Chapter 8: Eisenwald grand plan (Arc 4 Final)

We see Happy carrying Natsu as they are flying through the sky while down below we see Erza riding on the magic vehicle while Lucy, Gray and Kageyama are inside and Kageyama slowly make a groan and woke up to see he is inside the magic vehicle with the Fairy Tail guild members as he look down to see bandages wrap around his waist.

Gray: Looks like your awake.

He turn to Gray as he glance at him and then turn to the window while Kageyama was a bit confused by this and ask.

Kageyama: Why did you save me?

Lucy and Gray turn to him while he waits for a answer and then Gray tells him.

Gray: We can't let you to die back there, especially the wound you have gotten. You might as well thank Y/n for getting you out of there and inro safely.

Kageyama: (surprised) You mean.....that MagiRed saved me? But...why?

Lucy: (smile) Because he really doesn't want anyone especially those who doesn't deserve it to die. If it wasn't for him, you would have died.

Kageyama is slient after that as he look down at his wound and have many thoughts floating around in his head but he doesn't know what to think of it.



Eirgor shoots out wind magic at the Magirangers as they move out of the way. They keep dodging his powerful winds but he managed to blow MagiPink away only for MagiYellow to leap up and grab her and the two set down.

MagiYellow: You okay?

MagiPink: Yeah thanks for that.

MagiGreen: Look out!

Eirgor launches towards them when vines shoot out from the ground snd block Eirgors path as MagiGreen swings his Magistick axe at him but Eirgor moves back to dodge it but then MagiBlue shoots Eirgor with water that formed into a water bubble as Eirgor moves around a lot, trying to escape.

MagiBlue: Arthur, now!

MagiYellow: Right!

He shoots lighting at the water bubble, blasting Eirgor with electricity which cost a huge blast that sent Eirgor flying up bit MagiRed leaps up in the air and strike a kick at Eirgor, sending him flying down and he crashed hard onto thr ground.

MagiRed lands on his feet and swings his Magistick sword and shoots fire at Eirgor but he reach out his hands at it and stop the flames while MagiRed continues to shoot flames at him.

The two of them struggled until Eirgor let's out a yell and sent MagiRed's flames back at him, hitting him and sending him flying back and land hard onto thr ground. The others rushed over to check on him and once they got him up they face Eirgor.

MagiYellow: This guy is really pissing me off!

MagiGreen: There has to be a way to defeat him!

MagiBlue: Any ideas?

MagiPink: Well he always rely on his wind magic, so what if we can use it more enough and soon he'll run out of magic.

MagiYellow: You think that will work?

MagiRed: One way to find out! Let's do this guys!

They node and they charge at Eirgor while he let's out a chuckle and fired a massive wind blast at them but MagiPink catches most of his wind magic and then MagiGreen slammed his Magistick and summon vines below Eirgor and wrap him around his legs.

Eirgor looks down and sees them so he flies up but the vines were still holding him.

Eirgor: Stupid vines!

Suddenly he was hit with a bolt of lighting follow by fire as both MagiRed and MagiYellow shoot at Eirgor only for him to blast them its his wind magic but they dodge it and they charge towards Eirgor and slash him with their melee weapons which cost Eirgor to groan while he slowly to float down.

Eirgor: (anger) No! This can't be happening!

He lands at the middle while the Magirangers surrounded Eirgor and once that they combine their magic spells and shoot Eirgor with their own spells in five different directions.

MagiRed: This ends here Eirgor!

Eirgor struggles to hold their attacks but soon he starts to lose it and seconds later he let out a yell and then there was a huge explosion that sent Eirgor flying somewhere far away while Lullaby land onto the ground as the Magirangers step back a bit and see they have won.

MagiRed: Nice work guys! We did it!

MagiYellow: Heck yeah we did!

MagiPink: What a relief.

MagiBlue: Yeah!

Soon Natsu and the others arrived as Erza, Lucy amd Gray leave the magic vehicle and rushed over to them.

Lucy: (smile) You guys did it!

Gray: (smile) Nice work, you saved all the guild masters.

Erza: (smile) Indeed.

MagiRed: Just glad we've managed to stop Eirgors plans.

Natsu: Man wish I would have fought him.

Happy: (smile) Maybe next time.

Once that they turn to see Lullaby laying on the ground but they see it gone.

MagiGreen: Where's the flute!?

They realised this and seconds later the magic vehicle drive by them and drives off while leaving them shocked.

Erza: (shocked) Kageyama was in there!!

Natsu: (anger) That traitor, after what we did!

MagiRed: We need to catch up to him, let's go!

(Sometime later)

They arrived at Clover Town and we them on top of the hill and they see the building where the guild masters were at and they see Kageyama at the edge of the cliff with the flute in hand as he reach it to his mouth, about to play it.

Erza: We're too late!

MagiRed knows what he must do so he slide down the hill and rush towards him.

Lucy: Y/n wait!

MagiGreen: Get away!

Kageyama was about to play it when he heard rushing footsteps and turn to see MagiRed as he rush up to him and he call out to Kageyama.

