Chapter 10: The Cursed Caldera
A/n: hello my fellow readers, here is the next chapter to this story. Now let the chapter begin.
Y/n's pov
As we entered the forest, we continued to run up the path that leads up to the mountain, luckily for us the people of the village didn't continue to chase us do to knowing that we were heading towards The Cursed Caldera. We then ran behind the tree for a breather, while I did see Callum peek out to see if the villagers were still after us, which I already knew they didn't follow us.
Callum: I think we're safe.
Rayla: Safe? Sure. So how are we supposed to find this miracle healer?
Y/n: Yeah, cause a miracle healer is sounding like something too good, to be true.
I notice them looking in one direction, so I followed their gaze and saw what looked like a silhouette, with glowing eyes looking right at us. Thinking fast Me and Rayla were about to pull our weapons out, but the figure came into the light and was revealed to be, a rather large wolf with a little girl riding on it.
Girl: Come with me. I'll help you find her.
Me and Rayla let go of the handle to our weapons, but I was looking at Callum with a confused expression, as to who this girl is.
Y/n: Um, Do you know her?
Callum: Her name is Ellis and the wolf is named Ava. They've seen the miracle healer, so they can help us.
Ellis: This way!
without questioning it we followed the girl and her wolf to where they met this miracle healer that Callum mentioned, along the way I was noticing that it was getting dark as the sun was going down. As we continued walking, I see that Rayla tries to strike up a conversation with Ellis, who was riding Ava.
Rayla: So... Hi, there. But who are exactly?
Ellis: I'm Ellis and this is Ava. She's a wolf. *pets Ava's head*
Rayla: Wolf? Really? I thought bird. *playful smirk*
Callum: Oh, i thought you heard me when Y/n asked. I should have introduced you guys. Ellis, this is Rayla, who we originally met because, uh... Well, she broke into our castle, trying to kill Ezran.
Y/n: Dude, you really suck at this, do you?
Ellis looks at Rayla with a bit of a weary expression, while Rayla gives the girl on the wolf a nervous smile, so that she can look more friendly.
Ezran: But it doesn't matter. We're past that now.
Ellis: People meet in so many interesting ways!
Y/n: That's, one way to put it. [Better than meeting falling from the sky and landing on a random girl with black hair.]
Rayla: Hmm. So how do we find this healer?
Ellis: Truth is, I never found her. She found us. We were hiding in a big, twisty, hollow tree. Up near the rim.
We look up to where Ellis was looking, which was up the mountain and saw a rim that looked like a path we could get too.
Y/n: Well, at least it give us an idea on where to go.
Callum: Then we need to get to that tree. Even if it takes all night.
Rayla: Wait... that's all we have to go on? A weird tree, where this miracle healer showed up three years ago?
Callum: It's our only chance. Got a better idea?
Rayla: As a matter of fact....
I leaned in wondering if she really had an idea or plan, that we could use to help the dragon egg that it's light was fading.
Rayla: I do not.
Y/n: Not surprised.
Ellis: I'll get us to that tree. The healer will find us there, and she'll save the egg!
Ezran: And maybe she can help your hand.
Y/n: That, sounds promising.
Rayla: Don't worry about my hand. The egg is all that matters now.
Y/n: Not, true Rayla. The way I see it both your hand and the egg are top priority.
We then continue along the path, going from smooth pathways to rough terrain which we had to carefully pass Ezran's backpack, that had the egg inside so it won't fall out. While Rayla had both Ezran and bait in her arms and jumps across, I then high jumped to where the others were at and continued across a fallen tree which makes a makeshift bridge.
Then we were on a path just on the side of the mountain, that had a nice view of the land which was nice to see, but then we had to help Ezran climb up some rocky terrain due to his short height, while Ellis was riding on Ava that helped her with the traveling. We then got to a cliff side that had the setting sun seen next to a few other mountains in the distance, which Ava and Ellis went up ahead to take in the such a beautiful sight.
Ellis: *sighs* It's so beautiful. It's like the sky is painted with honey.
Y/n: *smiles* I can agree with you on the beautiful landscape. Now I wished that I had brought my sketch pad.
Ezran: Wow.
