Chapter 5: rise of the moon part 2

A/n: hey guys here's the next chapter of this story now before I begin I'm bring back the idea of having the mother be an elf now I'll leave the type of elf in the Dragon Prince show up to you guys now the reader will still look human he'll just have some perks of the type of elf you guys choose please leave your vote for the type of elf in the comments and let the chapter begin

3rd Pov

in the stair well of the castle leading to the King's room Virion was making his way their with the basket that help the two headed serpent in hopes to change King Harrow's mind and save his friend as he passes many guards that are in their positions ready incase of intruders  then he approaches the door with his son and two other guards standing by

Soren: *holds a knife and apple* so what's in the basket? A bigger moth?

Virion: it's something that will protect the king when all your swords have failed

Soren: uh you... you know they can hear you right?

soldier: he knows sir

Virion: I am prepared to do anything to protect the king anything I hope you will understand

Soren has a look of concern then the scene changes back to the Y/n and the others make their way through the caves trying to find their way out every so once in a while Y/n teases Rayla to which she blushes sometimes she then approach Ezran

Rayla: listen I need you to give me the egg I have to get it to the roof right away

Ezran: what why?

Rayla: just trust me

Callum: right. right that makes sense since we go way back like that one time like ten minutes ago when you chased me and Y/n through the castle trying to stab me while Y/n protecting me and flirting with you remember that buddy *sarcastic laugh* good times

Y/n: I was there and plus that was uncalled for she thought the egg was destroyed so it's not really her fault

Rayla: you might not realize it but I'm trying to help you any moment now other will be arriving others like me

Callum: assassins

Rayla: I need to show them the egg to stop them and to have Y/n with me to show that the heir of K/n is still alive just give it to me

Ezran: *looks at her and thinks for a moment then shakes his head* I'll take you to the roof

then the group continue to traverse the cave as the scene changes again inside King Harrow's room as the said king is sitting on his bed with two pictures one of his family and the other with Virion and Y/n's father before the K/n fell to rouge bandits as the door opened he place the two pictures down on a night stand near the bed facedown 

Virion: I've given thought to what you said

Harrow: *moves away from his bed* oh have you? *sits in a chair then pulls out a sword and stone and moves the stone along the blade* then why have you returned with that abomination?

Virion: yes I've brought the soulfang I have a proposal. let me explain.

Harrow: *examines the sword* go on

Virion: *sighs* you are my king... *sits on the end of the bed* but your also my friend.

Harrow: your friend?

Virion: yes right now I do not come to you as my king I think of you... as my brother

Harrow: I see the problem now it's that you believe you are special better than everyone else above the laws of this kingdom

Virion: that's not what I was trying to say please listen

Harrow: assassins are coming to murder me tonight and your wasting what precious time I have left!

Virion: no Harrow I-

Harrow: stop *looks at Virion* how about "no your Highness" in fact let's try "yes your Highness" for a change

Virion: oh are you sure you wouldn't prefer " your Royal Highness"? "your Esteemed Inimitable Majesty" perhaps?

Harrow: I have tolerated your arrogance for too long maybe even encouraged it but if today is my last day as king you will know your place

Virion: and where exactly is that place?

Harrow: *points down* right here on... your... knees.

Virion had a look of disapproval on his face but gets off the bed placing his things down and gets on his knees while Harrow looks down on him with a serious look

Harrow: you are a servant of the kingdom of Katolis you are a servant

Y/n's Pov

after we managed to get out of those caves we made it to the roof Rayla was looking out to see if theirs any guards or Runaan aswell the other Moonshadow Elves that came with her and Uncle Runaan she then runs ahead a little but stops

Rayla: your here I know you are

Runaan: Rayla

I take a little peak from the box and see Uncle Runaan looking at Rayla with a serious and disappointed look on his face

Runaan: you defied me

Rayla: Runaan you need to call off the mission

Runaan: *jumps down from the ledge* you've lost your mind

Rayla: please listen to me I've found something the egg of the Dragon Prince

Runaan: that's impossible

Rayla: the egg wasn't destroyed it was stolen their High Mage was going to use it for dark magic but the human princes and the heir of K/n found it and they're only trying to help-

Runann: no the Humans are liars except the L/n family especially when i comes to my nephew this is a trick and a trap your a fool Rayla

Callum: she's not a fool

me and Callum then came out from behind the two boxes that we were hiding in between somehow Uncle Runaan didn't even see us even with me poking out to see a little

Callum: what she's saying is true

Runaan: *prepares his bow and arrow* you've made a terrible mistake

Callum: Ez, show him

then Ezran came out while holding the egg of the Dragon Prince with Bait on his shoulders Ezran then shows the egg to Uncle Runaan who was surprised to see the egg

Runaan: *gasp* it's beautiful *lowers his bow*

Rayla: how can we take vengeance for an act that never happened? you have to call it off

Runaan: Rayla you and Y/n know that it doesn't work that way we bound ourselves theirs only one way to release

Y/n: *eye widen* no you didn't... did you?

