Chapter 9


(Y/N):All right, in a few seconds the spacepod will be....

I saw how something was entering the atmosphere of the Earth

(Y/N):That must be grandpa and the grandma

The spacepod lands on a meadow,my grandpa and my grandma left the spacepod,I could feel the ki of my father and Vegeta approaching the place

(Y/N):Now we just need to revive Uncle Raditz, with Grandpa close I do not think there's any problem

I could see that my father,my grandpa and my grandma started to hug each other

(Y/N) work here is done

I created a portal and I crossed it arriving at the Sacred World of the Kai,when I passed through it I realized that Seripa was in the place,I approached her

(Y/N):Hey beauty,what's going on?

I could see that Seripa was beginning to blush

Seripa:Can you stop calling me like that?! it bothers me

(Y/N):It bothers you or you are ashamed

I approached Seripa and put my hands on her hips while she put her hands on my neck

(Y/N):You should not feel ashamed, after all, you're really beautiful

Seripa stood on tiptoe and began to kiss me, after a while we separated from the kiss

Seripa:And what did you do?

(Y/N):I went to Earth to make sure that my grandpa and my grandma will arrive safely on Earth

Seripa:And was everything all right?

(Y/N):Yes, everything went well, just need to revive Uncle Raditz....Let me ask you something,you are a Time Patroller,why are not you trying to stop all my changes in time?

Seripa:I would have to do that but like all your changes in time is for a good cause I do not...besides I do not want to ruin my boyfriend's plan

That's right,after several times of seeing us to train,Seripa unwittingly mentioned her falling in love with me,it was not a surprise for me since I knew it long ago but I accepted her feelings

(Y/N):And do not you worry about Chronoa finding out about that?

Seripa:Something but she knows that the changes in the time that you do have a justification

(Y/N):No seriously,why?

Seripa:She has seen your power and is very afraid to make you angry

(Y/N):Well,I hope she endures a few changes in time since I'll do a lot more than what I just did

Seripa:Like what?

(Y/N):Well....Trunks always wanted a peaceful that's what I'll give him...and with some friends to help him defend it

Seripa:Do not you think you're messing too much with the timelines?

(Y/N):I'm doing it for a good reason, I just want everyone to be happy, look at me, I was Towa's pawn for many years...I think I'm a thousand years old now but that does not matter, I just want everyone to be happy and that's why I'm creating a timeline in which my family and friends can live in peace

Seripa:And you will live in that timeline?

(Y/N):...No I do not think so, I like to travel along the lines of time, see what would have happened if, it's very interesting, and also I do not think I'm going to live a peaceful life...I like action

Seripa:Wow it's awesome that you do this for your family and friends

(Y/N):Heheh yeah, well, let's go before we're late

Seripa:For what?

(Y/N):To prevent Frieza from destroying Earth

I created a portal behind me and crossed it, Seripa followed me and we both ended up on Earth, more specifically on a mountain that gave a good view of what was happening

(Y/N):In a few minutes Frieza and his army will arrive on Earth

Seripa:Are you sure we need to intervene?

(Y/N):No, we will only do it when necessary, like when Frieza is going to destroy the Earth, when that happens, we have to stop him so you can come out alive from this

Seripa:Tch, you do not have to show off how strong you are

(Y/N):But look at these muscles

I saw Seripa blushing

Seripa:S-Stop with that!

(Y/N):Hehe, come on, it was just a joke

Seripa:A-Anyway, let's finish with this

I and Seripa were in a nearby mountain that gave us a view of the whole place where the battle would happen, right now we were waiting for the Fighterz and Frieza to arrive

Seripa:There they are!!

Seripa pointed to the ship where Frieza was coming,I could see that the Fighter z also came with my grandpa included

(Y/N):Well, for now we just have to watch the fight until my father and Vegeta arrive

After several minutes, the Fighter z managed to defeat the majority of Frieza's soldiers,now was the time that Gohan was being tortured by Frieza,I looked away trying not to see the scene because if I did,my inner fury I would rip Frieza's head off

(Y/N):It's over?

Seripa:Yes,Gohan and Bardock are increasing his ki for Goku to teleport back to Earth,they should arrive in a few...

My father and Vegeta came to place


(Y/N):Very well,it seems that everything is going as expected,just missing the fight of Vegeta and Frieza

And as expected,Vegeta became SSB and Frieza in his Golden form,both began to fight until Vegeta started to humiliate Frieza,due to that Frieza returned to his base form and Vegeta pointing it with his hand,I saw that Frieza he was squeezing his hand against the floor

(Y/N):Now is the time

I put on my mask and threw myself at Frieza,I kicked his in the face,I throwing him against a stone wall,everyone was surprised by me

Frieza:Agh! Who are you?!


Frieza:Answer me before I destroy you!!

