This hunt will be my greatest prize every worthy for being my prey ahahahah! " laughs out loud your dad while sharpening his blades and looking at some pictures of a strange four legged creature it couldn't be tell what it's fur is or skin because is all shadow like " so my son are you ready for this hunt " me and my dad are in our tent readying every for our next game if you didn't notice my dad is the greatest hunter if I do say so myself he sometimes fights wild animals face to face while I'm not into the big hunting thing I'm pretty good at it and it pays good money as will for a 16 year old .
Yeah sure I much amight I'm sure I'm a little nervous of what this creature looks like but judging by its stands I guess is some type of new species of monkey, cat , or even a reptile ?" You said looking at the pictures while your dad throw a knife on the ground killing a snake by cutting of his heads off clean of " their dinner that we can eat
you look at him if he was crazy will he's is crazy fighting a bear eating a deers brain , and fight a shark, trying to forget what happen you grab the headless snakes body you pile of the snakes skin like if it was a banana you cut some of the meat leaving some for your dad as will you took a bite of the snakes meat even trying to ignored the bloody favor and taking off the bones while doing it .
Remember son don't swallow your food like if it was water or air It may be dead but the energy still lives in the body and once the energy you eat it that energy will be part of you we are hunters that don't kill for glory , and to stuff it , we kill to consume and to get stronger remember don't kill the beast it's a natural prize " he said also taking a bite of the snakes meat while you may say that's he's crazy but he has honor for the prey he hunts.
Time skip
It was time to being the hunt this creature you were pack with your blades , long sword and your small hand gun full of sleeping dots you and your old man split off to find this creature it's a more effective way to trap the creature more effective and easy you were walking in the jungle and being aware of your surroundings you don't know if the animal is a meat eater or not looking around.
What the limbo !!You look around looking at the era while you're guard up looking around until " y/ n !!!.
Dad? What's wrong did you find it ? " you said now picking up your phone and looking around " yes but it escape it run away now is going to the hill fallow it I'm gonna stay here and make sure if it comes down again if it's sees you "" okay got it " you said putting away your phone away and looking around for any high places besides the trees you look around still until you saw a water fall " bingo .
You walk at the direction of the water fall going true leafs , bugs , and a monkey , you stop to look at the river clear water that it sparks and you can see the fishes you decide to kneel drink as fast as possible because thinking their might be a crocodile in it so you quickly left it and look at the side of the water full looking it has a lot of cracks on it meaning making it easy to climb it , you put away what ever you were holding , you rub your hand and got ready you climb on it moving farther from the ground and almost at the clip you decide to look behind you just to make sure noting funny is happening you pull out your gun and shot at the ground making a loud bang making the birds fly away you look at the ground or the trees to see if the creature was here but you tch ." Damn it I bet that animal heard that and out of fear will run away " you said moving higher to make sure if the creature didn't move that far .
Time skip
After that climbing you continue to walk forward holding you gun on your pocket moving your eyes around in front of you and focus your eyes in the back hearing if any else comes move forward trying to act like easy prey .
Come on ruler of the jungle take your prey hunt for food " you said walk forward again but this time you draw your leg out making it look like if it was injured" and as for cherry on top a injured prey easy food to hunt ...... but I'm also risking my life as will a jaguar , or a anaconda will attack, than again I don't know if it's a meat eater or not I guess I can stop " you said walking normal now until you heard something moving you look at the Bush that move you still have your hand in your pocket readying the sleeping dots you look at the Bush and the creature look at you with it's big yellow or brown eyes it keeps staring at you "
Brown or yellow eyes the only kind of animal that has that type of color eye are apes is it one " you think wanting to shot it but you wanted to see who this creature looks when it walks but all he got is a hiss and a growl you knew it was waiting for you to attack by that you took out your gun fast as you can and before you could pull the trigger it run dodging the bullet " damn he's a fast sucker can let it escape " by that you chase after it but that thing was so fast that you couldn't see it will all you can see is that it was skinny , and it has red fur you try shooting it but it was doing some zig zag that it was dodging them you were out of bullets you put your gun away and chasing after it after a while you were getting closer until your leg was trap by a trap by a robe you were hang upside down and you scream out of frustration you use your pocket knife to the cut the robe of and full in the ground rubing your sore body" Damn it got away !! " than your dad was calling in the phone "
Y/ n we are going home we come back another day " he said with a voice of disappointed" dad would like to stay here and I'll hunt it by my own " you said with a determination after a while in the phone your dad spoke ".
Find just don't get eaten I'll leave you do know the way back home don't you so I have nothing to worry ""yeah if I ever need you I'll call okay " by that you hang up and look at the direction remembering the brown yellow eyes .
