Chapter 55: The Cella Games Begin

A/N: after Cella swatted away Mr. Satan, Goka then steps up to take on Cella herself. So the Cella Games could really begin.

Everybody was in shocked to see Mr. Satan hurt.

Jimmy Firecracker: ladies and gentlemen at home...

He started sobbing.

Jimmy Firecracker: Mr. Satan, our champion... IS DEAD!

Frieza and Logan: oh no, such a tragedy. Whatever shall we do now in this dire of times?

They both asked in a very sarcastic tone as they were still standing with the others, but, could hear Jimmy from a distance just from how high he talks.

(Back at the Town).

a riot started in response to what happed to Mr. Satan. People were breaking glass, robbing banks and stores, crashing into buildings and involved in shootouts with police, some were scared from this. One cop tried to calm things down as he spoke in a speaker.

Police Officer: please go back to your home, and stay there peacefully!

(Back at the Cella Games).


As Vegeta was laughing her ass off, you gave a light smirk on your face given the comment Mr. Satan made about Legendary Pokémon earlier.

Mr. Satan was on the ground, covering his face in pain.

Mr. Satan: what happened? Did I kill her...? Did my punch destroy the ring? Is this my blood?

Goka: oh good, he's alive.

Vegeta: one thing... I wanted one thing today!

Piccolo: what about killing Cella?

Vegeta: would you believe me if I said this was more important?

Tien: I'd be shocked otherwise.

Logan: I suppose there's always a first for something.

Mr. Satan walked over to Jimmy while holding his head.

Jimmy Firecracker: Mr. Satan! D..... did you die? If so, you have officially beaten Jesus' respawn time! Can you tell us what happened out there?

Mr. Satan: magnets...

Jimmy Firecracker: how does that work?

Mr. Satan: there were magnets under the ring; the tiles, and uhh... When I went for my punch, I must've...... they must've turned it on, and I went flyin' cuz of all the iron in muh blood cuz I eat my spinach.

You and the others looked in complete shock at how utterly stupid his reasoning was.

Frieza: okay, I've made a few comments about Saiyans, and Humans aren't any smarter than they are but, there's no way in the actual hell that other Humans on this planet would be stupid enough to fall for an excuse like that, no matter what kinda of champion he is.

(Back at the Town).

The people were quiet for a moment until that one random guy spoke out.

Random Dude: that makes sense!

(cut to the arena)

(Y/N): somehow, despite what you may say, humans are a lot dumber than what they seem.

Tien: and where does that put me?

He said as he gave a light glace to You.

(Y/N): in the class of the few humans who actually show intelligence and are tolerable.

Perfect Cella: alright, now that the back of my hand is call warmed up, who's first?

Goka: guys, don't freak out. Mr. Satan may have lost, but you got another world champion, right here!

Logan: You know, somehow I wonder on how exactly she got the title of world champion at one point in her life given her intelligent.

(Y/N): is the intelligence part really what matters in the context of being world champion when Goka very likely both figurative and literally punched the competition.

Logan: fair enough.

Tien: technically, we have two.

Goka: yeah, but I beat you, so does it still count?

Tien: of course it does!

Vegeta: does it though, Triclops!?

She asked mockingly.

Tien: and how many tournaments have you won?

He asked mockingly.

Vegeta: I dunno. How many planets have you blown up!?

Frieza was about to answer that question, you just looked at her with a look as a way of saying no.

(Y/N): -_-

Frieza: fine......

Tien: none. How many Goka's have you beaten?

Goka: can I fight now?

All: Yes!

Frieza: and for the love of god, please actually try not to fuck it up this time. Even though we all know you likely will anyway.

Perfect Cella: Getting right down to it, are we? A bit out-of-character. Shan't you send in your entourage, one after the other, so as I may leave you for our Grand Finale? Hell, I was hoping for to take on Frieza THEN Goka. After all, it fits for a nice Semi Finals match before the actual main course comes.

Frieza:........ I'm starting to like this bug bitch a little less now.

Goka: well, I mean, I already waited a week, so I guess I could wait a couple more minutes.....

Perfect Cella: no, no no! This is good! Called my bluff. No, I'm more than happy to skip the hors-d'oeuvres, and dive straight into the main course!

Goka: now you're speaking my language.

Jimmy Firecracker: ladies and gentlemen! This orange hillbilly has entered the ring! Set to take on Cella!

Mr. Satan: I would advise all parents to remove their children from the room immediately! And to tune back in when I, Mr. Satan, get back in that ring, and show that trickster what-for! Right after I shake off this concussion. And also stretch. Stretching is important, kids.

Goka powered up, causing Mr Satan to shriek.

Perfect Cella: HOLY crap! Princess, Frieza, do you feel that!?

Vegeta: F**k off!

Frieza: and why suddenly ask me as well? You've got something to try and prove to me as well?

(Y/N): I think given your title of being Empress of the Universe and considering she likes to mock her opponents as well......

