Chapter 6: the winter lodge

A/n: hello guys here's the next chapter of this story now I've been looking at the comments from the last chapter and it looks pretty even between the startouch elves and sunfire elves so I weighed the two to see which one will have good story so I came to the conclusion the reader will be half sunfire elf and his mother will be Janai's sister Khessa the reader will have perks of the sunfire elves but lack the physical traits also the primal source will be the sun so when the reader is in the sun he will feel more energies the edge of the sword will heat up like the sun forged weapons do now with that let the chapter begin

3rd pov

in the forest where we see Rayla, Y/n, Callum, Ezren and Bait resting in a clearing after leaving the castle as the boys were laying on the ground asleep while Rayla was sitting on a rock looking at the white bandage around her wrist as she tries poking a tugging it to try to loosen it up getting frustrated she tries biting it off but fails to do so

Rayla: unbind yourself! *nothing happens* unbind... thyself unbind! *sighs*

she then looks at the guys who are still sleeping but looks closer to see Bait still awake looking at her with a judgmental look

Rayla: don't judge me so what I'm talking to my ribbon-thing? how is that any worse than talking to a... whatever it is you are?

as Bait color changes to a light purple the two started to give each other looks then Bait breaks it by licking part of his face making Rayla slightly disgusted so she turns away then a sound of a bell echoes from a distance as Rayla looks up to see the castle which made her have a saddened expression on her face knowing what happened last during the attack the scene changes to the castle bridge with Virion along with other people carrying a casket with flowers around on top of the casket making their way through the town with the towns people with sad expressions on their faces while others hade the same expression but with their heads down 

Woman: *whispers* a funeral so soon is madness it is tradition to mourn fallen Kings for seven sunsets you've not even given him one

Virion: *whispers* I understand your concern Opeli but in a time of war we must move forward

as they moved through the town they reach a valley with large statutes possibly of other kings that have died long ago as they keep walking Soren yawns 

Claudia: *low tone* hey keep your head up

Soren: *low tone* ugh sorry *grunts* long night

Claudia: *opens a bottle* drink this *pours some in the cap as a make shift cup* I call it "hot brown morning potion"

Soren: *takes the cup looks at it and give it a little sniff thenvdrinks it* wow! that's good!

he then drinks some more of it as the they reach the edge of the valley with a view of large body of water with some land in the distance along with an alter as they got near it the towns people followed and mumbled quietly as the four people who carried the casketset it down as the woman named Opeli walks up to it with a torch in hand as the four soldiers step a way from the casket then Virion steps up in front of the alter and turns to the towns people

Virion: today we woke to a devastating truth. our king has been taken from us slain by the forces by the forces of Xadia, vile Moonshadow elves.

this caused some of the towns people to gasp as the some of the children cling on to their parents or guardians

Virion: to me he was more than a king in his final hours, Harrow called me.... his brother

Opheli: wait... where are the princes? they need to be here

Virion: the princes... are dead

as he said that it got gasp from the crowd while Opeli was not convinced that they are dead even with Y/n being from the Kingdom of K/n that had both human and elves live in peace

Virion: we cannot let Xadia's cruelty go unanswered. we must move forward with strength. light the Pyre.

Opeli: *moves the torch to extinguish the flame* no

then each one with a torch follows her by extinguishing the flame on their torches which made Virion closed his eyes

Virion: *sighs* Claudia

Claudia move forward with a bottle in her hand with some sort of spider in it she then opened it allowing the small creature to come out and crawl around her and before crushing it and started chanting then lets it fly in the air igniting the totems with fire then proceeding to burn the body of King Harrow causing the crowd to gasp again at the display

Virion: when a ruler of Katolis dies, we mourn for seven days. but we are at war. today, we must mourn sevenfold.... for tonight there will be a coronation.

Y/n's pov

after we woke up from our sleep it was now day it was even more energized in the light of the sun that I just wanted to run for a couple of miles I look over to Callum who is staring at the orb that he took From Claudia and draws a sketch of it in his book

Rayla: Callum, Callum hey! *Callum jolts a bit and looks up at Rayla* that's your name right? Callum? Clem? or was it Camel?

