Chapter 11: Wonderstorm

A/n: Hello my fellow readers! Here is the next chapter to this story, now you'll see what the reader saw in the little cliffhanger in the last chapter. I know I'm evil doing that, but it builds up suspense, now on with the chapter.

Y/n's pov

I stood still looking through the reflection of my sword only to see my eyes glowing, with what appears to be glowing markings around my eyes going further down my body, just seeing this happening to me is making me at a lost for words.

A/n: Similar to this and the best I could find.

Y/n: What in the name of all gods is happening to me?

Callum: Y/n...

I turn to him as he approached me, but Rayla got in front of him stopping him from getting too close or at touching distance of me.

Rayla: Callum, don't touch him.

Callum: Why?

Ezran: Does it have something to do with, why Y/n is glowing like that?

Rayla: Yes, I've seen this happen with Sunfire Elves. This is what they call "Heat-Being mode."

Callum/Ezran/Ellis: Heat-Being mode?

Y/n: I've read about that, Heat-Being mode is a technique that Sunfire Elves can use much similar to how Moonshadow Elves are at their strongest on a full moon night. But for Sunfire Elves it increases their speed and strength, while also making their body heat up and if touched it burns what made contact.

Rayla: Right, but how are you able to use it?

Y/n: I... have no idea.

Callum: Maybe this miracle healer can help.

Ezran: There is no miracle healer. I'm sorry.

We turn to Ezran, while the said boy takes off his backpack that carried the dragon egg, leaving us confused by his words.

Callum: Stop being mysterious. If your gonna make a claim like that, you owe everyone an explanation.

Ezran: Okay. Ava told me-

Callum: Ugh, here we go!

Y/n: Callum, let him explain.

Ezran: Listen to Y/n, I'm telling the truth! I can understand animals.

Callum: Well, did you ask Bait? He might disagree.

Bait: *croaks*

I sigh having a completely hard time with Callum just listening to his brother, even I'm understanding that Ezran has a special connection with animals.

Callum: Or maybe we can find an opinionated squirrel around here somewhere.

Y/n: Callum, that's enough.

Ezran: I knew you wouldn't listen to me.

Callum sighs while I shook my head to him, and then see Rayla approach Ezran with an understanding look.

Rayla: Ezran, I'm listening to you. But it is pretty hard to believe.

Ezran: I've always been different. It's hard for me to make friends with other kids. I just feel like, I don't fit in.

Rayla: That's okay, fitting in is boring anyway.

Y/n: So true.

Ezran: But with animals? Somehow, I have this connection. *petting Bait's head*

Bait: *croaks*

Ezran: And a few years ago, I realized I could understand what they were saying.

Callum: Can you believe this.

I punch him in the arm, but forgot that I was still in the Heat-Being mode so it gave Callum, a small burn but can easily fade away.

Callum: Ow!

Y/n: Sorry, forgot that I am still in Heat-Being mode.

Rayla: Why would he lie?

Callum: Because he's a kid? because it's fun? Because he's afraid to go up the mountain?

Y/n: Callum, he's not like that.

Ezran: Y/n's right! I'm not afraid!

Callum: Come on, Ez, tell the truth. The first time he did this, I asked him to prove it, so Ezran said that a group of raccoons had told him "there was treasure hidden behind a waterfall." But when I went through the waterfall, did I find a treasure?

Ezran: No.

Callum: But did my underwear get soaked?

Ezran: Yes.

Callum: Case closed.

Y/n: *sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose* I still can't believe your still on about that, Just let it go.

Ezran: The raccoons were being mischievous. I have since learned, you cannot trust raccoons.

Callum: This is ridiculous! See, this is why you can't make friends.

Y/n/Rayla: Callum!

Rayla: Back off.

Ezran: I know Y/n believes me, but do you believe me Rayla?

Rayla: If Y/n's believes you, then I have nothing to go against his word.

Ellis: I believe you, Ez. But I also know the miracle healer is real. Because I have my Ava! *hugs her wolf*

Callum: We're moving on. We need to get to the rim.

We then continue to head towards the mountain, but I use my sword to look at my reflection to see, that it slowly goes back to normal ending the Heat-Being mode.

