THIRTY FIVE. as long as I'm here, no one can hurt you

XXXV. as long as I'm here, no one can hurt you

By the time lunch rolled around, everybody was hungry and eager to open gifts. Devore readjusted the bow in her hair and touched up her curls. Hermione and Ginny and got dressed and when Mrs. Weasley yelled for them all to come down, Devore bounced out of the room with excitement. She saw her mom at the end of the stairs with Bennet by her side, his arms around her waist. When she got close enough, she could see that her eyes weee puffy. "Mum, is everything okay?"

Chanel quickly smiled. "Of course, sweetheart. You know how I get around the holidays. All emotional." She excused and laughed.

Devore blinked and slowly nodded. The family walked into the kitchen and she smiled seeing Fred dressed in his button up shirt and sweater vest. "You look so handsome," she praised and wrapped her arms around his torso.

Fred smiled down at her. "Thanks, love," he said and kissed the top of her head.

Chanel saw Sirius come and stand at the entrance way of the kitchen and they met eyes for a second. She quickly looked away and put her attention on her hands.

George was looking frazzled, seeing as Olivia had not shown up yet, and he didn't want to open gifts or eat without her. "What if she changed her mind?" He spoke his thoughts.

"She'll be here, Georgie. Don't panic," said Devore while she was also antsy, waiting for her friend to appear.

"Look who's here," Molly sang and she wheeled Mr. Weasley into the kitchen. "Here comes daddy."

The kids and adults immediately clapped. Devore smiled big, happy to see Arthur well even though he was still bruised. His arm was wrapped in a sling and his fingers were bandaged, but he still managed to smile at them all. A people crafted crown sat upon his red head. "I've missed you, Mr. Weasley," said Bennet.

"Oh, I've missed you dearly, Benny." Arthur told him and sent him a sweet grin.

"You still look handsome as ever, Arthur." Said Chanel kindly.

"You're too kind, Nelly. Thank you."

"Okay, sit down, everybody, sit down!" Ordered Molly while giggling.

Just as they all sat at the table, there was footsteps coming and a head full of dark curls covered in snow walked into the kitchen. Olivia had a wide set smile on her face. "Hi, everybody."

"Liv!" George immediately said, along with everyone else, and stood from his chair. He walked around everybody and up to her, pulling her into a hug. "Finally, you're here."

"I'm so sorry. I would've been here earlier but there was a lot of people on the Knight Bus."

"Livy!" Devore squealed and got up from her chair. When George stepped out of the way, she took his place. "I've missed you so much."

Olivia giggled and hugged her tightly. "I missed you, honey."

"Sweet Olivia, Merry Christmas." Said Molly kindly and she smiled at the girl, taking her hands.

"Thank you so much for having me, Mrs. Weasley," said Olivia thankfully. She looked at Mr. Weasley and gasped. "Oh, Mr. Weasley, I'm so thankful you're alright."

"Wonderful to see you, Olivia dear," said Arthur and he held out his hand to her that was in the sling. Olivia went over and grabbed it, squeezing his palm gently to not hurt him. "Thank you for joining us."

"Of course!"

"Present time!" Chanel announced and kissed Olivia on the side of the head to tell her welcome.

Devore smiled giddily when she was handed her gifts. Without warning, everybody tore into what they were given. From Hermione, she was gifted multiple posters of Muggle bands and movies that they shared a love for as well, and from Ron, he had given her three small but beautifully packaged bags of perfumes, lip balms, and essential oils, which she was almost certain he got the idea from her mother — "Aww, Ronnie. You really do know me," she'd nearly shed tears and hugged him so tightly, he couldn't breathe — George had gifted her a boatload of sweets, saying that she'd have to share with him as a condition.

From Harry, he gifted her a new trunk and inside of it, he put sweets such as Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans and Chocolate Frogs, as well as a friendship bracelet crafted of red, gold, silver, and green thread, which Devore also assumed he got the idea from her mother.

Fred's gift to her was in a small box that fit on the palm of her hand. With excitement, Devore took off the green bow and opened the lid. She gasped quietly when she saw a gold, heart shaped locket. When she opened it, Devore saw on one side a photo of her and Fred, both of them smiling, and on the other side was a handwritten note in his handwriting: now a piece of me is always with you.

It brought tears to her eyes and Devore turned head, seeing Free smiling at her. "I love it, Fred," she said quietly and out her hand on the back of his neck. He got the message and he leaned over, and they embraced. "Thank you so much, love."

"Anything for you, my girl." Fred whispered smoothly and kissed her temple.

