A/N: Goka continues to train Gohan in order to get him to become a Super Saiyan. As that goes on, things soon get bad as Vegeta tries to let Cella find 18 to gain her perfect form.
In the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Goka was carrying Gohan on her back while singing her own version of "Giant Woman". A Training Montage commenced as this happened.
Goka: ♪All I wanna do is see you turn into a Super Saiyan, a Super Saiyan. All I want to be is a mom who gets to see a Super Saiyan. All I wanna do is see you turn into a Super Saiyan, a Super Saiyan. All I want to be is a dad who gets to see a Super Saiyan. Oh, I know that it'll be great, and I just can't wait! To see your hair golden, spiked and glowing. If you let out your rage, just break out of your cage! Because you are at least half Saiyan. Your power will rise like never before! Just tap into the power deep in your core. It's waiting for you, for you to turn into a Super Saiyan! A Super Saiyan. All I want to do is see you turn into a Super Saiyan♪
Goka placed Gohan down on a bed and pulled a blanket over him. Gohan was breathing heavily and then woke up.
Goka: hey, son!
Gohan: were you...watching me sleep?
Goka: like a mama hawk! I don't wanna miss the moment you go Super Saiyan!
Gohan: wow, it's been nearly three months in here, and you still think I can do it?
Goka: well, yeah! If you don't, the whole world will be doomed! Or not... Maybe I can handle it. So don't sweat it! And get some sleep, son!
Gohan: uh...yeah, okay..
He laid back on the bed and went to sleep.
Goka's mind: 'cause tomorrow, I'ma get you Super Saiyan!
(Meanwhile, out on The Lookout).
Piccolo: no, see, I'm definitely going with Krillin. Call it a safe bet, but I think his history speaks for itself.
Tien: you haven't known him as long as I have. Sure, he can be a little... "sighs" Well, he's a total bitch, but when we really need him, he's always stepped up.
(Y/N): then on the other hand, there's Vegeta.
Bulma: hey, uh, what are you two talking about?
Piccolo: oh, we're just making a bet to see who screws this up.
Tien: and, he's betting on Krillin, but I'm betting on Vegeta...
Bulma: oh... I'll get in on that action.
(Y/N): oh, and who's your money on?
Bulma: both.
Piccolo: wow.
Tien: damn.
(Y/N): that makes two of us then.
Bulma laughed.
Bulma: please, you may have gotten with Vegeta, but, I've known her as much as you and I've unfortunately known Krillin longer than either of you. Although, if I had to pick who's gonna screw up first...
Back on the Islands, Krillin was felling skeptical about shutting down Android 18. All while Trunks was finihsing yelling no in the background.
Krillin's mind: okay Krillin, pull yourself together... She's right over there, standing there like a...mechanical angel. And all I have to do is push this button and...watch her explode...everywhere. Little bit of blonde hair here...her blue eyes there...and then it's done. I.... I mean, she probably won't even feel it, or even know what happened, just her life...ended in an instant...by me...with no DragonBalls to wish her back when Cella dies... oh, come on, Krillin! Be strong for one second in your worthless life, and push the stupid button! IF YOU DON'T, EVERYONE YOU KNOW AND LOVE IS GOING TO DIE! INCLUDING HER!!!
He then realized what he had just thought and slowly drops the detonator.
Krillin: oh...
As Krillin let that bit of realization hit him, 18 and 16 were talking with the small unknown newcomer.
Android 18: okay, who or...... what exactly are you and what are you even doing here?
Mewmis: name's Mewmis. I'm here cause of a friend of mine was looking wanting me to look for you and 17.
Android 18: what?
Mewmis: it's kind of a long story, if you can tell me where 17 is so we can talk someone a little less dangerous, I....
Android 18: 17 is gone.
Mewmis: eh wha?
Android 18: 17 got absorbed by that monster over there.
She said as she pointed to the direction of Cella.
Mewmis: oh............
Android 16: you have come at a very unfortunate time.
