Chapter 14

All of them were taken to the hospital in Hosu, and Nami ended up sharing a room with Izuku, Shoto, and Iida. Nami had to get her torso wrapped, but the doctor said she would be better in no time. She was more worried about her outcome with Nighteye.

"Did you sleep, Midoriya?" asked Shoto. 

"No," answered Midoriya softly, he had his arm and leg wrapped. "Not really."

"I figured," breathed Shoot. "Me neither." Shoto had his arm wrapped, and Iida had both his arms in a sling.

"Same," said Nami as she sat on one edge of the bed, dangling her feet off the other. "Though that fight last night is what kept me up."

"I'm thinking about that fight as well," said Midoriya. "We did something pretty amazing."

"Yeah, I agree," said Shoto.

Midoriya looked up at the ceiling. "After everything that happened back there, it kinda feels like a miracle we're even alive." He looked at his leg. "With my leg messed up, I was an easy target. He probably could've killed me if he really wanted to."

"Yeah," breathed Shoto as he looked at his arm. "Seems to me he let us three live on purpose." He looked at Iida. "I'm impressed by you though, Iida."

"Blood-licking dude really wanted your head," said Nami.

"But you stood tall," added Shoto.

"That's not true," denied Iida, he looked down. "I was---" The door opened, and they all looked over to see Manual, Gran Torino, and Bubble Girl.

"Oh, so the injured youngins are awake," said Gran Torino as he walked in.

"Gran Torino!" greeted Midoriya with a smile.

"Bubble Girl!" greeted Nami with a similar smile.

"And Manuak, too," said Iida, who in fact did not smile.

"Idiot!" snapped Gran Torino at Midoriya, he walked over. "I could yell at you for hours right now."

"Yeah, I'm sorry," said Midoriya.

"Sir, sent me for a reason," said Bubble Girl going over to Nami. "He is still cooling off." Nami's smile dropped.

"But before I do yell at you, you've got a visitor," informed Gran Torino, he looked at the door. They all looked as a man with a dog head walked in, Izuku and Nami gasped. "This is Hosu's chief of police. Kenji Tsuragamae." Everyone got to their feet, besides Izuku who started to make an attempt.

"No," denied Tsuragame. "Stay seated, woof."

'Woof,' Nami repeated in her head.

"So, you're the UA students who brought down the Hero Killer, huh?" asked Tsuragame.

"We are," confirmed Nami.

"Stain has some serious injuries," informed Tsugarame. "Severe burns and several broken bones. Right now he's in the hospital under strict guard, woof. Here's a lesson you should have already learned. When Quirk became the norm, the police force sought to maintain the status quo. They decided we wouldn't use Quirks as weapons. That's when heroes came in. They could do what we couldn't, if they were licensed, of course, woof. It would be impossible for the police to condone the use of deadly Quirks. After all, we're here to stop such harm from being done. The only reason pros can use their powers now is because of the strict code of ethics that the ear;y heroes chose to abide by. That's why it's against the law of uncertified people to use their Quirks to cause injury. Whether you were up against the Hero Killer or not, none of you had the authority to harm the villain. That means the three of you, and your supervisors---Endeavor, Sir Nighteye, Manual, and Gran Torino---should receive harsh punishments for this gross abuse of your powers."

'Forget Sir and the hero killer, my mother's going to kill me,' Nami thought to herself. 'It's gonna be a long few weeks at the flower shop if I live.'

Shoto was losing his cool unlike the other three. "Now wait a minute. If Iida had not stepped in Native would've been murdered. And if not for Midoriya and Nami--"

"Todoroki," mumbled Iida.

"Both of them would be dead," finished Shoto. "No one else even realized that the Hero Killer was in Hosu. Are you saying we should've just stood by and watched people die?" All the students were in shock at Shoto.

"Calm down!" Midoriya pleaded with his hand up.

"So it's okay to break the law as long as it goes your way?" asked Tsugarame.

Shoto just got angrier. "But, sir, isn't it a hero's job to save people?"

The chief of police closed his eyes. "This is why you're not a full-fledged pro yet. It's obvious UA and Endeavor haven't been teaching you near enough. What a shame."