Ellis: *chuckles* Too bad it also means the nightmare's about to begin.
She and Ava walk back to continue the journey, while the rest of us looked at her with mixed expressions of what she meant by that.
Y/n: I'm sorry, but say what?
Rayla: What do you mean?
Ellis: Oh, you know, enormous monsters, indescribable terrors. Stuff like that.
Callum: Stuff like that?
Ellis: Yeah. And the higher we go, the worse it'll get.
Rayla: All right! Well, let's go.
Callum: No, no, no, wait. We're going to need a plan.
Ezran: How do you plan for indescribable terrors? I feel like you need to be able to describe them first.
Y/n: Well, not really terrors can be different for other people. Like one person could be seeing something more bigger than a mountain and another can see something that can be small, but still highly dangerous.
Ellis: Um... horrifying! Blood-curdling. Creepy, but in a super extreme way that feels like it's lighting your soul on fire.
Ezran: I think that helps.
Callum: Wait! Wait, wait, wait! I've got it. Flash! Woof! Whoosh! Slish-slash and stab!
As he said those words, he did movements that go well with what he was trying to say, but I just tilt my head with a "not sure" face. Cause I did not get what he meant with those words being his plan.
Ellis: Awesome! *leans to Rayla* Um, is he okay?
Rayla: I think he's finally cracked under the pressure.
Y/n: Or that he ate some mushrooms or barries that causes temporary madness.
With that I said causes Rayla to giggle at my little joke, but Callum got our attention to explain his "plan" more clear on the details.
Callum: No, that's the plan. Ezran, you have the first job. You hold Bait in the air so he can flash and blind whatever monster it is. Flash!
Ezran: Wait... but then I'm not really doing anything. I'm just kind of holding up Bait.
Y/n: Not really, even the smallest of details can bring wonders to a well detailed plan.
Callum: That's right!, You're support! Every team needs a great support. Ellis, you're next. Ava will bark, and you'll ride around in circles to confused the monster. *imitates a bark*
Ellis: I don't know. Do you think you can run around and bark a lot, Ava?
Ava: *barking*
Ellis: She's ready!
We then see Callum pulled out the orb that he uses to conjure up wind magic, when in a fight or hope that he doesn't accidently zap one of us like what happen to Rayla, when catching an electrified orb and caused he hair to be messed up with slight burn marks.
Callum: Then, me, I'll use my wind breath spell. Whoosh!
Ellis: *gasp* You're going to cast a spell?
Callum: It's just a rune thing I picked up. No big deal.
Rayla: Yeah, he's going to blow on the monster.
Y/n: *chuckles* And ruffle it's fur real good.
Me and Rayla fisted bumped for the joke and turn our attention back to Callum.
Callum: It's either that, or the half of the lightning spell I know. Specifically, the half that doesn't shoot lightning out of my fingertips.
Ezran: That monster won't know what hit it! Oh, wait it will. It'll be wind.
Just form hearing Ezran say that caused me and Rayla to laugh, at his little joke which Callum did not appreciate the little joke. And I have to say Rayla has a nice laugh.
Callum: Rayla! Y/n! You two are last. The finishers. Both of you will take down the blinded, distracted, wind blown monster with your blades. Slish-slash and stab!
Y/n: I can, do that. Especially with my sword, but with the Rayla's hand is... *looks at Rayla's hand* I can't say for her.
Rayla: Y/n is right. My hand is in pretty bad shape. I'm only going to be able to use one blade.
Callum: Okay, but that will still have two blades attacking instead of three. Then you're just... slash!
Rayla: No way. That won't work. *brings up her bound hand* this is my slish hand.
Callum: Um, really?
Rayla: No, not really, dummy.
Y/n: *laughs* Man, Rayla... You're on a roll with these jokes.
Ezran: *laughs*
Rayla: *with a small blush* Thanks, Y/n.
Then I notice that Rayla's face then changes to, a realization one and turns to Callum with a smile.
Rayla: Wait. Callum, you may be a dummy, but you're not a fool!
Y/n: Say, what?
Callum: Am I supposed to feel flattered by this?
Rayla: You said Claudia called you a fool when you interrupted her lightning spell. But I'll bet she was actually trying to s. Looks at Y/n* Care to finish my thought, Y/n?
