Chapter 4- Initial Thoughts
Someone knocked on Makoto's door, and they opened it, revealing a man with a bright purple goatee, and ember hair.
He had a long jacket on, that was covered in emerald green gem stones.
"Makoto Mizuno?
I'm Auryn, one of the stylists.
Your uniform is here.
You're going to look gorgeous!"
Auryn excitedly pushed the bag towards them, his face lighting up as he waited expectantly.
Makoto just stared at him.
"Thank you."
"Hurry, hurry up and try them on!"
You want me to show you?"
Before Auryn could speak, Rhiannon tapped his shoulder.
"Um, sorry, but I was wondering if
I could get Makoto please?
We're trying on our new uniforms in my room."
Auryn grinned.
"Aww, that's lovely!
Well, Lilith and I will be back later to see how you all look!
It's so rare that we get to design uniforms like these!"
Oren and Astra were walking to the fitness rooms, where they were supposed to be meeting Alessa and the other trainers for a debrief.
"I'm feeling really good about our sessions", smiled Astra.
Oren frowned.
"I don't know, Astra.
You were pretty hard on them."
"I need to be, Oren!
This Astra is someone they'll walk all over.
If we're going to give them the best chance at survival, I have to get strict."
"I get that, trust me.
It's just... well, I heard Raphael call you a 'pretentious princess' when he was leaving our first session", revealed Oren.
Oren expected to see Astra frown, but she just laughed.
"That's great!"
How is it great?
I thought you'd be devasted."
"Oren, I don't care if he likes me or not. The person he hates?
That's not me.
That's the person I'm pretending to be. So I don't mind that he doesn't like me."
"But don't you think that'll change how they act in our sessions?
If they don't like you, they won't work as hard."
"I don't think it'll get to that point."
"So, let's start with the fitness session. How were they?", asked Alessa.
"Ashryn was good", said Astra.
"She wasn't the best, but her endurance was great."
"I don't think she'll like the mental fitness side of it though.
To me, she seems like the kind of person that blocks out all emotions", said Oren.
"That's good for this mission", said Alessa.
Oren frowned.
"Being able to feel those emotions is what makes you stronger, Alessa."
Alessa paused, fully understanding what Oren was getting at.
She sighed, running a hand through her hair.
"What about the tall one?"
Oren looked down, trying to hide his sadness that Alessa was continuing to suppress her emotions.
Man, that guy is weak.
I'm so sorry.
I know we were taught to see potential in everyone, but it's going to take a long time to whip him into shape", said Astra.
"No luck on my side either, I'm afraid."
"I don't know about that", said Astra.
"I saw the way he looked at you when you talked to Rhiannon.
He was transfixed, Oren."
Alessa quickly wrote this down. "Speaking of Rhiannon, how was she?"
Astra and Oren looked at each other.
"Essie... she's something else", said Astra.
Oren nodded in agreement.
"She's special."
"She's got a real issue with stamina, and she gets into her own head a lot", said Astra.
"But when Oren talked to her, it's like something... clicked in her head?"
"She twisted her ankle and carried on, even though she was screaming in pain", said Oren.
"She's not perfect, but what we saw back there?
She doesn't back down", said Astra.
Alessa couldn't help but smile at this. "What about Makoto?"
"They are amazing.
They're quick on their feet, they have good stamina—I really can't fault them", said Astra.
"They were a little wobbly at times, but they steadied themselves quickly", said Oren.
Alessa made a note of this, before turning to Imelda and Finian.
"How were they in fitness?"
"Actually, what Rhiannon did makes so much sense after what Astra and Oren said", replied Imelda.
"She just went in blindly.
It was a really reckless thing to do, but it aligns with her drive, I think."
Finian nodded in agreement.
She won't hesitate to save others.
All we need to do now is to make sure she has the skills to back up her drive."
"What about Raphael?"
Finian noticed Imelda tense up.
"He didn't show."
Alessa's eyes widened.
"What the héll?"
Imelda held her hands up.
"Look, don't worry about it!
We'll sort it, ok?
Just, please, can we move on?"
Alessa wasn't so sure.
She was outraged that Raphael missed a session, especially one so soon.
But she trusted her friend.
