Chapter 2: preparing for the winter lodge trip

Author note: hey guys I hope your ready for another chapter for this story now before the story starts I was wondering what should the reader's (you) mother be a normal human or one of the elf races let me know in the comments on let's get started

3rd pov

In the forest just miles away of the castle of katolis where two moonshadow elves are in a tree looking at the castle in the distance the leader of the moonshadow elf assassin's runaan preparing for tonights assassination attempt to avenge the dragon king and his heir

Runaan: they'll be on the lookout for us now

Moonshadow elf1: five of us won't be enough we need all six

Runaan looks at him for a moment then looks back at the castle

Runaan: we''ll be stronger as five.

After he said that the other moonshadow elf looks down below them where their camp is as the scene changes to reyla sitting on her lonesome as the other elves are maintaining their respective weapons reyla is running her fingers around her weapons edge feeling if it's properly sharpened then she looks back at her fellow elves as they also look back at her then go back to what they were doing then she looks at another elf who is using a wetstone to sharpened his blade 

Reyla: hey could I borrow your sharpener thingie?

Male moonshadow elf: wetstone.

Reyla: yeah that

Male moonshadow elf: no.

He then resumes sharpening his weapon as reyla looks back as runaan jumps down from the tree he was in and walks to reyla as he stops near her reyla then looks at him 

Runaan: come with me

He the walks past her as she looks down knowing she made the mission more complicated then she stands up and puts her weapon on the back of her belt then follows him

Callum's pov 

Callum: ezran I'm sorry I shouldn't have said what I said I'm sure everything's going to be fine. Come on later you can call me a jerkface and I'll do the crazy jerkface dance for you

????: *chuckles* that's always funny to watch with that ridiculous dance you do

I jump slightly from being startled I then looked behind me only to see y/n leaning on the wall with a smirk

Callum: hey don't sneak up on me like that and how did you get in here without me knowing

Y/n: not important let me guess you made ezran upset 

Callum: how did you know that?

Y/n: well you wouldn't bring up the crazy jerkface dance unless you made ezran upset or you were wrong about something he knew

Callum: okay good point well I'm going to go grab some books for our trip what about you y/n you got done packing for our trip?

Y/n: yep mainly the essentials like extra close and food

Callum: nice well we don't have much time so why don't we come back in few minutes and help ez pack up

Y/n: sounds like a plan

With that I grabbed my bag and we both left not before looking back at ezran's door to his room then walked out

Rayla's pov

Me and runaan have been walking through the forest for awhile away from our camp it's been nothing but silence between us then runaan finally spoke

Runaan: I thought you could do it rayla but I was wrong

Rayla: your not wrong I can do it

Runaan: I know you've never taken before I brought you because your talented maybe the fastest and strongest of any of us but it takes more than that there's an instinct a moment of truth and in that moment you hesitated.

Rayla: I won't hesitate again.

Runaan:you will I see now that your still just a child your heart isn't hard enough to do whatever it takes

Rayla: I messed up I know I did because I let that human go we're all in danger. But that's why you have to let me make it right

Author note:(by that human she means the guard not you)

Runaan: no it's too late for that

Rayla: I bound myself, my heart for-

I was about to say and pull out my swords but runaan stopped me before I could pull them out

Runaan: you'll be unbound when the job is done your role now is to stay out of the way *points to a rock* you will wait here, quietly.

I go to the rock he was pointing and sat on it knowing what he will say next

Runaan: if we're not back by sunrise, go home.

He said as he walks away I sat their thinking on what I can do but I put my head down because I disappointed runaan after he put so much faith in my abilities then I looked up at the castle thinking on what I can do now then it hit me

Rayla's thoughts: that's it I can bring back Prince y/n to Xadia with the help of the elves we can rebuild his kingdom and runaan is like a son to him and he is really handsome wait WHAT?! What did I say no I got to get my head on straight bring back Prince y/n and kill Prince ezran

I get back up from the rock with a plan in mind

Rayla: I can fix this

I then moved quickly towards the castle so I can do the right thing

Callum's pov

I was in the library passing some time while y/n went to the castle walls to get a good view of the forest I must say he really enjoys good views of landscapes I can't really blame him as I walk up to a book shelf I grabbed a book with the title called "lost secrets of Xadia" by D,giehl this is one of the books that y/n always reads I guess its understandable seeing his home was in between the borders of the human kingdoms and Xadia this intrest me so i began reading it then one of the pages just move as I was on a different one then more pages moved and it spooked me

Callum: how in the...

I moved away from the book then I hear some giggling I looked to the source to only see my crush Claudia 

Claudia: *whispers* aspiro 

She says as she did some magic symbol with an orb then she blew some air just enough to move the pages in the books then the book flew into another shelf hitting it and landing on the ground

Claudia: *giggles*

Callum: I thought the book was haunted or something

Claudia: you should have seen the on your face. It was completely adorable

Callum: *at the same time she said adorable* ridiculous *catches on what she said* did you just say adorable?

