Chapter 4: rise of the moon
A/n: hey guys here's the next chapter sorry for not updating this story often but I"m back and ready for action now let the chapter begin
3rd pov
in the armory where King Harrow is who is wearing his armor and putting on his crown readying himself for the Moonshadow Elves who will be at their full strength when the moon is full after getting his armor King Harrow and his armed escort made their way down the hall as they approached a door with two more guards and Soren who presents his King a sword with his head bowed to him in respect as Harrow grabs the sword and examines it before putting it in the scabbard then making their way outside with more armed guards at their post ready to defend their King as Harrow and his escort made their way up the stairs with some of the guards stopping at a certain point of the stairs the group entered the bedchambers of the King as two guards open the doors to the balcony as some with crossbows made their way to the balcony to cover that post as the night finally came in King Harrow unsheathed his sword and did a few practice swings then his bird flew to him and perching itself on his shoulder
Harrow: this may be the end.
bird: *chirps*
Harrow: *smiles* aw who gives the best birdie kisses? Pip does
he gets some bird noises from his pet companion spending what little time he has left as the scene changes to Virion and his daughter Claudia making their way to Virion's study
Claudia: but I don't understand the switching spell will save his life why would he say no?
Virion: King Harrow is a principle man.
Claudia: you mean "stubborn"
they entered the study as Virion still carries the basket that held the two headed serpent
Virion: watch your mouth... but yes, he is hardheaded usually about the right things but about this...*sighs then puts the basket on the table* I don't know
Claudia: *looks at the portrait* you look so... happy in this portrait.
Virion: I was we posed for this a few days after King Harrow's coronation. he insisted I stand next to him for the painting because he knew I would stand by him through anything
Claudia: and you have
Virion: so far yes
as the two stared at the painting for a couple of seconds then Virion closed his eyes and slightly lowered his head
Virion: I have to stand by him through this, too. I need to be the man he once believed I was.
Claudia: what does that mean, dad?
Virion: it means there's one more thing I can do to convince him
Claudia: what are you doing?
Virion: if I told you, you would try to stop me.
Claudia: *crosses her arms* so, I shouldn't just try to stop you then, even without knowing?
Virion: goodbye, Claudia
as Virion left with the basket that held the two headed serpent and shut his door Claudia turns around until her foot hits a rolled up paper with a stamp on it as she picked it up she looks at the seal then gets a confused look then turns towards the painting she then walked closer to it for a better look then moves to the left side of the painting and noticed a orange substance she rubbed her finger on it then taste it
Claudia: ugh. Persimmon?
she then grabs the left side of the painting and starts pulling on it to reveal a secret passageway she then snaps her finger twice then a her hand starts to glow a white light she then points her hand in front of her to light up her way the light shorts out until she gently pats her arm to make the light glow again
A/n: don't ask me how cause I'm no magic expert and that only works on flashlights
Y/n's pov
we all stare at the glowing egg that has various patterns on it my eyes couldn't believe what they were seeing I lower my sword and loosen my grip on it
Rayla: this changes everything
Y/n: yeah never have I thought I could see the egg of the dragon prince in person
Callum: so, this is it? the egg of the Dragon Prince?
Rayla: I can't believe it if the egg lives...
Y/n/Callum: maybe it could stop the war.
me and Callum both said it at the same time as we look at each other and nod to one another then Rayla walks closer to the egg and crouches down to get a better look
Ezran: he's okay in there. I can feel it.
Callum: but how? why wasn't it destroyed?
Claudia: because my father saved it.
me and Rayla turned around with are weapons ready as we see Claudia coming down the stairs with a magic orb in her hand
Callum: Claudia!
Claudia: Callum, Ezran get behind me Y/n get away from the elf. I can protect you from the elf.
Y/n: yea not happening and I can protect myself
Rayla: *points her blade at Claudia* your father didn't save it. he stole it.
Claudia: that's a lie!
Callum: *walks up to her* then, Claudia, why is it here?
Y/n: that's something I like to know too
Claudia: my father took it to protect us, Callum so the elves and dragons couldn't use it.
Y/n: okay now that is a damn lie if I heard one it's an egg!
Rayla: what are you talking about? how can we use it?
Claudia: don't play dumb! you know it's a powerful weapon.
Rayla: it's not a weapon. it's an egg!
Y/n: with a living being inside of said egg and this is coming from a member of the L/n family who were friends with the Elves, dragons and Humans
Claudia: Ezran don't be afraid. walk towards me, and if she moves even an inch...
she does a symbol made out of lightning pointed at Rayla who gets in a stance while I got in front of her with my sword at the ready twisting the handle producing red lightning and strong heat from the blade
Y/n: don't even think about it
Claudia: *produces lightning from her hand* just bring that thing here
Rayla: it's not a thing! it has a mother and it needs to go back to her.
Y/n: that I can agree with
Ezran: your right. it wants its mother
Claudia: Ezran be careful.
I look over to Ezran who looks down at the egg he's holding and looks up to me and Rayla as me and her smile at him
Ezran: follow me.
me and Rayla follow him as Callum was standing next to Claudia I can hear her lightning charging up and a hant but was cut off followed by a loud boom I didn't look back while running I twist the handle of my sword again to stop the red lightning and heat then Callum caught up with was telling us something is after us me and Rayla stop to intercept whats chasing us with our weapons ready
Rayla: keep running *looks to Y/n* you too
Y/n: *shakes his head* not happening I'm not letting you fight alone
before she could even protest two purple and black wolves came towards us Rayla jumped and flipped towards to the one on her right as I went for the left one with a thrust of my sword but our weapons only went through them then Rayla tried to went for a slash but only to go through the wolf as it bit her arm I quickly dodge a bite from the other wolf and landed next to Rayla as we both looked at her arm to see the bite mark that mostly looked like a burn bite mark we then charged at the wolves to attack them again only to get the same results we then looked behind us and ran to Callum and Ezran
Rayla: we can't stop them they're just smoke. my swords pass right through them
Y/n: yeah and I highly doubt my sword's enchantment would do anything to them
we get ready for the wolves again as they approach us I was about to twist the handle of my sword again to see If I'm wrong about it not affecting them
Callum: there might be something I can do, but I don't know if I can do it.
Rayla: is this a guessing game? just do it!
the wolves then charged right at us I readied my sword until I heard Callum use the spell for wind then a gust of wind came from behind me and Rayla blowing the smoke wolves away I turned to Callum with a proud smile
Ezran: you did it!
Y/n: way to go there Callum
Rayla: you never mentioned you were a mage.
Callum: who, me? no I'm... I'm not really anytrhing
Ezran: you just did magic.
Y/n: yup you did that was magic alright
Rayla: Yeah that's what a mage is. your a mage
Callum: oh really? wow! I'm a mage!
Callum: *yells* I'm a mage!
Rayla: shh nobody likes a loud mage.
I lightly laughed at both my friend's excitement and how Rayla shushed him we then make our way through the tunnel to find a way out
To Be continued
A/n: and done sorry if this was kinda short but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know what you think and I'll catch you guys in the next one
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