Chapter 5
Chapter 5 - I think.. I fell in love too deep.
Posted on 24 October 2015
Junior's point of view
I woke up from my nap when I heard someone was unlocking the door.
I looked at beside me and theres sleeping Bomi with an angelic face right on my shoulder.
"Bomi-ah, wake up.", I called for her while shook her shoulder lightly.
No response.
"Bomi. Yoon Bomi.", I called for her name again.
She flinched. Then, Bomi slowly opened her eyelids. She got up then stretched her arms wide in the air.
I stood up beside her while patted some dust off my bottom.
"Park Jinny!", A familiar girl shouted my name when she opened the store room's door and shocked when she saw both of us.
I looked up then smiled at her when I recognized that she is one of our classmate.
She quickly ran towards me then checked if I'm okay or not.
"You okay, Jinny?? Why are you in here tho??", The girl asked me with her worried voice.
"H-Haha. I'm okay. Dont worry.", I pushed her away slowly from me then gave her an awkward laugh.
The girl nodded then she suddenly looked back.
"Oh. You're here too, Bomi-ssi?", The girl said and she sounds sadist.
Bomi looked at her then gave her a weak smile. Then Bomi looked at me.
"Thank you for earlier. I will go first. See you later.", Bomi said then she walked away from both of us.
"W-Wait!--", When I wanted to chase Bomi suddenly the girl earlier grabbed my arm.
"Lets go to nursery room first, Jinny. I'm worried if you're injured somewhere~", The girl said and stopped me from chasing Bomi.
I looked at her then looked at Bomi's figure that already went out from the store room.
Yoon Bomi..
I sighed heavily.
She will be okay.. right?
"Jinny! "
Bomi shouted for me then linked her arm with mine.
I shockingly looked at her that already walked beside me.
"B-Bomi..", I nervously muttered her name while looked down at her.
Her height is a little bit shorter than mine. When people saw us, they might think that we are a couple because of our height matched perfectly. But.. we will look good together if only I dressed like a boy as myself, Park Jinyoung not the girl, Park Jinny.
I sighed then looked infront while tried to calm my heart down whenever Bomi is right beside me. My heart will fluttered so bad just by smelling her sweet scent.
"Jinny-ah, lets go drink some hot coffee at nearby cafè shop?", Bomi said while happily walked beside me closely.
She suddenly leaned her head on my shoulder naturally. I flinched a bit but then acted as normal as I could. I clenched my fist tightly, trying to calm myself from my crazy heart beats.
"Okay..", I replied while looked straight infront.
"Yes!", Bomi murmered but I still could hear it clearly.
I secretly smiled while took a peek at her.
We went into a cafè shop then took a seat next to a big window of the cafè shop. I got up from my seat and wanted to order something for both of us but suddenly Bomi held my hand and pulled me down.
Automatically, I sat down back on my seat.
"I will order it for you. What do you want?", Bomi kindly asked then gave me a sweet smile.
My heart will and always thumping loudly whenever she touched me. Ohmygod..
"A-Arasseo..", I stuttered while nodded then awkwardly looked at my hand that she touched.
Bomi smiled then got up from her seat and walked towards a counter. I pinned my eyes on her then looked to my right side where I could see many type of people were walking along the street. Perfection, there is also a fresh and relax song played loudly in the cafè.
After a few minutes of blankly gazing through the big window, Bomi finally arrived with two cups of hot coffee on a tray that she brought.
I helped her put the tray on the table. She quickly sat across me then took her cup of coffee and gave another cup to me.
I thanked her and took a sip.
"Our first date.", Bomi suddenly said while threw her attention towards the busy street.
I suddenly choked when I'm about to take another sip of my coffee. I looked up at her with wide eyes opened.
Our.. fir-first d-date?!
"Yah, gwenchana? Geez, be careful. Its still hot.", Bomi said then she took my cup of coffee and blew on it slowly to cool it down.
I just awkwardly nodded my head.
"Earlier.. w-what do you mean by 'our first date'..?", I carefully asked her and avoided her eyes.
Bomi looked up then chuckled.
"Yeah. Its our first date, right? I never went to any date before because I've got no friends. Hahaha.", Bomi said while laughed.
I stared at her.
"B-But.. maybe.. not all the girls hate you. Maybe.. theres some of them actually wants to be friends with you?", I exclaimed while still staring at her.
"Yeah. And one of them.. is you.", Bomi said without looking at me.
Yoon Bomi..
"Why? Why dont you have any friends? I mean.. you are pretty and rich. Also not to mention, good in academic. Its perfect. Many boys admire you tho.", I said then coughed when I said the last part.
One of them.. is me.
Bomi suddenly chuckled. She looked at me while put her chin on her hands that she put on the table.
".. and that is also the reason why all the girls in school hated me. Because the boys admired me. Hahaha. I think they will kill me if your popular brother admire me too.", Bomi said while chuckled then she quickly looked back through the window.