Rayla: Runaan please there has to be another way *motions to the egg* this is a miracle a chance for peace and to rebuild the kingdom of K/n with it's heir to the throne

Runaan: the humans except the L/n family struck down the King of the Dragons justice will not be denied now *puts his hand out* give me the egg

Rayla: *pulls out her blades* Callum, Ezran go you as well Y/n since you and Runaan are like family to one another

Callum: but-

Rayla: just keep it safe

I look at her than took in a count that the moon is full this night I then nod to her and ran with Callum and Ezran leaving Rayla to fight Uncle Runaan I then look to my right to see the full moon in full view meaning that Rayla and Uncle Runaan as well the other Moonshadow Elves are now in their fullest potential we then run down some stairs and stopped at a cart with a pile of hay on it

Callum: you need to stay here, Hidden *puts Ezran and bait in the hay pile* keep the egg safe I'll go talk to the king

Ezran: *head comes out of the hay* Callum why don't you just call him "Dad"?

Y/n: same he even took me in even though I'm not his son I see him as a father figure

Callum: because he's the king *looks down to his left* and I'm his step Son

Ezran: *smiles* I think he would want you to if you wanted to

Callum: I don't know about that be right back

he then goes off to find King Harrow while Ezran hides back in the hay and I hid in the shadows near the hay pile like how Uncle Runaan taught me

3rd pov

as Callum quickly moves to his step Father's room he runs passed two guards that were stationed near the door way of the stair case then runs into Soren

Soren: whoa, slow down there step-prince the king's pretty busy right now trying not to you know die and stuff

Callum: your not stopping me

he was about to run pass Soren as the door to the King's bed chambers opens with Virion coming out and closes the door while having his back face the door

Virion: *looks at Callum* you should not be here

Callum steps back a bit at Virion's tone to him then the scene changes to outside with guards on watch with cross bows while on the wall of the castle Runaan and Rayla's fight continues as he swings his bowblade while Rayla dodges the attacks with both of them being transparent to nearly be invisible Rayla then blocks one of Runaan's attacks and sends some strikes back at him making him dodged then quickly lunges at Rayla making her move passed him she turns to Runaan as he ran to another part of the castle wall Rayla follows him and both clash their blades Rayla then moves back as Runaan slashes at Rayla she dodges them by jumping over Runaan landing behind him as he quickly turns around and lunges at Rayla causing the two to clash again 

Runaan: your better than this

Rayla: *shakes her head* no not really you've had about 20 years more training 

Runaan: not your fighting skills I mean your character

he then breaks the clash forcing Rayla back into a ledge she then recovers and uses her blades hook mode on the ledge then flips to the ground then dodges incoming arrows from Runaan he then fires more arrows at her while she dodges one and breaks the other arrow with her blades Runaan then broght his bow out into his blades then charges at Rayla who blocks the attack then Runaan lands behind Rayla at a distance

Rayla: you saw the egg theres no need for vengeance tonight

she then lunges at Runaan as the two block each others attacks then Rayla slashes at Runaan who dodges them by jumping over Rayla and lands behind her Rayla quickly turns around as she block some attacks from Runaan and dodges the others she begins to pant while Runaan looks at her with a raised eybrow then follows her gaze to a tower

Runaan: your just trying to stall me

Rayla: *sassy pose* interesting theory care to discuss?

Runaan: *looks at Rayla* your justice will come later *begins to run on the roofs of buildings*

Rayla: no wait!

-back to Callum- 

Callum: I what you did you stole the egg of the Dragon Prince we found it and we're keeping it safe

Virion: "we"?

Callum: the king will have you in shackles when he finds out about this

Virion: what makes you so sure he doesn't already know?

Callum gets a little worried about his statement 

Virion: grab him

Soldier: *looks at him shocked and confused*

Soren: but he's the Prince

Virion: Do it!

the two soldiers then walk towards Callum as he tries to run but gets grabbed by them then they brought him back to Virion

Virion: now tell me where is the egg?

Callum: I'll call out I'll scream

Virion: go ahead

he then brings out some thing from his pocket and crushes it then starts chanting causing his eye to glow purple as his hand opens with the item intact with green mist the mist then formed a hand and goes into Callum's mouth then comes out with a glowing orb in hand Callum tries to yell but cant make words come out only his breath can be heard as the green mist retracts back into the item as Virion closes his hand meanwhile outside Rayla is maneuvering looking for Callum, Y/n and Ezran she then walks by a cart with some hay as inside the said hay glows catching Rayla's attention she then becomes visible again and moves some hay

Rayla: this one's not so good at hiding

Bait: *croaks*

Ezran: *pops out of the hay* I told him that

Rayla: anyway wheres Y/-

????: *whispers* hey girl how you doing let me whisper into your ears

Rayla then jumps slightly letting out a cute yelp then turns around quickly and slaps who ever was behind her she then sees Y/n on the ground laughing lightly while rubbing his cheek where Rayla slapped him

Y/n: *chuckles* okay I deserved that one

Rayla: don't do that again or I will hit you where it would hurt the most

Y/n: *slightly scared* okay

Rayla: *looks at Ezran* uh where's your brother?

