

Y/n: *soft low tone* guys lower your voices!

Rayla: I would be a hero!

Callum: then what's stopping you?

Rayla: because it has to come from you. Human princes, returning the egg to the Dragon Queen and ensuring the safety of the Prince of K/n after being saved from a terrible event years ago. that's the gesture that matters. that could end the war, rebuild the kingdom of K/n and change the world-

Ezran\Y/n: *shushes them*

Ezran: you guys need to stop fighting.

Y/n: he's right *points above them* look.

I pointed towards the mountain ahead of us to show them the large crack traveling meaning it could break and cause an avalanche at any moment.

Ezran: all of your yelling id cracking the ice. if we're not careful, we could start an avalanche.

Y/n: he's right and I would rather not be buried. got it?

Callum: uh-huh.

Rayla: not a peep.

Ezran: good, it stopped cracking.

Y/n: let's not jinx ourselves.

we then start to continue walking on the mountain while trying to not make any sort of loud sounds. but then we hear a loud burp that echoed and caused us to stop dead in our tracks I looks up to see the avalanche now coming down on us

Callum: run!

we all quickly run down to get away from the incoming snow at us I looks back to see Ezran tripped causing him to fall on the ground. Rayla holds out her hand to help Ezran up, but once she did she clenched her hand in pain due to the band around her wrist.

Ezran: what happen to your hand?

Rayla: don't worry about it. just run!

we then continued running, but I could hear the snow rushing towards us at a rapid pace making it hard for us to get away from it.

Rayla: we're not going to make it! it's like uh...snow-nami

Y/n: does anyone have any idea on how to get away from rushing snow?!

we then see Callum stop and turns to face us and the rushing snow which confused us on why he's doing that.

Y/n: Callum! now's not the time to be a hero!

Ezran: Callum what are you doing?!

Callum: get behind me!

me, Ezran and Rayla along with Bait stop standing behind Callum I look to see Bait turned green meaning that he's terrified. then we see Callum takes out the orb that he got from Claudia and makes the rune sign for wind.

Callum: Aspiro!

he then breaths out a powerful wind current in front of us making the snow spilt in half so that we didn't get caught up in the rushing snow. but it didn't last long as the spell worn off and we got hit with rushing snow going down the mountain.

3rd pov

as the avalanche has stopped a hand with an orb in it comes out of the snow then followed with Callum coming out of the piles of snow breathing in fresh air. he then pulls himself out and looks around for the others.

Callum: is everyone okay?

then he sees at heated sword come out of the snow then Y/n comes out with sword in his hand panting from the rush.

Y/n: nothing broken over here.

Y/n then see Rayla's legs dangling as her upper portion was in snow. he then gets up and walks over to Rayla's legs and grabs around her waist near her stomach area and pulls her out.

Rayla: thanks Y/n

Y/n: no problem.

Rayla: now... where's that hiccuping, juice-thief frog?

they then see Ezran out on the frozen lake with his bag off and open while Bait comes out of the snow looking over the area their in.

Ezran: he's right there *points to where Bait is* and he's okay. *gets up* we all made it!

Ezran then sees the bag open and quickly looks behind him to see the egg out on the frozen lake as well.

Ezran: *carefully walks to the egg* I'll go get the egg.

as Ezran walks towards the egg while making sure not to slip on fall on the ice he manages to grab the egg and lifts it up. but as he makes a step the ice under his foot starts to crack as well making the others worry.

Callum: Ez! don't move. we're coming to get you.

as Y/n, Rayla and Callum get on the frozen lake they look down to carefully not make it worse.

Y/n: careful guys thin ice is not a good place to be on.

while the cracks slowly spread out Callum takes his bag off and carefully walks on the ice while Y/n did the same with his sword only stabbing it in the ground as Y/n, Rayla and Callum carefully walk on the ice. as Callum is the farthest and closet to Ezran he picks up Ezran's bag.

Callum: stay still, we're almost there.

he then sits down on the ice and crawls towards Ezran as Y/n was being careful on where he places his steps while Rayla slides on the ice just behind Y/n. once Callum was close enough to Ezran he get's up on his knees.