Perfect Cella: and she didn't even have to pump up, like some roiding, angsty child!

Trunks groaned and you lightly growled.

Perfect Cella: well, Goka, now that you've shown me yours...let me show you mine.

Goka: yeah, whip out your power, Cella! Let me feel it.

Perfect Cella: oohoooh, now you're speaking MY language!

She powered up.

Jimmy Firecracker: Mr. Satan, they are engulfed in flames!

Mr. Satan: Fire-retardant clothes, obviously! And their bodies are covered in a thin, protective gel! Just like our stuntman, Morgan, from Skygina II. God rest his soul!

Jimmy Firecracker: what happened to him?

Mr. Satan: AIDs.

Jimmy Firecracker: always wear a rubber, kids!

Mr. Satan: and don't share needles.

Goka and Cella were now standing face-to-face to each other.

Perfect Cella: so, you gonna take a swing? Or you just gonna stand there, staring into my eyes?

Goka: hrm? What was that? I was busy staring into your eyes...

Perfect Cella: oh, you beautiful Saiyan bitch, just punch me already!

Logan: this dialogue is started to get a little...... questionable.

Goka and Cella engaged each other in combat, with both of them dealing heavy blows with each other.

Krillin: by the way, Trunks, wasn't your hair, like, shorter yesterday?

Trunks: yeah. I decided I liked it longer.

Krillin: Neat.

Cella caught Goka's punch and threw her away. Goka recovered and charged at Cella.

Cella blocked all of Goka's attacks.

Perfect Cella: ♪Chickity China the Chinese Chicken♪

She kicked Goka away, but Goka once again, got back on her feet and used the afterimage technique.

Perfect Cella: wait, so the afterimage can't move..... do you even.....

Goka appeared and punched and kicked her, sending the Bio-Android flying out of the ring.

Yamcha: guys, she ringed Cella out!

Perfect Cella stopped herself in midair before she could touch the ground.

Yamcha: oh.

Logan: that was foreseeable.

Krillin: just forgot we can fly, didn't you?

Yamcha: no, but... I just have hope, okay? Is that so wrong?

Tien: the fact that you have any hope left in your life is your most admirable quality.

Yamcha: huh... Thanks, man.

Perfect Cella: Yamcha, for the love of God, don't thank him!

She hovered back onto the ring as she looked at Goka.

Perfect Cella: and as for you. Clever little move there. But would you have truly have been satisfied with a ring-out?

Goka: well yeah; it's how I beat Piccolo. And Tenshinhan. And my family friend, ChiChi. And there was (Y/N) that one time......

(Y/N): GOKA!

Jimmy Firecracker: my God... This orange hillbilly beats her family friend and this weird reptile person!

Goka: It really wasn't much of a fight with ChiChi... One hit, and she just went down. Now she usually lives with me and helps me raise Gohan.

The people in town, who heard this on the large screen were all yelling in anger over Goka as they were booing and jeering at her.


Gohan: suddenly really happy I don't go to public school.

(Y/N): to be honest, I think it's best you stay away from any public schools for a while.

Perfect Cella: fair enough, Goka..... this is a test of skill as well as power. But if you're looking for a'll have to try a little bit harder than that.

Goka: oh, don't worry, Cella. I'll show you just how HARD I can get...!

Perfect Cella: well, if we're going to get freaky, then perhaps we can make this... A menage a moi?

Goka: G..... Gohan, wha..... what was that?

Gohan: It's French, mom.

Cella used the Multi-Form technique to create 4 copies of herself.

Gohna: specifically, "My household." But it's really, awkwardly......

Perfect Cellas: NNNEEEERD!!!

Perfect Cella 1: but speaking of academics...

Perfect Cella 2:'s time to take you, Goka...

Perfect Cella 3: Perfect University.

Perfect Cella 4: we'd say "Take you to school," but I think we're beyond the basics.

Goka: doesn't that make it...P.U?

Perfect Cellas: and we love that you got that.

All 4 Perfect Cellas charged at Goka, making her go on the defensive and block all their attacks. Goka managed to kick one of the Cellas away, but two more appeared and one of them elbowed Goka, who retaliated by a headbutt. All four Cellas once again cornered Goka and attacked simultaneously. All while a certain song that got memed a lot played in the background.

Tien: this has got to be for shits and/or giggles. The Multi-Form technique basically halves your power level with each copy.

Piccolo: yeah. But at least we can follow the action a little better now.

Gohan: wait, were you having trouble?

Piccolo: yeah...?

Gohan: well then, you're gonna have a lot more when they start getting serious.

Krillin: wow. Saiyans; am I right?

Trunks: erh...yeah?

Krillin: shit, was that racist?

Jimmy Firecracker: Mr. Satan, can you explain this malicious mutant's multiplication!?

Mr. Satan: well, Jimmy... Y'ever heard of mirrors?