3rd pov

-with Soren and Claudia-

The brother and sister known as Soren and Claudia heading towards a mountain, after obtaining the materials for Claudia's spell.

Claudia: Mount Kalik. The tallest mountain in Katolis.

Soren: You might say it's... *hops on his horse* the Ka-tallest.

This got his sister Claudia to laugh hearing that, Soren made a pun involving the mountain and the kingdom they both grew up in. she managed to calm down and wipe away the tears that came down when she was laughing.

Claudia: That is the funniest joke, I've heard in my entire life. You are a genius.

Soren: Really?

Claudia: Why not? *looks at the gorund* Hey... what's this? *holds up some dirt*

Soren: I don't know, what?

Claudia: The Ka-shortest mountain!

Claudia then laughs at her own joke, while Soren just stared at his sister not sure if she even got his end of the joke.

Soren: So, now I'm not even sure you got the original joke.

Claudia then gets on her horse and the two of them head towards the mountain, Soren looks at his sister to ask her a question.

Soren: Look, just to double check... do you have everything you need for your weird spell, right?

Claudia: Yeah, of course.

Soren: Great. I... I just don't want to get all the way to the top of the mountain and have you suddenly remember you still need a... a wasp butt or something.

Claudia: *scoffs* Wasp butts are useless. but actually, there are a lot of interesting things you can do with a wasp thorax-

Soren: You know what? Could not be less interested.

He moves ahead, while his sister just looks at him and chuckles, then follows close behind him making their way to the mountain.

-back with Y/n and the others-

As the group enters a forest filled with dead trees, that have no leaves on them, Callum is looking at his box that in his hands with the Moon Rune glowing, which got him curious.

Callum: Huh? The higher we walk up this caldera, the brighter the Moon Rune glows.

Rayla: *Smug smile* Here's a theory. The higher we walk, the closer we are to... *points at the moon* the moon.

Y/n: Or perhaps, it's reacting to Rayla who is a Moonshadow elf, that draws her power from the moon Primal source.

Rayla looks at Y/n with a "really" face, which he sent a wink at her making her blush a little and look away, while Y/n chuckles.

Callum: I don't know. Something seems different this time.

Then the group starts to hear, disembodied voices coming from through out the dead forest, which makes Ava whimper from the sounds.

Ellis: Did any one else hear that?

Y/n: Yup, but I'm not sure what it is.

Rayla: Yup! Ignoring it! Keep moving.

They then hear more disembodied voices and moans coming out, which makes Y/n draw his sword incase something comes out, and Ellis wraps her arms around Ava.

Ezran: Maybe we should find out what it is?

Rayla: I'm going to share an old Elven proverb with you. When traveling up a mountain trying to save a dying dragon egg, and hear a spooky sound... just keep walking.

Rayla continues walking, while Callum, Ezran, Ellis, Ava and Y/n just behind her with Y/n just lightly smiling and follows Rayla.

Callum: Wow that's really specific.

Then the moaning began to grow louder, which was enough for Bait to jump into Ezran's arms and croak nervously. Ezran looks around, while Y/n notices some rather large webs on some of the rocks and trees.

Ezran: What if someone needs help?

Rayla stops to look at the young boy, seeing that he is concerned that someone could be in the forest in trouble, Rayla then walks up to Ezran putting her hand on his shoulder.

Rayla: Ez, you have a good heart. It's super annoying.

Y/n laughs, from the sheer reply that Rayla said while the said Moonshadow Elf walks towards one of the rocks.

Rayla: *sighs* Fine, but we shouldn't all go up there. I'll check it out. Y/n, you stay with them incase someone or something comes your way and keep the egg safe.

Y/n: I'm way ahead of you. *grips his sword*

Rayla then starts climbing the rocks and pulls out one of her blades with her good hand, she then sees more webs around which makes her a bit nervous, but she cautiously moves forward and approaches what appears to be a person cocooned in webs. She slowly get's closer making sure if the person was alive or dead, but then the body in the cocoon moved making Rayla step back.

cocooned person: Turn back!

Rayla: Hello? Someone in there?

cocooned person: Before it gets you, too.

The cocooned person then limps with no other movement, making Rayla assume the person in the cocoon fell uncounicous.