I looked at her, for a bit but then get what she meant, I may not be able to use magic spells due to a lack of primal magic source within me, but I did understood the words of spells that a mage can use.
Y/n: You mean "fulminis," right?
Rayla: Correct! It's the draconic word for lightning.
Callum: So if "fulminis" id the trigger word--
Ezran: *pops up from between Callum and Rayla* Than you know the spell for lightning!
Callum: Revised plan! Flash! Woof! Zap! Slash and stab!
He looks at us to see that he could do some work with naming a plan, or better on describing it out in detail. We then continue on with heading to where Ellis had met the miracle healer, but I wonder what we could be seeing ahead of us.
3rd pov
-back at Katolis-
Viren was seen walking with a plate in his hand, on said plate was two fruits, a pitcher filled with liquid, a cup and other a assortment of food. Viren then stops at a door, which he then opens to reveal a chained up Runaan without his shirt, exposing his Moonshadow Elf markings and his binding wrapped her tightly around his left arm. Viren then enters the room and places his cane aside leaning against the wall holding the tray with two hands.
Runaan looks up with a glare towards Viren, as the said human mage approaches the chained up elf, Viren then places the tray down in front of Runaan who looks away not to be fooled by the human mage.
Viren: If you don't eat, you'll die.
Runaan: I am already dead.
Viren: You don't look dead. *looks at Runaan's arm* Though that hand has seen better days. I went out of my way to acquire some rare Xadian fruits.
A/n: yeah, I'm curious on how he got rare fruits from Xadia.
Viren: They're remarkable! So strange and exotic. *picks up a Xadian orange and cuts it open* And these Xadian oranges... no seeds. Incredible.
Viren then grabs a slice of the Xadain orange and offers it to Runaan, though the proud Moonshadow Elf just looks at it, then towards to Viren.
Viren: No? *eats the Xadian orange slice* I understand the whole honor-in-not-eating thing, but at least drink something.
He then picks up the pitcher and cup and pours the drink into the cup, while Runaan watches and make sure that nothing in the drink is added in and looks away, while Viren offers the drink to Runaan.
Viren: Don't worry, it's berry juice.
Seeing as the Moonshadow Elf was still denying the offer of the food and drinks he brought with him, Viren sighs and stands up looking down at Runaan.
Viren: I have a proposition. I simply want you to take a look at an object, and tell me what it does. After that, I will unchain you and you can walk out of here.
Waiting for a response from Runaan, who remains silent, not even saying a word and keeping his head down.
Viren: Decide. You can be free, or you can sit here and die.
Runaan: I told you. I am already dead.
Viren then let's out another sigh and crouches down to gather the what he brought on the tray and picks it up.
Viren: Yes, wait a second. I think I've heard abut this. It's a Moonshadow Elf thing, right? A philosophy of accepting you are already dead... so you will not fear death.
Like before Runaan stays silent and only glares at Viren, showing him what he is already prepared for, while Viren thinks of it only as a challenge.
Viren: What a beautiful challenge you've given me. I must come up with something you will fear... more than death.
Viren then grabs his cane and leaves the room, while closing the door, he then walks to the stairs and sees Gren chained up to a wall near a hallway, Gren Was supposed to be in charge of searching for Callum, Ezran and Y/n but Viren had other plans.
Gren: Excuse me. I would love to try some Xadian fruit.
Viren only ignore Gren and walks up the stairs, while the said chained knight sighs seeing that he wasn't getting any food.
Gren: Very good.
A/n: man Viren let the guy eat man.
-back with Y/n and his group-
The group then enter a valley that could be mistaken for a swamp, dead trees around the area with misty like fog, Ezran carries Bait in his hands while the said animal is glowing making some source of light. Y/n looks around the area with his hand on his sword's handle in case something would try to come out and attack.
Callum: Well, it's dark. But I think the scariest thing I've seen so far is an angry cricket. And he's more, like, mildly annoying.
Y/n: Please, even an angry cricket isn't as scary. I can name many things that are hundred times more scary than this.
Ezran: Yeah, are you sure this is the Cursed Caldera? Or did we accidently wander up Humdrum Hill?