Android 18: really not helping at the moment!
She said before looking back at Cella and Vegeta's direction.
(To Vegeta and Trunks).
Trunks was still yelling no.
Vegeta: quiet, boy!
Trunks shut up.
Vegeta: now, continue.
Semi-Perfect Cella: thank you. You see, my dear princess...
Vegeta: don't push it.
Semi-Perfect Cella: uh, you see, Vegeta, this is only my second form. I am merely Semi-Perfect.
Vegeta: wait, how can you be Semi-Perfect? You're either perfect or you're not me--there's no gray area.
Semi-Perfect Cella: my point, is that this form was achieved by absorbing my sister, Android 17. And the only way I may obtain true perfection...
Vegeta: is to absorb the bitch. So, in summation, you get the Android, and I get a proper challenge!
Semi-Perfect Cella: oh, I promise you, Vegeta, you're going to get everything that's coming to you.
Vegeta: oh ho ho! Ominous!
The Androids listened to Vegeta and Cella's conversation.
Android 18: she wouldn't...! 16, she wouldn't, would she?!
Android 16: wouldn't you?
Android 18: no!
Android 16: ...I'm sorry, what are we talking about again?
Mewmis: I think the spiky haired lady is trying to rad out 18 to the bug.
Krillin: Hey!
16, 18 and Mewmis looked over at Krillin.
Mewmis: who's the small bald kid?
Android 18's mind: whoa, it's the small one. Was he hiding there? Wait, what's that on the gro......?
She saw the detonator on the ground.
Android 18: oh, my God.
Krillin: uh, hi...
Android 18: uh, hey...
Krillin: look, I just... Can I ask something of you?
Android 18: S.... Sure?
Krillin: please don't kill anyone!
He said while stammering.
Mewmis: you what?!
She said to 18.
Android 18: wait, are you.....?
Android 16: no deal!
Android 18: 16!
Android 16: Son Goka is a person! Therefore, she is part of "anyone"! Therefore, no deal!
Android 18: 16, calm down! I will get you a Goka!
Android 16: do you promise?
Android 18: Yes!
Android 16: ...proceed.
Android 18: okay! Now listen, we weren't planning on killing anyone!
Android 16: Except Goka!
Android 18: we haven't even killed anyone thus far! In fact, the only thing we want dead right now is Cella!
Android 16: Also Goka!
Mewmis: -_-
Krillin: oh... Thank God, that makes this so much easier!
He destroyed the detonator with his foot.
(At The Lookout).
Piccolo: Ha! And you owe me some zeni!
Tien: oh, no...
Bulma: all right, what did Krillin do?
Piccolo: he crushed the remote.
Tien: he did WHAT?!
Bulma: that was twenty hours of my life! That dick!
Piccolo: and possibly the rest of it if Vegeta follows suit...
Tien: I don't understand! All he had to do was push the button and blow up the...the girl.
Bulma: oh, that makes sense.
Piccolo: I don't get it.
Tien: he really did it... He actually risked every life on the planet just for...for cyber sex! I didn't Kikohou myself half to death so he could get LAID!
Piccolo: oh... Gross.
(Y/N): it's about to get worse.
Meanwhile, with Krillin and 18.
Android 18: oh... oh, wow. Well, I mean, that was really sweet and all, but...maybe you should have kept that around.
Krillin: what? Why?
(Back over to Vegeta and Cella).
Semi-Perfect Cella: Vegeta, this is the only chance you're going to get! If she slips away now, you'll never get the opportunity to fight me at my full potential. And let's be honest, do you really think Goka can give you the challenge you deserve?
Vegeta: You know, the funny thing is, I know you're playin' me... But you're right. She's all yours!
Frostwing: Vegeta, you dumb cunt!
He said far up in the sky.
Semi-Perfect Cella: oh, thank you, Vegeta! Trust me...great things are about to happen!
(Up at The Lookout).
Piccolo: oh, no...! Goddamn her!
(Y/N): told you.
