Chapter 19
[Third Person-POV]
It was night after the fight with Frieza and Cooler, Ozpin had given a few days without lessons because of what happened, you, your friends and Harem were talking in the Emerald forest, everyone was talking about what was his life before but most were questions directed towards you
Nora:And that was it
Heidi:That was an interesting story Nora,Now, who's next?
Weiss:I want to know something,I've been wondering this, can you tell us the story of how your father adopted you? I mean Lord Beerus
(Y/N):I have no problem, well it all started about nine years ago
[Flashback-Third Person-POV]
Lord Beerus and Whis were walking through the woods looking at the landscape of Remnant
Beerus:I have no idea why I have not destroyed this planet yet, it is full of these ugly creatures, people think they are superior to a god
Whis:you have to accept that this place has a very delicious meal Lord Beerus
Beerus:I guess you're right, let's go, I do not want to spend more time in this.....
Beerus could not finish since he heard a cough coming from a nearby cave
Beerus:What the hell was that?
While Beerus was approaching the cave he heard more coughing and someone crying, once he approached he could see (Y/N) with his clothes torn, he had some scratches on his face and his tail is something dirty, (Y/N) I look at Beerus...
(Y/N):W-Who are you?
Beerus:I am Beerus, who are you and what are you doing here?
(Y/N):I-I'm (Y/N) and.....I'm here because I do not have anywhere else to go
Beerus:I see...I have to go...bye
(Y/N):......Goodbye Sir
While Beerus was moving away from the cave he could hear as (Y/N) coughing louder and as he started crying again, Beerus stopped halfway and stood for a moment
Whis:Something is wrong, Lord Beerus?
Beerus did not answer, he returns to where the cave was and found (Y/N) sleeping but with a face of anguish
Whis:Something wrong with this boy, Lord Beerus?
Beerus:...I do not know...for some reason I feel bad for this boy, as if something worse had happened to him before ... I do not know what's happening to me ... never thought this way but ... I think I'll take care of him
Whis:take care of this boy? I never thought you would do something like this Lord Beerus
Beerus:I know but ... I feel that this child is something more than what he looks
[Flashback End]
Blake:I did not know that Lord Beerus had a kind side
(Y/N):he's just kind to me and Wendy
Yang:it's good that we like your father
Ruby:Yes, with that Remnant is safe
(Y/N):that's not true,My father does not care about any planet, he decides which planet to destroy
Pyrrha: you can not make him change his mind?
(Y/N):nobody can change his mind, neither me nor Wendy but do not worry, you are safe
Frank:I suppose we should only worry about not making Lord Beerus angry
While everyone was talking Ruby was writing in her scroll very happy
Yang:You look happy Ruby, what happens?
Ruby:Tomorrow Penny is coming to Vale and she wants us to see each other
(Y/N):Who is Penny?
Ruby:She is my friend, I met her when students from other kingdoms came to the Vytal Festival
(Y/N):Festival Vytal?.... OH Yes, that thing that the ... kingdoms or something like that come to fight ... is like the world tournament on Earth
Pyrrha:Earth? what is that place?
(Y/N):It is a place similar to Remnant but it is much bigger, there are no kingdoms,instead of a festival a world tournament is held, there is no Grimms and people are not hunters or as they call it here
Ren:And there they use Dust or something similar?
(Y/N):Nop...Dust does not exist and if it existed it would not help, as I said before, Grimms do not exist so people do not care about this
Heidi:It seems a very peaceful place
(Y/N):No ... it's not, the Earth has had worse problems than Grimms but that does not happen often
Hilda:What do you mean by that and who deals with that problem?
(Y/N):I suppose you already knew Frieza, he has already appeared before like other enemies, they are very strong and most of the time, Vegetta and Goku take care of them but there are also others who take care of them and I can assure you that they are very strong
Heidi went up to Frank and started talking to him in whispers
Heidi:ask him to train us, I already told you how excited I am to become Super Saiyan and maybe they teach us great techniques like that movement that he did before
Frank:I do not know, and if he refuses or gets angry for wasting his time
Heidi:please, do it for me and Hilda
Frank:.....Okey.....(Y/N) Can I ask you a question?
(Y/N):Sure, what do you need?
Frank:I was wondering if you can train us? I want to be more powerful and Hilda and Heidi want to become Super Saiyan
(Y/N):sure, no problem
(Y/N):But I warn you, my training will be quite hard but I will teach you good techniques not those of a god but equally powerful ones
Frank:Do not worry about us, we train to be stronger
(Y/N):that's the attitude
Blake looked at her scroll and noticed that it was too late
Blake:Sorry for being spoilsport but it's getting too late
Jaune:You're right, I'm very tired
Weiss:I think (Y/N) is the only one who should be tired
They all went to their respective rooms to sleep
(Y/N):Are you sure about this, Ruby?