Rayla: I'm not leaving you. Don't worry. Just hang on, I'm going to help.

She then carefully stabs the blade into the cocoon and carefully moves down, to make sure as to not hurt the on inside the cocoon. Once the cocoon was fully cut open all that fell out was nothing, but dust making Rayla gasp with her eyes widen.

Y/n's pov

We were waiting for Rayla to come back with anyone who might need help, Callum, Ezran, Ellis and Ava where sitting on the ground and Bait was on Ezran's lap, while I was on guard with my blade ready. We then see Rayla come back down, but to me she seemed afraid when coming back.

Ezran: Did you find someone?

Rayla: No. There was no one there. We have to get moving.

Y/n: *walks up to Rayla* You okay? You saw something.

Rayla: *sighs* It was barely alive. Crumbled to dust before my very eyes. It was horrible, Y/n.

I pulled her in a hug and rub my hand against her back helping her calm down form what she had just saw moments ago. Once she calmed down, we all begin to keep on moving to the mountain, along the way I've been hearing something move from between the shadows of this dead forest.

Ezran: *screams*

We heard Ezran scream and quickly turn to see him stepping back form where he was looking, I got in front of him with my sword pointed at the direction of where he was looking.

Callum: Ez, what's wrong?

Ezran: I... I saw something. A face in the dark.

Rayla comes up next to me with her blade out and we look to see nothing, Rayla puts her blade away but I kept mine out and the others look at Ezran.

Ellis: Something is watching us. If you guys want to turn back-

Callum: No! There's no turning back. We have to keep moving, no matter what. The egg doesn't have much time.

Y/n: He's right, but if there is something watching us just be careful.

We keep going, but I still can't shake the feeling that we are being watch, with every step we take Rayla and I used our blades to cut down any branches that were in our way, but then we stop at what appears to be a large wall of webs blocking our path.

Rayla: Hmm.

Callum: Can't you just cut through it or Y/n using his sword to burn through it?

Y/n: I could, but burning it would probably set off a massive fire.

Rayla: Yeah, probably better if we can go around.

We look around to find another way around the wall of webs, while Ava was sniffing around but only to whimper in not finding a way around.

Callum: I don't think there is an "around." We need to punch through.

Rayla: *sighs* Alright, let's find out what made this. Y/n.

I nod to her and activated my sword's magic lightning and heat, then lightly tap my sword on the wall of webs which quickly burn away the webs, we continue on towards the path while Callum saw some left over webs.

Rayla: Be careful. Do not touch those webs!

We continue to follow Rayla and to avoid the webs as much as possible, but I couldn't help but hear something skittering around us as we walk closer to the mountain.

Ezran: Ugh, they're everywhere. It's too dark!

We kept on moving, while at this point me and Rayla gripped our blades ready to use them, when what ever made the webs in this forest, then we heard something behind us which we turned with Ezran getting scared and a very large spider screeching at us. Callum is quick enough to get his Primal stone out and cast a lightning spell at the spider.

Callum: Fulminis!

he fires the lightning which seem to hit the spider and pop leaving nothing but scraps of webs in it's place.

Callum: Ahh! Un, did I get it? Where'd it go? *franticly dust himself off* I feel like it's in my hair!

Rayla: Really? It's a two-ton magical spider. You know if it was in your hair.

Y/n: Easy, Callum it's not in your hair. But I highly doubt a giant magical spider can be defeated that quickly.

We then hear more skittering around us, but then Ellis get's our attention with her shushing us while Ava sniffs around.

Ellis: Shh... we need to listen

We go back to back in a circle looking around us and continue to listen to the skittering spider, that seems to wait before it strikes again. But then, we hear it right above us and jumps down making us jump back, while it screeches at us, we then Run as the spider chases us and hide behind some trees. Rayla,Callum and Ezran were hiding behind one tree and I was with Ellis and Ava behind another one, I stayed calm so that I won't tire myself out from screaming and have energy to fight this spider if I have to.

Callum: How are we gonna get past that thing?

Rayla: Even if we managed to get past, one misstep and we're caught in one of those crazy webs. And trust me, you don't want to know what happens if you get caught in a web.