My heart skipped a beat when I heard she talked about me.
"Y-You know about my.. brother ?", I asked her carefully. Interested to hear more about me from Bomi's mouth.
"Of course, I do.", Bomi answered while drank her cup of coffee.
"Y-You do? How??", I asked her, curious.
"Hahaha. Yah, Jinny~ like I said, your brother is the most popular boy in our school. No wonder.", Bomi replied while looked at me.
"Ah.. I see.", I said while slowly nodded.
"Aish. But you dont worry. He will never interested in me. He and me are too different.", Bomi suddenly said while took out her phone and played with it.
"What do you mean by.. different ?", I asked her while furrowed my eyebrows at her.
She suddenly looked up at me.
"I mean.. he--", When she about to explain suddenly she got cut by a stranger.
"Excuse me? Urm.. sorry to disturb you guys but urm mind if we sit with you guys?", An unknown boy with a denim shirt asked while strangely looked at Bomi with his seducing eyes.
There is also another boy with black long sleeves shirt next to him. Maybe his friend.
Hm? What exactly this boys want..?
Bomi looked up and stared at the two boys that stood beside our table.
"There are many empty tables there tho.", Bomi said while rolled her eyes then focused back on her phone.
I secretly nodded, agreed with Bomi. I glared at the boy that kept staring at Bomi.
"Hey~ Dont be. We just wanna.. you know~ making friends?", The boy said then suddenly took a chair and sat on it, beside Bomi.
Both me and Bomi looked at him with wide eyes opened.
The hell?!
The boy just smiled innocently. He then signaled his friend to sit beside me. At first, his friend shook his head but then he took a chair and sat beside me when the boy earlier threatened him with a glare.
I looked at the boy beside me. He also looked at me then he nervously looked down when our eyes met.
I ignored him and brought my focus back at the guy beside Bomi.
"So~ what is your name, pretty? You can called me Minho. And this is my younger brother, Minwoo.", The boy with denim shirt said while kept staring at Bomi since earlier.
I rolled my eyes when I saw he was trying use his lame pickup lines.
"Bomi. And this is my bestfriend, Jinny.", Bomi simply replied then she took a peek at me.
I smiled when I heard Bomi introduced me as her bestfriend.
Minho looked at me and sent me a wink. My eyes widen when I saw his weird action towards me.
Ew. Did he just.. urghh
"You're cute, Jinny-ssi.", Minho said. I shuddered while looked at Minho that smile cheekily at me.
This guy is a gay. Urgh.
I shook my head in disbelief. I looked beside me and saw Minwoo was staring at me but the he shyly looked down and played with his fingers when our eyes met.
... and whats wrong with this one tho?
I sighed. I looked at Bomi that also looked at me. I gave her a signal to lets-go-back-home.
She nodded then gave me a smile.
"We will go first. Enjoy your day then.", Bomi said then she got up from her seat and snatched for my hand.
She grabbed my hand and pulled me away. I gave those guys a smirked while walked away.
Heh. See? She like me me more than you guys. Dream on.
Those guys just blinked then got up too. When I saw that, I quickly changed our role and grabbed Bomi's hand. Bomi flinched when I suddenly pulled her away.
We went out from the cafè. I pulled Bomi's away from the cafè as fast as I could. We almost running.
"Wait! Hyung! Minho!--", I heard that Minwoo guy earlier voice shouted from our behind.
Suddenly, Minho grabbed Bomi's wrist and automatically we stopped walking.
I turned back and glared at Bomi's wrist that Minho held. Bomi also looked at Minho.
"What do you think you are doing, Minho-ssi?", Bomi asked Minho with deep voice. Maybe she also angry of Minho's action.
"Ey~ Wait for awhile. I forgot to ask both of you something. May I have you guys phone numbers?", Minho said and looked at both of us.
Later, Minwoo arrived while panting. He then stood right beside Minho and gave his friend a glare.
I silently groaned then walked and stood infront of Bomi and faced Minho. Automatically, I broke the grip between Minho and Bomi hands.
"Sorry. Thats a privacy. We cant give it to you.", I coldly said to Minho.
"Aw~ Please, Jinny~ I will not disturb you guys again.", Minho exclaimed and this time, he bravely held my arm and it sent chills down to my spine.
This guy..
I shuddered. Then, I clenched my teeth.
Relax, Jinyoung~ Cool down. Bomi is here. You cant show your manliness right infront of Bomi. No, you cant. You are now in Park Jinny not Park Jinyoung.
I let out a sigh then gave Minho a fake smile while slowly pushed his hand away from my arm.
"We are so sorry, Minho-ssi. But, we cant. Full stop. Okay then, bye.", I said and gave both of the guys a fake smile.
