Chapter 52: Deities, Devils, and Doing the Dirty
A/N: You and the others all do either training or a bit of relaxing. During this, Bulma has a look into who 16 use to be, and got a hint into what else was responsible for the fall of The Red Ribbon Army.
Frostwing had eventually arrived at the area where the Cella Games were. He looked down at the area and saw Cella standing there.
Frostwing: "sighs" I know she's likely just going to ignore my warnings and still go through with all of this. But, still can't hurt a guy for at least trying.
Frostwing flew over down towards Cella and landed a few feet from her. Cella had a small smirk as she looked to him.
Perfect Cella: I make an announcement about the fate the world and the cutie comes speaking with me in order for him to be spared.
Frostwing: wha........? No, I've come to talk to you. I just want to try convincing you on not doing this.
Perfect Cella: oh really?
Frostwing: look, I know that you're likely not going to comply, but, I'm still going to try. I mean, just what exactly are you going to gain from all of this?
Perfect Cella: well, I'll be killing Goka and Vegeta. I'd say killing Vegeta probably the best I'd gain out of that.
Frostwing: but what about this planet? Why bring that and everyone else into this?
Perfect Cella: who the fuck wouldn't blow up a boring ass planet like this?
Frostwing: even if I die in the planet's explosion.
Perfect Cella: well, I've heard earth's not the only planet with dragon balls so.....
Frostwing's mind: someone fucking snitched!
Perfect Cella: now look, I know you're trying to convince me to trying to back down on this. And it's an adorable attempt. But, utterly effortless.
Frostwing: damn. I should have known. Fine, but when the day comes, I just hope you at least think of reconsidering.
Perfect Cella: likely not, Frosty.
Frostwing turned around and started walking.
Perfect Cella: by the way, nice ass.
Frostwing stopped, looked down and sighed and then flew off.
(Quick Timeskip).
Frostwing eventually arrived back at the area, with Logan crossing his arms and he looked to him.
Logan: well, took you long enough.
Frostwing: sorry, I had to stop somewhere for a moment.
Logan: eh, it's no problem, let's just get started with our training.
Frostwing: right.
The two got into battle stances from each other before they both charged at each other and clashed, making a mini shockwave as they did. They traded punches with one another.
Sometime had passed after a while, but during all that time, Frieza had her time with you to get your mind off all the stress. At the moment, The two of you were just laying there on long grass with each other as the both of you were naked... or well..... technically you're the only one naked since Frieza doesn't wear clothes but you get the point.
(Y/N): wow........
Frieza: told you I could relieve you of some of that stress.
She said as she had a confident smirk with her hands behind her head as she was laying down.
(Y/N): yeah, I guess so.
You soon sat up.
(Y/N): well, I guess we should probably head out of here soon. Someone could come along and check in on us.
Frieza: please, the only kind of people who would be out here in a place like this would be dunk hillbillies.
You stood up and got dressed.
(Y/N): we should still head off.
Frieza: fine.
She stood up and stretched.
(Y/N): I'm actually curious one something, how do you....
Frieza: I'm honestly more surprised a reptilian type of creature is asking a question on how I'm able to do that.
(Y/N):........ fair point.
The two of You then flew off.
Yamcha, Gohan, and Krillin were inside Kame House watching TV.
Press Release Announcer: and now, introducing your World Martial Arts Champion, the strongest man on the planet, Mr. Satan!
Mr. Satan walked up on the balcony as the crowd cheers.
Yamcha: wait, Martial Arts Champion? I...... Did we miss a tournament?
Master Roshi: yeah.. there was one last month.
Krillin: damn it, we were busy training for the Androids!
Master Roshi: what do either of you care?
Krillin & Yamcha: prize money.
Press Release Announcer: Mr. Satan, what do you have to say to your opponent?
Mr. Satan: now you listen here, Cella... I know why you gave everyone a week to prepare for your little tournament! It's so you could spend the last seven days on Earth prayin' that MR. SATAN wouldn't show up!