This caused everyone to laugh at Ezran's little joke, due to not seeing anything remotely hostile or terrifying.
Rayla: Maybe we took a wrong turn and wound up on Sleepy Slope?
Y/n: Please, don't mention that I'm already sleepy from thinking about it! *joking tone*
This get's another set of laughs from everyone, they then sighed after their little laughing fest and a bit more relaxed.
Callum: I'll have to check my map, but I'm fairly certain I recognize the unmistakable topography of... Mount Monotonous!
Instead of rows of laughs, Callum only got complete silence from Rayla, Y/n, Eran and Ellis while Y/n who was standing next to Callum pats his back.
Y/n: It was worth a shot.
Ellis: Anyway, it is a little odd that nothing bad has happened yet. *points ahead of them* I see a huge, scary monster!
Callum yelps from Ellis yelling that out loud and runs to her side and turns around, only to see nothing while Ellis who is giggling and Ava take a few steps.
Ellis: But don't worry, it's dead.
Callum: Then why did you say it like that?
Ellis: Say it like what?
The group then walked up to the dead creature that Ellis pointed out, Y/n was quick to notice the two large fangs on the sides of it's mouth, as well the dark sot that could be a bite mark that could have killed the creature.
Ezran: I've never seen anything like this. *walks towards the creature's body* And look at those circles.
Callum: Don't touch it.
Ezran: What a strange birth mark.
Y/n: That, ain't no birth mark Ez. It's a bite mark
Callum: Yeah, and from something big too.
Rayla: And something's drained all of it's blood.
Y/n slowly moves his hand to his sword, grabbing the handle feeling a presence nearby, while Ellis and Ava turn around, only to be shock at what their seeing.
Ellis: Guys!
Y/n and the others turn around only for the what was behind them move quickly behind the body, Y/n had his sword drawn out, the group then heard growling coming from the direction of the body. They turned back around to see a giant worm like monster looming over them seeing it's next meal.
Ellis: *points at the monster* I see a huger, scarier monster!
The worm like creature roared at them, as the group makes a run for it gaining some distance from the creature.
Callum: The plan! Time for the plan! Ezran?
Ezran: Okay, okay. *looks down to see bait gone* Where's Bait?
They turn to see Bait crawling towards a cricket and eats it, then turns back to group and sees Ezran running up to him.
Ezran: Bait, come on, you're supposed to-
Before Ezran could finished, Bait flashes them with a bright light, blinding everyone but Y/n who was quick enough to close his and shield his eyes form the flash.
Callum: Ahh! Too soon!
Rayla: I can't see!
Ellis: *struggles to hold on to Ava* None of us can.
Y/n: You may not, but I can. I'll distract the monsters.
Y/n charges at the monster with his blade in hand, while the said monster slithers towards Y/n opening it's mouth to devour him, but Y/n got the upper hand as he jumps up avoiding the monster's mouth and lands on it's back. Y/n then stabs the monster with his sword getting a pained like roar from the monster, Y/n then jumps off it's back and faces the monster in which faces him with a hiss like sound.
While Everyone else were trying to recover from the flash form Bait, while Ezran managed to pick up Bait he was then knocked out of Ezran's hands by a blind running Ava, in which knocks Ezran down and Bait get's knocked in between Callum and Rayla.
Callum: Okay, what about the rest of the plan? I probably shouldn't do lightning if I can't see, right?
Y/n: *dodges a lunge from the monster and slashes at it* Duh! Never try to blind shoot a moving target!
Callum then Trips over Bait as the said pet let out a pained groan like sound and turns red, while Rayla moves towards to where she though she heard Callum.
Rayla: Don't do the lightning!
Ezran: Maybe a new plan?
After awhile, everyone has recovered from the blinding flash and see Y/n jump back next to Callum.
Callum: Run! Scatter!
Ezran: *runs to Bait and picks him up* Is that to distract the monster?
Callum: No, it's to get away and live!