"Sir, we've only been in school for maybe over a month," said Nami. "We still have a lot to learn."

"That is obvious," said Tsugarame as he opened his eyes again.

Shoto got angrier and started to walk oddly. "You damn mutt."

"Todoroki!" yelped Iida as he tried to stop his friend. "Listen, he's right." 

"Stop there, kid," ordered Gran Torino putting a hand up. Nami grabbed Shoto by the back of the shirt and pulled him back a bit. "You'll wanna hear him out till the end."

"What've said is the official stance of the police department," stated Tsugarame. "But any punishment would only be necessary if this went public. If it did, you'd probably be appalled by citizens everywhere. But there's no way you could escape from being reprimanded. On the other hand, we could say Endeavor saved the day. Stain's burns would support this story completely and could pretend you weren't involved, woof. Thankfully, there were very few witnesses. This could be the last you heard of any punishments. It would mean no one would know about you, though. You'd receive no acclaim at all. The choice is yours. Personally, I know where I stand." He gave a thumbs up. "I don't wanna damage any promising young careers. Not for a mistake like this."

Manual lowered his head. "Either way, we'll need to take responsibility for being negligent as supervisors."

"Sir, mentioned wanting to take you in due to your carefree attitude," said Bubble Gum putting a hand on Nami's head. "Perhaps the one time he didn't think it through."

"If I am given a second chance, I'll do better," said Nami lowering her a bit. "I'm sorry for grief I have caused."

Iida bowed toward Manual. "I'm sorry. I should've listened."

"Yeah," agreed Manual as he chopped Iida on the head. "You caused us a lot of trouble. Remember that, and don't do it again."

"Sir!" responded Iida, Gran Torino looked at Midoriya.

"And..." began Midoriya lowering his head. "I apologize as well."

"Me too," said Shoto as he did the same. "We'll leave it to you."

"I know it's not fair," said Tsuragame "You won't enjoy any of the fame and praise you probably would've received otherwise. But at least..." He bowed toward them. "Allow me, as the chief of police, to thank you."

"You know," breathed Shoto as he looked away. "You could've started with that.

"Todoroki," smiled Midoriya.

"Out of curiosity, will our parents find out?" asked Nami looking forward.

"Not at all," denied Tsuragama. "That will defeat the purpose of sweeping it under the rug."

"Oh, thank the stars," smiled Nami in relief. "My mom's not going to kill me."

"Takeda," smiled Midoriya looking after, then the adults all left as the students continued to recover. Nami stepped out to go have a chat with Shinso so on the phone.

"Only you would go and get into some trouble," said Shinso, he started laughing. "I'm glad you guys are alright."

"Thankfully, my mom won't find out," said Nami. "If she did I would rather face the hero killer again."

Shinso started laughing. "You know they are going have to spin the story someway with how all of you ended up in the hospital to her."

"I may as well go visit his hospital room right now and get it over it," said Nami slicing a finger across her neck, this made Shinso laugh even more. "How are you?" Shinso told her all about his day and how the school had been quieter without the hero students around, especially her. "Must have been boring then."

"Sure," breathed Shinso, Nami could hear that he was smiling. "I'm going to let you go, class is starting back up soon."

"Alright," breathed Nami. "I'll see you at the end of the week." The call ended, Nami then made her way back to the room, and she ran into Midoriya on the way. "What are you doing out here?"

"I was texting back a few," answered Midoriya, he was using a crutch to get around. "I was just on the phone with Uraraka.

"I just got off with Shinso," said Nami. "He said the school is a lot quieter without us around." Midoriya smiled at her as they went to the door, Nami then opened the door with her foot they saw Shoto and Iida in a depressed mood.

"We've talked about opening the door with our hands!" yelped Midoriya as they stepped in, he looked at Iida. "I just talked to Uraraka.

"What's up with Iida?" asked Nami as the door closed. "He's still very gloomy."

"Iida just got his test results back," answered Shoto, they all looked at the class rep.

"My left hand might have damage that's permanent," explained Iida, Midoriya, and Nami gasped. 