The crowd cheered.
Mr. Satan: so, after I eat my Jimmy Johns, and drink my Hetap, and F**K MY HOT ASIAN WIFE...I'm gonna squash you. Like the bug you are.
Press Release Announcer: Mr. Satan, everybody!
Yamcha: so, do they know what's going on with his name, or...?
Crowd: Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Satan! Hail Satan!
Yamcha: okay, yeah, they know.
(Meanwhile, at the Cella Games).
Cella was standing in the middle of his ring with a TV crew approaching her.
Reporter: this is bullshit, man... This is suicide!
Cameraman: dude, pull your balls out of your purse, and do your job.
Reporter: okay, that's sexist as hell!
Cameraman: yeah. It's sexist. And do you know what's standing out there? A Pulitzer! Now go get it!
The reporter lifted his microphone up to Cella.
Reporter:, um... Hello!
Cella opened her eyes and looked at the reporter.
Perfect Cella: hello, there! How may I help you?
She asked as she turned her head around to face the reporter.
Reporter: w.....well, M......Ms. Cella...
Perfect Cella: oh, please now, don't be so formal! Call me Perfect Cell!
Reporter: uh, okay Perfect Cella........
Perfect Cella: Ms. Perfect Cella!
Reporter: M..... M.... Ms. Perfect Cella! Can you tell the audience where you are and who you came from? Uh, I.... I mean.....
Perfect Cella: no, actually, an apt choice of words! As for the where, this is the immaculate Cella Games arena! As for who, well, *laughs* let me weave you the tale of my origin! Though, I must preface that it does drag on in places, so I'll try to minimize the filler. Now...our story begins as many stories often do... With a young girl shooting a little boy in the face...
(Inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber).
Groudon and Kyogre were continuing their training. The two clashed with one another, a shockwave coming off of the two as a result of it. Groudon lifted Kyogre and tossed him a few feet away. He then charged up a Solar Beam in his mouth and then fired at Kyogre, who dodged the blast and retaliated with a Water Pulse. Groudon ducked it the water pulse hit the ground a few feet away.
Groudon: man, feels great having a little battle without any interruptions this time around.
Kyogre: no kidding. We've even got more open space this time for us to really let out. And we don't have to worry about anything getting broken.
He said as the building in the Time Chamber is a little cracked and scratched in a few places from the two training with one another.
Piccolo, Mr. Popo, and Trunks were standing on the lookout.
Kami: ( should talk to him.)
He asked as he was referring to Trunks.
Piccolo's mind: what? Why would I?
Nail: (because you could both use more friends.)
Piccolo's mind: I am terrible at small talk.
Kami: (and you're never going to get better unless you try. Now, go on.)
Piccolo: so, uh...
Trunks: huh?
Piccolo: you hate your mom?
Trunks: uh...
Kami: (wow... You were not wrong.)
Piccolo's mind: see?!
Trunks: eh, you know, I wouldn't say I hate her... I guess I'm mostly just disappointed. She's the single most frustrating woman I've ever met! Heh, but you know moms, right?
Piccolo: never had a mom and Goka killed my dad.
Trunks: oh! Jeez, uh, sorry, I...
Nail: (oh, perfect! He's just as bad as you are!)
Goka popped in with Gohan and Krillin.
Goka: please tell me nobody here wants a piece of me.
Trunks: uh, well, whenever mom gets her chance to go back in and then gets finished, she'll probably want a swing at you.
Goka: ...I knew it!
Gohan: why did you bring us both along?
Goka: because if ChiChi questioned you, you'd talk.
Gohan: yeah, I would...
Krillin: so, Piccolo, how was the Time Chamber?
Piccolo: I didn't even go in yet, those two are still probably trashing the place.
Krillin: yeah, probably not gonna bother going in myself. At this point, either you guys can beat Cella or you can't. No use risking my life without the reset button on hand!