Ezran: he went up to the tower to see our dad

Rayla: *turns to the tower* oh no that's the last place he should be right now

-back to Callum-

Virion: you impudent little mongrel you were spoiled and given everything.... and that has left you weak and helpless tonight your world is changing and there is nothing you or anyone can-

he was cut off by the sound of wind coming from near the door way where two other guards are standing as they looked down it progressing through the stair well as each soldier heard the sound then one by one the torches went out darkening the room until the last torches went out in the room where everyone is as each soldier and Soren had their hands on their swords

Virion: their here

then a arrow was shot out from the darkness hitting the shoulder plate of Soren's armor as Callum was on his hands and knees on the ground and watches Soren pulls out his sword

Soren: defend the doors!

then the two soldiers near the door way to the stairs were jumped by a barely visible figure who jumps out and grabs the soldier slamming him on the ground and kicks the other one then quickly knees another soldier in the face then one by one each Moonshadow elf comes out of the door way as Runaan fires some arrows from his bowblade then quickly gets it into two separate blades then charges as each soldier fights their own Moonshadow elf along with Soren and Virion who still has the item but a soldier accidently bumps into Virion dropping the item as it let go of the glowing orb and flies back into callum's mouth then a elf tries to open the door but was stopped by Soren

Callum: King Harrow!

the fight continues as nothing came out of the King's bed chambers while Soren fights protecting the door

Callum: Dad!

then Runaan takes out a soldier as Soren and another soldier defends the door then Runaan charges at Soren who blocks his attack as the fight progressed just stood there watching

Ezran: Callum!

he then looks out a window to see Y/n, Ezran and Rayla looking for him while Y/n and Rayla has their blades out incase a fight comes their way

Ezran: Callum where are you!

as Ezran continues to call out to him Callum looks back at the fight to see Soren and a soldier fight to protect the door he looks between the door and back to Ezran then quickly runs to the Door to the stairs he then trips on a body of a soldier then sees another then gets up and made his way down the stairs he then runs towards Ezran, Y/n and Rayla as the three look at him

Ezran: Callum did you talk to dad?

he shakes his head as the sound of sword clashing can be heard outside of the tower as Callum looks back at the tower

Rayla: say the word and I'll go into that tower with you

Y/n: same here

Callum looks at the egg that Ezran is holding making his decision on what to do

Callum: no it's up to us now we have to return this egg we have to keep it safe and carry it to Xadia

Ezran: and find it's mother

Rayla: we can change things we could make a difference

Y/n: and rebuild the peace between humans and elves

Callum: just the four of us

Bait: *croaks and turns red*

Callum: uh five of us

Y/n, Callum and Rayla nodded to one another and run to the castle entrance while avoiding any soldiers that come byas they make it to the bridge leading out of the castle they stop and look back at the tower as Callum has a look of sadness while Y/n looks at Callum knowing that feeling in losing a parent

Ezran: Callum do you think Dad will be okay?

Callum: he has the finest guards in the kingdom defending him

Ezran: yeah... yeah of course

then the scene changes to Runaan who is exhausted and hurt from the fight he goes to the balcony and pulls out a arrow then the band around his arm turns red and comes off his arm he then goes on his knees and grabs the red wrapping and ties it to the arrow then exstends the arrow and grabs his bow and aims it to the sky

Runaan: Regina Draconis!

he then fires the arrow as it flies through the air and turns into a mist like bird creature Runaan then drops his bowblade as a sword his near his face he then sees Soren and other soldiers there behind him

Runaan: finish this

Soren: *prepares a strike* my pleasure

Claudia: no we can find more practical uses for this one tie him up

Y/n's pov

as we made our way through the forest on a trail we ran until I saw Rayla slowed down and stop then looks at her right hand with the same wrapping as Uncle Runaan's around her wrist it then turns red and comes off meaning one thing we then look up to see a mist like bird fly past us with the same wrapping heading to the direction to Xadia

Callum: what's going on? something's wrong

Rayla then quickly hid her right hand behind her to keep the fact that their Father King Harrow is dead

Rayla: no it's.... we should stop and rest soon it's along journey to Xadia

Y/n: she's right even though my Kingdom was set in between the sides of both human and elves it is along ways away

he seemed to believe it then turns and continues walking as me and Rayla follow him and Ezran as we begin our journey to Xadia

To be Continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter now as I said I'm bringing back a question on the mother of the reader being an elf if Moonshadow elf then the mother will be Lujanne whose a mage with illusions if Sunfire elf then it will be Janai or a female OC elf if startouch elf then female OC elf same for the Skywing elf also the reader will still look human with slightly pointy ears but not too pointy but still looks human and has the perks of the type of elf so I'll leave the decision to you guys on how many votes the other gets now I'll see you guys in the next one

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