Time skip
1 day has pass you were living in the jungle now trying to catch this creature you were putting on a trap nothing harmful but a very dig hole you climb out of the hold using your knifes to come out of the hole and putting back your knifes back to your pockets looking at the hole you put some leafs onto the hole " the sucker won't know what hit it "
Than out of hearing you hear leafs moving around you took your stand this is your plan you will try to grab or try to make it charge at you by that it will fall down you look around until you saw the same brown yellow eyes you look at almost getting lost on them but you rise your arms to challenge it or to come the creature growl .
Come on you red fur monkey come on "you said taking out your phone to take a picture " come on you know I don't have my gun you know " the creature stick out it's hand which shows that it have some finger nails that looks like claws and it's arm is at the same time slender and muscle making you nervous that the creature is strong than it finally show it's self or herself you were shock it's was a human or what you thought she have long red hair spike and messy all the way to her back , she have very dark skin maybe because by staying in this jungles heat She wear what have to be some tiger fur that she might kill judging that she doesn't have any type of weapons you could guess she uses her body as a weapon, she have big long scars that look like to be claw marks on her body making her almost look like she have stripes in her body , but her most shocking trait that she is tall really how can a female human be that tall she must be a new type of human like a homo but she doesn't have a buff or square eyebrows muscle she was tall like this one
WWow that's one big mama " you said shocked and disappointed at this really but besides being a female she looks so strong to survive scars like this .
Ggrrrrr ROAR " she bark and and hiss trying to look herself more scary but you knew that type of techniques you also use it to scare off bears with out trying to fight them by that you swing your arms around and yell you try to make her back off but again you would risk it she might take it as a challenge and attack you pull out your knifes and really to attack you she swings her claw at you but you block it with your knifes but they broke out shock you back off looking at her with shock .
What the limbo is she even human" you said looking at her licking her hand that use to attack by that she look at you the same way that female gorillas use to flirt but you simply look at her with discussed by that you know you don't have no chance to defend yourself or defeat her by that you act like your not impressed.
Huuuh??" She look at you with a confused look thinking that how your not impressed maybe because your the small one while she's the big one maybe she needs to impress you by showing her strength like how male sliver backs are bigger and if they need to impress a female maybe that's what she needs to do to impress this young male human by that she was jumping up and beating her chest and even climbing on a tree and ripping it apart showing that she have the better gens trying to impress you ." Ya ya mememememe " she said beating on her chest and even getting closer to you by that you bring out a spreading water bottle shooting some water at her face making her step back and shake off the water by rubbing her face .
Back off I don't have time for you and plus I have standers so I'm not interested in mating with you barbarian " you said walking away and trying to find something to eat you look under a rock seeing some bugs by that you eat some of them making sure that none of them are poisons you eat some while the red hair savage was looking at you curious that what you eat will not be enough by that she try to find something to eat for you by that she finds a snake by that the snake hissed at her but she snake her hold hand on it smashing it's head killing it and biting of the head taking out the poison by that she grab the headless body and crawl up to you throwing the snake at you .
What the ? What's Wrong with you !?" You yell looking at the headless body a grab it and look at the red head with a question look " is this my now ?" You point at the body which she nodded by that you pile the skin off and eat it making sure to spit out the bones "
Yeyeyeye " the red hair said getting closer to you by that you let her get closer not seeing her as a treat anymore by that she use her hand on top of your head petting it curious you let her do what ever .
Curious is she trying to see if I'm a good one ?" She circle around you and headbutted gently at your chest knowing very will what that's means she's trying to mate with again but you gently push her off .
You know you need a name crazy ...... I'll call you scarlet because of your red hair " you said to the now naming her scarlet but she look at you confuse by that you sigh out of
Frustration by that " okay I'm y/ n " you said pointing at yourself.
And you are scarlet " now you were pointing at her by that she pointed at herself" yes your name is scarlet say it sssssscccccccaaaaaarrrrrrllllllleeeeeeetttttt " you said slowly trying to make it easier for her .
Sssss--sssccc-c-ca-all-leeeet ? " She said having a hard time saying it " say it again scarlet " you said wanting to hear it again" scarlet , scarlet , scarlet " she repeat again and again by that you smile .
Okay now say my name yyyyyy/nnnnn " you said pointing at yourself by that she put her hand on your head "scarlet scarlet scarlet" no your scarlet I'm y/ n say it it right.
Scarlet : y/ n , y/ n , y/ n " she said happily jumping up and down and pointing at you .
Y/ n : good so who are you .
Scarlet: y/ n , y/ n , y/ n ,y/ n " she said pointing to herself
Y/ n: nnnooo I'm y/n and your scarlet " you said pointing at you and her .
Scarlet : ....... " She points at you " y/ n ........ " Than she points at herself" Scarlet....
Y/n: yes , yes you got it " you said very glad that she got it right"
That face that you made scarlet thought that was a yes for mating by that she stand up in her two legs she got close to you , you thought she would just stand up for no reason but than she push you making you fall down .
