DISCORD (this is a skit and does not have to be read i was just a bit bored)

Discord: Yes yes I know what you're thinking "we'res Baileydash and the mane six" Well let me tell you I will be taking over for a bit or at least until fluttershy responses to my texts and...

Baileydash:DISCORD! What are you doing!

Discord:oh now you show up *snaps fingers and baileydash surrounded by a silence bubble*

Baileydash:LET ME OUT! *Banging on bubble*

Discord:I can't hear you

Baileydash:*takes out phone and texts RD, Twi, Pinkie, and fluttershy*

RD, Twi, Pinkie, and fluttershy:*text back* coming!

Discord:alright so a I was saying... *door slams open* oh! what are you doing here? *snaps and teleports Baileydash away*

Fluttershy:bring her back

Discord:fine! *snaps fingers and baileydash appears*

Fluttershy:thank you now pop the bubble

Discord:*snaps fingers and bubble pops*

Fluttershy:thank you discord *fly's over and gives discord a kiss*


Baileydash:*falls on ground*

RD and twilight:*flys over time baileydash*

RD:are you ok cloud


Fluttershy:did you put a spell on that bubble!

Discord:what can't I have some fun

Fluttershy:*gives stare*

Discord:fine but it was supposed to but her to sleep! Not drain magic! I'm not tirek!

Fluttershy and discord:*keep talking*

Pinkie:*hoppes over to unconscious baileydash, twilight, and RD*why did you call her cloud dashie?

RD:*lies* what! No I didn't?

Twi:yes you did

RD:well ok I'll tell you later when she's Not unconscious! *tear drips down*

Twi:she'll be fine but let's bring her to your house since it's the closest

Pinkie:Ya how hard can it be to get a filly to dashie's house

RD:alright she can stay with me

Twilight:alright let's get her to your house

RD:pinkie tell fluttershy were we will be

Pinkie:okey dokey lokey

Twi:let's go *lifts baileydash up with magic*

RD and Twi:*flys to RDs house and goes inside*

Twi:*lays baileydash on couch*dashie tell me why did you call her cloud?

RD:*sighes and sits next to baileydash* pinkie promise not to tell Anyone

Twi:Cross my heart and hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye

RD:alright do you think baileydash is her real name?

Twi:it doesn't make sense but why wouldn't she tell us her real name

RD:well that's because that isn't her real name

Twi:so what's her name than

RD:her real name is...cloud chaser... But she likes the name bailey and she's my sister... She wanted to be like me and dad cause I obviously have a dash in my name and my dad's name was trailblazer dash... And my mom left after she was born so she didn't want to be named after mom.. Now that was as simply put as I can do

Twilight:wait WHAT!

RD:ya I know she's awesome

If you want to know more about my OCs story leave it in the comments and I hope you all injoyed the skit and have a pinkie-tastic day

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