Callum: easy does it. just pass it over.

Ezran then carefully gives the egg to Callum as he stands up with the egg in his hands and carefully walks towards Y/n and Rayla. but as he takes a step the ice then cracks under his foot making him stop in place.

Rayla: what know?

Y/n: Callum roll the egg to me and I'll pass it to Rayla.

Callum: okay I trusts you and Rayla I'm sorry if I was a jerk before. we're lucky to have you as our friend. I do trust you.

he then rolls the egg to Y/n as the said prince grabs it and holds it as the ice cracks beneth hids feet. Y/n then holds put the egg to Rayla who was hesitant to take it.

Rayla: no, wait. I don't deserve your trust... not yet. I need to tell you the truth.

Y/n: Rayla you can tell them after we're out of this situation, cause now's not a good time.

Rayla: please Y/n. this morning, the big rush was because I was attacked by someone. A human. I fought him off, bit it was hard. because of this *brings up her hand that is turning purple*

Callum: you don't need to do this right now.

Y/n: he's right Rayla.

Rayla: Yes, I do. this *motions the band around her hand* is an assassin's binding. a moonshadow elf ritual. before I met you, I swore an oath. I bound myself... to end Prince Ezran's life and this binding will never come off while he's alive.

Y/n: that type of ritual is the only one that I hate about. even before "that" day.

Rayla: it will just get tighter and tighter until I lose my hand. but I'm ready to pay that price.

Ezran nods to Rayla for being honest with them while Y/n give Rayla a look that he cares about her well being.

Callum: thank you for telling us, but we need to focus on the situation.

Y/n then hands the egg to Rayla who goes to grab it, but she pulls back before taking it.

Rayla: there's one more thing. the night I met you, something bad happened.

Y/n: *looks down to see the cracks getting worse* Rayla, there's no time for that yet.

Rayla: Y/n, I need to tell them. the King-

Y/n: *cracks beneath him get worse* the ice is not going to wait that long Rayla!

y/n hands her the egg as Rayla takes it, but the pain in her left hand shoots up making her let go and clench her hand. while Y/n balance the egg in his hand to not drop it, but he loses it and it falls into the water after breaking through the ice.

Y/n: crap!

Callum: you dropped it!

Rayla: I just told you my hand was messed up.

Callum: well use the other hand!

Y/n: guys! nows not the time!

Ezran: Y/n's right! we got to do something.

Ezren then jumps into the water as Callum tries to stop him, but it was too late. while Y/n not letting Ezran down in the water alone Y/n jumps in since he practiced to hold his breath under water for a long time. but what Y/n doesn't know is that his body begins to heat up as glowing cracks start to form only so faintly.  as Y/n sees Ezran with the egg in his hand Y/n swims towards him and wraps his arms around him and the egg. the Y/n swims to the top only to hit ice which he then uses one of his arms to start punching with all of the strength he has with the heat that is unknown to him helps by weakening the ice. Y/n then sees Rayla through ice as the said female moonshadow elf sees him with Ezran, but shocked to see the faint glowing cracks around his body. Rayla then grabs one of her blades using the blunt end to slam it down on the ice making it crack then with one more slam the ice breaks as the glowing cracks fade away and Y/n comes out of the water with Ezran taking a deep breath. Rayla and Callum help both Y/n and Ezran out of the water once the two were out the egg rolls out of Ezran's arm and stops not far from him as Callum checks his brother.

Callum: Ezran! *brings Ezran close to hm* Ez... Ez, you saved it. you got the egg back. you did it! please Ezran, you gotta be okay. just say something.

Y/n: come one little buddy open those eyes.

Ezran then breathes and opens his eyes blinking them a bit and looks at Callum, Rayla and Y/n while shivering.

Ezran: I think I got a case of the frozie-toesies.

everyone chuckled then brings Ezran in a group hug as Ezran looks at the egg, but his eyes widen.

Ezran: oh no.

y/n, Rayla and Callum look at the egg as well to see it's light is starting to dime a bit and not being as bright like befroe.

Ezran: something's wrong with the egg

To be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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