Y/ n: what the yell is wrong with you crazy!" She quickly went to cowboy position and her arms right next to your face .
Scarlet : yeah yeah re re re re " she said rubbing her holy moon at your crouch trying to find your macho gun but
Couldn't because of your shorts so she was confuse.
Y/ n: ha you crazy savage you never hear of shorts " you said with pride and trying to push her of but she was to strong and heavy to push her .
Scarlet: rawr !!"She roar now ripping your shorts and underwear now seeing your macho gun she was was trying to rub her holy moon at your macho but she stop when you punch on her face making her jump of you than she saw you with a mad look and trying to hide your macho gun .
Y/ n: I already tall you I'm not interested in mating with you but judging how you were rise like a monkey I guess your not gonna give up aren't you ? " as a respond she beat her chest again with a look of determination by that you sigh knowing that she's not like any human you know
But your train of thought was cut of when you heard a growl you look behind you than you saw scarlet growling you stand up preparing for what's coming but to your shock you saw another wild woman .
This one is the same size as scarlet , she have surprising pale SKIN , and she has long blonde hair almost making her look like that she have a loin mane , and she have blue eye , I guess you will call her Leo to make things easier.
Y/ n: what the ? Another one but sense I'm a male I guess I'm safe but I'm with two savage and powerful woman here that will possibly kill each other .
Leo: gooowll!" She said gently headbutting you on chest saying she wants to mate but you didn't respond while scarlet was doing the ho hohoh thing out of jealousy.
Scarlet: gogogog hohohoho !!"She said jumping and beating on her chest trying to say that mine .
Leo: ggggrrrroooooowwsws! " She roar saying back off After that she continue to rub her head into your chest than to you crouch sniffing you macho gun by that you blush you try to push her not even trying to attack her because some lions can kill their mate you need scarlet to help you but she was to busy trying to warn of Leo but she will roar back by that you have to make scarlet more jealous forcing her to attack Leo.
Scarlet: ohohoho aahhhhh!!
Leo :rrrrrooooaaarrr !!.
Y/ n: mmmhhhmhhm " you whimper like a begging dog trying to give yourself the expression that you want to mate by that you rub your head at her long arms .
Leo: purrrrrrr!" She purr like a cat meaning she fallen in your trap you look that scarlet have a mad look on her face almost about burst in anger now for cherry on top you lead in you back giving a begging face to Leo which Leo was now on top you trying to rub her holy moon at you your macho gun but before she could do scarlet kick her off of you in that moment you knew a fight will now start.
Scarlet: ooohhoooh aaaahhhhh !" She roar beating on her chest and smacking on the ground and now in her fighting stand.
Leo: ggggrroowwwll" she was now in her fours also in her fighting stands.
Both were starting to roar at each other fighting until Leo attack scarlet first both were starting to hit each other Leo bite on her shoulder than scarlet bite on her shoulder as will both of them continue to attack each until scarlet snake both her fist into her making her fall down and run away .
Scarlet: aaaahhhhh!!!" She beat her chest showing her dominance now she stop and look at her prize she walk up to you knowing very will what she did she won the right to mate with you by that you sigh out of reality .
Y/n: ..... okay scarlet I give you permission to do it I'll take the responsibility After all mating with you will actually make my child a strong hunter it will be the strongest human on earth so I'm okay with mating with scarlet most humans this days have sex to only pleasure themselves but animals do it to repopulate to make their children strong and that's what I'm going to do .
You thought in your mind leading on your back giving her permission by that scarlet started to be on top of you rubbing her holy moon at your macho gun until your privates were inside you two were now in cow girl position you two blush at this feeling you hold her hips while scarlet was rocking herself bouncing her to trust you by that she moan in pleasure sticking out her tongue out you two were moaning .... but what you notice that she was using to much force feeling that your hips were about to break you try to stop her but she didn't stop .
Y/n: hey take it easy will yeah !? " but she didn't stop and you swear you heard years bones crack so you decide to stop this by punching her in her face making her stop and growl at you but you also growl at her " down you grrr at me you were breaking my hip bones now let's continue but do it nice and gently .
By that you lead in the ground again understanding what she need to do she was now in cowgirl position again now bouncing you with just a right pise now the two of you were enjoying you moan and she hang her head out of pleasure by that you two continue to mate untie you two came which you did by that you took a deep breath .
Y/ n: will that was yummy ...... hey scarlet why do you have that look in your eyes? " you said looking at her yellow brown eyes have hearts on them which you knew so will .
Scarlet: oohohoh scarlet mmmee y/n" she lick her lip sexy way and you knew were this is going.
Y/ n: no no no you crazy savage at least let me rest ?
But she didn't instead you two have a mating season long and one year you two have a baby girl and boy and by that you take your wife and family to your house to city to learn the Morden way .
The end
That took a while okay I take request and give you ideas and again I hope you enjoy it good bye machos and females
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