Y/n: Magic spiders, are very dangerous creatures at that. Especially if their in a group.

Callum: There has to be a way. We have to get through.

I notice Ezran looks towards the giant spider and hearing it screeching loudly, followed by chittering.

Ezran: Wait a second. Something's not right... in a good way, this time!

3rd pov

-with Claudia and Soren-

As both Claudia and Soren continue to the mountain, they were going and the day has fallen into nightfall.

Soren: I know it's late... but there's something so invigorating about climbing a mountain at midnight! The moonlight. Ah, the clouds. Oh, that fresh night air... *inhales the air, then beign to cough* Ahh! Claudia, I think your horse just-

Claudia: Wasn't the horse.

A/n: Okay, I need context cause I was not sure what she meant by that, but if she was implying she farted this girl is special.

Claudia then walks ahead, while Soren just looks at his sister in disbelief, form what she just said to him and gained an disgusted look.

Soren: I'm not gonna lie to you, I'm disgusted... and a little impressed. 

-back with Y/n and his group-

As the spider was watching the group from it's webs, releasing a screech and chittering while the group watches the spider from behind their trees.

Ellis: What should we do? We could turn back and try to find another way up to the caldera.

Ezran laughs and puts Bait down, who has been in the boys arms for sometime now and the others look at the boy.

Ezran: No, it's gonna be okay. We can just walk right past it.

Y/n: Nani?

Callum: What are you talking about?

Ezran: It's not real! I'm sure of it.

Rayla: That doesn't make any sense.

Ezran: Exactly! All those crazy chitters and screams... that's not how spiders talk.

Callum: Ezran, you've lost your mind.

Y/n: Callum, he might be on to something.

Callum: Oh, not you too Y/n.

Ezran: We're going out there to prove it.

Callum: Don't!

But it was too late both Ezran and Y/n, who has sheathed his sword and move on ahead, while Callum follows after them. Once the two were close to the spider's location, the said creature drops down and screeches loudly in their face, instead of frightful screams both Y/n and Ezran let out a yell of their own. Callum stops to see that the spider was not attacking them and sees, the said spider let out another loud screech at the two boys, and they yelled right back at the spider while Callum reached to two of them.

Ezran: *laughs* It's fun. Try screaming at him.

Callum was hesitant and reached his hand out to the spider, instead of it trying to bite him the spider just screeches loudly at him.

Ezran: See? It won't do anything.

Y/n: Yup, all this time it was just trying to scare us, not trying to do us harm.

Callum: You two are right. *smiles* Ez and Y/n are right!

Ezran: Let's see if we can get it to turn around and show us it's creepy glow face.

The boy walks up to the spider, and does silly faces while laughing with the said spider just staring at the boy.

Callum: Ezran, I owe you an apology.

Ezran: Well, at least one.

Callum: *walks up to his brother* I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I promise, I won't ever doubt you again.

Ezran: If you really mean it...

Callum: I do.

Y/n: *smirks* Oh, boy this should be good.

Y/n goes next to spider and leans against it, while the said spider didn't mind him doing so and just continued watching the two brothers talk to one another.

Ezran: ...then you have to do the thing.

Callum: Here? Now?

Ezran, nods while Y/n prepares himself for a good show and hopes not to laugh at what's about to happen. Callum then makes a goofy face and does a stupid looking dance, the spider just looks at Callum while Y/n holds his sides struggling to laugh at Callum's ridiculous dance and Ezran comes up to the spider laughing and pointing at Callum.

Ezran: *laughs* Callum's famous jerkface dance!

Both the boy and the spider laughed at the dance, while Rayla, Ellis, Ava and Bait walk up to the scene with Rayla just thinking it looks stupid at what Callum is doing.

Rayla: So, if it's fake... what's it doing here?

Ezran: Cheering for the jerkface dance, I think. It wants more.

Y/n: Or it could be a guardian to scare off intruders and travellers.

Ezran: *claps* Knees higher! Knees higher!

As Callum continues with his little dance, the others continued on walking towards the mountian with Callum following behind them still dancing and Bait back in Ezran's arms, while the spider watches them leave and let's out an excited screech. Once the group reached their desired location and stand in front a giant tree that Ellis immediately remembers.