Bulma: okay, now what did Vegeta do?
Piccolo: She's letting Cella absorb 18!
Tien: well, looks like nobody wins...
Bulma: well, I technically do.
She soon spoke in a singsong tone.
Bulma: you guys owe me zeni..
There was a short pause before baby Trunks began to cry.
Mr. Popo: geez, bring down the whole mood, why don't you?
(Back at the battlefield).
Cella was flying away from Vegeta to continue looking for 18.
Vegeta: make it snappy! The boy's gotta be in bed by seven or he gets cranky!
As Cella took to the sky, her path was blocked by Trunks, now in his Super Saiyan form.
Trunks: yeah, so, I'm gonna be the only voice of reason here and say ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Cella growled.
Trunks: don't you get it?! He's just been feeding you everything you want to hear! He's playing you!
Semi-Perfect Cella: to be fair, I haven't lied since I got here.
Trunks: you're not involved in this anymore!
Semi-Perfect Cella: I'm feeling pretty involved...
Vegeta: boy, don't make me come up there and be a parent!
Trunks: first time for everything!
Vegeta: oh ho ho!
Semi-Perfect Cella: wow Vegeta, are you just gonna stand there and take the....
She stopped talking as she looked down to the ground and started groaning.
Trunks' mind: huh? Why is she doing that....?
He looked at the direction Cella was looking and spotted the Androids.
Trunks' mind: oh... Oh, no...
He soon noticed Krillin.
Trunks' mind: w...wait, but there's Krillin! Does he have the.....
He saw the smashed detonator.
Trunks' mind: no...! But why?! He... Why?! But, the Android! Krillin... Crushed remote! But...could turn...perfect! Crushed! Why?! Krill.....? But...twenty hours!
He soon yelled out loud at the top of his lungs, catching Krillin, Mewmis and the Androids' attention.
Krillin: oh, hey! It's Trunks!
Cella made a break for 18, causing Krillin to scream.
Trunks: I said ABSOLUTELY NOT!
Trunks intercepted Cella and kicked her.
Semi-Perfect Cella's mind: huh... Vegeta was right! He is almost as strong as.....
She got hit by Trunks again and flew down into the ground.
Vegeta: look, if this is about getting your own turn in, just wait until I'm done with her!
Trunks: Just ignore her. Krillin, get the Androids out of here now!
Krillin: don't need to tell me twice! Or at all, actually. Let's go!
Android 18: right! 16, let's move!
Android 16: but I just got comfortable.
Android 18: 16!
Android 16: more importantly, Cella is only after you. I will slow you down. Now, go!
Android 18: fine, but I'm coming back for you! (turns around and runs off)
Krillin approached 16
Krillin: you're doing a brave thing.
Android 16: As are you.
Mewmis: we better get moving quickly.
Krillin: good idea, weird small taking levitating pink cat girl.
Krillin ran off after 18 and Mewmis.
Android 16: you are way out of your league, tiny duck.
Krillin: So, hey, I know this isn't the best time, but, um, are, uh, you seeing anyone right now?
An explosion erupted ahead, knocking him, Mewmis and 18 back. Cella soon emerged from the ground.
Semi-Perfect Cella: she is...
Trunks: there you are!
He powered up and charged toward Cella.
Semi-Perfect Cella: Vegeta, Trunks is picking on me!
Vegeta: learn to share, brat!
She kicked Trunks into a plateau.
Semi-Perfect Cella: that's better. Now, 18, I'm not sure I like you hanging around with other men. Or, in this case...half of one.
Krillin: oh, yeah, another short joke. Yeah, sure, fine.
Up in the sky, Frostwing got annoyed enough.
Frostwing: oh f**ck this. Bout time this blonde bitch learned her place!
He said before charging down fast and landing a kick on the side of Vegeta's face, sending her going face first into the ground. She soon got back up and looked back up to Frostwing.
Vegeta: this is between a mother and her little disobedient shit son. F**ck off somewhere else, pans....