Let's move on to Ashryn."
"I like her", said Imelda.
"She's got this fire in her."
"In other words, Imelda's found her mini me", joked Finian, making the others laugh.
Imelda lightly punched Finian's arm. When he moved his hand up to place on hers, she didn't move away.
Instead, she inched closer, their shoulders touching.
"She's smart.
She knows the importance of using your strengths", said Finian.
"I'm just worried that she'll be reckless."
"Rhiannon was reckless", reminded Astra.
"No, this is different.
I think she'd want to play the hero. There's something going on with her, but I don't know what.
She plays the role of emotionally closed young woman really well, but I think there's more to it."
"I'll work on that", said Oren.
Finian nodded.
If she's left like that... I think she could be dangerous."
Rhiannon stood in the bathroom, staring at her uniform.
The uniforms she had worn before were all a generic black, with the organisations symbol stitched on them.
They did the job, and they made her feel like she belonged.
But this one was different.
She had black jeans with small mountains stitched on the waistband, in aqua blue thread.
She put them on, the material hugging her legs as she pulled them up.
She traced the mountains with her finger, before letting out a gasp when they began to glow.
Rhiannon quickly turned the bathroom light off, her eyes widening when she saw that the mountains were glowing. She traced them again, and they ceased to glow.
Intrigued by this, she traced it again, and they lit up once more.
Eager to try the rest of her outfit on, Rhiannon turned to the black top.
The sleeves were hand embroidered with red thread at the end. The UAE emblem stood proudly on the right.
She put the top on, a tingling sensation spreading through her body.
She reached for the black leather jacket. She slipped into it, the cold fabric soothing her.
She looked at herself in the mirror.
She felt special.
"Ok, so you agree that Makoto needs the most help in combat", said Alessa.
Finian nodded.
"They'll end up getting kílled if they carry on like this.
Or they'll get their team kílled."
"We'll deal with them though", reassured Imelda.
"Thanks, Imelda."
Alessa turned to Minerva and Knox. Minerva was clearly overwhelmed with this, and she was worried that she hadn't gotten the most out of the trainees.
"You don't need to be worried", said Oren.
"Astra got Raphael to do twenty push ups, so you're definitely not the worse."
"Hey, I'm owning it", said Astra.
Minerva smiled softly.
"Well, no one really stood out.
Except for Raphael, actually.
He seemed really interested."
"Everyone took it seriously", said Knox. "Raphael's a bit of a weird one.
But I can tell he really does love inventing things."
Alessa finished up writing her notes. "Great, thanks guys.
We clearly have our work cut out."
"Now...", started Astra.
"... let's do your evaluation."
Alessa furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
Her friends looked at each other, wondering whether they should speak up or leave things as they are.
"You're too hard on them, Alessa", said Astra.
Alessa paused, before laughing.
When no one else laughed, Alessa frowned.
"Wait, you're serious?"
Imelda nodded.
"We all want them to do well, but you're really harsh, Al—"
"Am I the only one who knows what's at stake here?", snapped Alessa.
"How many people have díed?
How rare it is that Head Guard Aoife gives us another chance?"
The atmosphere turned tense.
Alessa's friends knew they could talk to her about anything, but this was such a sore subject for her.
Knox placed a hand on Alessa's arm. She tensed up at first, but she relaxed quickly.
"We know how important this mission is, Alessa.
But sacrificing the trainees' mental health?
The more trust they have in us, the better they will perform."
Alessa exhaled softly.
"I guess."
Raphael's outfit was quite comfortable. He had a black turtleneck jumper, and a long black jacket.
The inside of his jacket was decorated with little robots stitched in blue thread.
There were two mini pockets on each side, for him to put little gadgets in it.
Raphael stepped out of the bathroom, doing his best model poses.
Rhiannon cheered, and Makoto clapped as Ashryn hummed an upbeat song for him to strut his stuff too.
Training was always so serious, and even though the four of them weren't the best of friends, it was nice to spend some time messing around.
"Over to you now, Makoto!"
Makoto rushed into the bathroom. Their black top had intricate swirls stitched on the right.
Woven into the swirls was a small white dove, which they instantly recognised as the symbol for peace.