The monster was about to bite down on Ava, but y/n knocks it off course by kicking it with enough force to move away from Ava, Y/n then runs towards Rayla and Ezran who were running towards a tree. While Callum hopped on Ava's back with Ellis, then Ava climbs up the wall to the top and making the monster hit face first into the wall and looks up at them with a roar like sound.
while Rayla and Ezran got to the tree, with Y/n who joins them and turns to face the monster slithering towards them.
Rayla: You can climb trees right?
Ezran nods to Rayla, who then helps him climb up the tree, then the monster roars at them coming their way, Y/n turns to Rayla to get up and she nods and grabs her weapon and turns it to it's hook form. While Y/n buys Rayla time by twisting the handle of his sword causing the blade to be ingulfed by red magic energy.
Once the monster was close enough Rayla jumps up and starts to climb the tree, while the monster goes to atttack her, but Y/n swings his sword at the monster's body and upon contact with the monster the sword did more damage to the monster. It then retracts it's attack and flings around in pain, using this as his chance Y/n releases the magic around his sword's blade and climbs up the tree to help Rayla up the tree.
Once they got to the top, Rayla lays back against a branch holding her hand that is getting darker in color, while Y/n leans back on the same branch as Rayla's catching his breath. The three of them then look down to see the monster recovered from Y/n's attack, but has a noticable scar along it's body. It then starts to slither around like a predator stalking it's prey and waiting for the perfect time to strike.
Rayla What do we do now? I think that thing is waiting for us down there.
Ezran: We don't even have that much blood!
Rayla: *holsters her weapon* I know. We would be a very unsatisfying snack.
Y/n: It's like any other creature. No matter how small it's prey is, it will feed no matter what.
The monster then roars at him and continues slithering around, while Callum get's off Ava's back on the top of the hill.
Callum: We don't have a choice. We just have to wait it out. Ugh, I'm sorry my plan was a mess.
Y/n: The plan was fine Callum. The execution of the plan needed some work.
Rayla: Y/n is right! Our execution was a little off. it came out more like, "Argh! Oops! Help! Run!"
Y/n: *chuckles* The way you make it sound Rayla. Just makes you look more cute.
This causes Rayla to blush a bit, while Callum, Ezran and Ellis just looks on with a "really" face, which Y/n only shrugs their looks.
-back at Katolis-
As Runaan sits in his dungeon, he hears the sound of something being dragged to him, he looks up to see something hidden in clothed preventing what to be seen, Viren then comes out from behind the object and looks to Runaan.
Viren: In a moment, I will remove this cover, and you will tell me what you know. Understood?
Like before Instead of speaking Runaan moves his head away from Viren, not saying a word. Viren then walks up to Runaan getting on one knee to face the Moonshadow Elf face to face.
Viren: I've brought something that I hope you will find motivating.
Viren: Then brings out a small bag of gold and giving a bit of a shake to let the Elf know there's money inside the bag, but Runaan was unamused by this action from the human mage.
Runaan: You're more foolish than I thought. *smirks* Don't you know only Humans can be bribed?
Viren: Oh, this isn't a bribe. *shakes the bag and puts the bag away* It's a threat. Go on. Take a closer look.
Runaan then looks down at the two gold coins, thinking it was just some normal currency that Humans use everyday, but he couldn't be more wrong and his eyes widen upon seeing the two coins.
Runaan: You're a monster.
Viren: You're mistaken. I'm a pragmatist. *smirks*
-back with Y/n and his friends-
Y/n's pov
As me, Rayla and Ezran were in the tree with the monster still circling around waiting for us, while Callum, Ellie and Ava were at the top of a cliff side. I look over to the egg as it's light startging to glow bright then fade away, Rayla also notices the egg's condition as well.
Rayla: It seems to be hanging in there. Barely.
Ezran: *holds the egg close* I'm so sorry I messed up the plan.
Y/n: It's okay, Ez. Even the most best of plans can mess up.
Rayla: And, you should cut yourself a break. Everyone messes up sometimes. Or in my case, all the times.
Y/n: What?
Ezran: What are you talking about?
Rayla: Trust me, if the plan hadn't gotten messed up when Bait flashed, I'm sure it wold have flopped when it was my turn.
Ezran: Are you kidding? From what I can tell, you're awesome at everything.
Rayla: *small smile* Well, it's true. I am awesome at everything. Right up until the moment when it really matters. And that's when I just... poof, screw things up.