(Y/N):.....Hey Vegeta, I think it's better to kill this scum before he destroys Earth

I said in my distorted voice,Vegeta looked at me confused but he understood the situation,he pointed to Frieza and he threw a Big Bang Attack towards him and disintegrated it creating a great explosion

(Y/N):Well done, you were finally able to avenge your race

Vegeta:You'd better answer me who are you and...


I used the Instant Transmission and I teleported next to Seripa, I grabbed her shoulder and returned to the Sacred World of the Kai

(Y/N):That was better than I expected,I thought I was going to kill Frieza with that blow

Seripa:I'm impressed that nobody noticed your ki

(Y/N):I can control my ki,I could make it disappear completely so unnoticed by people

Seripa:Wow, you're amazing, did you know?

(Y/N):Hehe thank you

Seripa:So what will you do now?

(Y/N):I think it's time to revive Uncle Raditz,I just hope everything goes well,do you want to come?


Seripa took my hand and we both did not teleport to Earth

[Third Person-POV]

In the house of Goku was talking with his parents and Chi-Chi

Bardock:You impress me Kakarot, you have lived many adventures and you have become stronger

Goku:HeHe thank you, wow, it's amazing to finally meet my parents, I do not know but I feel happier when I saw you for the first time

Gine:And we are also proud of you, you formed a beautiful family with children as powerful as you


Goku answered in a slightly depressive way

Bardock:Something happens?

Chi-Chi:You see, we had three children but because of a fight we lost our son (Y/N)

Goku:He sacrificed himself to save the Earth,I thought he had died but I discovered that he had disappeared, until today I have no idea where h....

Goku stopped to feel a very familiar ki,Bardock could also feel that ki

Goku:This.....this is the Raditz ki

Gine:I thought he was dead

Goku:It seems that someone revived it,I have to go see what happened

Bardock:I'll go with you, Raditz can cause you problems like the other time

Goku and Bardock flew as far as Raditz's ki could feel,both saw Raditz lying on the ground,both descended and could see that Raditz was getting up,he could see Goku

Raditz:Well, Well, it looks like this fight is not going to end, I guess it's time to send you to the same place you sent me-e...D-Dad!?

Bardock:If I remember correctly, I told you to go for Kakarot on Earth to see how he was,not kill him

Raditz:But...But he needed to join us!

Bardock:At no time did I give you the order to force Kakarot to join Frieza's army,the only thing I wanted was for you and he to be safe,not for the two to kill each other!

Raditz:........Sorry.......I-I was just pressed by Vegeta for Kakarot to join us....I-I was the weakest...I could not refuse their orders

Bardock:You were never weak,you were always very confident of your strength,you should know that there are people stronger than you and that this is motivation for you to be stronger


I saw my grandpa hug Uncle Raditz,my father joined the hug

Seripa:Hehe, it seems that Raditz could also join your family

(Y/N):That seems, but there are still some more things to do

I take Seripa from her shoulder and we went back to the Sacred World of the Kai

(Y/N):Well,It would be better if you go back to Conton City

Seripa:You're right, The Supreme Kai Of Time may need me for something, it was fun to be with you

(Y/N):Do not worry, later we'll see each other

I kissed Seripa on her cheek

(Y/N):If you need something or you're in trouble, do not worry, I'll be there for you

Seripa nodded,I opened a portal behind her,I said goodbye to Seripa and she went through the portal taking it to Conton City


I saw how the portal closed behind me,I started walking through Conton City watching all the Time Patrollers

Apparently everyone was talking about what happened in the realm of demons, while walking I saw Ace coming towards me,a well-known Time Patroller who helped me and Trunks several times

Ace:Hey Seripa,I was looking for you

Seripa:What's going on? I have to go to another mission?

Ace:No, it's not that, I was going to tell you if you've seen that portal that was created a few minutes ago

Seripa:Portal? what portal?

Ace:A few minutes ago a portal was created in Conton City,I try to see what was happening but when I tried to enter the portal I quickly got expelled,some Time Patrollers tried to see that there was through that portal but nobody can pass through it.  

Seripa:That's weird, there have been portals but I've never heard of it expelling people who tried to cross them....It sounds like a challenge, I'll go see what happens!!

Ace:Okay but be careful, some have also said that it feels a very big ki behind that portal

I nodded, Ace continued with his way while I went to the portal that everyone was talking, after a few minutes I could find the portal and as Ace had said, I could feel a great ki behind the portal, I approached the portal and impressively I did not go expelled

Seripa:How strange...I think I'll see what's behind this portal, I trained a lot with (Y/N) so I think I can face anything

I cross the portal reaching what looked like space but where it was there was nothing, I could deduce that here should be the Earth since the moon and the sun were in place

Seripa:What's going on? here should be the Earth but apparently there is nothing

???:It's because we destroyed it

I turned around and was surprised to see Golden Frieza, Cell and Kid Buu

Cell:How curious, I thought we had destroyed everyone in the universe

Frieza:Well it seems that we lack a person, we may finally have something that we can entertain

I put myself in a fight pose

Seripa:I will defeat all three!!