Jimmy Firecracker: I believe I have.

Mr. Satan: well there you go.

Logan: that is such bullshit. People would notice light reflecting off the mirrors if there were any.

(Back at The Two).

The Random Guy again spoke out from the crowd.

Random Guy: that also makes sense!

Back at the Cella Games, Goka and all 4 Cella landed on the ring. Each of the 4 Cellas landed in each corner of the ring.

Perfect Cellas: pop quiz, Goka! Which attack is this?

She put both fingers on her forehead, with the other 4 Cellas doing the same.

Goka: ooh! That's the...the.... the beam thing! Uh, jeez...ugh..ah, this is killing me. I... I mean it KILLED me. Piccolo, what's this thing called?

Piccolo: oh, come on, Goka! It's the Makakas.....MA-KAN-A-KA... MADAK....

Nail & Kami: (Makankosappo!)

Piccolo: THAT ONE!

Goka: ...what?

Perfect Cella 1: MA...

Perfect Cella 2: ...KANKO...

Perfect Cella 3: ...SA...

Perfect Cella 4: ...CANNON!

The 4 Cellas fired the Makankosappo at Goka, creating a large explosion and Goka flew out of the explosion and into the the air, followed by all 4 Cellas.

Logan: hey, Gohan, quick question, if ChiChi is a family friend, who exactly was the one who um.... Well...... you know?

Gohan: believe me, I've asked my mom nearly 10 times and she always said thought I just popped in there.

Logan: eh...... yeah..... I suppose that would be how Goka would explain it.

Goka: alright. Time to do some math! Hahaah!

She landed a hit on all 4 Cella, causing them all to fall back down to the ring and caused 3 of the disappear, leaving one Cella.

Goka: looks like four divided by one is just one!

Gohan: no, Mom, that's still four!

Piccolo & (Y/N): Gohan.

Gohan: I know, banging my head on a brick wall...

Perfect Cella: Y'know, I was hoping you'd play along? Maybe make four Gokas... But, if you're just gonna sink the showboat, I'm not going to bother.

Goka: sorry, Cella. I'm here to win! And you're never gonna beat me with your stolen techniques!

Perfect Cella: and what, are you gonna beat me with your stolen techniques?

Goka: what!? I don't steal techniques!

Piccolo: actually, Goka...yeah, you do.

Goka: whhaaaaaa? What about the Kamehameha?

Krillin: naw, that was Master Roshi.

Goka: The Solar Flare?

Tien: that's mine, thanks.

Goka: The Spirit Bo.....?

King Kai yelled at Goka from his planet

King Kai: Goka, I'm watching the tournament, don't think you can pull that shit!

Goka: oh hey, King Kai! Quick question: Did I learn the Kaioken on my own?

King Kai: my f**cking name is in it...

(Y/N): now that I think about it, you did try to do Hyper Beam at one point. Despite the fact you can't even shoot ki from your mouth much less an energy blast.

Groudon: for Arceus' sake, did you marry a freaking Sudowoodo who keeps using Mimic?

(Y/N): if she was a Sudowoodo, she would probably be doing that weird pose they do.

Perfect Cella: Kaaaaameeeee...

Goka gasped.

Goka: that's Yamcha's move! King Kai, I gotta go.

Perfect Cella: HAAAAMEEEEE.....

Goka: hey, Cella? Uh, Pretty sure if you shoot this close to the ground, it'll blow up the......

Perfect Cella: HYEAAAAAAA!

Goka's mind: I should skedaddle.

She flew up into the sky with Cella's Perfect Kamehameha in hot pursuit.

Jimmy Firecracker: M......Mr. Satan! What do you......


Jimmy Firecracker: SUCH INSIGHT...!

Logan: he seriously thinks it.......?

(Y/N): just let the man prattle on with his delusions.

Goka nearly got engulfed by Cella's Kamehameha, but, unknown to Cella, Goka managed to pop out in time as the blast went into orbit.

Perfect Cella: wow... It's over. After everything...I killed her with her own technique. Hmph. Ain't that a kick in the he....

She got kicked in the back by Goka.

Perfect Cella: OOOAAAAGH!

As Cella's Kamehameha had left orbit and traveled into outer space, Krillin and Gohan discussed something.

Krillin: hey, what do you think happens to those beams when they fire off into space like that?

Gohan: well, if it can sustain its form, it's all about whether or not it comes into contact with anything...

(Meanwhile Planet Arlia (that bug planet Vegeta destroyed a long time ago) 1000 years later).

King Moai: good day to you, my faithful subjects! It has taken over a thousand years, but we have finally repopulated our new Arlia! To celebrate this momentous occasion, I shall now make love to my hot...bug...wife. Who is also my SISTER! InnnnSECSUAL!

A snapping sound was heard as King Moai proceeded to moan as he banged his sister...until Cella's Kamehameha collided with the planet, causing it to detonate.

A/N: History repeats itself.

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