I turned around and grabbed Bomi's hand back. When we are about to walk away, suddenly Minho bravely grabbed my left hand. We stopped again on track.
This freakin!
I couldnt hold my anger anymore as I violently smacked Minho's hand away and gave him a dead glare.
Both Minho and Bomi shocked with my action.
"Wo~ Girl. Chill okay? Okay then, how about... going to a date with both of us tomorrow? We will meet here by 10am tomorrow. Deal?", Minho said and gave us a smirk.
This butthead will never understand language I guess.
I rolled my eyes towards him.
"Cant you understand--", When I'm about to explode, suddenly Bomi held my hands and our fingers interlocked.
Automatically, the anger in me fade away and changed to a flustered feeling. I looked at Bomi that stood beside me then looked down at our hands.
Dup dap dup dap.
My heart beating faster right now.
"Nevermind, Jinny. Okay then, Minho-ssi. Deal. We will hang out with you guys tomorrow. Now, can we go?", Bomi said then gave Minho a smile.
I sighed then looked at Bomi weirdly.
"But Bomi--", I wanted to reject but stopped when Bomi looked at me and shook her head and gave me a its-okay look.
I sighed again. I looked up and glared at Minho.
I hate this guy.
"Okay! See you guys tomorrow! Dress up prettily okay? Hehe.", Minho said while giggled then he walked away with Minwoo.
Minwoo looked back and bowed towards us. Both of us bowed back towards Minwoo.
At least, the younger brother is okay than the big brother.
"Bomi. Why did you do that??", I asked her while looked at her.
"Its the only way to send them away.", Bomi said then shrugged.
I sighed when I saw Bomi just innocently smiled.
"Lets go.", I said then pulled Bomi away.
Bomi just followed me from behind silently. Both of us walked and none of us even dare to make any sounds.
When I arrived infront of Bomi house, which is the first time ever I have saw her house.
I looked up and literally gasped.
Its big. As big as mine. Well.. shes a principal daughter after all.
I looked down at Bomi and speechless when I saw Bomi were staring at me.
"W-Why?", I asked her then turned away.
She suddenly shook her head then looked up at me with a smile.
"I'm just.. happy.", Bomi said then sweetly smiled.
"W-Why? Is it.. because of those guys asked you for a date--", Before I could finish my words suddenly, Bomi hugged me.
My bones automatically froze and all my organs function messily. I stood straight and held my breath when Bomi hugged me tightly. My hands were shaking.
"B-Bomi?", I said then bit my lips because of nervous.
"Ani~ Its not because of those guys. I'm happy cuz there is someone who care about me and protect me. Just.. like what you did before.", Bomi confessed then looked up at me.
Slowly, my heart melted after hearing what Bomi just said before.
Aish.. are you really this easy, Park Jinyoung?
"I am glad.. cuz you willing to be my friend. I am very happy.", Bomi said while hugged me tighter.
I smiled then shook my head. Slowly, I moved my hands and put it around her.
Aigoo.. whatever..
"You too, Bomi. Thank you cuz you accept me openly. Thank you for being my friend.", I said then rested my chin on her shoulder.
How I wish.. we are like this when I am as Park Jinyoung not Park Jinny. Sigh..
"Arasseo! Then, see you tomorrow~", Bomi said while released me and our hug broke.
"Huh? Tomorrow? Where are we going tomorrow?", I blankly asked her while looked at her backview.
She turned back then furrowed her eyebrows towards me.
"Where else? To the date tomorrow with those guys earlier.", Bomi simply answered.
"B-Bwoh?! Are we really going tomorrow??", I asked her, shocked.
"Of course. We have promised, remember? Or.. do you want me to just ignore them and broke my promise?", Bomi asked then smirked.
"Aish. Arasseo..", I said then looked down.
"Okay~ See you tomorrow, Jinny. Thanks for sending me home. Byee~", Bomi said then waved me a goodbye.
I nodded my head weakly then looked down.
I dont want to see Bomi with other guys tho..
Suddenly, Bomi came towards me and pinched my cheeks. I looked up and my face automatically look like a big puff bun or a boazi.
"Mwhut mu myu mink myu mar muing? (What do you think you are doing?)", I talked unclearly when I couldnt really say anything cuz Bomi pinched my cheeks and stretched my mouth upwards.
"You are soo cuuute! ㅋㅋ", Bomi claimed then laughed.
"Met mi mo, Momi. (Let me go, Bomi.)", I said then rolled my eyes on her.
She laughed then let me go. I quickly wiped my cheeks because its sting after she pinched me.
"Kay then~ See you tomorrow, Jinny !", Bomi said while still laughing then walked into her house.
I stared at her then sighed.
I think..
I secretly smiled then walked away from her house.
I looked up at the sky while smiling like an idiot.
.. I fell in love too deep.
~To be continue~ Thanks for reading!
*****STORY by; kimsyaz*****
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