Before she could finish the last part of that, Frostwing crashed right at her. The dust settled with Frostwing standing on her back and him pulling on her Super Saiyan Hair.
Frostwing: I frankly don't give a damn. You've made some pretty stupid decisions. But, this is the dumbest decision that you've ever made, you idiotic excuse for a saiyan!
He said before slamming her head multiple times on the ground.
Frostwing: You. Don't. Even. Deserve. The. Title. Of. Princess!
Vegeta elbowed him and kicked him away.
Vegeta: oh, you've got some big balls saying that to me. And I'm gonna f**cking enjoy tearing them off when I get the chance!!!
She and Frostwing charged each other and clashed. As that went on, Cella continued to approach 18, however, 16 soon stood in her way.
Android 16: how about you leave the girl alone?
Semi-Perfect Cella: come on, 16, don't be so jealous. This is meant to be, and she knows it. Just look at what she's wearing... She's practically asking to be absorbed!
Krillin: okay, that line has been crossed! You wanna go, big girl? LET'S GO....!
He sprung forward to attack Cella, only to get tail-whipped into a wall.
(Krillin Owned Count: 36)
Semi-Perfect Cella: oh, no, who would have seen that coming? Anyway...
She got hit in the head by 16's fist.
Semi-Perfect Cella: ...really?
16 started punching Cella repeatedly.
Semi-Perfect Cella: oh, you precious little cinnamon bun. Never change?
She elbowed 16 down to the ground and then 18 came after her.
Semi-Perfect Cella's mind: a oney and a twoey and a you-know-what-to-doey!
Cella blasted 18, knocking her at a cliffside.
Mewmis got mad and charged a blue attack.
Mewmis: how about you buzz off!
Semi-Perfect Cella: hm?
She used Psychic, which resulted in her firing a small blue energy ball into Cella's eyes.
Semi-Perfect Cella: ah! What the hell?! Did I just get blinded by f**cking small pink cat?!
Trunks emerged from the ground and powered up.
Trunks: that is it! I am stopping this now!
Vegeta: oh, what are ya doing?
Both Vegeta and Frostwing stopped in mid-air and looked down near Trunks.
Trunks: what am I doing?!
Vegeta: thwartin' my plans?
Trunks: thwarting your plans?!
Vegeta: are you?!
Trunks: ...you know what?! YES!
He fired a massive dragon breath from his mouth at Vegeta. Frostwing dodged while the blast hit Vegeta, who screamed as she got carried into the sky, disappearing with a twinkle.
Krillin sat up from under the rubble.
Krillin's mind : oh, God... If I had a nose, I'm pretty sure it'd be broken.
He saw Cella as she was yelling due to still being a little blinded by Mewmis. She started whipping at her eyes for a moment as she saw 18 and Mewmis trying to get away and she fired a blast which stopped them in their tracks.
Semi-Perfect Cella: I swear if there's one thing I've come to hate during this time here, it's the annoying little specks that keep getting in the way. Like Humans and Pokémon.
Krillin: ah! Oh, no... You leave her alone, or I swear I'll...
Android 16: no, little duckling! It is not your time!
Cella growled as she approached 18 with the funnel of her tail opened. However, before she got close, Frostwing soon stopped near her.
Semi-Perfect Cella: oh..... sh.......
Before she could finish, Frostwing let out a flurry of punches while yelling out one word.
Frostwing: ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora ora!
His last punch sent Cella up a bit before she was met with a kick in the face from Trunks.
She got knocked away by a kicked and crashed into a faraway cliff.
Frostwing's mind: I may not be trying to kill her, but, that doesn't mean I can't beat some sort of halt into her hunt for 18.
Trunks soon stopped in front of 18 for a brief moment.
He and Frostwing took off after Cella.
Android 18: ...yeah, okay.
Semi-Perfect Cella: I hope you know, this means war.....!
She got repeatedly punched in the face by Trunks.