Gohan: wow! I hadn't even thought about that! We live in a world without Dragon Balls now!
Trunks: oh, yeah! That sounds terrible! I'm so sorry!
He said sarcastically.
Gohan: It's alright! We'll manage!
Trunks: ...I can't be mad at you.
Goka: I don't get it. Why can't you just make us some new Dragon Balls, Piccolo?
Piccolo: because, Goka, I'm from the Warrior Clan, Kami was from the Dragon Clan! One punches people, the other makes Dragon Balls.
Gohan: wait, but, you two come from the same perso.....
Piccolo: so, if you want Dragon Balls, you need another Namekian.
Krillin: what about New Namek? I bet there's a whole gaggle of Namekians who can make us a new set!
Piccolo: we'd have to find New Namek first, and who knows where that is?
Goka popped out as he said that.
Piccolo: also, "gaggle"?
Krillin: well, what would you call them? A pod of Namekians? A pride?
Piccolo: a cornucopia. What do you call a group of humans?
Mr. Popo: an infestation.
Piccolo: point is, without a Namekian from the Dragon Clan, we aren't getting any DragonBal....
Goka popped in with a terrified and squealing Dende.
Goka: is this a Dragon-whatsit?
He saw Gohan and immediately calms right down.
Dende: Hey.
(Back at the Cella Games).
Cella was talking to the reporter about her origins.
Perfect Cella: and so it turns out, he was an alien the whole time!
Reporter: whoa! I did not see that coming!
Perfect Cella: Right? So, two more Saiyans show up a year later....
Reporter: wait, what about Goka's brother?
Perfect Cella: oh, he died. Anyway, enter Vegeta. Now,.....
She started laughing.
Perfect Cella: strap yourself in for THIS cartoon character...
(Meanwhile, inside inside The Capsule Corp. laboratory).
Dr. Briefs was working on 16 and Bulma on the computer.
Bulma: hey, Dad? Can you come take a look at this?
Dr. Briefs: What is it, pumpkin? Find Gero's porn stash?
Bulma: no! I mean, ugh, maybe? I found this hidden folder... It was completely inaccessible to him, and it's full of incomplete and corrupted files, but there's one undamaged video here...
Dr. Briefs: well, then, open her up! Also, five thousand Zeni says it's interracial?
Bulma: ugh.
Dr. Briefs: oh, now you find it gross!
Bulma opened the file and it showed a silhouetted man on the computer.
???: May 12th, 750, 4:30 P.M. Red Ribbon H.Q.
Bulma: wait, why does that date sound familiar?
???: hey, Dad! I, uh, I'm here at headquarters, getting everything put away. No bunkmate, so, room to myself. Which is good for a guy my size...
He said before he laughed quietly.
???: well, uh, I just wanted to, you know, record something for you, since you and Uncle Frappe are busy building robot guys and stuff. I know you're calling them "artificial humans" now, but...that name is way too long. I mean, what about cyborg? Like from that movie we saw? Hmm. Well, uh, just wanted you to know that I, uh, miss you, Dad.
There was soon an alarm sound.
???: what the..?
Soldier: hey! Get your ass moving! Some thing's tearing its way through the compound And The Captured Specimen has escape! We gotta go!
Goka, as a kid at time that video was recorded, could be heard faintly in the background of the recording.
Goka: KA......ME......HA.....ME...
As Goka was yelling, a Different voice was heard yelling in the distance as well from a different spot.
??? (1): I AM NO ONE'S PAWN!
???: uh... Okay, sorry about this, Dad. Gotta run! Love you! Good luck with your cyborgs......
Both Goka and the other voice could be heard again.
??? (1): SUFFER!
Goka: HA!!
The sounds of a Kamehamea and a Different blast being fired were heard before the video cuts out and went static. Bulma turned around and looked at 16.
Bulma: ...Jesus.
Dr. Briefs: yeah, that's a hell of a bomb to drop.
