rainbows hard question main six Truth or Dare
Baileydash:hi welcome to main six truth or dare...
Rainbow dash:*coughs*
Baileydash:sorry also I'm here with Rainbow dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, twilight sparkle, pinkie pie, and rarity.
(All said at the same time
Twilight sparkle:hello
Pinkie pie:Hiya
Rainbow dash:hey
Rarity:hello darlings
Baileydash:ok girls my turn the rules are you have to do what the dare/truth is I will take comments but since it's the first time were doing this I have come up with one truth and one dare.
RD:let's start already!
Baileydash:alright alright, the first one is truth (reads from a paper) who is your crush?
Rarity:thats easy darling fancy pants
Twi:maybe a little bit flash sentry
Pinkie:cheese sandwich
Applejack:guess it's my turn, cramal
Fluttershy:do I really have to share?
Baileydash:ya fluttershy sorry but those are the rules
Fluttershy:I don't think you'll like it
RD:spill shy
Fluttershy:fine, *sigh* discord
All but dash:*nods in agreement*
Applejack:dash your turn
All:*looks were dash was sitting*
Baileydash:where's dash?
Fluttershy:I think she went to the bathroom?
All:*walk to the bathroom*
Fluttershy:dashie are you ok?
RD:ya *curled up in a ball holding her stomach in the corner*
Applejack:dash come on are you scared? *trots over to her*
Applejack:*goves dash her 'your lieing' look*
RD:ok I am but I don't want you to think I'm sappy, *sits up*
Fluttershy:come on dashie we would never think you'll sappy.
All but fluttershy and RD: uh huh
RD:thanks girls you're the best
Pinkie:group hug! *brings every pony even baileydash in for a hug*
Twi:now let's go back in and hear out dash.
All:*goes back to where they were stitting*
Rarity:go on no ponys judging rainbow
RD:alright if you'll shore*takes a deep* it's soran
Pinkie, rarity, and twilight:awwwww
Fluttershy:dash see no Ponys judging you.
RD:you'll right shy thanks *gives shy a hug since she's right next to her*
Baileydash:aww that's so cute! You girls ready for the dare!?
All but baileydash:uh huh
Baileydash:alright, this was one I got from one of my freinds this is for rarity and applejack. Rarity has to pick applejack something to wear and applejack has to pick something for rarity to wear.
Rarity:ok darling
*30 mins later*
Applejack:*wearing a red apple dress*
Rarity:*wearing a cowgirl hat and some boots*
Baileydash:well that was fun but that's all the time we have for now but we'll be back tomorrow bye!
(Oh baileydash)
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