At some point during his panicking, Barry had passed out only to be awakened by the trunk opening and Kovacs grabbing him, pulling him out. Barry stumbled and glanced around taking in his surroundings carefully. They were in an old warehouse that obviously hadn't been occupied for some time now.
Kovacs shoved him toward a chair in the center of the room and ordered him to sit down. Barry didn't need much of an encouragement from the man other than the gun and he did as he was told. Sitting in the chair, Barry watched the man go back to the car and pull out some rope and a duffel bag.
"Why am I here?" Barry asked. "What do you want from me?"
Kovacs walked over to him and tied his wrists together behind the chair. He didn't bother with his feet, probably assuming Barry wouldn't try to run with the threat of being shot. However the rope was very tight and Barry winced when he tried to move his wrists.
"I need the police to stop looking into the Dawkins case and I need that necklace back." Kovacs told him. "I get what I want and you can go home to your family alive and not in a body bag."
Barry chose not to speak after hearing that last part. He knew that the police would probably give the necklace back but they would still look into the case. He knew they couldn't promise to stop. Barry watched the man pace back and forth for about what seemed like an hour before he pulled a burner cell from his pocket and dialed a number.
"This is the man who took that CSI," Kovacs paused as he walked over to Barry and patted him down for his wallet. Once he found it, he read his name. "Barry Allen. I will release him unharmed, if my demands are met."
Kovacs was silent for a moment before saying, "Proof of life? Sure."
Kovacs brought the phone to Barry's ear and it was obvious that he wanted Barry to speak into it. Someone on the other end spoke, concern in their voice.
"Barry? Are you okay?"
Barry recognized the voice as Detective Marshall's. "Yes. I'm okay, he hasn't done anything yet. His name is Mathias Ko--"
Kovacs snatched the phone away as he swung his left arm, his fist connecting with Barry's jaw and causing his head to snap to the side. Barry groaned as pain began to spread throughout his face; he could taste blood on his bottom lip which meant he had a busted lip.
Kovacs stated his demands and hung up, turning to stare at Barry. His cold dark eyes unwavering and he could see anger in them. Yet, there was also amusement.
Kovacs moved forward and fisted a hand-ful of his hair in his hand, yanking his head back to look at him. "You really thought I would let you tell them my name?"
Barry smirked, despite the fear that he felt. "No, but it was enough to clue them in. You see, before you appeared in the lab and threatened me, demanding the whereabouts of a necklace, I printed out the hit I got from the DNA Dawkins had under his fingernails."
Kovacs narrowed his eyes as Barry continued. "All evidence points to you and right now they are probably in the lab reading the paper and have figured out the name I tried to tell them. For a guy with a rap sheet as long as yours, you sure are stupid as hell."
"And how is that?" Kovacs snarled.
"If you wanted us to drop the case, you should have gotten rid of the evidence in the lab." Barry said. "A seven year old would have thought of it and done it."
Kovacs let go of Barry and moved back cursing under his breath. The smirk on his face was still there, at least until Kovacs aimed the gun at him. "So what's to stop me from killing you right here, right now?"
Barry stared at the gun, his eyes moving to the man's face and he realized that he was going to shoot him. He steeled himself for the pain but nothing happened. Kovacs never had the chance to pull the trigger as someone dressed in some kind of dark green suit with a bow and arrow jumped down from the rafters and shot an arrow at Kovacs.
Barry knew that this was the vigilante he'd heard about in Starling City. This was the Green Arrow. Barry watched amazed as the vigilante moved about gracefully, notching another arrow and shooting it at Kovacs again forcing him to duck behind the car.
In the midst of the fight, Barry heard someone come up behind him and start undoing his ropes. He craned his head and saw another man wearing a mask so he couldn't see his face. Once his ropes were undone Barry stood up and the man told him to run.
Barry started to run toward the entrance, passing by the car. He heard Kovacs start to pursue him and he tried to run faster but the man caught up to him, grabbing him by his hair and slamming his head against the concrete wall next to him.
Barry was unconscious before he hit the ground.
Oliver stared down at the young CSI lying on the table in the Arrow cave. The kid was unconscious due to that criminal Mathias Kovacs slamming his head against a wall. The police got an anony-mous tip, telling them where they could find Kovacs and that Barry was safe.
Oliver couldn't deny the fact that Barry was extremely attractive and adorable like a cute puppy. He noted that he looked peaceful asleep, even though he was knocked out. Was there a difference between being knocked out and being asleep? If there was he didn't care.
"How is he?" Felicity asked softly, walking over to stand next to him.
Oliver shook his head. "I don't know. He still hasn't woken up."
It's been two hours and Barry still has not woken up. There was no sign that he'd wake up soon. Not even a single twitch of the eye or finger. He was completely un-responsive.
"I'm sure he'll wake up soon, Oliver." Felicity told him. As an afterthought, she added, "Why did you bring him here instead of a hospital?"
Oliver shrugged. "I don't know. I just. . . did. There's something about him."
Felicity raised an eyebrow but before she could say anything as a response, there was a groan from Barry. Almost as if he was remembering what happened, he sat up fast and glanced around in a panic, his chest rising and falling in fast succession.
"Where am I? Wh-what happened?" Barry stammered, gasping.
Oliver rested his hands on his shoulders and tried to calm him down. "Barry, it's okay. You're safe. Take deep breaths."
Barry did as he was told and when his breathing had evened out, he stared at Oliver and recognized him. He then looked around and spotted his suit and his bow in a glass case. Turning back to him, Oliver could see wonder and admiration in his eyes.
The corner of his lips turned upwards slightly. "It seems we have a lot to talk about."
The very next day Barry went back home to Central City and the day after, he was struck by lightning, sending him into a coma that would last nine months.
Oliver visited Barry in S.T.A.R Labs whenever he could, sometimes skipping family events and dinners just to do so. Even after he's stopped major criminals from wreaking havoc in Starling City, he went to visit. Felicity and Diggle would come along to visit most times but they didn't do it as much as he did. They knew Oliver needed to go alone to see him sometimes.
Oliver prayed that Barry would wake up soon, so he could see that smile he had grown to appreciate in the short time he'd known him. He wanted to be there when he woke up.
And then when Barry finally woke up, Oliver wasn't there.
During the time Barry had woken up, he had discovered that he had superspeed and could do things no one else could do. He wanted to do what he could to help people, to save people. So that's what he decided to do.
He came to Oliver on a rooftop two days after he woke up with a question.
"What if I'm not a hero? What if I'm just some guy who got struck by lightning?"
Oliver had been honest with him, had told him the truth. "I don't think that lightning struck you Barry. I think it chose you."
Ever since, he and Barry had grown closer together as friends and Oliver had let Barry into his heart. He felt bad when Barry came to him and told him that Iris was in love with another. That she had fallen in love with someone else while he had been in a coma.
Oliver knew what heartbreak felt like. And so he tried to comfort Barry. To be that shoulder to cry on, to be the person that Barry could always come to for anything.
Oliver fell in love and while Barry was slowly falling, he didn't want to. He was afraid to let his heart open again. To let anyone get that close to his heart, inside his head.
Barry was afraid to love.
A/N: Hello again my beautiful readers!! I really hope this chapter was to your liking!! Just let me know how it was and how you feel about it😁
Also next chapter will be set in the present time. So late season 3 but there won't be much of Savitar in it because obviously this is a romance. However he will be in it but there won't be a lot of what he did in the show in the book. I'll try to keep him the same though.
On another note, even though I'm sick I'll try to update again hopefully by tomorrow. So see you guys later😊
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