Callum: uh it's Callum I guess I was distracted trying to draw this... prima-ball

Rayla: Primal Stone

Callum: right it holds the pure essence of a primal spirit inside.

Y/n: *chuckles* I think you mean Primal Source Callum

Callum: right wait how did you know Y/n?

Y/n: uh dude did you forget that my kingdom was between the humans and Elves country which also had humans and Elves living together so I would get Frequent visits from magic users from the Elves and humans that studied magic so yeah I know a thing or two about magic

Callum: oh right

Rayla: you do know what the six Primal Sources are?

Callum: uh if I say yes, are you going to make me name them?

Y/n: *laughs* oh boy this is going to be good

Rayla: ugh *holds out her hand as Callum puts down the orb and hands Rayla the book* all magic in the world comes from the Primal Sources. they're the original and purest forms of magical energy. the Sun, the Moon, the Stars, the Earth, the Ocean and...*points to the orb*

Callum: the sky

Y/n: *smiles* right you are little buddy you can also say *brings out his sword* this is also magic it was enchanted with lightning magic so it's like a magic sword but it doesn't have a Primal Source yet

Rayla: to cast a spell, a mage needs Primal energy. so that wind breath spell you did? you usually need a storm or at least a strong breeze. but with that stone you have all the power of the Sky any time.

Callum: wow.

Rayla: Primal Strones are incredibly rare. They've been sought after by the most powerful arch-mages in history and now somehow you have one

I walk over to Callum as he gets his book back I look over his shoulder as he looks at the symbols I then look at Callum who recognize them

Callum: wait I...I've seen these before. at the Banther Lodge. there was this little cube thing and it had these exact symbols on it

Rayla: uh, neat.

Callum: what if it's magic? we have to go get it.

Y/n: woah there easy I see what you might be thinking there

Rayla: wait what? we have real problems to worry about. ending the war. taking the dragon egg to Xadia and helping Y/n rebuild his Kingdom. Remember?

Callum: Xadia is to the east, right? so is the lodge. it's on the way.

Rayla: oh great I'm sure it won't be crawling with humans. Humans that are looking for you two and want to kill me! Yay! no offense

Y/n/Callum: non taken 

Callum: no it's the winter lodge it's been empty for months. trust me... *sighs* look.... Rayla princes are supposed to be good at things uh sword fighting, leadership.... riding horses. but I've always been kind of bad at well everything. so when I tried that spell I was sure I'd end up on fire or covered in spiders.... but it worked. and then you called me a mage, and that felt... right. I.... I just have this feeling that cube thing could help me.

Ezran: Callum *gets up with a yawn* I had a weird dream.

Callum: *walks up to Ezran* it wasn't a dream Ez all of that was real.

Ezren: are you sure? there was this giant pink hippopotamus and I pulled it's ear off because it was made of taffy.

at that moment I couldn't help but laugh and roll around on the ground cause Callum thought Ezren meant what happened last night at the castle

A/n: basically the scene in akame ga kill when Sheele mistook salt for sugar and Leone laughing while rolling on the ground sorry I couldn't find a pic of it or a gif

Callum: uh... no. that.... that was a dream I thought you meant the elves, the smoke wolves, the dragon egg. that was all real,

Ezren: then I tried to thank the hippo for the taffy but he couldn't hear me because I was eating his ears.

Rayla: hey sad prince. *sighs with slight smile* lets go get your cube

Callum: really?

Rayla: yes just please no more detours all right? or heartfelt speeches.

Y/n: *shoots back up his feet* alright! let's go!

Rayla: uh is he always this energized?

Callum: mainly when the suns up it pretty interesting when the sun comes up he's always the first one up during the mornings he takes a walk through the castle forest to enjoy the morning sky

as we began to head towards the winter lodge I knew it was going to be along walk there so I grabbed some edible barriers incase one of us gets hungry so we don't have to stop to search for food

Ezren: hey guys? can we-

Rayla: we're not stopping yet.

