Chapter 3


After my initiation the RWBY team and the JNPR team took me and Wendy to the Beacon cafeteria, I could see the different students that their dream was to become hunters, I bet their families would be proud of them, family....

Ruby:(Y/N) are you okay?

(Y/N):Y-Yes, I was just thinking about something.

Weiss:So (Y/N) because you don't tell us about yourself, why did you live in Mountain Glenn?

I throw a deep breath, Wendy realizes this and looks at me with a worried face

Wendy:Daddy, are you sure about this?

(Y/N):Do not worry and answering your question Weiss, I escape.....from my family

Phyrra:And why did you do that?

(Y/N):My parents abused me, they always told me that it was nothing but a useless and other than that my brother and sister treated me like a sack of boxing, whenever they had the opportunity, they gave me blows until spit blood

Weiss:O-Oh my god

(Y/N):And as you can see, they also did this to me

I tell them showing my bandages

Nora:What did those monsters do to you?!?

Ren:Nora calm down 

(Y/N):In my school was also humiliated and beaten, one day no longer endure and hit one of the abusers, my parents knew about that and my father the best thing he did was to throw boiling water to my hands

They all remained silent with angry faces

Jaune:those bastards

Weiss:I'm sorry very much for ask (Y/N)

(Y/N):Do not worry, and overcome all that and I know I'm better than those things called people 


Suddenly I hear a few cries of pain, I raise my head and I see a Faunus rabbit being abused by a moron, I lift Wendy out of my lap and give it to Weiss, I get up from my seat and approach the guy.


??? 2:Then how would I have fun?

Those words, those damn words I listened to whenever my brother and sister beat me, I wouldn't let this girl suffer for a asshole.

(Y/N):HEY YOU!!!

I was trying to keep all my anger inside me.

???:What do you want, punk?

(Y/N):Leave her alone

???:And why would I leave this monster alone?

After this guy said those words the girl behind him started to drop tears, I've had enough, if he wants to see a monster will show them.

(Y/N):All I see is a cute girl being bullied by a asshole but if you want to see a monster I'll show you

Use one of the semblace I learned, this me to change my appearance to an alpha Beowolf but this was much more monstrous than a normal 

(Y/N):This is the appearance of a real monster, you want to see its strength?

 I grab him by the neck and you could see scared he was.

??? 2:I don't want to, please please I'll do anything!!!

(Y/N):Leave this girl alone and I'll let you go

??? 2:I'll do it, just let me go!!!

I loose and he runs out of the cafeteria, deactivate my semblance and I get closer to the girl.

(Y/N):Are you okey?

???:Yes, it only hurts my ears

I started stroking her ears, this seemed to calm her.

(Y/N):What is your name?

Velvet:M-My name is Velvet and t-thanks for that

(Y/N):Don't worry, he won't bother you again.

I stretched out my hand and helped her get up, while helping her a girl appeared rather annoyed.

???:Velvet are you okey? I saw Cardin running and I came to see if something happened

Velvet:Don't worry Coco the saved me from Cardin

Coco:I see, thank you very much for helping Velvet...handsome

(Y/N):Heh Heh It's nothing, I can't leave a pretty girl being annoyed by a loser 

[Third Person-POV]

Velvet:Being next to him I feel safe as if all my troubles vanish

Coco:I wouldn't mind falling in love with him, he's like my dream man, kind, strong, loving and handsome.It's nice to meet you ehhh.....

(Y/N):(Y/N),call me (Y/N)

Coco:You are the one of the initiation, it was great what you did with the Deathstalker and the Nevermore.

(Y/N):thank you, they tell me a lot

Coco:I'd like to talk a little more but Ozpin entrusted us with a mission

(Y/N):Then after they come back from the mission we can get to know each other a little better

Coco:It's a deal, come on Velvet or we'll miss the Bullhead

Velvet:Ok I hope we meet again soon (Y/N),goodbye



They both left and I went back to my seat, Wendy sat down again in my legs, I could not let go of the looks that gave me so I assumed that I had to give them an explanation.

(Y/N):It's one of the semblance I learned, it gives me the appearance and strength of a Beowolfs Alpha

Yang:How many semblance have you learned?

(Y/N):Many and I can say that if I can combine them right now in a single, it would be extremely strong

Ruby:Thats is impresive,I really wish had that semblance 

Ren:(Y/N) I wanted to ask you a question, where did you meet....

(Y/N):Wendy,You can bring daddy an apple, please.


Wendy got under my legs and went to get the Apple I asked for.

(Y/N):Sorry about that but I don't want her to remember what happened

Blake:What do you mean?

(Y/N):I'll start with how I found her. I was in Vale, there was a pretty strong rain


I did not think this job would take me longer than expected otherwise I would have brought my bike but now it does not matter.I started walking the empty streets of Vale until I heard a little sobbing.

(Y/N):Hmph I swear I heard something

I heard again the same sob, apparently coming from the alley in front of me, I went into it and saw how a small box moved, I thought it was a dog or a cat protecting itself from the rain but once I got closer to inspect it better I could see a little girl trembling from the cold, she was only wearing a worn dress, I approached her, but she walked away from me with fear.

(Y/N):I won't hurt you just want to know what you do here

???:...M-My p-parents left me here

(Y/N):What's your name? 

Wendy:M-My name is W-Wendy 

She tried to move but you could see it hurt.

(Y/N):What's wrong?

Wendy:it hurts me a lot

I lifted a little the dress she wore and I could see a lot of bruises and cuts all over her body.

(Y/N):What happened to you?

Wendy:My parents beat me and left me here because I no longer served him anything

I put my hand on her head and it started to shine, the wounds he had were no longer.

Wendy:how did that sir?

(Y/N):It's a semblance I have, cure all the wounds you had

Wendy:thank you very much sir

A little girl being abused and abandoned to her fate, knew how she felt that and would not let him pass by what I pass.

(Y/N):Why don't you come with me? I don't have much, but I can take care of you and give you the love that your parents didn't

She threw herself at me and gave me a hug, I could feel her tears falling down my shoulder.

Wendy:T-Thanks you sir

(Y/N):Don't call me sir just call me whatever you want

Wendy:O-Ok Dad

She hugged me again and I answered the hug, I would never let this girl go through something similar, never.

[Flasback End]

Blake:It was great what you did (Y/N)

(Y/N):Thanks, I did everything for her I even signed up for one of the tournaments to earn some money

Phyrra:I knew that I knew you, you were in the last tournament that participates and in which I lost against you

Wendy:Here dad!!!

Wendy came back with an apple in her hands, lifted it and sat it back on my legs, I gave them a look at all so they knew that they should not talk about the previous topic.

Ruby:So (Y/N), you were talking about you had a fight against Phyrra

Wendy:Phyrra?...OHHH you're the girl who fought against my father, it's a pleasure to see you again miss

Phyrra:It's also good to see you again and forgive me for not recognising you before

(Y/N):No problem.I still remember our fight, you're awesome, as you took control of the situation and always looking for a weak point in me, you're the best fighter I saw in the tournament


(Y/N):No problem.I still remember our fight, you're awesome, as you took control of the situation and always looking for a weak point in me, you're the best fighter I saw in the tournament  

Phyrra:Thanks for the flattery but not necessary, you showed that you are the strongest

He put a smile, the same smile that put when we saw in the final of the tournament, the same smile that I fell in love, was fortunate that we put on the same team in the phase of couples.I put my hand on my chest feeling my heart beating.

Phyrra:Perhaps fate is telling me that this boy will be the one that I fall in love, I would not care to do it

The bell rang indicating the next class we would have.

Ruby:Yeah,combat class!!!

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