"What?" asked Midoriya. "Permanent?"

"Both my arms are pretty torn up. But the injury to my left arm was especially severe," explained Iida as Nami took a seat on her bed. "The damage was to my brachial plexus. Which just means. I'll have trouble moving my fingers. And my hand might have some numbness. Apparently, there's a chance it could be healed with nerve transplant surgery." He looked down again. "When I came across the Hero Killer, I stopped thinking rationally. The first thing I should've done was call Manual. But I got lost in my own anger. I hate him so much, but I can't deny he spoke truth. That's why, until I'm able to call myself a real hero, I'll leave my left hand as it is."

"Are you sure?" asked Shoto.

"Iida, I feel the same way," said Izuku looking at his hand. "Let's get stronger. Together." Iida nodded.

"Iida," said Nami putting her hand on top of his. "Your reason for feeling anger is reasonable, it was your brother that was hurt because of Stain, it would be strange for you to not want revenge." Iida looked at her. "That being said, please remember you have friends at UA, people to lean on when you are feeling this type of way, we are always here for you."

"I will keep that in mind from here on out," said Iida. 

"I feel kind of bad," said Shoto, they looked over to see him looking down.

"About what?" asked Midoriya.

Shoto looked at his hand. "Whenever I'm involved, someone's hand gets all messed up. Is something wrong with me?"

"There are a few things I can think of," said Nami.

"Takeda!" yelped Midoriya as he chopped her head.

"Am I cursed?" asked Shoto.

"Most likely," confirmed Nami as she crossed her arms.

"Takeda!" yelped Midoriya again, he then started laughing along with Iida and Nami. "Todoroki, I didn't know you had a sense of humor!"

"This isn't a joke," said Shoto. "I'm the like 'Hand Crusher' or something." This made them laugh more.

"The Hand Crusher!" repeated Midoriya as he held out his stomach.

"It'll be your new contact name for me!" laughed Nami as she held hers.

"Nami!" yelped Shoto, which made the other three laugh even more. 


Two days after the Hosu incident, the Hero Killer's identity and motives started being dissected from various angles. The Hero Killer: Stain. His real name Chizome Akaguro. As a child, he was greatly inspired by All Might's debut. He enrolled in a private hero high school but was dismayed by what he viewed as the educational system's skewed understanding of what it meant to be a hero. Throughout his teenage years, Chizome advocated for a return to the early days of heroes but quickly realized that words had no power. For the next ten years, he trained in killing techniques in order to fulfill his self-appointed duty. During this time his parents passed away, in what police eventually ruled as a tragic accident. His focus was on a return to the old days. He believes heroes should not seek compensation. That one should epitomize the idea of self-sacrifice. He believed that present-day pros were frauds. Through his violent purges, he hoped society would eventually side with him. 


Everyone has been watching the news reports on Stain, it was a current obsession in society. The story being reported is that seven pro heroes and four high school students stumbled upon him. Then Endeavor rushed in and took care of the situation all by himself.

Iida ended up going back home to his parent's house when he got the test results about his arm. Nami and Shoto returned to their internships on the same day. Nami was now in Sir Nighteye's office bowing as far as she could.

"I am so sorry for causing trouble!" exclaimed Nami. 

"You do realize how much trouble you got me into?" asked Sir.

"Sir," answered Nami as she stood up fully. "I will go grab my things."

Sir crossed his arms. "Not today." Nami tilted her head. "I know another hero who tends to be careless like you, and worse." Nami glanced at All Might poster then back at Sir. " For the rest of this week, we will work on that, this is still a lot I want to teach you. And if the rest of our time goes on with no trouble I will still consider you for a work study."

"Sir!" exclaimed Nami. "Thank you so much! I--" She went quiet when she held up his hand.

"You are not going on without punishment," said Sir as he stood up. "You will be tickled for the next hour and then write a two-page paper on everything you did wrong, and you think you could have done better and differently."

"Tickled?" repeated Nami in alarm, and true to Nighteye's word, Nami spent the next hour bound and being tickled. Nami then reflected on her paper, Mirio was surprised that Nami was allowed to stay, yet he was happy about it as well. Nami spent the rest of her work-study under strict surveillance while learning from the pro hero Sir Nighteye.