Frieza:Attacking the 3 of us at once? Cell,Buu,let's get that little daredevil!

Kid Buu:Haah! Ahh! Ahahahaha!

Cell:I hope she can bear all the suffering I will give her

I felt like Frieza, Cell and Kid Buu increased their power,now they were much more powerful than before,the three threw themselves at me,I quickly transformed into Super Saiyan God and blocked the attack of both,as (Y/N) said,the attack did not hurt much and I heal my wounds

Cell:So you can also become the super Saiyan God, I guess I will not have to restrain myself AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

A golden light began to surround Cell

Seripa:Oh no,this is not good

Once the golden light disappeared, I saw Cell in his golden form

Seripa:It has to be a damn joke!!

Cell threw himself at me,I tried to block his blow but he was much more powerful than me,I tried to dodge his punch but he was much faster than me

Seripa:I will have to fight with everything I have. There is no other way

I became Super Saiyan Blue, I launched against Cell but I was hit by Kid Buu which threw me towards Frieza which grabbed me with his tail and started to hang me

Frieza:I'm sick of your stupid race, it's time for your race to disappear forever

Frieza started hitting me on various parts of my body, I tried to get out of his grip until I bit his tail

Frieza:AAAHHHH!!! perhaps everyone has the habit of biting my tail!!

Frieza used his tail to throw me away from him, I cleaned the blood that came out of my mouth, I saw Frieza, Buu and Cell surrounded me, I teleported and tried to kick Buu but he grabbed my leg a few inches from his face

Kid Buu:Hehehe 

Buu extended his arm and started spinning me around in circles,Buu let go of me and I felt like Cell kneed me in the stomach making me spit a lot of blood out of my mouth

Cell:Apparently this was more boring than entertaining

Cell punched me with his two hands together,that punch was strong enough to get me back to my base form,I was so hurt that I could not even move a simple muscle

Frieza:This was already coming, if we beat Beerus easily nothing could stop us now

Kid Buu:Aha ha hehe!!

Cell:It's a shame we do not have anyone to entertain us with, but that happens when you face the most powerful people in the universe

I saw how the three pointed their hands towards me, I closed my eyes waiting for the worst but in that I heard how it had been creating an explosion but I felt no pain, I opened my eyes and I could see (Y/N) facing Frieza,Cell and Buu

[Third Person-POV]

(Y/N):It would be better to leave her alone or to see what the real hell is like

Frieza:Another guy who thinks he's stronger than us, I think we know what to do

(Y/N):I gave you a chance ....... I hope you do not regret not having taken it

A red aura surrounded (Y/N) and I saw that he had transformed into Super Saiyan 4

Frieza:I always gave it and I will always say it, the Saiyans are nothing but monkeys!!...Eh?

(Y/N) teleported in front of Frieza without him noticing

Frieza gave a great cry of pain,(Y/N) grabbed him from the neck and saw how he began to absorb his energy, once (Y/N) finished absorbing his energy he threw Frieza against the moon,(Y/N) shot a lazer that was enough to destroy the moon without leaving any trace of the moon or Frieza

Cell:You ... who the hell do you think you are?

(Y/N):You should already know me ... Cell!

Cell:...(Y-Y/N)!!....I thought you were dead ..... I guess I had a little more fun making you suffer!!!

Cell threw himself at (Y/N) with his fist raised


(Y/N):I'm sick of you!

(Y/N) punched Cell that knocked him back,(Y/N) teleported behind him and with his fist pierced Cell's chest


Cell's chest began to regenerate

Cell:The cells of Piccolo are impressive, now nothing can do me great harm

(Y/N):Seriously? because I'm seeing a great weakness for you

Cell:W-What are you talking about?

(Y/N) teleported behind Cell but he was turning his back

(Y/N):I'm talking about the sun


(Y/N)'s punch was enough to throw Cell towards the sun

(Y/N):I do not think your cells can regenerate that and now there is only one to be eliminated

Kid Buu became serious for the first time, he threw himself at (Y/N) but he just dodged Buu's blow,(Y/N) hit Buu's stomach with his hand inside his stomach



Kid Buu began to disappear leaving a trail of rainbow,Seripa saw (Y/N) with a ball of energy of rainbow color in his hand

(Y/N) made the energy ball disappear

(Y/N):And that was all

(Y/N) approached Seripa,he realized that she had fainted due to the blows of Frieza, Cell and Buu

(Y/N):I guess I'll have to heal your wounds 

(Y/N) took Seripa in his arms and used the Instant Transmission to disappear from the place

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