Y/n: Not true at all.
Rayla: What?
Ezran: He's right Rayla.
Rayla: I don't know.
Bait: *grunts*
Rayla: I hesitate, think too much, get confused about the right thing to do. And the next thing I know, I failed.
I then hugged her from behind, which surprised her and caused her to look at me with slightly widen eyes.
Y/n: You, should really stop being hard on yourself. Just because you over think yourself on what is right, is not really a bad thing. So stop thinking bad on yourself.
We continue to wait out the monster, to which is still circling around and Rayla told me and Ezran on the morning that her and Runaan's team were discovered, Rayla was ordered to kill the human guard, but she noticed that the guard was afraid and she let him go.
Rayla: I don't know why.
Ezran: Because you felt for him.
Rayla: but, he was a Human... my enemy.
Ezran: Yeah, but then you saw he was scared. And you knew he was a person, just like you.
Rayla: That shouldn't have mattered. I had a job to do. *sits up* Do you realize that I'm an assassin who's never killed anyone?
Ezran: Uh, I think that's a good thing.
Me and Rayla just look at each other, then back at Ezran and smiled at his inoccent like answer, Rayla then looks at her bound wrist, while I rub her back to help ease her mind.
Ezran: And by the way, thanks for failing at your mission. I like being alive.
Rayla: *smiles* I'm glad you're alive, Ezran. Knowing you is definitely worth losing a hand for.
Ezran, then tensed up a bit and found it the weirdest, but nicest thing anyone ever said to him.
Ezran: that's the weirdest, nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.
Rayla: *small smile* Well, who knows, maybe this is my unlucky hand, so when it falls off, my luck will change!
Ezran: That's horrible.
Y/n: Agree, with you there, I do.
Rayla: Funny, though?
Ezran: Funny and horrible.
Y/n That is also true.
I look over to the top of the cliff that Callum, Ellie and Ava are on, from what I can see is that Callum and Ellie are chatting with one another, but sadly I can't make heads or tails of what their talking about. But I can see in Callum's eyes that he is doubting himself, he may not be the best when using a sword, but I can tell he can excel in magic and art, the only thing he needs is the confidence to do so.
I then noticed that Ava pounced on Callum and started to lick his face, as a sign of affection which got me to chuckle a good bit, I then look down and see that the monster hasn't been seen nor heard for awhile.
Y/n: Rayla, Ez... I think the monster is gone.
Rayla: You sure? *follows Y/n's gaze*
Y/n: To be honest, not sure. It hasn't made a sound for awhile and I don't see any movement at all.
Rayla: *yelling* Hey, guys? I think that thing might be gone!
I see Callum get up when Ava moves off of him, then Ellie climbs on Ava's back as the they were the first to get down form their spot, while Me, Rayla and Ezran climbed down with Bait on Ezran's head. Once we got down, me and Rayla look around to make sure that the monster was truly gone.
Rayla: Me and Y/n haven't seen or heard it in a while. Seems like it moved on.
Y/n: Don't be too sure. Any good hunter doesn't just move on from prey because it hides. It will probably hide and wait for us to come out, then strike.
Ezran: See ya, sucker! Get it? because it's a giant leach?
Callum: So, more of a description than an insult?
Ezran: A little of both.
Rayla: Y/n is right, but it's probably gone and let's not taunt it, okay? There's a little thing called Irony, where jus as you say one thing, like you're really sure about it, that's when the opposite happens.
Y/n: That is so..... *eyes widen* true. Uhh, guys.
Callum: Nah. Maybe that's how things work in stories, but in the real world-
Y/n: Guys! It's still hear! And I hate it when I'm right!
The monster screeches while everyone else screams, it then tries to take a bite out of one, of us but I pull out my sword and twist the handle activating the red lightning, Rayla, Callum and Ezran run out of the way while Ellis and Ava run around to gain distance. I swing my sword at it's mouth both leaving another cut and burning the monster, while the said monster screeches in pain and looks at me with an angry look.
Y/n: *smirks* Come on, beasty. Can't take the heat.
