5. Beautiful punishment
Author note: I have come up with another one shot again matching with a beautiful song of Baekhyun 👆. You can loop it and read the chapter till the end. Enjoy
~ Spicy Series ~
" Oh yeah, finally "
I breathed out as soon as my feet met the concrete floor of his apartment. It'd been like months that I hadn't take a step in his apartment because of my courses exams and CET. And when I made come back with no promotion inside his house, other than " Awww " and freaking amazement, the silence embraced me with cold breeze
May be he's taking a bath
I pondered while placing my bag onto the dinning table in his kitchen across the living room near his bedroom door. My steps were quieter than the my breaths oozing out of my nostrils. Once in a life time, except the cheers and grunts, his house was surreally silent, like the location of a crime case in a tv drama. Well, that didn't get on my nerves since all I focused was his shocked twisted face when he'd see me in the middle of his house with no informs and warns
I approached towards the bathroom door opposite the kitchen and dropped my ear to at least hear the water running to make sure he's in there. But no water dripping. And anyways, it's too obvious he's not there or I might hear him humming or singing at the top of his lungs inside bathroom. So I rectified my direction towards the bedroom immediately
My steps walked up to his door and paused taking a sharp breath into my lungs while blinding my sights with my lids preparing for the next event of invading his room. I just couldn't wait to embrace him and take all his scent in, while caressing his fluffy hair between my small digits till he drifted off to a sleep. Pressing my left ear against the wooden door, I attempted to eardrop what he was doing to entertain him while I was away
But, nothing. Literally nothing came to my eardrums and that had me frustrating on my feet that how he was so silent not like him. For the one second, I doubted if he even was in his room or may be he's hiding at the somewhere in the house to surprise me. But I made sure non of his friends hinted I was giving him a visit after my part time job. Even the last night call with him, I clearly promised I wouldn't be able to meet him these days. So, it proved my suspiciousness was pointlessly wrong
Also, he had nothing to do after his school except hanging out with guys and playing basketball in the playground of kids in his quarter. And as for me, being always smart and having an ace at my sleeve, my spy informed me that he wasn't with guys or in the playground. Well, my spy was obviously Chanyeol. He always informed where Baekhyun was at it what plans he had, but literally he's coping with me cause of my sis. He liked my sis for God sake and I was using my sis to have information from that brat. Whatever, Baekhyun obviously had to be in his room
C'mon, what are you hesitating for? Just barge in and see if he's there or not
With an encouragement from myself, I pushed opened the door with a twist and a creak from the door revealing a young creature behind the curtain of the musical. He was there, sitting straight with his headphone tight squinting to the screen of his laptop in front of him, not even realising I, his girlfriend, was there right before his eyes just to raise his head one time and game over. He'd see me and hug me tight till I beg him to let me go and breath for a mere second before he start tightening that grip over me again
But instead of pulling me into a hug, that bastard didn't even move a single muscle still fixing his eyes to the laptop. My expression was like " what's so important about that content on the screen to even not realize his own girlfriend's arrival? "
He's gonna pay for sure, for not noticing me
" YAHHHHHHHHHH, Byun Baekhyun!!!! "
I screamed in his ears after removing those headphones from his ears and his expression was everything I lived for to be honest. He even jumped on his bed with that freak fearful visage while crossing his wrists in a defensive position
" Babe, why would you scare me like that? "
He scolded me as how I expected him to do and after a slight glint of his eyes caught my own figure in, his mouth slightly gaped and he brought me on the bed hugging and squeezing me like how I expected him to do in my imagination. Later that, he didn't stop peppering opened mouth-kisses all over my face and I could feel the sticky liquid of his saliva on every inch of my face. Damn it. I hated him at that kind of grossy thing
" Stop, stop, stop! Yah, Baekhyun-ahhh, please stop "
His kisses stimulated my nerves in ticklish way and I couldn't stop squirming involuntarily wiggling to escape from his grip
