Bonus Chapter

(This chapter is not a continuation or something similar, this only explains who is the father of (Y/N) and why has that ability)

[Third Person-POV]

On the planet Vegeta there were two Saiyans one had a scar on his cheek and the other had a scar across his right eye, both had blood all over his body,the two of them were running down the corridors trying to get to a very high place, one of those was Bardock and the other was Nate

Nate:I can not believe that Frieza could betray us, you've already taken your son and your wife out of here?

Bardock:I Take Kakarot out of the planet Vegeta and Gine is waiting in one of the ships in case something goes wrong...and your wife?

Nate:She is on this planet that I refused to destroy, she was the reason why I did not destroy it Remnant ....d-dammit

Nate fell to the floor grabbing his stomach, at that moment he had a premonition

(Y/N):Final Bing Bang Kamehamehaaaaa!!!

The premonition stopped 

Nate:(Y-Y / N) ....

Nate got up quite determined,he cleaned a little blood that he had in his mouth

Bardock:You feel good? I need you to be useful in this

Nate:Yeah...come on, we can not let that tyrant destroy this place

They both arrived at a tower that was quite high

Both pushed and flew out into space



[With Frieza]

Frieza was with Zarbon admiring the view of the planet Vegeta

Frieza:It's good to see the last minutes of this planet until I destroy it

A Frieza soldier entered

Soldier:L-Lord Frieza, some Saiyans are trying to get to the spaceship

Frieza:.....Is it necessary to give the order to kill the intruders?

[With Nate]

A lot of Frieza's soldiers left their spaceship ,all fired at Nate and Bardock at the same time, but both avoided the attack and they began to fight against the soldiers as they made their way to Frieza's spaceship,

Nate:Damn, there are too many Eh? 

several soldiers grab Nate

Soldier:You are not going anywhere

Nate:Let me go Agh!!

one of the soldiers grabbed him by the arms and another hit him in the stomach making blood spit out of his mouth, at that moment Nate had another premonition

(Y/N):I am a Saiyan, one who will destroy you for everything you have done to me!!

The premonition stopped 

Nate:L-Let me go AAAAAHHHH!!!


Nate created a small explosion of energy around him making the soldiers go flying

Nate:I do this for (Y/N) ... I do this for (Y/N) dammit!!

Nate flew faster and helped Bardock against the soldiers he was fighting with

Nate:It is not the time to play,if we hurry we can stop Frieza faster

Bardock:Okey, Okey I already heard you

[With Frieza]



Frieza:Open the gate above


Zarbon:B-But the soldiers have not yet finished

Frieza was quiet and lowered his arms intimidating Zarbon

Zarbon::As you command!!!

Several of Frieza's soldiers tried to grab Nate and Bardock but each time they did they launched an attack causing them to release him,both attacked Frieza's soldiers until the two managed to arrive but very tired and hurt

(Stop the song)

Bardock:Get out of there Frieza!!

As if it were destiny, Frieza left his spaceship,Bardock started shouting at Frieza and while he was doing this Frieza was preparing an attack,Nate saw this

Nate:T-This can not be good

 Nate took Bardock from his shoulder, Bardock ignored it and prepared an attack and threw it at Frieza


Bardock:Can not be...

Nate put two fingers on his forehead and teleported to Bardock where Gine was

Nate:Get out of here now!!!

Bardock:I will not, I will kill Frie...

Nate hit Bardock in the stomach knocking him out, he grabbed him and put him into the spaceship

Gine:Thanks for bringing it

Nate:It's nothing, now go!!

Gine messed with Bardock at his side and escaped from the planet Vegeta

Nate:I hope that my body can withstand this transformation

Nate flew to Frieza's Supernova and stopped her with both hands, Nate blew up the Supernova without suffering damage

Nate:Let's go...AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!

Nate transformed into Super Saiyan

Frieza:W-What is that transformation?

Nate teleported and kicked Frieza in the face

Frieza:As you dare to touch me, you will see how powerful I can be!!!

Frieza became his true form

Frieza:You are going to see how is the real hell

Nate:I will be the one who will show you the true power of the Saiyans

Frieza:I do not think a simple monkey like you could ...

Frieza could not finish for Nate since he flew as fast as he could and hit Frieza in the stomach and then a kick in the head

Frieza:I will not forgive you, your race is doomed AAAAHHHHH!!!!


Frieza and Nate began to beat, each one dodged each hit but Nate was dominating Frieza

Frieza:Not even using my 50% power can I against him, You'll regret having done this

Nate:Your chatter does not scare me Frieza, I know I'm stronger than you

Frieza released all his power 

Frieza:Let's see if now you think you're stronger than me

Frieza tried to fight against Nate to the maximum of his power but could not do anything against him

Frieza:How is this possible? I must be stronger

???:You are a disappointment

Frieza turned to see where the voice was coming from

Frieza:I-It's you?

Frieza and Nate were surprised to see Cooler

Frieza:D-Did you come to help me?

Cooler:Of course not, I would not even care about your death, but Cold forced me to come


Cooler turned to Nate

Nate:Y-You look like Frieza

Cooler:You will see that I am not the same as my brother

Cooler became his fifth form

Nate was surprised and put in a fight pose

Cooler:You must feel flattered, you are the first and the last to see my most powerful form

Nate:Last form or not, I'm going to kill them both!!

Cooler started to fight against Nate while Frieza joined the fight, Nate despite being very hurt he was able to dominate Frieza and Cooler with some difficulty.

Cooler:This is impossible, I am the strongest in the galaxy

Frieza:....This is the first and last time I say this but let's make a combined attack

Cooler:....I will do this only once in my life

Frieza and Cooler created at the same time a Supernova as big as a planet, both launched the Supernova against Nate

Nate:This can not be happening, I do not think I can stop that

Nate tried to stop the Supernova with all his strength but could not take it anymore and the supernova hit him


At that moment he had a last premonition of (Y/N)

(Y/N):Do not worry, I will make you feel proud, I train for a long time to have this power, I never thought it would be so powerful,Thanks Dad

The premonition ended

Nate:HeHeHe....Take care, my son....sorry for not being there for you....I hope you are a powerful Saiyan.....take care of (Y/N), Amy,sorry for not being there to protect you and see my son being born, I love you so much....AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! 

The planet Vegeta was completely destroyed

Frieza:I never thought that the legend of the Super Saiyan was real ... the good thing that this will never happen again......

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