three. the craziest plan ever

chapter three!

the craziest plan ever!

MIA HAD FINALLY finished parking her car. She couldn't help but think about her and Cam's interaction earlier today.  She never really thought she'd see him this summer and yet her car almost ran him over.

She was currently in her room when her mother called her name.  Putting on her bed slippers, she walked downstairs and went over to where she was standing.   That's when she saw Cam talking to her parents.  "Mom, hi. You wanted to see me?"

"Yes! Cam has something to give you." Mia furrowed her eyebrows. "He does?" Cam fished out something from his pocket. "You dropped your lip gloss when you were helping me earlier."

"Oh. Thanks." she said as she took it from him. Waving goodbye to my parents, Mia headed back to her room. Shutting the door behind, she plopped on the bed. Reaching for her phone, she decided to face-time Alan, Olivia, and Kiara.

"Hey, guys."

"Hey, Mia!" her friends exclaimed. "You guys aren't gonna believe this."

"What happened?" Olivia asked.

"Cameron's in my house. He gave me my lip gloss since I left it behind when I helped him earlier today."

"Aww, that's kind of cute." Kiara gushed. "It isn't!"

"Wait, what happened earlier? What did I miss?" Alan questioned.

"I almost ran Cam over with Mia's car. She helped him up and the next thing you know, Cam's teasing Mia and she was not having it." Kiara answered.

"You guys almost ran him over? That's crazy!"

Olivia nodded her head. "I know! Luckily he's okay!"

Kiara put her phone on the kitchen table, grabbing a box of cereal and a bowl. "But let's talk about you and Jere, Mia.  I think he was flirting with you."

"Really?" Mia asked (she's a bit delusional).

"All he said was if we wanted to go to the bonfire, not if you wanted to go out with him."

"Liv, hush! Let's be positive for a minute. It could mean something."

"Kia, we kind of have to be realistic.  Jere flirts with everybody and I mean everybody."

"Has he flirted with you before?" Kiara asked her. "Well, no. But from what I've observed, he kind of does."

"I could ask Jere how he feels about you." Alan stated.

"Alan, I love you and all but no. I'm not that desperate."

"Hey, it was just a suggestion. My offer still stands."

"This is gonna sound crazy but I think I have an idea." said Olivia, inspecting her bookshelf for something to read.

"Liv, if you say something about my crush on Jere again I will-"

"No, no. This is different."

"Okay? What is it?"

"Maybe you should fake date somebody for the summer! Just to make Jere jealous!" Mia looked at her like she was crazy. "Who am I going to fake a relationship with?"

"I don't know.  Maybe think of someone."

"Fine.  I'll talk to you guys later."

They said their goodbyes before hanging up.  Who would she fake a relationship with?

Conrad? No, they were just friends.  She doesn't like Alan romantically.  So who could she ask?


She didn't really want to.  I mean, they haven't spoken in  years, not to mention her car almost ran him over earlier.  But she had to try.

Mia slowly crept down the stairs, hoping he still wasn't there.

"You know, Knight.  You aren't really good at being discreet."

She rolled her eyes and continued down the steps.  "Hello, Cameron.  What are you still doing in my house?"

"I'm leaving now, actually.  You don't ever have to see me after this."

Did she want to see him ever again? No.  Did she still need to ask him? Yes.

Cam started to walk out the door.  "Cam, wait." The curly haired boy turned around, facing her. "Yes?"

"Can I talk to you outside, please?"

"I'm already leaving so yeah."

As soon as he closed the door, she took a deep breath. "Okay... so I know that we don't really like each other and that I haven't really spoken to you until like today but I need you to do something for me."

"What is it, Knight?" he asked as he drank some water.

"I need you to be my fake boyfriend."

Cam spits out his drink, looking at her.  "Why? Can't you ask one of your friends?"

"Me and my friends are very platonic. Plus, I really like this guy and I kind of want to make him jealous."

The boy raised a brow.  "And what's in it for me?"

"You know that girl you met at that convention one time? I know her and I can help you talk to her.  Her name's Isabel but people just call her Belly."

"What else can I get out of this?"

"I'll buy you food for 2 weeks."

Cam sighed. "Fine. I'll do it."

"Good.  So can I have your number?"

"Okay." he stated as he took out his phone and handed it to her.

"But if I pretend to be your boyfriend, you'll help me talk to Belly?"

"Yes.  Deal?"


"Just don't fall in love with me, okay?"


After they exchanged numbers, Cam rode away until he was gone. Once Mia got inside, she decided to take a shower.  Changing into her pajamas, she took out some Mielle oil. While massaging her scalp, she received a text from Cam.

Fake Dating:

C.C - Cam

Knight in Shining Armor - Mia


Hi Knight :)

Knight in Shining Armor

Cameron :|


In order for this to work, what do we do?

