Part 1
This is a re-write of this chapter. I decided that I was moving things along a lil too fast, and the events didn't really lead where I wanted them to. I'll try going slower, and not having spaz details in my chapters. Anyway, this is version 2.0. Read on!
Orcus POV
"Hi, Orcus!" I heard Ruby shout. I turned to see the red-haired girl running down the hall as fast as she could. I stepped to the side, and lifted my left hand as Ruby ran by. She got a face-five at 30 miles an hour. When Ruby stood up, I was rolling on the floor laughing. Ruby made a pouty face and stormed over. "Heh. You OK Rubes?" I asked, trying to stop laughing. Ruby tried to glare at me, and I laughed even more.
After about five minutes of Ruby trying (and failing) to intimidate me, we laughed it off and walked to class. When we got there, I caught Yang and Blake having a very heated make-out session in the hall. To protect Ruby, I covered her eyes. "Yang Xiao Long and Blake Belladonna!" I gasped. They both froze. "What's happening? What are they doing?" Ruby asked, trying to remove my hand. Blake and Yang backed away, and I uncovered Ruby's face. "They weren't doing anything, Ruby. I was just messing with them." I said. She ran off, and I told them the coast was clear. They started again, and I hurried off.
"Orcus Embermore!" I heard someone call. I turned to see a pair of hands cover my eyes. "Guess who?" They asked. "Female, age 17, can't be Yang, hands are too small, and it can't be Weiss, because she's paler than this. "Excuse me?" I heard Weiss respond. "Sorry!" I said. "Pyrrha, right?" I asked. "Yep!" She said, skipping backward after uncovering my eyes. Pyrrha took my hand and we walked to class together.
Weiss POV
After seeing Pyrrha and Orcus walk off happily, I turned to Ruby. "You think he knows?" She asked. "No, he doesn't." I replied. "Sup guys?" Yang asked, walking in with Blake. "We just watched Pyrrha and Orcus walk into class together." Ruby said. "I feel bad for him. He doesn't even know what's happening just down the hall." Yang said. "We have to tell him!" Blake said. "No. Let him find out on his own." I said. "But then he'll go nuclear and kill somebody!" Yang exclaimed. Suddenly, Ruby screamed in surprise. We all whipped around to see Orcus holding Ruby up. Yang began laughing, and I slapped Orcus's arm. "You scared us!" I exclaimed. "Sorry. What are you guys talking about?" He asked.
"Girl stuff. Y'know." Yang said, lightly elbowing Orcus's side. "I don't...OH. Oh, OK then. That right there is none of my business. I'm gonna go now." He said lightly, gently setting Ruby down. He dashed into class, and then the bell rang. We all walked in, and class started.
Yang POV
"Begin!" The professor called. We rushed at each other, and we instantly began attacking viciously. Pretty soon, Orcus had me on the defensive. I blocked each swing, and then he started getting fancy. He feigned attacks, and he folded and unfolded his scythes in the middle of the fight. I pushed back, but he was too strong. He landed a savage kick to my head, and I dropped, along with my aura. "Orcus wins!" Goodwitch called. We shook hands, and I pulled Orcus slightly closer to me. Not enough to make people suspicious, but close enough so nobody would hear us. "Meet me outside Team JNPR's dorm in two hours." I whispered. He nodded, and we walked back to our seats. I heard Pyrrha ask Orcus what I'd said to him, and he made up something about how I was congratulating him.
After class, Pyrrha kissed Orcus's cheek and left, as usual. I stood up to leave as well, but Orcus stopped me. "Hey Yang. Can I talk to you for a second?" Orcus asked softly. I nodded, and Orcus pulled me aside. "Why did you want me to meet you outside Team JNPR's dorm?" He asked. "I'll show you. Meet there in about ten minutes." I said. Orcus nodded, and we went to our dorms to change.
When I opened the door, Orcus was standing outside, listening to music. I tapped him on the shoulder, and his golden eyes settled on me. He was a couple inches taller than me, so I was looking up at him. "What are you listening to?" I asked. He pulled his Scroll out of his pocket and showed me. "Incense and Iron? Never heard that one before." I said.
"It's a good song. One of my favorites." Orcus said. "Now, what did you want me to see?" He asked curiously. "When I do this, you need to stay calm, OK?" I said. "Why are you saying that? It's not Pyrrha's cheating on me, right?" Orcus asked. I looked at him seriously, and led him over to the other dorm. We could hear Pyrrha's moans through the door. I looked at Orcus to gauge his reaction, but he remained calm. Eventually, he stood up, and in a single moment of pure fury, he kicked the door right off its hinges. Jaune had just walked into the hall, but seeing Orcus kick the door off made him walk right back out. Pyrrha was sitting in her bed with some guy, but seeing the look on Orcus's face made him bolt. Orcus stepped to the side to let the guy run off, then he stepped back into the doorway.
"Wow. I can really see that I meant the world to you." Orcus said in a flat tone. "O-Orcus!" Pyrrha exclaimed. "How could you do this to him, Pyrrha? He's given you everything you wanted, and then some! What do you think this will do to him?" I exclaimed as Orcus walked away. Pyrrha slipped some clothes on, then ran to catch up to Orcus. I sighed and walked back into my dorm. Moments later, we heard a heavy thud outside. Ruby opened the door to see Pyrrha slumped against the wall, and Orcus standing on the other side of the hall, eyes full of hate.