When Nami got home from her internship she ended up getting yelled at by her mom as Shinso sat at the register.

"An incident at your internship!" exclaimed Sana. "Just what sort of incident gets your torso torn up!?"

"All that matters is that I learn from it right?" asked Nami. "Won't happen again, I'll be more careful!"

"If I find out it was something else you are stuck at the ship for till marriage!" shouted Sana.

"For till marriage?" repeated Nami as she threw her hands up. "I'll be an adult by then!"

"And I'll still be your mother!" yelled Sana as she put her hands on her hips. "Don't quit leaving Shinso to do all the work!"

"Ma'am!" yelped Nami as she scurried over to the register. He was watching the hero killer video on his phone. "It's crazy how that keeps popping up even after it gets taken down."

"Yeah," nodded Shinso. "It's a good thing they kept your names out of the news." He glanced over at Nami's mom who was in the office on the phone with the door closed. 

"Yeah," nodded Nami. "I got tickled an hour a day because of it back at Nighteye's agency." This made Shinso laugh. "Even so, this video will inspire others, which makes me think back to the League."

"We are going to have to trust the pros with that," said Shinso. "No matter how much you will want to jump into action." Nami nodded. "The cracks in our society are slowly coming to the daylight, it can be for better or worse."

"Possibly both," said Nami. "Normally, it starts with the worse and then gets to the better eventually.* She then leaned closer causing Shinso to look up. "Speaking of my internship, I learned some combat moves I can pass on to you."

Shinso smiled. "Would it be wise to learn from a delinquent like you?"

"Hitoshi!" exclaimed Nami as she took a step back. 

"Just between you and me," said Shinso. "I am starting up some private lessons with Mr. Aizawa." A big smile appeared on Nami's face. "So, you don't have to teach anything to me." Nami pouted looking away. "When the time comes we spare with each other." Nami looked at him. "Show each other what we've learned."

"You're on!" agreed Nami as she pumped her arm, the door opened they looked over to see a customer entering. "Hello, Welcome to Takeda's Flower Shop!"


Nami stood around Bakugo with Kirshima and Sero laughing hysterically. During his work-study with Best Jeanist, Bakugo's hair had become tamed. 

"Holy crap!" laughed Nami, Kirishima and Sero. "What the heck, Bakugo?"

"Stop laughing!" growled Bakugo while trembling a bit. "My hair's gotten used to this and I can't get it back the right way. Did you not hear me? I'll kill you three.

"I'd like to see ya try, pretty boy," teased Sero.

"Pretty boy Gremlin!" laughed Nami as leaned back laughing. "That'll be your new name on my phone!" The three laughed even more. 

"WHAT'D YOU CALL ME!?" demanded Bakugo as his hair went back to normal.

"Hey, there it goes!" the three cracked up.

Ashido was chatting with Jiro and Tsu. "Awesome! You got to face actual villains?" She made a fist. "I'm super jealous!"

"Well, I didn't fight," said Jiro as she twirled her quirk. "All I did was help people evacuate and provide logistical support."

"But it still sounds like so much fun," said Ashido leaning on Tsu's desk.

"I spent basically the whole time training and cleaning the ship deck," recalled Tsu putting a finger to her face. "Though, there was this one day we caught a bunch of drug smugglers."

"Okay, that's cool," said Jiro and Ashido.

"What about you, Ochaco?" asked Tsu as they looked back. 

"I'd say that it was very enlightening," said Uraraka, she punched the air a bit.

"I think she found her fighting spirit," gathered Tsu.

"Yeah, that battle hero must've been something else," said Jiro.

"After one week she's like a totally different person," said Kaminari as he and Mineta watched.

"Different?" questioned Mineta. "Don't be fooled, Kaminari." He shook his finger. "All women are demons at heart. They just hide their true personalities behind pretty faces."

"What the heck did Mt. Lady do to you?" asked Kaminari, as he grabbed Mineta's wrist. "Everyone at my internship loved me--it was actually kinda great. Now, if you wanna talk about the ones who really changed it was those four." Everyone looked at Iida, Todoroki, Midoriya, and Nami. 