Ezren: but I'm-

Rayla: no snacks.

Ezren: I was gonna say thirsty.

Rayla: fine*pulls out a vile with red liquid* drink this.

Ezren was about to take it but Callum stopped him noticing the color of the liquid while I just sighed cause I know it's not human blood but Xadian moonberry juice 

Callum: ih no thank you, we don't drink.... that.

Rayla: *confused tone* what?

Callum: blood we don't drink blood we don't mean to be rude but uh you can keep it

Rayla: it's moonberry juice

Y/n: I can agree with her I've drank those back at my home kingdom before it was attacked it's pretty good stuff

as Ezren takes the vile he sniffs it before taking a drink of it liking the taste of the juice then Rayla moves ahead

Rayla: is that what most humans besides the L/n think we are? bloodthirsty monsters?

Callum: no, no, no. it... it's not that.

we then catch up to Rayla as Callum says that he's heard stories about elves but also says he's sure there just stories while I just shake my head knowing that elves are not bloodthirsty monsters cause I've interacted with them when I was a boy back at K/n as we walked me made it to the lodge as Callum and Ezren were about to go in Rayla stops them and motions them to remain silent as she scouts ahead for any other humans

Callum: see? no winter, no humans at the winter lodge.

Rayla: let's just make this quick.

Y/n: I can agree to that

Rayla: tell me where the thing is, and I'll be in and out

then Callum draws what the game room looks like and says that the cube should be in there then rips the page out and hands it to Rayla she then goes into the lodge to get it

Y/n: got to admit Callum you do have a good eye for art maybe that's another thing your good at

Callum: *smiles* thanks Y/n that means a lot

Y/n: no problem my brotha 

3rd pov

as Rayla moves in loser and hides behind a shack then sees an open window then moves in to the lodge and maneuvers around to reach the window then slips right in as the three boys watch from a distance

Callum: like I said, no winter no humans. right?

Ezren: yeah, but it is kind of weird there's no one here.... since this is where Dad was sending us.

Y/n: good point there should at least be guards here or at least your Aunt

then the three heard a horn sounding off in the distance as they look to where it was coming from to see a group of Katolis warriors approaching the lodge

Callum: yeah we probably shouldn't have come here.

as the troops move on ahead to the lodge the three boys acted quickly to move to the front of the lodge to meet them as Callum and Y/n along with Ezren the two stopped and faced the group while Ezren moves behind them and quickly puts the dragon egg in his backpack then the head soldier gets off the horse then walks to the three with their shield on their back as the three look at the soldier who then takes off the helmet to reveal a woman with dark color hair with a scar on her right cheek 

Ezren: Aunt Amaya?

Amaya then smiled then throw her helmet in the air as the man behind her catches it as she approached Ezren and Callum she gave the two her nephews a hug as the two boys were surprised to see their Aunt while Y/n Lightly chuckles then the soldier who caught her helmet walks up and stand by her side as she separates from the hug

Amaya: *does hand signs*

A/n: note just so you know Amaya doesn't speak but uses hand sign language to communicate so when you see this '...' that means Gren is speaking what Amaya is meaning

man: 'I'm so glad you're safe'

Callum: *stammers* extremely safe! safe and..... alone! *nervous chuckle*

Amaya: *turns to Y/n and does hands signs*

man: 'it's good to see you too as well prince Y/n I notice you have your father's gift'

Y/n: *smiles* good to see you as well Amaya and Gren

then Amaya stands up and notices the window is open to which she motion to Gren who hand signs back Amaya getting a serious look walks to the entrance of the lodge with Callum following behind her then cuts her off from the door

Callum: oh uh that door's locked so uh you wait here for a minute, couple minutes, few.... however long it takes I'll go find a key.

as Ezren and Y/n walk up to the two Amaya moves Callum out of the way then kicks the door down allowing entrance into the lodge

Amaya: *hand sighns*

Gren: 'I don't believe in locks'

Y/n: *chuckles* that I'll keep in mind

as the group proceeds to enter the lodge Rayla who is in the shadows of the lodge in the rafters as Amaya looks around the lodge she hands signs to Gren

Gren: 'someone's here'

Callum: *moves in front of them* what? no, no. no one here but us and all your.... human troops!