George turned in his seat and watched Olivia open her gift from him, titling his head with a smile. When she tore open the wrapping paper, Olivia gasped. It was a medium sized stained glass frame with beautiful different and multi colored flowers pressed between the glass. Tied to it was a card that George had written himself and when she opened it, she read your love plants flowers in my chest. Olivia held her hand over her mouth. "Oh Georgie, it's so beautiful." She said gleefully and turned to him with a wide, teeth showing smile.

"I thought you would like it," he responded shyly.

"Like it? I love it." She praised again and hugged him tightly.

Devore grabbed the gift that had Sirius's name written on it. She looked over and saw him still standing to the side watching everyone. When he caught her eye and saw that she was holding his gift, he gave her a wink. Devore tore off the wrapping paper and saw a box. Taking off the lid, she saw that she was gifted a stack of brand new, beautifully covered books – Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë, Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, and Annabelle Lee and The Fall of the House of Usher, both by Edgar Allen Poe.

"Awesome!" Bennet examined happily when he opened Sirius's gift to him, seeing a set of toy trains. "Thanks, Sirius!"

"You're welcome, Ben." Said Sirius and nodded his way.

Devore stared at the man with an unreadable expression, him seeming nervous for her reaction. He didn't have to get her anything, they both knew that. He didn't have the give Bennet anything. Who were they to him? But he did get them something. Sirius met her mother's eyes and she smiled at him, silently telling him a thank you for his generosity. Devore watched him nod at her with a soft, kind smile, and when their eyes met again, she mouthed to him, "Thank you."

Again, he sent her a wink and another smile. Then also a light nod.

There was more gift giving and unwrapping, and Molly had brought out her own gifts. "My turn, I suppose!" She announced gleefully.

"A nice big box for Ron," said Arthur when she handed Ron his gift.

"Big box for you!" Said Molly and Ron laughed. "Devore, my dear, this is for you." She handed Devore a rectangular box.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley," she smiled at the woman and grabbed it.

Leaning over the table, she held two gifts in front of Fred and George and switched them around. "And, um. . . Uh, well – oh, Fred and George," she laughed and gave them the right gift. "Olivia, here's yours."

Olivia looked shocked that she had received anything from her at all. "Oh, thank you so much," she said kindly and took her gift.

Molly clapped joyously. "Come on, open up!"

Devore opened her gift and saw two things. The first was a dark green sweater with a large silver D on the front of it. She'd gotten a Christmas sweater from Molly before when she was younger, and this one seemed to symbolize how much she had grown since then. The other was a beautifully scarf, which everyone seemed to have gotten as well. "They're beautiful, Mrs. Weasley," Devore told her.

Olivia held up her dark blue sweater with a bronze O, and she squealed. "I love it so much!" She praised and held it close to her, smiling big. "It's gorgeous."

Ron had casted Hermione a look from down the table as he held his own scarf, and she smiled at him.

Fred wrapped his around his neck. "I reckon I look as handsome as ever, don't ya think, Dev?" He asked with a smirk.

Devore rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, the colors really bring out your eyes." She played while smiling.

"Thanks mum, it's perfect." Ginny told her mother while holding her scarf.

"You all are going to be so warm this winter." Said Chanel while looking at everybody's gifts from Molly. "I'm almost jealous."

"Oh, well, you don't have to be, Nelly." Said Molly and she came walking down the pathway with a gift in her hand. "This is for you."

"Molly Bee, you shouldn't have."

"But I did!" Said Molly at once and gave it to her. "Open, open, please!"

Chanel scoffed very lightly and opened wrapped box. When she took off the lid, she looked inside and saw that it was a beautifully crafted quilted blanket made with fall colors. She gasped. "Molly, it's stunning."

Molly went red. "I know how much you love blankets."

Chanel stood up and hugged her. "Thank you so much, Bee."

It was one of the many reasons Devore loved Christmas so much. She was with her family. She was with her friends. Everything was so warm and inviting. They were laughing and smiling and hugging. There was no drama or inflicting pain. They could just be themselves with each other. Devore didn't ever want that feeling to go away.

Chanel and Molly began to pass out plates and cups for lunch. She walked up to Sirius and handed out a glass of juice. "Merry Christmas, Siri." She said quietly.

"Merry Christmas, Nel." He said back with a smile and took the glass.

"Thank you."

Sirius nodded. "I got them what I thought they'd love." He explained.

"You didn't have to give them anything." Chanel reminded him.

He nodded, his eyes and expression still soft. "I know."

