
Blake POV

I am about to head out on a mission with Adam and am packing the things I'll need for it, when (Y/n) walks into our tent with our son in his arms.

(Y/n): Um, Blake-

Blake: I know why you're here. I don't know how many times I have to explain myself, the White Fang is not corrupt. The humans will call any revolution an act of terrorism.

(Y/n): But this time it's true, Adam is leading our people into war. The Faunus deserve equality, yes, but war is not the way. *as he sets baby in crib*

Blake: Adam is not leading us to war.

(Y/n): Blake, I know you're in denial but I've seen it. Adam has nothing but rage and vengeance in his heart.

Blake: We both joined the White Fang for a reason, and that reason is kept.

(Y/n): The White Fang are hurting or killing anyone that gets in their way. They've even started stealing, if this keeps up.... I am leaving the White Fang to become a Huntsman.

Blake: You can't be serious? After everything we did? Why would I abandon it?

(Y/n): Blake, please, if you'd just believe me-

Blake: I want to. But, I don't think I can. *(Y/n)'s eyes widen in disbelief* There's no way that the White Fang is changing. And I can't leave! Now, I'm gonna go on a mission with Adam, I'll be back soon.

I grab my satchel and pass by (Y/n) whose head is now drooping in defeat, I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek, I then walk over to the crib in our tent and lean down and kiss my son, Todd, on his forehead.

Blake: I'll be back, little one.

I leave with tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

3rd Person POV

(Y/n) pulls himself together when his son starts crying, goes over to the crib and picks him up. Blake and (Y/n) met three years ago and got married almost a year ago soon after Blake found out she was pregnant. Todd was born soon after, he has cat ears like Blake but (Y/n)'s (E/C) eye color.

(Y/n): *as he picks up Todd* Hey, what's my little warrior crying for?

Todd calms down, even though (Y/n) is somewhat of a coward at times and full of self doubt, he takes being a parent very seriously, Todd lays his head against his father's massive chest. (Y/n) now faces a new challenge, he now feels he can't trust Blake and now has no choice but to leave and enroll at Beacon Academy, it's the only way to keep his son safe. He sets Todd back in his crib and starts packing things that Todd will need as well as his own weapon and gear, as night arrives (Y/n) wraps Todd in a blanket and puts a baby hat on his head to cover Todd's ears and sets him in a baby carrier that straps to his chest. He makes sure the coast is clear and walks out of the campsite, before he walks into the forest and the camp fades from view completely, (Y/n) turns around and looks back.

(Y/n): I am so sorry, Blake.

Blake POV (Timeskip 1 Day)

I have managed to sneak back to camp after abandoning Adam on the train, I can't believe it, (Y/n) was right all along. I feel terrible for not believing my own husband. I have now decided I am going to join (Y/n) and become a Huntress, for our son's future. I walk into the tent.

Blake: (Y/n), we need to talk... *no response* (Y/n)?

I start to grow worried as I look around the tent, I then find all of Todd's belongings are missing as well as (Y/n)'s kanabo and armor.

Blake: He left, and took Todd with him. *starts breaking down* No. I should've believed him. *cries softly*

I fall to my knees and my hands instinctively cover my face as I cry, I should never have left on this stupid mission, I should've stayed with my family, I should've-

Blake: *pulls herself together and wipes away her tears* No, I need to find them and beg (Y/n) for his forgiveness. I need to go.

I pack up a few things and some books, then sneak back out of camp and head towards the city of Vale to find my family and become a Huntress.

(Y/n) POV

Timeskip 1 Week Later

I have finally made it to Vale and registered myself for Beacon Academies enrollment course and now have to wait until tomorrow morning to take the airship up to Beacon. I try to keep a low profile while I wander around town, especially since my Faunus ears make me stand out, Todd is sound asleep in the baby carrier I have strapped to my chest. I suddenly get the feeling I'm being watched and try to keep my fear under control and duck down an alley, my ears pick up the sound of footsteps that have followed me.

Blake: *nervous* (Y/n)?

I turn around at the sound of that unmistakable voice and see Blake standing at the end of the alley, I start getting really nervous and scared if Blake is mad at me for leaving the way I did. I start stuttering a little bit.

(Y/n): B-Blake, I-I know you're probably upset about-

I am surprised by Blake rushing to me and wrapping her arms around my middle, as best as she can anyway, I then realize she is crying as she tells me.

Blake: You were right!

(Y/n): What do you-

Blake: You were right about the White Fang, they've been changing and I never believed you. *looks up at me* But I do now. Please, don't ever leave me again, I love you too much to loose you and Todd.

(Y/n): *returns hug* I am so sorry. I didn't want to leave, but I had no choice. I'm sorry.

Blake: I'm the one who should be sorry, but that doesn't matter now. I'm just happy to be with you and Todd again. You're my husband, you and Todd mean so much to me. Just don't leave me again, promise?

(Y/n): Promise. *playful* Cross my heart hope to die.

Blake's giggling wakes up Todd, as soon as he see his mother, Todd reaches for Blake and she happily takes him in her arms and holds him close, he's a real mama's boy, but I don't mind. Blake and I grab dinner before heading to a hotel and getting a room for the night. Recently, Blake has been trying to get Todd to eat from a bottle rather than breastfeeding him, but it's a trying transition for him. Eventually, Todd is fed and Blake finally takes a chance to read a little before joining her family in bed. I make sure that Todd is comfy and Blake just giggles at my being such a worry wart, but eventually, I climb into bed and lay down with Todd in between Blake and I. Blake and I watch Todd as he falls asleep, Blake then looks up at me, leans in and kisses me on the lips for several seconds, when she pulls away she giggles at my heavy blush before telling me something, I still haven't gotten used to hearing...

Blake: I love you, (Y/n).

....or saying.

(Y/n): I-I love you too, Blake.

Blake takes my hand in hers and closes her eyes and falls asleep, I look at my now happy family, relax and fall asleep as I close my eyes as well. Hopefully, I can be the best Huntsman and husband that I can be.

(A/N): So, here is a new story, tell me your thoughts in the comments. I hope you guys continue to enjoy as it goes and I'll see you all next time. PEACE OUT!!!

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