Y/n: *face palms and thinks to himself* "he is making it too obvious"

Amaya: *hand sings*

Gren: 'Callum you know it doesn't help to yell and why are you saying "human troops" like that?

Callum: uh what do you mean? that's how I always say *shouting "heavily armed human troops!"

Y/n's thoughts: this is bad I have to thinks of something quick cause Callum is making things a lot more herder for us

Amaya then walks ahead with Gren and the boys behind them she looks around with her guard up in case of an intruder in the lodge while Callum and Y/n were looking around to find Rayla so she can avoid Amaya and Gren then Y/n moves his eyes up towards the rafters seeing Rayla he mouths to her saying "be careful" to which she nod then Callum and knocks on her shield gaining her attention

Amaya: *hand signs saying what is it?*

Callum: uh Ezren has something to tell you *pulls Ezren in front of him*

Ezren: um, I... skipped breakfast. I'm sorry

Amaya: *hand signs*

Gren: 'breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

as she said that Rayla moved to another end of the Lodge without anyone noticing except Y/n, Callum and Ezren then Amaya looks through the covers to find food for Ezren then pulls out a long bread

Amaya: *hand sings*

Gren: 'the food here is...'

Amaya: *bangs the bread on the shelf with a loud sound and does hand signs*

Gren: 'weapons-grade.'

 as the three boys sit at the table with bait then Amaya puts the bread on the table and pulls out a dagger so they can cut a piece

Amaya: *spreads her arms with a smile*

Gren: 'dig in'

Callum:  *takes the bread as Ezren tries to pull the dagger out of the table* Aunt Amaya why are you here? 

Amaya: *hand signs*

Gren: 'I received a messenger bird from the king yesterday.

she then pulls out a rolled up paper with a stamp of the king then Callum remembers the same paper that his father gave him before leaving the castle

Gren: what's wrong?

Callum: I just.... he gave me a letter too but I must have dropped it somewhere. what your letter say

Amaya then hands the letter to Callum while Ezren still struggles to pull out the dagger while Y/n thinks what to do to help Rayla without being caught as Callum reads the letter to which brought Y/n's attention

Callum: "General the castle is under threat assassins have infiltrated the kingdom Moonshadow elves"

Amaya: *hand signs*

Gren: 'the worst kind'

Y/n: *coughs* sorry but could you please not call them that I know relations are not good but my kingdom was peaceful to both side humans and elves

the two nod to him knowing that fact and that Y/n doesn't like it when elves are being called monsters or anything like that

Callum: "do not bring your forces to the castle" *Ezren still struggles with the dagger then looks at the bread and puts it in front of the blade to cut it in half* "your orders are to proceed immediately to the Banther Lodge. Callum, Ezren and Y/n will be there. above all, see to it that my sons and the son of my closest friend are safe."

Amaya: *hand signs*

Gren: 'wait there's more on the back'

Callum *flips the paper* "PS: once their safety is assured, the boys may wish to build a dirt man" we do not wish to build a dirt man.

Y/n: *laughs* I thought that dirt man thing was a joke oh that got me

Ezren: we do not. *the moves the bread up and down along the blade*

Amaya: *hand signs* 

Gren: 'your safe now boys'

then Ezren moves the bread faster succeeding to cut the bread then takes a bite out of one half only to get a loud solid crunch surprising Y/n and Callum once the sun begins to set some soldiers stand at their post while two repair the door as Gren and Amaya look at some papers Callum, Ezren and Y/n were at the couch 

Callum: *sighs* this is all my fault we should have never come here.

Ezren: but we found Aunt Amaya maybe we should tell her, Callum.

Callum: tell her what?