Bulma: oh! That reminds me... I also found this.
Sje brought up a new screen showing a bomb hidden in 16's chest.
Dr. Briefs: huh... At least Gero was consistent.
Bulma: the way, you owe me five thousand Zeni.
Dr. Briefs: ah, daughter of a bastard!
(Back to The Lookout).
Piccolo: and that's why we need you, Dende.
Dende: okay, let me just clarify what has happened. That dumb bitch...
He said as he referred to Goka.
Goka: name's Goka!
Dende: ...literally kidnapped me from across the entire galaxy, with neither my knowledge or consent. Just so you could make me mystic you up a new set of Dragon Balls, because you are all a cavalcade of f**k-ups. Did I miss anything?
Piccolo: well, we missed you...
Dende: good. No, great, that's great! And what do I get out of this? Gonna make me your king?
Krillin: well, can't do that. King's a dog. But we can make you God, though!
Dende: the f**k's a God? I mean, the f**k's a dog?! I mean, what the f**k?!
Mr. Popo: as the creator of the Dragon Balls, you shall assume the throne of Kami, guardian of this planet. Nobody is thankful, there are no days off, and no one ever visits.
Dende: ugh, sounds like being a parent. Fine! I graciously accept the position of your almighty God.
Trunks: so then you'll help us?
Dende: no, bowlcut! I'm going to help Gohan. Speaking of whom...lovin' the new 'do, Gohan. Rockin' that blonde!
Gohan: oh! Uh, thanks! Super Saiyan style, you know?
Dende: De-hee-lightful! And, uh, have you been hitting the gym? 'Cause, uh...
He whistled, much to the pain of Piccolo's ear.
Piccolo: ow!
Dende: that hurt me more than it hurt you!
Piccolo: okay, I'm all for awkward reunions, but we are on a time table, here. How long will it take to make a new dragon?
Dende: uh, depends. Do you have the original sculpture around?
Mr. Popo handed Dende a sculpture of Shenron.
Mr. Popo: here it is. We were using it as a paperweight. Which reminds me. We'll need to go over the contract later.
Dende: wow, that's your dragon? Our dragon would literally wear him like a scarf! Okay, before I get started, any alterations?
Piccolo: can we get three wishes?
Dende: not if you want multi-res! I can give you two, though.
Piccolo: seems like an...awkward number.
Dende: It's a magical wish-granting dragon, Nail! I don't make the rules! Now...let us begin.
He held out both hands over the sculpture.
Krillin: man, all this lore we're learning today! And we even get to see a new dragon being made! This is gonna be awe....
Dende: hey, dragon! Wake the f**k up! It's already past noon, get your life together!
A light erupted from the sculpture, which split into seven streams and flew off from The Lookout. The lights of which turned 7 Stones back into the Dragon Balls.
Dende: by the way, two wishes means I had to nix immortality. Better that way, nobody pulling anymore of that Frieza shit.
Gohan: huh, I wonder if that'll upset Vegeta?
Piccolo: pretty much.
They all soon noticed You and Frieza arriving at the Lookout.
(Y/N): well, we're back.
Piccolo: we see that.
Dende squinted his eyes as he glared at Frieza.
Dende: someone mind telling me why SHE is here?
He said clearly referring to Frieza.
Gohan: oh uh......
(Y/N): kinda a long story but....
Goka: (Y/N) felt bad for Frieza when seeing her beaten and battered body and took her with us in a space pod where the 3 of us landed on Yardrat and we got a long real good. Frieza was especially on good behavior when we were on the planet and now we're buddies.
Frieza: we're really not. Still hate you.
Dende: in otherwords, you've turned the one bitch that slaughtered a majority of my people and turned her into another one of the same bitch who slaughtered some of my people.
Frieza: oh please, with Vegeta, you've got the constantly nagging bitch with the tendency to yell every time she speaks.
Dende: doesn't really make it better.
(Back at The Cella Games).