It then slithers towards me, which I had to dodge and the monster goes after Ellis and Ava chasing them, while the girl and wolf run towards me and the others. Which we get out of the way making the pair run pass us and the monster going towards Rayla and Ezran, then cuts them off opening it's mouth. The two then separate and the monster chases Rayla, which the two where heading towards a wall, but Rayla runs up the wall and jumps off of it making the monster slam into the wall.
The monster then turns to resume chasing Rayla got on to a tree branch out of it's reach and I got in front of it pointing my sword at it. The monster was backing off a bit, most likely trying to avoid getting hit by my blade, I charge at it with a swing of my sword hoping to hit it, but it avoids my swing and goes after Ezran, and luckily for him he was grabbed by Ellis who helped him on Ava's back.
Ellis: That way!
Ava Follow's Ellis words and turns to their right, just avoiding a bite from the monster, Then I heard Callum telling us the plan.
Callum: Focus! We can do this! The plan! Ez and Bait, you're up!
Ezran then holds Bait up, while the monster was about to go for another bite and Callum yelled "Flash" only this time everyone, including me shield our eyes just as Bait flashed a bright light blinding the monster.
Callum: Yes! Ellis and Ava! Woof!
Ezran then gets off of Ava, then both Ava and Ellis started barking confusing the monster, since the two were circling the monster.
Callum: Perfect! My turn for... Zap! *channels the lightning to his fingers* Here goes nothing. Fulminis!
He then fires the bolt of lightning at the monster shocking it and making it shriek in pain, now it only leaves to both me and Rayla to finish the job.
Callum: Yeah! Yeah! Get zapped! Oh, get zapped by the zap hand! My zap hand! Yeah!
Rayla: Can you be astounded, later?
Y/n: Like after we deal with this monster.
Callum: Right! Uh, Rayla and Y/n, finishing move. You two got this! Slash and stab!
Rayla bring out one of her blades, though steadily moving towards the monster, but it screeches at her making her move back and fall, I quickly rush towards them and start to feel strange like my body was heating up for some reason. Once I was getting close I saw Rayla grab her weapon and swings it at the monster, that dives at her and Rayla cuts it's neck making the monster shriek.
I got close and put all my focus into the blade and stabbed the monster in the center of it's body, but I then saw what appears to be a large pillar of red light going through the monster and turning it into ash. I release the magic from my sword and sheathed it, then turn to the others who are looking at me with widen eyes.
Y/n: Uh, guys what's wrong?
Callum: Y/n, you might want to look at yourself.
I just give a confused look and pull my sword back out to look at my relfection, and from what I saw shocked my like nothing has ever before....
Y/n: What in the name of everything, am I looking at?
- Back with Runaan-
3rd pov
As Runaan just waits in his cell, the door opens making him look up to see Viren renter the cell and placed a bowl on the table next to the covered object.
Viren: Enough brooding Elf. My patience wears thin.
He then grabs the cloth covering the object and removes it allowing it to be revealed to Runaan, who then knows what he is seeing right in front of him, the mirror that Viren was trying to unlock it's secrets.
Viren: Tell me what you know about this relic or I will seal your fate.
Runaan: You have succeeded.
Viren: Oh, have I?
Runaan: That mirror? You have found something worse than death.
Viren: Then tell me. What is it?
Runaan: I will never help you.
A/n: Runaan one of my favorite male elves.
Viren: Then you are of no use to me.
he then grabs his staff and starts chanting with dark magic, making Runaan gain a scared look on his face, as his body glows with teal green light flowing out of his body and into Viren's staff, while Gren whistles out of boredom and hears the chanting going on in the room, but it was a scream that got his full attention. Leaning to his left for a better look seeing a purple light with the chanting and screaming continuing from the room on the opposite side of him.
Gren then gains a worried like look and the chanting, light and screaming stopped, then Viren walks out of the room with his body covered in shadow, but is eyes were glowing purple making Gren gasp. Once Viren was in the light his eyes were pure black, with his skin deathly grey and hair white, Viren then pulls out a gold coin and looks at it.
Viren: I always seem to catch the same expression. Defiance, giving way to absolute fear.
From the look of the coin reveals a trapped Runaan trying to desperately to get out of his golden coin prison.
To be continued
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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