Makoto smiled at themselves, happy to have a reminder of their morals, in case the gruelling training ever made them forgot.
"Ready?", they said.
Makoto chuckled at Rhiannon's chant. They quickly put their jacket on.
They walked out of the bathroom, a big smile on their face.
Rhiannon gasped.
"Yes, give me majestic fashion icon!"
Makoto blushed, shaking their head.
"Give us a twirl!", called out Ashryn.
Makoto twirled, laughing when the others cheered.
"Alright, alright, Ashryn you're up!"
Ashryn sauntered over to the bathroom, turning and giving the others a quick wink.
She froze when she saw her uniform.
She had a skin-tight black jumpsuit that clung to her body.
It was breathable though, which surprised Ashryn.
The initials
'R.W, A.W, P.W, H.W and another H.W' were stitched in red thread along the collar of her black leather jacket.
It only took her a few seconds to work out whose initials they were.
As much as she wanted to hate this place, she couldn't help but be touched by their gesture of including her siblings' names.
Everything she did, everything she was... it was all because of them.
"Are you using the facilities in there or something?", questioned Raphael.
"Are you seriously asking her if she's doing a sh—", started Rhiannon.
Ashryn opened the door, and for a moment everyone was silent.
Raphael studied Ashryn's outfit, making sure not to intrude on her privacy.
He couldn't help but find her incredibly attractive.
He didn't feel séxual attraction very often at all, it just wasn't something he was interested in very much.
But physical attraction?
Well he used that to his advantage every day.
But it was something about Ashryn's outfit, or rather, the confidence that she wore with it, that left Raphael speechless.
"Ok, so I'm going to need you to marry me right here, right now", said Rhiannon, making Ashryn chuckle.
"You look so confident!", smiled Makoto.
"Thank you, thank you", she said, before taking a bow.
"We're one hot bunch", said Raphael.
"Couldn't of said it better myself", said Rhiannon.
Alessa was the only one in the room. She contemplated her friends' words. She knew they were right, but she still wasn't sure if changing her approach was the best thing to do.
"Give all the details, Nella!", beamed Faizah.
Faizah—Alessa's best friend, had an emerald green headscarf on, that was wrapped like a turban, but tied at the side, resembling a side ponytail.
She had a metal contraption wrapped around her leg, and it had a purple liquid running through it.
Alessa smiled.
"Hey, Fiz!
Um, things are off to a bit of a—"
Faizah screamed out in pain, the small tube that had been inserted now ripping through her leg.
Alessa's eyes widened in horror. "Faizah!
Hold on, I've got it!"
Alessa rushed over.
She touched the tube, and a jolt of electricity coarsed through her veins. Her scar glowed, and it felt like someone had poured acid into it.
"Alessa, stop!
Just call someone else.
You know this happens when you touch my wi—"
No, I can help you!
Just–ahh– just wait!"
The burning sensation got worse.
With each second that passed, Alessa felt like she was floating closer and closer to the sun.
Oren rushed in, his eyes widening when he saw the pair.
He quickly ran towards them, pulling them apart.
"Alessa, you know it makes your injury worse, what were you thinking?"
"I needed to help her!"
"No, you needed to call someone!"
This was the first time Alessa had seen Oren so angry.
His face softened when he saw the pain on Faizah's face.
He turned to her, gently placing a hand on her arm.
"Come on, let's get you to the Clinic."
"Alessa, are you ok?", she asked.
Alessa took a deep breath, in an attempt to steady her breathing.
"I'm fine."
Oren guided Faizah out, his hand on her back.
Alessa gazed wistfully at them, the image burned into her mind.
She truly felt so lonely.
And then there was Faizah.
She'd happily be lonely for the rest of her life if it meant she was safe.
She couldn't let history repeat itself.
She couldn't back down.
She couldn't 'play nice.'
She had to attack the trainees with everything she had.
I had a lot of fun designing the outfits! They all have hidden symbols that relate to their characters.
The trainees have had a nice bonding session, but will this carry through to training?
Will Astra go easy on the trainees now?
With Alessa being more demanding than ever, will the trainees be able to handle the pressure?
Are you interested in seeing more of the friendship between the trainers?
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