"Oh, yeah!" chimed Sero, he was being held up by his jacket by Bakugo. "The Hero Killer!" He looked at Nami, who Bakugo was holding her jacket up by his teeth.

"Glad you guys made it back alive," said Kirishima who was a in similar situation as Sero. "Seriously."

"I was worried, too," said Yaoyorozu looking at them.

"You were lucky Enedavor showed up and saved you guys," said Sato as Shoji, Ojiro and Hagakure walked up. 

"So cool," said Hagakure. "Just what I'd expect from the number two hero!"

Shoto looked down at his desk. "Yeah, that's right. He saved us."

"Did you guys hear the news about the Hero Killer?" asked Ojiro. "Everyone's been saying that he somehow connected to the League of Villains." Nami looked down thinking back to her conversation with Shinso. "Can you imagine how frightening it would've been if that creep had been there when they attacked the USJ?"

"He's scary, yeah," agreed Kaminari. "But did you see him in that weird video? It's been all over the internet."

"I didn't even know there was a video of him," said Ojiro looking at him.

"Yeah," confirmed Kaminari. "Stain's a pretty evil villain but, like, super tenacious. He's almost kinda cool, don'tcha guys think?"

"Kaminari!" exclaimed Midoriya. 

"Uh--Oh! Dude!" Kaminari exclaimed as he came to the realization.

"No, it's okay," assured Iida as he looked at his left arm. "You're fine. It is true that he's quite the tenacious villain. I understand why people might think he was cool. But instead of helping the world, his beliefs led him to cold-blooded murder. No matter of his motives killing cannot be condoned. To keep anyone else from suffering like me, well, I promise: I will strive to be the perfect hero."

"Yeah, let's do it!" chimed Midoriya.

"It's time for class to begin!" announced Iida. "Everyone, please take your seats."

"He's back," grunted Tokoyami.

"This is your fault for talking about weird stuff," scolded Jiro.

"Sorry," gloomed Kaminari. "I'm gonna keep my mouth shut."

"That won't last for long," said Nami as she crossed her arms.  

For class, they were now outside in their suits at ground Gamma, with All Might teaching the class.

"I am here! Hope you're ready to return to our lessons. Today it's Hero Basic Training. Feels like I haven't seen you in a while. Welcome back. Now then. Listen carefully for what's in store. We're going to be conducting a little race. Take everything you've learned from your internships and apply it to this rescue."

Iida's hand shot up. "If it's rescue training, then shouldn't we be at the USJ instead?"

"Ah, that facility specializes in disasters," answered All Might. "As I said earlier, this is a race. So prepare. You're about to step into Field Gamma! Inside is an area full of factories that form an intricate labyrinth, so good luck finding your way around. You'll be competing in groups of five or six. Each person starts from a different location on the outskirts of the model city. I'll send a distress signal and you do what you must to rescue me. Whoever finds me first wins! But try to keep the property damage to a bare minimum, please." He pointed mainly at Bakugo.

"Why're you pointing at me?" asked Bakugo as he looked away.

"Alright, first group, get to your places," instructed All Might. Nami was among the first group all with Midoriya, Ojiro, Iida, Sero, and Ashido. Everyone else was sitting and watching on a big screen.

"Iida hasn't fully completely recovered yet, right?" asked Kaminari. "He should sit this one out."

"Man, everyone in this group has really good mobility," acknowledged Kirishima. 

"Huh. I'd say Midoriya is at a heavy disadvantage against those five," said Yayoroz as she sat next to Jiro.

"That's why I think," agreed Jiro. "Moving around quickly isn't really one of his strong suits, that's for sure."

"And whenever he uses his powers he always gets badly injured," added Yaoyorozu.

"Who;s your pick?" asked Kirishima. "I'm bettin' on Sero."

"Oh, yeah?" asked Kaminari. "I got odds on Ojiro."

"I choose Ashido," said Mineta as he pointed at the screen. " 'Cause she's got a super athletic body."