"Pyrrha!" Nora cried, running past Orcus and helping Pyrrha to her feet. Orcus stormed off while Ruby raced after him. "I knew he'd do something stupid!" Weiss exclaimed. "At least she's still alive." I said. "And the other guy?" Weiss asked. "Orcus let him go." I said. Weiss sat there, dumbfounded. "Really?" She asked. "Yep!" I replied. Weiss stood up, and we all made sure Pyrrha was at least semi okay before going back to whatever.
Ruby POV
"Orcus!" I cried. Finally, Orcus turned around. "What?!?" He demanded. I shrank back a little, and Orcus let out a frustrated sound before continuing down the hall. I steeled my nerves and tried again. "What happened?" I asked. "You know what! And you knew the whole damn time, didn't you?!?" He shouted. I saw a patch of scales forming on his face, and I suddenly knew why he was acting like this. "It's happening, isn't it?" I asked. Orcus's semblance was activating, and he was trying to stop it. Right then, the scales vanished, along with Orcus's hate filled gaze. His eyes were now filled with sadness, and he simply hugged me. "Thank you for being my friend." He said softly, before letting go and walking silently back to his dorm.
I stopped outside his dorm to make sure he was okay, but all I heard were muffled screams of either rage, pain, or a combination of both. "Orcus? Are you okay?" I asked, knocking on the door. He opened it, and I gasped. He had scales on one half of his face, and bloody gashes in his arms. I saw blood splattering the walls and floor as well. I looked at Orcus in horror, then ran. I heard Orcus drop to his knees, and I looked back. He looked terrible. I walked back and helped him up. He wandered back to his bed, and I wrapped his arms in bandages I found on his desk.
"Please, don't do this to yourself. You're my friend, and I don't wanna see you like this. Please, get better." I said to Orcus. When I got back, several people were yelling at Pyrrha. "Guys, stop. Please." I said. Everyone stopped, and looked at me. "How is he?" Yang asked. "He's....I dunno. Not too good. Maybe if we show him he still has people who care, he'll feel better!" I suggested. The others, save for Pyrrha, nodded. "Let's go now!" Jaune exclaimed, running toward the dorm. We all began waking or running in that direction, and pretty soon we arrived.
"Orcus? Buddy? Ya there?" Jaune asked through the door. No response. "Something's wrong. He's never this quiet." Blake said. "Maybe he's just angry and doesn't wanna talk?" Weiss suggested. The door unlocked, and we heard shuffling. I opened the door, only to see something jump out the window. I raced in and looked down, but I saw nothing. I heard Weiss' shriek of horror, and I realized that the room was still covered in blood. "He's gone!" I exclaimed. "What happened in here?!?!" Nora shrieked. "Why are you all gathered around my son's dorm? And what is Miss Rose doing in there?" Professor Goodwitch asked. "Uhhh...Orcus is gone." I said. Goodwitch peeked in, and dropped the box she was holding. She called Ozpin, and we heard her talking to the headmaster. I turned back toward the window. "Please come back, Orcus. I miss you already." I whispered.
Orcus POV
Running down the side of a building is hard. Flying out a window designed for observation? Even harder. I heard people screaming, but I tried to ignore it. I eventually landed in the forest, and I began walking around. Pretty soon, I heard a woman speaking to somebody. I stopped and crouched in a bush. Right away, I knew I'd been too loud. "Cinder, did you hear that?" I heard a girl ask. Then, the woman, who I assumed was Cinder, replied. "Yes. Go see what it was, Emerald." "Alright. C'mon, Mercury." Emerald said. "Fine." A male voice replied. I saw a brown hand reach into the bush, and I flared my wings.
I managed to startle the girl, and she stumbled back into her male companion. "A wyrm?" Cinder asked. "What? Did you really just ask me if I was a wyrm? God no, those things are annoying. I'm a dragon. Well, my dad was. I'm half." I said. I heard clicking, similar to Yang's gauntlets before she attacks, so I ducked, sending the would-be assailant sailing over my head. I grabbed the dark-skinned girl and held my scythe to her throat. Cinder stood there calmly, and I began asking questions. When I felt they had answered well, I moved on to the next one, until I was satisfied. When I was done, I let go of the girl. "You're really good at lying." I said. The three of them looked surprised. "Well, if your plan is to destroy Beacon, I might as well join ya." I said calmly. "I have info you'll need, so...yeah." I continued.
"Hmm...maybe we can use you..." Cinder purred, putting her hand on my chest. Emerald glared at me, and Mercury seemed indifferent. I drew my scythes and began to sharpen them. "Are you planning on killing us?" Mercury asked, concern creeping into his voice. "Nah. Just a habit." I said. "We're gonna set camp her for the night." Emerald said proudly. "This is a horrible place. Deathstalkers seem to like this spot. Move your stuff about 30 feet to the right, and every Grimm here'll ignore you." I said, not looking up. They shrugged, and moved their stuff. Right on cue, a Deathstalker appeared. I attacked my scythes together and cut it in half without really trying. "Hmm...not sharp enough..." I muttered, sitting back down and continuing to sharpen them. Cinder licked her lips, while Emerald and Mercury looked amazed.
"He will be mine..." Cinder muttered. "You know I can hear you, right?" I called. Cinder turned red, and Emerald giggled.
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