Knight in Shining Armor

Well, we have to come up with rules to follow. Rule #1: No kissing.


How can this be believable if we don't kiss?

Knight in Shining Armor

Some couples don't kiss until they're comfortable enough to do it.  We're only doing this for like two months.


What if we hold hands instead?

Knight in Shining Armor

Fine.  What's the next rule?


Rule #2: Don't tell our friends and families.

Knight in Shining Armor

Okay.  Rule #3: No posting each other.


Rule #4: Spend time with each other.

Knight in Shining Armor

But if we can't post each other, won't it be suspicious if we hang out?


We can just say that we're catching up after a while.

Knight in Shining Armor

That could work.


So I'm officially your fake boyfriend?

Knight in Shining Armor



I'd like to add one more rule.  No falling for each other.

Knight in Shining Armor

Who said I'd fall for you 🤨


It sounds like you are

Knight in Shining Armor



Yes Knight?

Knight in Shining Armor

Shut up 💀


No :)

Knight in Shining Armor

Tomorrow is this bonfire my crush invited me to and I was wondering if we went together?


Are you asking me out?

Knight in Shining Armor



It sounds like you are

Knight in Shining Armor

Keep dreaming, Cameron.  Plus this is only for the plan to work.


Anyways, should I pick you up?

Knight in Shining Armor



But what are some things we should remember about each other?

Knight in Shining Armor

Well, I like buttercups (preferably pink), the beach, dogs, and romance books. What about you?


I like whales, boats, riding my bike, and astrology.

Knight in Shining Armor

Favorite artists?


Frank Ocean, Steve Lacy, and Laufey.  You?

Knight in Shining Armor

SZA, Taylor Swift, and Beyoncé.  Are you a Swiftie?


Yes, Knight.

Knight in Shining Armor

But you can pick me up tomorrow at 7.


Okay.   Talk to you later, Knight.

Knight In Shining Armor

Goodbye, Cameron

C.C left you on read!

MIA TURNED OFF her phone, placing it on the counter. She just hoped everything would go well.  Looking in her closet, she decided on a white denim skirt, pink tank top, and her white nike sneakers for tomorrow.

The next day came quickly. Soon, night fell and Mia was sitting on the couch. Alex was next to her. The doorbell rang, causing Mia to get up and see who was there. "Who is it?" she asked.

"Its me, Jere." She opened the door, smiling at the blonde. "Hey, Alex. Jere is here."

"Jere! Are you ready for the bonfire?" Alex asked. "Yes! I'm so happy that your coming with us."

"Um, actually. Alex can go with you and Conrad. An old friend of mine is picking me up."

Jere gave her a small smile. "Okay. I'll see you there." Alex followed Jere into their car as Conrad rolled down the window. "Hey, Mia!" he greeted, waving to her.

"Hey, Connie." she stated, waving back. Soon, they were gone and Mia closed the front door (she locked it guys, don't worry).

Time passed as Mia continuously checked her phone. Where is he?, she thought. Just then, the doorbell rang again. This time, Mia's mom went to answer it. "Who is it?"

"Its me, Cam." She opened the door, allowing him to come inside. "Mia, look who's here! Cam!" she exclaimed. Mia looked up from her phone, staring at the curly haired boy. She gave him a timid wave which he returned. "I'll just leave you two alone."

"Actually, Mrs. Knight. Me and Mia are going to a bonfire. Its like totally safe and there won't be any alcohol." Mia was scared of what her mother would say. Mia, this is crazy! You can't go!, she thought. Instead, all she said was: "That's nice but please be careful. Have fun you two! Please be back by 10:30!"

Once she was gone, Mia stood there in a bit of shock. Really? Just like that?

"Come on, Knight. We don't want to keep your friends waiting, do we?" Cam teased.

"Shut up, Cameron."

The two got in his car. They drove in silence. Okay, not complete silence. "Better Than Revenge" was playing and Mia was fighting the urge to sing along, especially with Cam in the car. "But it was nice seeing your mom again." he said, tapping the steering wheel.

"She was excited to see you."

"I mean, obviously. We haven't seen each other in what, 8 years?"

"Yeah, ever since you left me in third grade."

"You really won't that go, will you?"

"Why would I? You basically ditched me without even saying anything."


"Look, just forget I said anything. Remember the plan?"


Mia didn't know but Cam felt bad. He wanted to make things right between them, even if it meant going through with the stupid plan.

CAM'S CAR WAS PARKED ON the sidewalk as Mia stared at the beach. It was very pretty, especially at night. Mia wore a small smile, excited to get out of the car. Cam got out first, closing the door. He then went on Mia's side, opening the door for her. She slowly got down, allowing Cam to close it. "Thank you." she stated.