Ellis: This is it! We hid in that tree, when the miracle healer found us! Remember this place, girl?

Ava replies to Ellis with a bark as the group enters the giant tree, through the hole entrance to see a cave that both Ellis and Ava used when they first got here.

Callum: So, now what? Do we just... Uh, Miracle Healer? Hello! We're here!

Y/n: Hmm...

Ellis: I don't know. I just showed up, then she showed up.

Callum: Yeah, I don't see why that shouldn't work.

Y/n: Maybe it's not that very simple?

Then a light, appeared through the entrance that they came in from, and the group looks back at the entrance where the light was coming from, which they follow the light to see the miracle healer they sought out.

Rayla: Actually, I think it is working.

They look towards the moon and a bright flash appeared making them shield their eyes a bit, then see a shadowy figure of a flying creature heading in their direction. The creature let's out a bird like screech and slowly descends in front of the group, and land on the ground the creature lowers down a bit to let the rider off and stand on their own feet.

The rider moves their head to make the light stop allowing themselves to be seen in full detail, it reveals a adult Elf woman with white hair like Rayla's, while the said girl sees the Elf and gains a disappointed look.

Rayla: Oh, no! Ez was right about everything. That's no miracle healer. She's a fake.

Callum: What? How do you know?

Y/n: She's a moon mage, an illusionist. I studied this type a magic with a teacher capable of doing so. [But, why does she look familiar...]

Rayla: Which means, she can't heal anything.

Moon mage: It's true. I am no healer. I am Lujanne. Guardian of the Moon Nexus.

Rayla: Ugh, I'm such an idiot, I should have figured it out. None of those monsters were real, they were all illusions

Lujanne: Yes. They were just to scare you. That's how I protect the Nexus.

From this realization Ellis places her hand on Ava and looks at her beloved wolf, that has been with her since they first visited the Caldera.

Ellis: But... I don't understand. If you're not a healer, how did you save Ava's leg?

The Elven Moon mage walks ups to the fully grown wolf and pets the side of it's head, which Ava gladly accepted remembering the woman in front of the wolf.

Lujanne: I remember you and that little cub... both so frightened and sad. I saw that she lost her leg, and I understood that humans would have trouble accepting her. But I knew her spirit was strong and that was all that really mattered. To help you, I created an illusion. A leg that others would see and feel, even though it wasn't real. *kneels down to see the moonstone collar* I enchanted the moonstone collar to hold the spell.

Places her head against Ava's head, who does the same to the Moon mage Elf while Ellis watches the two.

Lujanne: She never needed that fourth leg to be happy. Everyone else did. *removes the moonstone collar*

Once the collar was removed Ava's front right leg disappears, revealing it was indeed an illusion, then Ezran walks up to Lujanne.

Ezran: But the help we need is real. An illusion won't help us.

Ezran places Bait down, then removes his backpack and brings it in front of Lujanne, he then opens the bag to reveal the egg of the Dragon Prince, making Lujanne surprised.

Y/n: It's the egg of the Dragon Prince, Lujanne.

Rayla: It was stolen, but we saved it. I mean, we were trying to save it and return it to it's mother. But there was a terrible accident. You see, I-

Lujanne puts her left hand up to stop Rayla from speaking, and continues to observe the egg but looks down with a grimed face.

Lujanne: It's life is fading quickly. The only chance of saving it now would be to hatch it.

The group gained surprised and hopeful faces, but the only problem is none of them know how to hatch a dragon egg.

Lujanne: But that won't be possible. Sky dragons can only be born in the eye of a storm. The weather is clear for miles.

They all look up at the skies to see that Lujanne is right, with know storm present to hatch the egg would be impossible.

Ezran: No... that can't be. There's has to be a way to save it!

Lujanne: I'm sorry.

As the egg's glow was fading even more, losing it's bright color showing that it's time is running out.

Rayla: I dropped it. This is all my fault.

Callum: No, I should have trusted you. Things only went wrong because we kept fighting.

Rayla: *begins to tear up* I let you both down. I let the world down.

Ezran goes to Rayla and hugs her, while both were embracing one another Y/n was deep in thought at what Lujanne said about Sky dragons, then Y/n's eyes widen knowing what to do.