Cella was STILL talking to the reporter about her origins.
Perfect Cella: so after everything, she just starts crying!
Reporter: wow. Like a bitch!
Perfect Cella: and that's what Freeza said! Before she killed her. But, sadly, Vegeta does come back.
Reporter: Dragon Balls, right. By the way, does the fat green one come back? 'Cause he's funny.
Cella scoffed.
Perfect Cella: I wish!
(Back inside The Capsule Corp. laboratory).
Bulma was working on 16's cranial structure.
Dr. Briefs: so I told him, "Pull your pants up, man! I'm not that kind of doctor!"
Goka: hey Bulma, need Dragon Radar.
Bulma: tool cabinet in the back, third drawer.
Goka: awesome! Bee-tee-dubs, we have Dragon Balls again. Bye!
She said as she checked the cabinet and grabbed the Dragon Radar.
Bulma: wait, we didn't have Dragon Balls?!
Goka popped out, and after a pause, Bulma goes back to work on 16.
(At the Flat Plain).
Both Frostwing and Logan were still training there, trading blows and firing blasts at one another. Frostwing disappeared and reappeared behind Logan and sent him flying with a hit from behind.
Logan: you're a fast one in your movements, but your hits don't seem to be doing too much effects. You're not holding back are you?
Frostwing: what? Of course not!
Logan: are you very sure about that?
Frostwing: positive. You can trust me on that.
Logan: hm, we'll see.
He said before firing an stream of Ice towards Frostwing, who deflected it back and fired another blast behind it. Logan managed to swat the ice stream down nearly dodge the blast from Frostwing.
Logan: hmph, not bad, you're doing a bit better now.
Logan noticed Frostwing trying to fly a kick in at him at the side, but, He blocked it.
Logan: nice try.
He soon kicked him back a few feet away before charging right at him.
(Back at the Lookout).
Dende, Gohan, and Krillin were working on Dende's contract.
Gohan: okay, so Article Five says that atrocities can and will be committed in your name, but you can't do anything about it.
He said while working on his homework.
Dende: awesome. But, question: Do I have to answer ALL of these prayers?
Gohan: well technically, you don't have to answer any of them.
Dende: Thank God! Or, I guess I should start!
(Y/N): don't push it kid. As far as thing goes, you're part of a specific part of Gods.
Gohan: that does raise the question... Which do you prefer? Kami, God, or Dende?
Dende: oh, Gohan... you can call me whatever you like!
He said as he narrowed his eyes.
Mr. Popo: well, I'm going to call you Little Green.
Dende: your funeral.
Mr. Popo smiled as a cracking sound was heard as he did.
Mr. Popo: I like you.
Krillin: don't feel bad, Mr. Popo. I'm his best friend, so that means only I can call him Little Green. Right, Little Gree.....
Dende smacked him in the face with a cane.
Krillin: OOH!
Dende: You will call me Dende! DENDE! SAY IT! SAY MY NAME...
Krillin: Dende! Dende!
Krillin said as he was terrified.
Dende: no...
He grinbed evilly and looked up.
Dende: ....Super Kami Dende.
(Back at the Cella Games).
Cella was finishing up her story to the reporter.
Perfect Cella: So, after I finished humiliating the entire Saiyan royal bloodline, I made my newsroom debut, delivered my immaculate address, and now, here we are. Any more questions?
Reporter: Yeah, um, were the parts about Fake Namek and that Maron girl really necessary to the story?
Perfect Cella: It's called worldbuilding.
Reporter: right! ...Um, last question: how did you know about the parts you weren't there for?
Perfect Cella: ah, that's a story for another time, I'm afraid! But for now, I must bid you adieu.
Reporter: oh. Well, thank you for your time, Perfect Cella.
Perfect Cella frowned and fired a finger beam at the reporter, who screamed.
Perfect Cella: Ms. Perfect Cella.
A/N: She's really serious about not using Ms.
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