"I'm going with Takeda," said Tokoyami. "I have no doubt she'll do something odd."

"Yeah, but that might just make her lose again," said Shoji.

"I know Deku will be last," said Bakugo.

"Even if he's still recovering, I think Iida's got this one," said Uraraka.

"Mm!" sounded Tsu in agreement. 

"Is everyone ready?" asked All Might from his spot. "Begin!" The horn went off and everyone from their designated spots took off,  Nami created her stellar snowboard and took off, she went across from bar to bar, jumping between them with a board. 

"Look at 'im go!" cheered Kirishima as they watched Sero fling around. "In a maze like this, it makes sense to be above everything else."

"So that means Sero's at an advantage because he can take to the sky," said Shoji.

"Takeda could be as well if she wasn't so focused on snowboarding," said Tokoyami. "I hope she refocuses back on track."

"She will," assured Shoto. "She may be coming off as goofing around, but Nami knows what she needs to do."

"Whoa! Midoriya!" gasped Mineta and Kirishima as Deku moved around with ease while using his quirk.

"Since when can he do that?" asked Kaminari. 

"Crazy," breathed Uraraka. "These jumps---! He looks like..."

Nami looked to see Midoriya taking the lead of the others, Nami started to propel faster shooting past Ojiro and Ashido. Suddenly, Midoriya slipped on a beam and Nami appeared under catching him by his foot.

"Deku!" chimed Nami looking down at him, she held him up higher by foot. "Seems like you're the one who needed actual rescuing."

"Thanks, Takeda," smiled Izuku with his eyes closed. The race then came to a close with Sero as the winner.

"And it's over!" announced All Might holding out a sash. "Thanks, hero! And congratulations!"

"All right!" cheered Sero with the sash over him.

"Midoriya!" breathed Iida as Nami placed him on the ground. "Uh, you're okay, right?'

"Darn it!" cried Ashido in frustration.

"Young Sero may have come in first, but compared to the start of the year, you all showed me some incredible movements," said All Might. "Keep working and preparing for your upcoming final exams!

"Sir!" Everyone but Izuku responded he was still getting back on his feet.

"Group One, leave the field," instructed All Might. "You're up, Group Two!"

After class, everyone went to the locker room to change back into their regular school uniform. 

"After today's training, I'm going to soak the bathhouse back home," said Nami sitting on the bench taking off the boots.

"I'm gonna follow your lead," said Ashido as she tilted her head. "I gotta focus on my mobility skills."

"Same here," said Nami. "Sounds like a night at the skate park, will probably drag Shinso with me."

"I'm thinking a few laps at the pool can help," said Tsu."Ribbit."

"Hold up," said Jiro going near the wall as they heard a lot of shouting from the other side in the boy's locker room. Mineta was going craze over a peak hole about Yaoyorozu's curves, Ashido's slender waist, Hagakure's floating underwear, and Uraraka's super-fine body. Asui's unexpectedly soft boobies. Nami's round butt, Jiro's ear jack flew through the hole into Mineta's eyes. She used her quirk on him in pure irritation. 

"Ugh!" steamed Hagakure. "Thanks, Kyoka."

"Despicable," scolded Yaoyorozu. "We'll close this hole up immediately. 

After the school day ended, Nami was walking home with Shinso as usual. 

"You've been unusually quiet," said Shinso as they waited for the train. "What's up?"

"I'm still thinking about Stain and his shaky connection with the league," answered Nami. "And the nomus. It feels like a Pandora's box of horror had just opened instead of a Pandora's box of hope." Shinso stared at her, ever since her class got attacked, she'd changed a bit, and become more serious. 

"Nami," said Shinso putting a hand on her head. "You are messing up the details of that story." She looked at him. "Trouble were inside the box when been opened, and hope was secretly added. Even if this Pandora's Box has been opened, we need to keep that hope inside ourselves rather than get swallowed up by the troubles.

"You are right," nodded Nami, she smiled up at him. "Do you want to go to the skatepark later? We can use our time there to work our mobility?" Shinso nodded as the train pulled up. That night, the two of them spent three hours at the skate park, for mobility and stress relief. 

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