Ruby:Of course, she wanted to meet you, I talked a lot about you
Ruby was dragging me to where Penny was,we were walking until we got to a park and could see a girl with orange hair with a pink ribbon, I assumed it was her because of the description Ruby gave me
Ruby:Penny, it's my Ruby!!
The girl turned around, got up from her seat and ran to Ruby and gave her a hug
Penny:it's good to see you again Ruby!!
Ruby:the same,
Penny:And who is he?
Ruby:He is my boyfriend (Y/N)
Penny:Nice to meet you, I'm Penny
(Y/N):Nice to meet you Penny
Ruby:let's go visit the Vale stores, if you want you can leave (Y / N)
(Y/N):do not worry, you said you wanted me to come and I'm going to respect that
Ruby:thanks for that
Ruby kissed me on the cheek, I can see how Penny stared at this with some sadness
Ruby:Okey let's go
We spent the afternoon visiting the Beacon stores, most of the things that Ruby bought were cookies from different stores, while I was with Ruby I could see Penny as sad as before, we had gone back to Beacon and Penny said goodbye to Ruby and me , Penny left and Ruby went to her room, I followed Penny until I saw her sitting on a bench near a fountain
(Y/N):Something happens to you, Penny?
She is a little surprised to see me
Penny:oh its you, do not worry about me, I'm just....thinking
I sat next to her
(Y/N):If you have any problems, you can tell me
Penny:Well...just ... I need us to keep this secret
Penny:You see ... i am ... an android
Penny:That, does not it bother you that I am an android?
(Y/N):Of course not, why would it bother me?
Penny:because I am not a normal person, I am half robot and half human ... if people knew it ... I would never have a normal life...I will not have friends, nobody would like to have a android as a friend
(Y/N):so that is the problem...
I started thinking until I came up with a great idea
(Y/N):I'll show you that it does not matter if you're an android
Penny:And what are you going to do?
(Y/N):I will show you some friends
We arrived at the Earth with the help of Whis, while he went to the house of Bulma, I took Penny and started to fly in the direction of someone's house in specific
Penny:This place is so beautiful, it does not look like Remnant, there's no Grimms anywhere
(Y/N):in this world there are no problems very much like Remnant but when there are problems it is at a very big level ... we have arrived
I descended where the house of Krillin was, I left Penny and knocked on the door, the door opened and showed Krillin
Krillin:Hi (Y/N), it's good to see you again,who is your friend?
(Y/N):Hello Krillin,she is Penny
Penny:a pleasure to meet you sir
Krillin:the same and what do you do here (Y/N)?
(Y/N):I came here because I need the help of 18
Krillin:She is here, do not stay outside
We entered the house of Krillin and saw 18
18:look who is here, it is good to see you again (Y/N) and who is your friend?
(Y/N):hey 18, she is Penny is a friend
Penny:a pleasure to meet you
Penny turns to me
Penny:Sorry for telling you this but why are you bringing me here?
(Y/N): Because here is someone like you
(Y/N):You see, 18 is an Android just like you
18:are you an android?
18:and what is happening to you?
Penny:Do not feel bad that people do not accept it as it is?
18: why I would?, I'm different but that does not mean it's a monster or something
Penny:I see, but I feel that since I am an android I will not have friends
18:Do not say that, you have (Y/N) as a friend,Look at me, I have friends and at the same time I have a family, being an android did not give me anything bad
Penny:Wow...thank you very much,That really upped my mood
18:it's nothing, besides being an android is pretty cool
Penny:HeHe I think you are right...thanks
Me and Penny said goodbye to Krillin and 18, while going back to Bulma's house we stopped to buy some ice cream, me and Penny sat on a nearby bench and while eating ice cream Penny put her head on my shoulder
Penny:thanks for this (Y/N), you made me see that I am not so different than the others
(Y/N):Of course not, you're a pretty girl, I do not think anyone wants to have you as a friend,Everyone will love you as a friend
Penny:.....(Y/N)...I do not feel very well, You can take me back to Atlas
(Y/N):from here to Remnant it is very far but I know someone smarter than those Atlas scientists
I took Penny and we went back to Bulma's house, I told her about Penny's problem and she told her that she would see what it was like while I waited outside
Bulma:apparently you have no problem, everything looks in perfect condition
Penny:Are you sure, I feel as if my heart beat faster sometimes and it happened when (Y / N) and I was eating ice cream ... and if it is ice cream?
Bulma:Hehe I do not think so, because it's something much easier to understand
Penny:So what is the problem I have?
Bulma:apparently you are in love and seem to be that the boy you are in love is... (Y / N)
Penny:It's the first time I feel this way, it's true that (Y / N) is handsome and very kind and that ... it's true ... I'm in love with him
Bulma:that's not bad, (Y/N) is a very nice guy, I know him very well and I assure you that he cares more for his friends and family than himself
Penny:I think you are right, for (Y / N) right now I feel happier than before...I suppose I love him
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