He flipped me down on bed and kept tickling me with his kiss to my neck down towards my collarbones till I couldn't take it no more. But this time, he grazed his teeth lightly against my skin stinging me a sharp brief pain from time to time untill I had a glimpse of view on his screen and hissed in curiosity of what could've been his interest before I entered inside. So I asked
" Baekhyun-ah "
His name rolled out of my tongue effortlessly to bring his attention from kissing me
" Baekhyun-ah "
I got it well that he'd missed me so bad and also my body contact with him, so it's hard for him not to just kiss me continuously but I just couldn't maintain my curiosity longer
" What's that you've been watching before? "
Taking advantage upon the loosen grip he gave me, I quickly struggled under him and reached to the laptop with the lighting speed. That man face was suspicious for having no comments or feedback over something before his eyes. With the hope of a peek for that content, I grinned widely, but before I had the chance to inspect it properly, he decked off the screen to the keyboard purposely not wanting me to quit-wit it. That made him more suspicious than I already thought and he realized that he's not getting out of that as soon as he caught the flame in eyes staring down at him
" Show me what's that "
I warned him wincing my face also with furrow between my brows sitting straight upon the silk of sheets on his bed, filled with solemnity and seriousness not little dumpty humpty funny anymore. I believed and regarded that there should be no secret, privacy or space between two lovers and the fact that he's hiding something from me wasn't how I pleased. Right that time, different nefarious thoughts rushed inside my brain like the trace of steps, not ending. Figuring out its way till the solution was revealed
What if he's scrolling through the photos on insta of those european girls? That tall, snow white skin with blonde hair also like with blue or green eyes? What do I do?
My mind is my own biggest enemy at this point. I should've not let these ideas got a better way to anaesthetize me but it just didn't stop happening in my head
Oh my God, what if he really likes that girl over me? And wait, what if she likes him back? No no no, that's not happening. That's not happening............. And what if Baekhyun is hiding their texts to deceive me?
See, my own enemy is myself. It brought out the best of doubt to worsen my life. But he made me think further nefarious ways. If he was innocent then he could let me see them and now that he's getting away from showing me what they were. So I assumed that he also had something hidden from my sight
" It's nothing you need to see "
That's when my patience died down to the floor and I became explicitly tough to get what I wanted. I shoved him with my shoulder and pushed out of the bed towards the cold floor, making him clambered in four to the concrete. And quickly made my way of opening the laptop with a evil smirk on my lips
" No no no NOOOO! "
He wailed and wept on the floor face-palming himself with a hiss, but at the contrast, I was enjoying to reveal his secret and jerked up my head towards the screen
But the view in front of me, was uncomfortably explicit and may be 1080 hp or better version. My motions halted on their ways even my heart beats, like time had totally frozen around me. My eyes couldn't avoid the sight in front of me and shamefully I was staring at it
" Yes, yes, there. Ohhh, that's right. That's right. Mmmh mmh, you're so good....... "
" What, the, fvck.... is that? "
My lips even forgot how to speak politely doing vulgar languages with trembling lips also couldn't shut up my mouth which was truly dropped down the bedroom floor
I shrieked in pure disgust with a " auuu " face to him who was making his way back to the bed and plopping himself down upon the sheets with a more relaxed expression than the previous one
" I told you it's nothing you need to see "
He retorted rather so annoyingly and snitched the device from my grip placing it on the nightstand table. His attention gathered back to my shocked expression and gazed at my dazzling situation, cheeks reddened, nose pinkish, eyes widened and mouth gaping. Just before a minute ago, I was just imagining his shocked face but now that I became the one who was shocked. A trial of giggles escaped out of his upwardly curled lips and he swiftly pulled me towards him folding me in his arms like a mother monkey. His ruffles and huffs in my hair gave me another kind of shiver far from the first one I received, from witnessing the po#n he was watching
" Why would you watch that kind of things? "
I whispered into his ears with a more calm tone while he was just pleasing himself snuggling in the crook of my neck eventually inhaling my scent now and often
" It's not something I shouldn't watch, honey "
I tensed up at his regardless reply feeling my body stiffen up at his admit
" Every man does watch them. So it's completely normal "