Cam looked at her in surprise. "Did you just thank me?"

"I may dislike you but that doesn't mean I don't have manners, Cameron." The two were walking when Kiara jogged up to them. "Hey, Mia! Hi, Cam! What you two doing here together?"

"Oh, Cameron and I are-"

"Hanging out. Right?" Mia forced a smile, turning to Cam. "Yep. Come on, let's find somewhere to sit." Grabbing his arm, they went to find a spot on the beach.

The two eventually found a spot by the water. Mia was looking at her phone for a few. Cam cleared his throat, causing her to look at him. "Yes, Cameron?"

"Come on, Knight. We should talk about something so your friends don't get suspicious of us."

"Fine. What do you want to talk about?"

"Maybe sea creatures."

"Okay. What about them?"

"Well, um... sea turtles eat seagrasses and algae. That's how they stay green. They also lay their eggs in a nest they dig the sand in with their flippers. Then we have the blue whale which weighs more than 330, 000 pounds and are considered canaries of the sea."

"Is there more?"

"More what?"

"Facts on sea creatures."

"Yeah, there is. So the world's largest fish is the shark, I don't really understand that but apparently it is. The oldest fish in the world is the hagfish. Also..."

As Cam continued to go on and on about sea life, Mia listened. She found them a bit interesting and found it nice that he came out of his shell. But she'd never tell him that. He would probably bring it up 24/7.

Time passed as the two moved on to talk about their grades. They'd constantly bring up the other's score, trying to surpass them with a higher marking. Mia checked her phone, surprised that it was 9:30. "We should probably start leaving, Cameron."

"Yeah. Should your friends come with us?"


The pair walked over to where Kiara, Olivia, and Alan were sitting. Alex was bombarding Sam with questions. The poor boy answered them, praying that he would finally go home. 

"Hey, guys.  You want to catch a ride home with me and Cameron?"

"Sure." they answered.  "Hang on, I want to say bye to Conrad and Jere.  Is Isabel around?"

"Yeah.  She's over there." Alan answered.  Gently grabbing Cam's arm, she walked to where Belly was sitting.

"Hi, Isabel."

"Its Belly."

"I'm about to leave but there's someone I want you to meet."

"Hi." Cam stated.

"Hi.  Do I know you?"

"I played Sextus at the Latin Convention."

"Oh yeah! I was Flavia! But it's nice to meet you.  What's your name?"

"Cam... Cameron."

"Well, my name is Isabel but you already knew that."

The two shook hands before waving goodbye.  Mia quickly greeted Conrad and Nicole before saying their goodbyes.  "Are we going to leave now?" Cam asked.  "I just have to tell Jere goodbye."

"Can't you just text him goodbye?"

"Yeah but I like to do it in person.  It'll just be a minute."  She caught a glimpse of Jeremiah talking and laughing with a bunch of girls.  He noticed her, giving her a small wave.  She reciprocated it before jogging up to him.  "Hey, Jere."

"Hey.  Girls, this is my best friend, Mia."

"Anyways, I'm going to leave with my friends and I'll see you tomorrow.  Good night, Jere!"

"Goodnight, Mia!" 

ALL OF THE KIDS WERE in Cam's car.  After dropping off Kiara, Sam, Alan, and Olivia, it was just Mia and Cam in the front with Alex in the backseat.  It was very awkward considering the fact that the two were seen hanging out together and that Alex witnessed it.  "So... will we be seeing you more often, Cam?"


"What? I just asked!"

"Maybe, Alex.  Maybe."

Cam pulled up to the Knights' household.  It was 10:23.  "Thank you, Cam.  Have a good night!" Alex stated, getting out the car.  Cam rolled down the window, "You too! No problem!"

Once Alex went inside, Cam turned off the car.  "Are you going to get out now?"

"Yes.  I am." she answered, getting out the car.  She stopped for a moment, turning around to face him.  "Cameron?"

"Yes, Knight?"

"Text me when you get home, okay?"

"Okay.  You care about me, don't you?"

"Good night, Cameron."   Mia stated, ignoring his question.  Once she got inside, she spoke to her parents about her night out.  She eventually went up to her room, changing out of her clothes and into a black satin pajama set.  Brushing her teeth and turning off her night light, she closed her eyes.  Well, she tried to until her phone got a notification.  It was from Cam.

Fake Dating


Hey, Knight.  I just got home.

Knight in Shining Armor

How was traffic?


It was fine.

Knight in Shining Armor

But gn, Cameron


Knight, Knight.  Get it?

Knight in Shining Armor

I hate you


I hate you more

Knight in Shining Armor left you on read!

Maya Speaks 💫:

Knodriguez nation is getting fed today that's for sure 🤭

Mia definitely cares about Cam (don't tell her I said that)

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