Y/n: There is still away.

The others looked on to the young man in confusion on what he means, then Y/n looks towards Callum.

Callum: What do you mean, Y/n?

Y/n: Remember what Lujanne said about Sky dragons?

Callum: Yeah, but... *eyes widen* Oh! You're right! There is still a way. *brings out the orb* I know what I have to do.

Y/n's pov

Callum took a deep breath and throws the orb on the ground hard, which breaks instantly and releasing powerful winds and lightning into the sky, as the winds start to blow around us Rayla, Callum, Ezran, Ellis, Lujanne and Ava try to hold on to not be blown away. Befrore I could do the same I see the egg getting blown out of the bag and roll on the ground, I acted quickly and ran towards it, then I see it nearing the edge of the cliff and booked it.

I managed to grab the egg into my arms, but I was risking about to fall with the egg off the cliff, but I felt someone wrapping their arms around me and pull me back and land on the ground. I looked to see that it was Rayla that grabbed me, we try to make it to Ezran and Callum who had grabbed Bait to prevent him from being blown away. But the Winds were too powerful, so I drew my sword and stabbed it into the ground as a means to keep us still, while Rayla tightens her arms around me.

Callum: Hold on, Y/n! Rayla!

Then I heard Rayla letting out an painful yell and her grip loosening up, I let go of my sword and brought in front of me to shield her and held on to my sword, The winds started to create a circular tunnel which let's us all stand and not be blown away. Then lightning started to crackle and see that the egg was glowing and having lightning come out, Seeing this I set the egg down lightly and lightning started to be attracted to the egg, as the said egg sit  right up and floats.

Once the lightning connected with the egg, rainbow color like light appears which brought hopeful smiles on our faces, then with a quick flash the egg glows and starts to show cracks on the top before they fade quickly. But instead of hatching the egg falls to the ground and the storm ends, seeing this was not looking good and we all thought we were too late, but the sound of cracking was heard which things were looking up.

Then the egg cracks open revealing a small whitish blue dragon coming out with a little yawn, it starts to walk with it's eyes still closed and falls to the ground with a yip.

A/n: I'm just going to say it, this little guy is adorable.

Ezran: Come on Bait, help him! His eyes are stuck.

He sets Bait down, who then walks close to the baby dragon and looks at it then looks back at Ezran with a grunt.

Ezran: You need to lick them open!

Reluctantly Bait turns purple and begins to lick the baby dragon's eyes, once he finishes the dragons blinks it's eyes open for a bit, before opening them fully to see Bait and pounces on him then see's Ezran and jumps to him, while Ezran hugged the baby dragon.

Ezran: You know your own name! Azymondias! We'll call you "Zym."

He motions to me and Rayla, while the baby dragon looks back at us.

Ezran: That's Y/n and Rayla. You almost blew off the mountain, but Y/n saved you, who was then saved by Rayla!

The baby dragon made excited like noises and came to us with it's tail wagging, but fell in front of us which me and Rayla knelt down looking at the baby dragon. I petted one side of it's face while Rayla did the same for the other side  with her good hand, as the dragon purrs softly.

Y/n: Hey there little guy.

The dragon then starts licking Rayla's other hand, probably thinking it'll get better by licking it, which was cute to see.

Rayla: Aww! It's kay, little one. The important thing is you. One miracle is enough for me today.

The dragon then bites at the binding string, which me and Rayla look at one another then look back at the dragon, which starts to pull at it and surprisingly it came off like nothing. Once the string was off Rayla's hand got better starting to go back to her skin's natural color, Rayla begins laughing in gratitude and I smile seeing her smile. We all rest seeing the dragon running around happily and excited to be born, then I notice Ezran looking up at the sky.

Ezran: Look.

We look up to see a bright purple like and smaller purple lights start to come down, to the others they think it's a beautiful light, but for me it can't be good. I look ahead to see a purple light trail leading to Katolis' tallest mountain in the distance leading to the top of the mountain.

Y/n: [I don't like the looks of this.]

To be continued

A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, now that book one is finished, we can proceed on with book two. Also Claudia's role in story will change from the actual show, thanks to the reader giving her a good talking too. Please let me know what you guys think and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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