Chapter 9: The dark magic knight

It was another day within Magnolia and for the guild members of Fairy Tail as we see Alzack and Bisca return back to the guild after they were sent to find Makarov Natsu, Lucy, Happy, Gray, Erza and Magirangers after their battle with the Eisenwald guild and Lullaby. They just came back to the guild to give their reports to Mirajane which the two tell them where they might be at right now.

Mirajane: Web Valley? Are you sure they are there?

Alzack: We found tracks and it looks like they have been walking for days.

Bisca: They might have gotten lost while returning back to the guild. Still what I've heard, those who enter that area never come back.

Mirajane: Well let's just hope they will be alright.

Grace: I have fate they will be alright.

They turn to see Grace as she walled over to them while Alzack tells her.

Alzack: Well yeah but what if they get called by Hades Empire?

Grace: (smile) I understand your worry but do not fear. That area is left abandon and none have not rise up.

Mirajane: If your sure about it.

Grace: (smile) I'm sure.

With that, they go back to their own business while we cut to a unknown area as a dark magic circle appear and a dark armor appear with his black horse as the dark armor warrior looked around and then rides off to find them and confront MagiRed.



We see the Magirangers, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Gray, Erza and Makarov as they ended up in Web Valley after they have gotten lost.

Y/n walked up at the edge of the canyon and look down to see nothing at the bottom but darkness while the others got a fut frustrated since not only they are lost but also hungry as well.

Arthur: (anger) Damn it Noah, I thought you know the way but we ended up here!

Noah: Well if "someone" hadn't complain how hungry he or she is then I would have forced heard and find our way back to Magnolia.

Then all of their stomachs growl of hungry as they all let out a sigh.

Natsu: Damn I'm hungry as hell.

Gray: We all are, talking about it won't help us feel full.

Noah: Exactly! Thank you!

Arthur and Natsu: Well we can't help us when we're hungry!

Noah and Gray: Well deal with it because we're lost!

Makarov: Listen up!........We need food.

Natsu, Noah, Gray and Arthur: (anger) Yeah, we know!

Amy: How's about we all calm down before we start fighting each other.

Erza: Amy is right. We need to find somewhere to eat and get back to Magnolia.

Y/n: Hey guys, come and check this out!

They turn to Y/n and walked over to him as he pointed down at the canyon to see fishes with wings flying around within the canyon.

Happy: (surprised) Those are winged fish! I heard they are very yummy so we're saved!

Arthur: Finally something to eat!

Noah: So, how do we get them?

Y/n: (smile) Well we can try fishing them.

They agree and so Natsu, Gray, Erza and Y/n each have fishing rods and they fish for a bit. After what seems like a short minute, they managed to catch five winged fishes which Natsu cooked them and once that Arthur takes the first fish and said.

Arthur: (smile) I don't care if this poisons me of not I'm gonna eat it either way.

He take his first bite of it and there was a fee seconds as everyone stare at Arthur for a bit, wondering what it taste like. Then he spits it out as he called out.

Arthur: This is disgusting! I thought you said they are yummy?!

Happy: They are! You might not have a perfect taste.

He took a bit and there was another fee seconds until Happy called out while spits it out.

Happy: Gross!!!!

Arthur: See, I told you so!

Lucy: Great, now what?

Y/n: Well let's keep on moving. Maybe there is a village or town we can go to get some food.

They agree as they keep moving. Bedore Y/n could follow them, he looked around and noticed someone on a horse at the other side of the canyon. It looked like a purple Knight staring back at him. He stare at him for a bit until he turn to his friends and turn back and suddenly the purple Knight was gone.

He figured it was in hid imagine so he catches up to everyone else and heads off to find some village or town they can stay and eat up.

(A while later)

After hours of walking, they come across what looks like civilization as they found themselves standing in front of a village which they enter and looked around for anyone but they realised there was no one but them.

Sophie: Where is everyone?

Noah: No idea.

Makarov: Huh they may have a party and gotten drunk and passed out.

Lucy: I think that happens in our guild.

Makarov: (smile) It was fun.

They continue to look around as Y/n turn to a house which he walked over and knock at the door, I'm hopes that someone would open for them but nothing. He look down at the door handle and once he grabs it, he turns it and the door open a bit.

He push it open and reveal a table with delicious food on it as he walk inside follow by everyone else as they look at the delicious food on the table as Arthur said.

Arthur: (smile) Finally some good food!

Natsu: (smile) Yeah! Time to dig in!

Y/n: Wait! Stop!

Arthur and Natsu: What?!

Y/n: This doesn't feel right. Why is there perfect food here on the table and if this food was made by someone, then where is this person? Something isn't right.

Arthur: (smirk) Who cares, at least we won't die of hungry! Now time to-

Erza: (anger) Arthur!

Arthur: (scared) Y-Yes ma'am?

Erza: Y/n is right. This feels off and we need to find out what happened to everyone.

Noah: Knowing that this is in the middle of nowhere, this could be a trap set up by the Hades Empire just to kill us.

Gray: So what should we do then?

Noah: I suggest we look around town and piece together what happened here and find our where everyone else have gone to.

Natsu: But I'm hungry!

Happy: I don't know how long I'm gonna survive without any food.

Erza: Tough it up you two! We can hold on just a little-

Suddenly Erza's stomach gose off growling including everyone else.

Lucy: I think your stomach has other ideas.

Makarov: Yes but who should we listen to?

Amy: Hey guys, has any of you noticed this while stepping into this village?

They turn to see Amy and Sophie still outside as they were looking down at what looks like a line that seem to be odd to be there. The rest came over and decided to follow the line until they got to the middle to see more lines that formed an X in the middle of the village.

Y/n: What is this?

Noah: This maybe a theory but I believe that's a casting spell.