Ezren: about the egg... and Rayla

Y/n: now that would be a good idea about the egg part but about Rayla not so much

Callum: Y/n's right didn't you hear what she said? how she talked about elves? to Aunt Amaya elves are monsters

Ezren: but if we just explain everything- *bait vomits*

Callum: it won't work humans except for Y/n's family and kingdom and elves don't trust each other. that wont change until we take this egg back to Xadia. we have to find Rayla and get out of here.

Rayla's pov

as I manage to get out of the lodge without being seen I went to the roof to scope out the area then moved to the front of the lodge while staying on the roof  as I see two guards with their backs facing me I quickly and silently move to the window then entered I then moved up to the rafters leaping to them one by one to reach the game room where Callum's cube should be in once the guards go down the stairs I silentlt jump down and entered the room and closed the door behind me as I turn around to find what I was looking for

Rayla: *imitating Callum* "it's the winter lodge, Rayla. no winter, no humans"

I then pulled out the drawing of the room that Callum made then looked at the room it's self seeing is that he made a perfect detail on the looks 

Rayla: it's okay

I then put the drawing away and began looking around the room starting with the table then moved on to a wardrobe then looked behind me to see a chest with interesting designs on it I then go to it and inspect the small chest then dumped out what's inside it with a bunch of keys and the cube that Callum mention 

Rayla: huh.

as I was looking at the cube curiously I quickly dodged incoming attack as I moved away from my attacker to see the same woman in armor that was with Callum, Y/n and Ezran I quickly pulled out my blades into their short sword form and proceeded in charging at the woman with the shield as I swung one of my blades she blocked it with her shield I then dodged out of the way as she used the said shield to attack with I then charged again and swung my blades at her as she used her shield to block them while I was pushing her back I then swung another blade but she blocked it with the gape at the top of her shield knocking it out of my hand and punched me into a pillar she then charged at me and prepared to hit me with the shield to which I dodged only for her to hit the pillar instead she then looks at me with a slight smirk and motioned her hand as if she's saying "come at me" I then leaped into the air to stab her but she blocked with her shield again and knocks me into a table making me lose my weapon as I was about to grab it she pick me up and pins my to the wall with her shield she was about to draw her sword but the door opens to reveal the other soldier

soldier: General Amaya the princes have disappeared.

as I struggled to pry the shield of the wall the woman named Amaya then punches my causing me to lose conscious and blaked out

3rd pov

in the basement of the lodge Rayla begins to wake up to find herself tied up to a pillar as she struggles to get free Amaya then walks up to her 

Gren: 'how did you do it?'

Rayla: how did we do what?

Amaya: *does hand signs*

Gren:' "we" how many of you are there?'

Rayla: did I say "we"?

as Rayla was being coy she looks away only for Amaya to grab her chin to make Rayla look at her

Amaya: *does hand signs*

Gren: 'don't look away from me'

Rayla: it's just me. I'm alone.

Amaya: *does hand signs*

Gren: 'liar.'

Amaya: *stands up and faces her troops and does hand signs*

Gren: 'if there are more of them, the princes are in danger do not take your eyes off her.

as Gren and Amaya make their leave of the basement the two guards that are left to watch Rayla as one of the guards looks at Rayla's weapon it then flips open taking the guards by surprise as the weapon it's self was in the air then the guard quickly catches it before it could hit the ground

Rayla: careful with those, wouldn't want to lose a finger. * shows the two guards one of her four fingers* I mean can you imagine going through life with only four fingers? *wiggles her fingers with a smirk*

then a sound can be heard from behind the two guards as they look at the dumbwaiter leading to the upper section of the lodge as Callum who is controlling the ropes sending it down

Callum: this is one of your weirdest ideas.

Ezran: weirder than snail armor?

Callum: Ez, snails already have armor.

Y/n: that "armor" is known as a shell natural armor but not very durable in all honesty

Ezran: then why do they keep getting smooshed?

Callum: we're not... *grunts* the point is I don't know if this plan'll work.

