Initiation pt. 1

Blake POV

     I slowly wake up to Todd fussing a little, I rub my eyes while I yawn and look to see (Y/n) still fast asleep, I smile at him before picking up Todd who is now wide awake and hungry. I start by mixing his baby formula before shaking the bottle then give it to Todd while rocking him in my arms. (Y/n) starts to stir and yawned fairly loudly.

Blake: Good morning, (Y/n).

(Y/n): Good morning, Blake. If you want to get changed, I can finish feeding Todd.

Blake: It's alright, you go ahead. You can change his diaper when he's done. *giggles*

(Y/n): *sarcastic* Oh great, thanks. *normal* I'll be back in a few minutes.

     Todd continues eating while I once again start reading, as soon as Todd's bottle was empty, I burp him and lay him back down on his blanket and pick out an outfit for him to wear for the day.

(Y/n): Ahem.

     I turn around and see (Y/n) once again has breakfast, I am so grateful that (Y/n) takes the time to do nice things like this everyday it really makes me happy. (Y/n) takes over caring for Todd while I eat. I notice two more students start to roughhouse, one appears to be a hyena faunus based on his ears, the other is a tiny girl, even shorter than Ruby, and has a wolf tail. The two's rough housing starts moving towards us, and as (Y/n) finishes changing Todd the two bounce off him, this immediately freaks him out as he stands.

(Y/n): Ah! Okay, it's all fun and games till someone loses an eye!

????: Rah!

????: Hahahaha!

(Y/n): Somebody's gonna hurt here!

????: *tiny girl gets him in a headlock* Ah! Okay you win!

????: That's why I'm the best.

(Y/n): You should be more careful, somebody could've gotten hurt.

????: I was watching, we were fine, big guy. *notices Todd* Aw, he's cute! Is he yours?

(Y/n): Uh, I'm just helping Blake here.

????: *looks at me* Hi there, I'm Ava Moonwalker.

Blake: Blake.

Ava: Nice to meet you both, and this is my friend Rocket.

Rocket: G-day, mate!

Blake: So what was the fight about?

Ava: Oh, that wasn't a fight, Rocket was just letting off steam, he doesn't care for sitting still or inactivity for very long.

Blake: I see.

(Y/n): Just please be more careful.

Ava: No promises. Well, we'll see you guys out there.

     The pair leave and I see (Y/n) sit back down in huff of annoyance, which is rare.

Blake: I like them.

(Y/n): Seriously?

Blake: I think they would be good teammates for you.

(Y/n): Overconfidant, reckless and a little crazy?

Blake: Yes. They could help you build some confidance in yourself.

(Y/n): Bah. I've got nothing in common with them anyway.

Blake: You don't know that. Just give them a chance. *kisses (Y/n)'s cheek* I'm gonna get cleaned up and changed.

(Y/n) POV

      Blake leaves to change and I finish up with Todd when I am approached by Professor Ozpin.

(Y/n): Professor?

Ozpin: Mr. (L/n), I understand you and Ms. Belladonna have brought an infant with you.

(Y/n): *nervous* Y-Y-Yes. *holds Todd a little closer*

Ozpin: No need to be afraid. Professor Goodwitch and I have volunteered to watch young Todd until after the Initiation is complete. If that's okay with you.

(Y/n): *thinks* I suppose if you really don't mind. *to Todd* You are going to behave yourself for the Professor's okay?

Todd: *playful thumbs up* *coos*

(Y/n): Okay, *grabs baby bag* here's all his things he'll need, toys, blankets, diapers, bottles. He's a little fussy at first when taking a bottle just be patient and persistant.

Ozpin: Don't worry, I've handled more than a few children in my lifetime.

     I reluctantly hand Todd over to Ozpin, Blake returned and I filled her in on Todd's babysitters and we went to the lockers grabbed our gear and weapons and made it to the cliffside just outside the Emerald Forest. As everyone else arrived, I saw Ava and Rocket take standings next to Blake and I, Professor's Ozpin and Goodwitch arrive, with Goodwitch holding Todd, and gave us our assignments.

Ozpin: There is an abandoned temple located on the northern end of the forest. It is there you will find several relics, you must guard that item and reach the cliffs. The instructors will not intervene and you will be judged by how well you guarded that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately.

Glynda: *shakes baby rattle for Todd* Now, I'm sure you've all heard rumors about the assignment of teams. Allow us to put your worries to rest. Each of you will be given teammates, today.

Ruby: What, oh.

Ozpin: You and your team will be together for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to partber with someone with whom you can work well.

Ruby: *nervous* Uh....

Ozpin: That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next 4 years.

Ruby: What?!

    Blake looks at me and can see me trembling, she reaches out and grips my hand for a few seconds, she shot me a smile and I calmed down, before I'm launched from the platform and into the forest. Unfortunately, I didn't have a landing strategy in mind, so.... I hit the ground and start rolling down a hill, then skidding across the ground on my face upon reaching the bottom.

(Y/n): *muffled* Ow. *groans* *passes out*

Blake POV

     I am safely on the ground and keeping an eye out for both potential teammates and Grimm. Of course, (Y/n) and I have worked well together before on other missions, but there really wasn't anyone else I would really want to team up with.


      I sneak through the bushes and see Yang absolutely pummeling a Ursa like a child beating a toy. She turns to the other and I decide to help.


     I throw Gambol Shroud's grapple form at the Ursa's head and killed it on the spot, it fell and I retracted Gambol Shroud, sheathed it and smirked at Yang.

Yang: I could've taken him.

Blake: I'm sure. Come on.

(Y/n) POV

(Y/n): *groans* Ow, my head.

     I slowly get to my hands and knees as my senses refocus, I bring my head up and am met with a face looking at me.

Ava: Mornin' Sleeping Beauty!

(Y/n): AH! *comically scare jumps into tree above*

Ava: *starts laughing hysterically*

(Y/n): How long have you been standing there?!

Ava: Mmmm, I don't know. But now, you and I are partners! Let's go find those relics. *starts walking off*

(Y/n): *gets down from tree* Do you even know where you're going?

Ava: Sure I do, North is that way, so we look in that direction we're likely to find the temple.

(Y/n): *surprised* Whoa.

Ava: I may be impulsive, but I'm not stupid. Now come on, we're wasting daylight.

     I reluctantly start to follow Ava through the Emerald Forest, Ozpin did tell us to destroy anything that gets in our way. Oh boy, I just hope Blake is alright.

Blake POV

     Yang and I reach a ridge and it happens to overlook a temple.

Yang: Think this it?

Blake: It's the only structure for miles, so maybe.

     We make it to the temple and see several artifacts on pedastals of stone.

Blake: Chess pieces?

Yang: Some of them are missing, looks like we weren't the first ones here.

Blake: Well, I guess we should pick one.

Yang: Hmm, *grabs white knight piece* how about a cute little pony?

Blake: *playfully rolls her eyes* Sure.

Yang: That wasn't so hard.

Blake: Well, it's not like this place is difficult to find.

????: *girlish scream*

Yang: Some girl's in trouble.

     I'm only half paying attention because I have noticed something in the sky.

Yang: Blake did you hear that? What should we-

Ruby: HEADS UP!!!!

(A/N): And CUT! Great work people, someone get Ruby down, Yang hang on to that relic for next time.

      Hello, all my fantastic readers out there, are you enjoying the story so far? If so please leave a like and if your new consider following me so you never miss new content feom me. PEACE OUT!!!

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