Lucy: You sure?

Noah: No doubt about it. Who ever these people maybe must have cast this spell but who knows what they have unleashed.

Suddenly the whole village started to shake and the buildings started to move around which Makarov called out.

Makarov: Get to higher ground right now!

They rush to high ground and they made it just in time as they got a perfect veiw od the village transform into a huge four headed monster with large tentacles moving about while they watched in complete shock.

Makarov: I know this spell. This is a forbidden spell also known as Alive. It brings anything to life, these people must have cast it and they ended up being eaten as well.

Lucy: Why would they do that?

Sophie: Doesn't matter why they have done it, what's important now we have to destroy it.

Amy: Then let's do this!

Y/n: Right!

The five pulled out their Magicphones and type in the spell code and the five called out.

Y/n, Noah, Sophie, Amy and Arthur : Mahou henshin! Maagi Magi! Magiiro!

Natsu: (smirk) Mind we join?

MagiRed: Sure thing! Come on guys, let's go-

Suddenly they heard a howling of a wolf behind them and seconds later there was a huge explosion that sent everyone off the cliff except MagiRed as everyone land hard onto the ground and slowly stand up.

Natsu: What was that?!

Gray: No idea. Hey Where's Y/n?

Lucy: He must be still up there!

Erza: Y/n! Are you alright!

MagiRed look down at them and noded to them but that's when he felt a strong amount of dark magic behind him so he turned around and was faced to face with the purple Knight he saw earlier as he stare at him right back.

???: Finally. I have been waiting to see you for a long time MagiRed.

MagiRed: Who are you?

Wolzard: Born in darkness, clad in Darkness....Dark Magic Knight, Wolzard.

MagiRed: (thought) Dark magic Knight? I've never met a sentai rangers who is pure of darkness.

MagiRed: Why are you here?

Wolzard: To face you. Talks about you interested me MagiRed, as such I wish to battle you to see iow strong you maybe are.

MagiRed turns back to see his team and friends battling the monster and turn stack to Wolzard and tells him.

MagiRed: I refuse! I want to help my friends!

Wolzard: Your attachment with your friends is a weakness to you MagiRed. Face me or your friends will die by my blade.

Realised that he doesn't have a choice, he pulled out his magistick and turns it into a sword and called out.

MagiRed: Fine. Show me what you got!

Wolzard: Very well then.

His shield opened to reveal an eye as he fired dark wolf attacks at MagiRed which he quickly blocks them with his Magistick and then he rushes towards Wolzard.

Wolzard ready his sword and soon the two clash blades. The two clash while everyone else is getting overwhelmed by the monsters attacks. They have no idea how long they will last as they continue to battle while Wolzard kicks MagiRed back, sending him flying back as he land hard onto the ground.

Wolzard: You are weak. I question why they made you as leader.

MagiRed: Shut up!

He quickly stand up and fired his flame magic attack at Wolzard but he blocks it with his shield while he slowly walks towards MagiRed and once close he swings his sword and slashes at MagiRed.

He rolled backwards and gets near to the edge as he slowly gets up while Wolzard walks towards him.

Wolzard: You can never beat me. No matter how pure your magic might be, you'll never gonna beat me.

MagiRed: We'll see about that!

He quickly gets up and ready for himself when there was a huge glow behind him and he turn back to see something is happening while Wolzard stopped and feel thid massive magic power and MagiRed watched as the cliff beneath everyone collapse, costing everyone to fell into the magic circle.

MagiRed: NO!

MagiRed leaps off the cliff to save his friends and enters the magic circle while Wolzard walled over to the edge of the cliff and doesn't see MagiRed any where which frustrated him.

He turne to leave but suddenly he felt a strong amount of magic even more powerful behind him so he turns back and seconds later there was a huge magic white blast atht sent Wolzard back a bit and soon it was gone.

Wolzard walked back to the edge of the cliff and see everyone was alright and even the village people were save. MagiRed looks up at Wolzard and leap back and lands behind him as Wolzard turns to him as MagiRed turns ti face him.

The Magirangers and everyone else watched as MagiRed and Wolzard stare at each other as Wolzard finally spoke.

Wolzard: Impressive MagiRed. You shown true warrior spirit when you jump off the cliff to save your pathetic friends.

MagiRed: They're not pathetic! They are the best people I could ever ask for!

Wolzard: I see, but they are only pushing you back. If you wish to be stronger, then you should join me. Together, you could be the most powerful wizard that is ever lived! Even more powerful then Zeref himself.

MagiRed: I'll never summit the darkness! I'll will not only protect lives but be the best team leader for my team! I will never betray them, especially my father!

Wolzard: Your....father.

Suddenly Wolzard froze a bit while MagiRed was confused a bit but soon after Wolzard snap back to his thoughts and look up at MagiRed as he summons a magic circle below him as he starts to suck through the floor while he telle MagiRed.

Wolzard: The next time we face each other, this battle will be longer.

And then he disappeared just as the rest of MagiRed'x team appear as they leap up to the cliff and rushes over to MagiRed.

MagiGreen: You okay?

MagiRed: Yeah I'm fine. Who was that guy?

MagiYellow: I have no idea, never seen him in my whole life.

MagiPink: Come to think about it, Grace never told us about him in the past.

MagiBlue: Is it a possibility the Hades Empire have their own sentai rangers on their sword?

MagiRed: Maybe. Still I think this is not the last time we see him.

They agree as they return back to help out the village people rebuild theoe homes and after Makarov warns them to never cast a forbidden magic again, they make theie return back to Magnolia still hungry but alive. Yet! Still wonders who is Wolzard without the armor and where he come from. Still he must train more so the nest time he and Wolzard met, he'll be stronger enough to hold on against Wolzard or any other powerful threats.

To be continued.................................................

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