Y/n: not with that attitude

Ezran: she'll know what to do.

as the dumbwaiter reaches the basement with Bait inside of it the two guards look at the dumbwaiter with confused expressions while Rayla smirks knowing what to do

Rayla: have you met Bait? say hello to my little friend.

she then avert her eyes as Bait begins to glow catching the guards by surprise as a bright flash appeared blinding the guards for a moment as they drew their weapons  as Rayla struggles with the rope one guard tries to attack her only for Rayla to spin along the pillar and kicks the guard into some barrels knocking her out as the other guard using Rayla's blade only for her to dodged and the blade hits the rope Rayla: then kicks the guard making him lose the blade as it gets stuck in the ropes while the guard gets knocked out Rayla then stands then uses her own blade to cut herself free from the ropes

Rayla: *smiles* thanks!

as she retrieves her weapons she then moves towards the way out of the basement but then runs back to pick up Bait then proceeds to run up the stairs to meet up with Y/n, Callum and Ezran as Rayla hands Bait to Ezran then proceeds to run up the stairs

Rayla: come on!

as they run out of the lodge the guards took notice of the group then follows them as they continue running they see two soldiers on the bridge cutting them off they turned around only to have more soldiers surround them along with archers aimed at Rayla Y/n then brings out his sword 

Gren: 'stop right there elf. Callum, Ezran and Y/n come here'

Ezran: Callum we should just tell her

Amaya: *does hand signs*

Gren: 'boys get away from her.

Y/n: easy this doesn't have to get violent she's just my retainer from my kingdom before it was attacked-

Callum: wait *does hand signs*

Rayla: what are you saying?

Amaya: *does hand signs*

 Gren: 'he says if we don't let you go, you'll kill them and drink their blood and bring Prince Y/n back to Xadia'

this bring looks of shock on Rayla's and Y/n faces as Y/n looked at Callum with a look that said "we'll talk about this later"

Amaya: *does hand signs*

Gren: 'that you are a monster'

Callum: right so you have to let us go.

Amaya: *does hand signs*

Gren: 'it's okay Callum I've slain monsters before.' do it take her out

as two archers fired their arrows Y/n twisted his sword's handle letting red lightning come out of the blade heating it up then Y/n cuts down one of the arrows only for the second one flew right at Rayla who narrowly dodges it only cutting off her braid

Y/n's thoughts: no not the cute braid it was acute look for Rayla

as the archers prepare another arrow Rayla then quickly brings out her blades and grabs both Callum and Ezran with her blades pointed at their necks

Rayla: go ahead take another shot. but read my lips the next time I swing my blade, I'll end both of them in half a second.

Amaya then squinted her eyes then puts her hand up to call off the archers who stands down as Rayla and Y/n move with Callum and Ezran down to the small boat that is in the ravine as they get in Y/n puts his weapon away 

Callum: *sighs* I can't believe that worked

Rayla: *with her hood on* I can't believe your such a jerk.

Callum: what? what's wrong?

Rayla: you called me a bloodthirsty monster you have no idea how that feels Y/n on the other hand was going to call me his Royal Retainer a person whos is a protector of Royalty 

Callum: but I don't actually believe any of that. I was just trying to scare her. I thought she'd back down.

Rayla: *turns to look at Callum* oh that went well. they tried to kill me.

Callum: *sighs* I'm sorry that's not what I meant to happen

Rayla: well it did

Y/n: seriously man think before you act Amaya isn't the person to back down from a fight especially with elves remember she was stationed at the border between here and Xadia while also fighting sunfire elves whose bodies can heat up and burn things

Rayla then tosses the cube to Callum who catches it while Y/n sits next to Rayla to comfort her by rubbing her back

Callum: you found it?

Rayla: it's a toy probably a piece from a children's game I hope it was worth it to you putting everyone's lives in danger.

as Callum looks at the cube then accidently drops it as it lands close to the Primal Stone as the symbol of the sky it starts to glow as the symbol was close to the stone

to be continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter now in the last chapter of my star wars the clone wars harem I asked what type of brute the reader should be for my killing bites harem x male reader story that it was between a dragon and a wolf the vote is still up so you guys still got time for it please let me know what type of brute in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next chapter

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