Fred came to a slow realization, and an embarrassing one, that he hadn't received anything from Devore. He opened his mouth to say something but succinct clamped it shut again. He couldn't say anything without it coming off as rude. But he couldn't hide how hurt he was because it showed up on his face.

Without knowing it, Devore had been waiting for that look. Hiding her smirk, she cleared her throat. "There's one more gift to give out." She announced and they all looked at her. She glanced at her mother.

"Oh, yes!" Said Chanel and she stood up.

"What is it?" Molly asked them.

"Dev?" Said Fred, not understanding.

The mother and daughter stood side by side between the twins. "My gift to you, Freddie, is actually for you and George both," Devore explained.

It only made them more confused. George looked at his brother questionably.

Chanel took out a small box from her pocket and handed it to her daughter, and then Devore gave it to Fred with an excited smile. "Merry Christmas, love."

"This is a bit weird, I won't lie," he spoke his thoughts and that watched him untie the small box. Fred pulled out a small gold key and held it up. "A key?"

"What's it for?" George asked her, then glanced at her mother.

"That, boys, is the key to your new building. For your joke shop." Chanel explained with a warm smile and a bouncing heart.

Molly immediately gasped and looked down at her husband. Fred and George shared the same wide eyed, confused look. "Wait," George started.

"Are you being serious?" Asked Fred, his jaw slacking.

"As serious as Black," Devore joked and smiled proudly, making them all burst into laughter, especially Sirius.

"H-How?" Asked George in complete shock.

"Dev and I look around Diagon Alley for some space and we just so happened to come across an old building that was being for sale. The payments finalized about two weeks ago." Chanel explained to them. "Now it's all yours."

The twins stood up, their chairs scraping against the floor. "Oh my god!" Fred let out disbelievingly.

"This is incredible!" Said George and he threw himself into Devore. "Thank you so much, Devore."

"Oh, it's nothing," she said and hugged his torso.

"Nothing?" Said Fred and his twin let go of her to hug Chanel, nearly knocking her over. "This is everything." He emphasized, standing tall over her.

Devore grew another smile and shrugged. "Anything for you, my boy." She said with a giggle.

Fred, like George, threw himself on her; wrapping his long arms around her body. He hugged her as tightly as he could, deciding that he would give her all the kisses later when his family wasn't around.

Once all of the gifts were open, Molly passed our plates and glasses, making sure to fill them all with juice. "A toast!" Arthur announced while Molly made sure everybody had a glass. "Christmas toast! To Mr. Harry Potter, without whom I would not be here," he said and all eyes landed on Harry, who became sheepish.

Chanel stood by the boy and put her hand on his back, smiling proudly. Everybody stood with their glasses raised. Arthur lifted his up. "Harry."

"Harry." All of them said at once and smiled at him.

"Harry," Sirius said himself and Harry turned around, seeing the man smiling at him. He raised his glass and drank from it.

As they all began eating, Chanel put down her glass. "Harry, come here," she said to Harry and carefully pulled him by his arm. She took him to the corner of the room.

"What is it, Mrs. Taylor?" He asked her with an innocent raise of his brows.

She grabbed his hands and rubbed him with a motherly touch. "Christmas is about love. Christmas is a time for family and friends, and to show gratitude for what we have in our lives," she spoke softly. "And I know you wish terribly to spend this time with your mum and dad."

Harry formed a frown.

Chanel let go of his hands and reached into her back pocket. "That's why I want you to have these." She declared.

Looking down, Harry saw two photos in her hand. Slowly, he took them, and he saw that one of them was of his mother when she was his age and the other was of a young Chanel and his father. His green eyes turned somber and also shocked. "Mrs. Taylor, I can't. These are yours—"

Chanel stopped him. "I spent so much time with James and Lily, getting to know them and loving them wholeheartedly. They gave me some of my best memories and I know that their best memory was having you." She spoke tearfully and swallowed. "Take these photos and know that if things could have been different, they would be here right now and spoiling you to high heavens — " it made him chuckle. " — you deserve to see how beautiful they were. And if you have any more questions for me about who they were and what they did at your age, I'll be happy to tell you. I never want you to feel abandoned or unloved because I love you, Harry."

Harry stared at the photos, sniffling. The first thing he thought was how beautiful his mother was with her red hair and glowing smile. And then he realized how much he did look like his father. They were so young, so full of life, and now he had something else of them. Harry looked up at Chanel, his eyes watery. "Thank you." His voice broke.

"Of course, dear," she responded and hugged him, pressed a small kiss to the side of his head. "Merry Christmas, sweetheart."