Claudia: did i?

She smirked while I just blushed because she just called me adorable 

Callum: *clears throat* it's so amazing that you can do things like that

Claudia: nah it's just a simple wind breath rune *does the magic rune again* aspiro.

She softly blew a currant of wind in my face while I just smelled a hint of peanut butter for some reason

Claudia: can you smell the peanut butter?

Callum: oh yeah is that part of the spell?

Claudia: nope just what I had for lunch.

Both: *laughs*

Claudia: see this? It's a primal stone it uses magical energy from one of the six primal sources look

Callum: *looks at the orb* wow what's inside?

Claudia: it's a storm a real storm captured from the top of mount kalik 

Callum: that's incredible your so lucky you get to learn magic

Claudia: well you get to learn sword-fighting

Callum: I'd switch places in a second and plus y/n is way more skilled with a sword than me

As soon as I said that Claudia gasped and got an excited look on her face the wiggled her finger towards her and me then runs off going to the left side of the library but that's a dead end then she runs to the opposite side of the library then I wiggled my finger same as Claudia thinking it's a signal meaning "catch ya later" or something 

Callum: I do not understand girls

????: same here buddy same here

As soon as I heard a voice coming from behind me I turned around only to see its y/n

Callum: seriously man how do you keep sneaking up on me without me noticing you

Y/n: because I'm that good at sneaking *mutters* and threating the author on making a derieri x male reader story

Callum: what was the last part

Y/n: oh nothing to worry your pretty little head

I shrugged so we both went and grab some books for the trip

Virion's pov

I was walking to my friend and king harrow to give a report on failing to find the elves

Virion: my king we have not been able to find the elves sundown is only an hour away Soren and the others have returned to bolster your defenses

Harrow: it won't be enough I've accepted that tonight I may pay the price for our mistake

Virion: *puts a hand on harrow shoulder* harrow don't give up just yet Claudia and I are still searching for a creative solution

Harrow: call it what it is... dark magic

I was taken back when he said that but it is true that it is called dark magic but it helped us in the past before

Virion: yes

Harrow: I've spent years gong along with these "creative solutions" and where has it gotten me?

Virion: I don't understand

Harrow: I know you don't leave me.

With that I gave harrow some space knowing he may die tonight by the elves once I exited the room I closed the door behind me leaning my back against it I was about to walk away until I see my daughter Claudia running towards me with a smile on her face meaning she has an idea once she got near me she pointed at her nose then at me for some reason

Virion: *sighs* okay what is that with the nose, the finger? Not everyone speaks claudia, claudia.

Claudia: it means I've got something.

Y/n's pov

After me and callum got some books for the trip we went back to his room to get ezran hoping he'll answer callum knocks on the door to ezran's room

Callum: Ezran we need to get going its almost sundown *getting no response* Ez?

Then callum went to the little door for bait to come in and out the room

Callum: oh no

Y/n: what is it is Ez in their

????: Prince callum

With that callum hit his head I slightly jumped and drew my sword out quickly turning around swinging the blade but stopping it close to the neck as I got a good look its just one of the guard's of the castle so I put my sword back

Y/n: sorry about that I thought you were someone else please don't sneak up on anyone like that

Callum: *gets up and mutters* hypocrite 

Guard: sorry Prince y/n I will make sure to not do that well the king wants to see you alone Prince callum

Callum: oh perfect but he could have seen both of us if he wanted to

He grabs his bag and quickly leaves I told the guard that I'll walk with him to the king's room which I made my way to callum

Rayla's pov

As I was making my way to the castle using the trees to hide my approach I jumped on one of the branches I can see two guards chatting

Male guard: yesterday I had two eggs for breakfast and I was starving today I had four eggs and I'm stuffed so tomorrow-

Female guard: three eggs I get it we don't need to talk

Male guard: I was going to say two eggs and one sausage

Rayla thoughts: really they are on patrol and heis talking about what he had for breakfast I wonder how he even got recruited at least the other one is ing to be professional 

Then I continued on where I'm heading towards the castle jumping from tree branch to branch as I continued I jumped down to the ground and hide behind a tree to avoid being seen by the patrolling guards then I let them past and went to the opposite direction as i made I out of the forest I stop only to see a ravine 

Rayla thoughts: water why of all things it had to be water

I look up to see the Castle on a hill leaving me to make the climb up to it I look back down at the water and took a deep breath and took my weapons and put them in their hook mode and jumped from rock to rock across the ravine and on to the cliff side and started to climb

To be continued 

Author note: hey guys hope you enjoy this chapter I'm planning on the next chapter will be my dmc male reader x kingdom hearts story then my neferpitou x male reader I'll have my needless story on hold until I can think of any good ideas for future chapters for it I'll catch you guys in the next one

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