Semi-Perfect Cella: where's Vegeta?1
Frostwing soon kicked her in the face. As the battle went on, 18 ran over to 16 and put his arm around her shoulders to carry him off.
Android 18: come on, 16, move it!
Android 16: why...are you...still here?
Android 18: It's like 17 said, remember? The three amigos? Well, I guess more like...dos compadres, now...
Krillin soon reached his hand out.
Krillin: here, uh, allow me. I might not be good for much, but I can lift!
Mewmis: I may be small, But, I can also help.
She said as she was able to float behind 16's back and lift him up a bit.
Vegeta was floating on the surface of the ocean.
Vegeta: huh. This is a new feeling...pride in someone else.
She then wipped her face with her glove and saw she was bleeding.
Vegeta: unfortunately, it's overshadowed by all this UNYIELDING RAGE!
She shot out of the water.
(Back at the Battlefield).
Trunks and Frostwing were pulverizing Cella and then kicked her away.
Semi-Perfect Cella's mind: okay, THIS obviously isn't working!
She soon saw Krillin, 16, Mewmis and 18 preparing to make their escape and then looked at the sun.
Semi-Perfect Cella: wait, Tenshinhan got me into this... And now, he's going to get me out!
She started flying downward.
Trunks: uh, hey!
They chased after Cella.
Frostwing: what does she think she's doing?
She flew in front of the sun.
Semi-Perfect Cella: I've been so close for so long...and I can't take it anymore! 18, I'm coming!
Vegeta was seen flying back to the battle, growling.
Semi-Perfect Cella: SOLAR FLARE!
She said before a bright white light blinded everyone.
Vegeta's mind: AH, MY RAGE HAS BLINDED ME!
Frostwing: damn it, not again!!!
Cella flew down to the ground, passing the blinded Trunks and Frostwing.
Semi-Perfect Cella: now...for the climax!
Krillin ran in front of the androids, acting as a shield.
Krillin: I won't let her touch you! Just stay behind m...
He got sent flying by a blast from Cella.
Krillin: GAAH!
(Krillin Owned Count: 37).
Mewmis was too blinded by the light to do anything.
Semi-Perfect Cella: yeah, doesn't feel too good when it's from the other side, now is it?
18 shrieked and turned around as Cella approached her and opened the funnel of her tail.
Android 18: 16!
Android 16: Yes?
Android 18: ...look after the little guy.
Android 16: ...Confirmed.
18 dashed forward, only for Cella's tail to drop down and 18 let out a terrified scream. Frostwing and Trunks landed on the ground, regaining their eyesight and saw Cella undergoing her final transformation.
Trunks' mind: NO!
Android 16's mind: NO!
Krillin's mind: NO!
Mewmis' mind: NO!
Vegeta's mind: YES!
Cella let out an enormous shockwave that can be seen from the island.
(Back at The Lookout).
Groudon: okay uh..... what exactly is that I'm feeling right now?
Frieza: oh god, you're not touching each other, are you?
Kyogre: he means something else, you dolt!
Logan: it's not just you, I can feel It too. And it's not coming from Trunks, Frostwing or Vegeta. And it sure as hell ain't Krillin.
Bulma: hey, so, I can't sense power levels, but I can feel THAT! Does that mean anything?
(Y/N):.................................... we are so f**ked.
Back at the battlefield, Cella completed her Perfect form as everyone minus Vegeta looked in shock. Cella soon landed on the ground and looked up to the sky before she began singing.
(You can try to imagine it with a female voice or the original voice, your choice here).
Perfect Cella: ♪"P" is for "priceless", the look upon your faces."E" is for "extinction", all your puny races. "R" for "revolution", which will be televised. "F" is for how "f**ked" you are, now allow me to repriiise. "E" is for "eccentric", just listen to my song. "C" is for "completion", that I waited for so long."T" is for the "terror", upon you I'll bestow...
She soon gave out a chuckle.
Perfect Cella: my name is Perfect Cella, and I'd like to say...hello.
A/N: shit.......
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