Olivia sadly had to head back home before the day ended, which was really hard on George. He'd been toying with the red and gold threaded bracelet she made for him ever since he received it. After everybody told her goodbye and her friends saying that they'd see her back at school, George held her, gave her a long kiss, and she headed off back home.

Fred had expressed his gratitude and love for Devore when they were by themselves in his room, when nobody had noticed that wondered off, and her back was pressed to the bedroom wall. He leaned over her with his hands cupping her face and his lips pressed to her. "I'm so in love with you, you know that?" He whispered sweetly. "Like, so in love that it pains me."

Devore giggled at his words. "I know. I love you just as much." She said and kissed him again.

Fred ran his hands up and down her arms, never breaking apart from her unless they needed air. "I swear, Devore. You've consumed every part of my being, and I'm afraid I'd be nothing without you."

At the words, Devore pulled away and opened her eyes. "It's just a building, Freddie," she giggled again.

He shook his head. "It's not just a building, Dev. What you've done means more to me than anything. I've never felt so loved and so seen by anyone before until now. You know me. You're there to help me, guide me to where I want to be. You're the love of my life, Devore Lynn Taylor."

It grew serious in the room, both of them going quiet, the only sound being their heavy breaths. Devore brushed his jaw with her finger tips, feeling him shiver, and in that moment, she was certain that the love she had for him was strong enough to conquer everything she'd have to face. "I'll always be right by your side, Fred Gideon Weasley. No matter what." She promised him.

They sealed it off with another kiss, and Devore laughed loudly when he picked her up and carried her to his bed, making both of them fall and hit the comforter.

The next morning after Christmas, the joyfulness still never leaving even after the holiday was over, everyone was outside in the backyard, playing in the snow. Hermione and Ginny were making snow angels, Fred, Harry, George, and Ron were playing Quidditch, something hilarious to watch seeing as how snow kept covering Harry's glasses; Devore sat on the ground with Bennet, her arm slung over his shoulder and he was leaning against her. "How was your Christmas, Ben?" She asked him.

"It was wonderful!" He expressed. "Mum helped me set up my trains and they actually make a whistle noise. It's bloody cool!"

She smiled. "That's great." She rubbed his arm and watched Fred catch the Quaffle in the air. "Ben, can I ask you something?"

Bennet hummed. "Sure." He shuddered from the cold.

Devore licked her frozen lips, brining moisture back to them. "I know you miss father, and so do I terribly. . . but how do you think you'd feel if mum found someone else?"

Her brother leaned up and looked at her. "What do you mean?" He asked.

She tried to find a way to say it. "Like, if she decided to find somebody else one day to love. How would you feel about it?"

"Someone like who?"

Devore chewed the inside of her cheek. "Sirius?"

She watched his face change. Bennet slouched and looked down at the snow below him. "I like Sirius," he told his sister truthfully.

She nodded. "I know you do. So do I."

Bennet looked at her again. "I'd be happy for her." He admitted.

Devore's eyebrows raised. "You would?" She questioned, not expecting the answer.

"She's our mother. She'd never want to hurt us. We come first in her world, but it's still her world. She deserves to spend it with someone," he explained wisely, which shocked her even more. "It doesn't mean she doesn't love father or that we don't miss him. It just means she'll be happy again."

Devore felt like she could cry. In fact, she did. "Wow," she said and wiped her eyes. "When did you become so wise? You're only twelve."

Bennet grinned. "I dunno. I just speak my mind."

"Clearly," she chuckled and pulled him close to her again. Devore laid her head on his. "Can I admit something to you, wise guy?"

He laughed. "Sure."

"I'm scared," she said to him. When she didn't get a response, Devore assumed he was listening. "I never imagined that there would somebody else after father. I don't think I wanted there to be. Am I selfish for that?"

She felt him shake his head. "No. He was our dad. There's nothing selfish about missing him."

Devore lifted her head and looked down at him, brushing his hair. "So if mum decided that she had feelings for Sirius, you wouldn't mind?"

Again, Bennet shook his head. "No, I like Sirius. He's a good man. And he's hilarious. And mum does like him. I think they'd be good together." He admitted how he was feeling without hesitation.

Somehow her vision became more clear. Devore looked ahead of her again and watched Ginny and Hermione start to make a snow man. Snowflakes were falling, the sky was a dim blue, and they were all together. Devore felt as if her father was there with her, smiling that sweet smile that she missed so much.

But life was about experiences. It was about learning new things and that it's okay to mess up. Life was about not knowing what's to come next but deciding how you feel when something doesn't come. Devore laid her head on Bennet's again and allowed herself to open back up to the possibility of her mother finding love again because that's what she deserved.

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