His tone was convincingly soft and dulcet like he was singing a lullaby in my ears, except the fact that we were discussing about the sexual thing. At that point, I didn't know how to understand him or look at him. That's the topic I didn't like to discuss at all, and the reason I was in the middle of the discussion freaked me out
" Don't worry. Okay? "
It's like I was hearing my dad's speech when he convinced me sweetly with the exception of the real topic was sex. My mind was going crazy while my manners were just stilled inside his embrace
Minutes passed away while we laid down on the bed and examined each other's features slowly and precisely. I missed him. I missed his giggles. I missed his smile. I miss his touch. I missed his scent. I missed him simply and plainly. The wave of electric he gave me while his fingertips made way to the back of ear tugging a few hair strings at the hook, drunken me with a mild rage. His breaths were hitching everytime he got closer and closer to my body slowly pulling me inside him deeper and deeper till two bodies collided into one
I could feel his hand caressing my sides in a slow motion and I wiggled a bit when he reached for my hips. He took a grope of my thigh and stacked it to his waist hooking himself under my heavy thigh. Then with that one hand, he reached for the back of my waist, messaging it lightly before he grabbed me towards him slamming my belly right to his tummy. I could sense the toned up muscles of his belly, jamming between us with my shirt and his hoodie. I had no idea if there still space existed between us at this rate. I was literally against him and him against me
I raised up my head to catch a glimpse of him since I still wasn't enough of him because of the distance we had in these days. My palm made way to his cheek and I quickly took a hold of his mochi lovingly. I had to admit that he got weight in these distanced days also his mochi got toned up like those faces of babies, and I found a new thing to love about him. Right, his cheeks. I could spend all night squeezing and twitching his face till he begged me not to. I got better mental state when I was with him. I loved myself more when I was with him. I found a way to live when I was with him. I loved my flaws when he's there complimenting them. His effects were completely showing results. I couldn't live without him
I can't live without you, Baekhyun
Out of no where, his face lightened up as if he heard me like he's capable of telepathy. And I blushed in the thought of him hearing me confessing my deepest feelings to him. His grin was annoyingly glistening like the star in the sky at dark night. As much as I loved it, I could sense something suspicious behind his smile. That little sly head of his was uncontrollable so I couldn't guess what he'd be thinking by that time
" What? What are you thinking? "
He just grinned continuously ignoring my question and pulled me back in his arms. But since I was a curious kid, I couldn't just let that slip out of me
" C'mon, tell me "
I whined in his embrace while he just neighed a chuckle. And after that, a warm sigh came out from him
" Well, I was thinking. That it'd be better, if you accompany me watching porn next time "
That dirty little head of his had no limit at all. I couldn't believe he just blurted that out as a joke
" Excuse me "
I fumed back with rapid hit to his chest and he didn't protest at all knowing exactly that I'd never hurt him physically or mentally. See, that man was really cunning
" Hold on, hold on. Why angry? You just have to accompany me. You don't have to watch. I won't force you "
He's explaining disgustingly and his talkative personality was taking place annoyingly again. I felt myself getting closer to the limit of my patience listening him talking dirty
" Unless you want me to "
He finished the sequel of his explanation again and at this point, I couldn't just stop myself from smacking his head
" Ouch, ouch. Stop, stop. Ok, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Just kidding "
He gripped my wrists in a soft grip and laughed with his throaty voice entertaining himself with my anger. I thought he'd change a bit after being distance from me for a few days, but he didn't, judging upon the fact that he's still loud and crazy. And I couldn't get that if I was being rewarded or punished by having him as a boyfriend, since I had no idea if I did good or wrong at my past life. But having him really made me feel good and I knew he's just being childish since I let him be himself since our day 1. Even if he was my punishment, I'd accept it happily cause he's a beautiful punishment that I could never get tired
A/N: Guess what, I had wine for the first time. I thought it would be sweet but believe me, it's bitter. For sure. I got overwhelmed for a period but I'm fine. I love ya'll
Words count - 2661
Date - 1.1.2022
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