MagiRed: Kageyama don't do this. You know you'll kill a lot of people inside that building!

Kageyama: I know but this will change everything. I have to do this, i have to succeed.

He was about to play the flute but then MagiRed tells him.

MagiRed: Nothing will change, your just gonna bring death, sorrow and darkness to every guild in thid world. Don't you see what you are doing is wrong, killing is never the right way.

Kageyama stop for a second and stare at MagiRed as MagiRed gose on to tell him.

MagiRed: I get it, the Magic council took away something that you and your guild love but isn't that gonna do anything? Is killing a lot of guild masters would change their minds taking away the jobs they didn't like? No. This is gonna result to a massive chaos within the magic council and outside of the magic council. Many guilds would be shut down, guild members have no job to take on and their lives will be ruined because of it. Its not fair to ruin their lives even though they have nothing to do with it, they have nothing to do with any involvement to what the magic councils decisions.

He approaches Kageyama and grabs him by the shoulder and then gose on to say.

MagiRed: I know you don't want to do this, I know you just don't want to get involve but you were forced to take part and now your here, being forced to kill guild masters that love the guild, love their members and love their life's. Do you really want to ruin that to everyone? Do you really want to be the person who killed the guild masters just for what the magic council took away?

Kageyama stood there in slince for a bit and then he lower down Lullaby and then drop it onto the ground and then tells Kageyama.

Kageyama: I......I don't want to do this.....I really don't want to.

MagiRed: There's more to life then just assassin jobs. Who knows, maybe we can find a job that you like. You never know if you try it.

Then Kageyama kneel down and summit his surrender while the others cheered and breath a relief that he didn't play it.

Makarov: Good job Y/n.

He turn to see Makarov coming out of the trees as he approaches him and then said.

Makarov: (smile) No wonder you were chosen to lead the Magirangers. Your heart is pure and that's something I'm proud of.

MagiRed: Thank you sir.

Soon the other rushed down and they celebrated as they saved Makarov and the other guild masters and Eisenwald has failed.

Lullaby: Foolishly humans!

Everyone turn to Lullaby in shock that it can spoke and then there was a huge purple magic circle in thr distance and then a huge creature that looked like Lullaby came out of the magic circle and then land hard onto the ground, making a huge shake as the other guild masters rushed outside and see the huge monster.

Kageyama: (shocked) What is that thing?! Eirgor didn't tell me about this!

MagiGreen: Whatever that thing is, looks like it's doing this by itself!

MagiYellow: Then what are we waiting for, we gonna stop it!

MagiRed: Right! Team let's do this!

They node as they pulled out their magicphones and type in their spell code.

Magirangers: Change us into Majin Dragon! Magical dragon fusion! Maagi! Giruma Jinga! Magidragon!

The five grow into their mythical forms and then start to combine into Magidragon and once that MagiPhoenix leaps on theie backs and they fly around and then fly towards Lullaby.

Natsu: (surprised) WOW! THAT IS SOO AWESOME!!!

Happy: Looks like Levy was telling the truth after all.

Erza: Cone on! We got to aid them in their battle!

Erza, Gray and Natsu charge into battle while Magidragon flies around Lullaby and shoot out flames at it which deals some damage to it.

Lullaby: You think you can stop me! I'll destroy you!

Lullaby fires a massive beam but they dodge the incoming beams as they fly around, dodging the beams. Suddenly Erza slashed at Lullaby with her swords, Gray summons ice cannons and fired at her while Natsu land some fire dragon blows at Lullaby.

Lullaby stumble back and then MagiPheonix leap out of Magidragon and land onto thr ground and charge towards Lullaby and ran into her, pushing her backwards while Lullaby stood in ground.

MagiPheonix: We won't let you play Lullaby!

Lullaby: Ha! That's when your wrong! I will kill everyone singal life just by singing!

She turn to fire a beam at MagiDragon which gets hit and crashed onto the ground as the others split apart while Lullaby turn MagiPheonix and striking blows at him and then fired another beam at MagiPheonix, sending him flying back and he crashed with his team.

Then Lullaby turn to everyone and start to breath in while the wild life around everyone starts to die out.

Lucy: (scared) This ain't good.

Happy: Quickly, cover your ears!

MagiTaurus: Damn, we're too late.

MagiGaruda: Crap! We failed!

MagiPheonix: No! We can't just give up, not here, not right now!

MagiFairy: But Lullaby is too powerful to defeat.

MagiMermaid: There's no way we can beat it.

MagiPheonix: I know things might be hard now but we are the Magirangers! If we give up now, then everything will fall into darkness! I know this might be impossible but I believe we can do this! WE JUST NEED TO BELIEVE THE MAGIC WITHIN US!!!

The rest knows that he is right so they slowly get up and once they were on their feet they charge towards Lullaby and then they pushed Lullaby, sending it back and crashed hard onto thr ground.

Lullaby: Ah! How dare you! You think you can stood me now, it's over!

MagiTaurus: It's never over Lullaby!

MagiGaruda: You maybe strong but that's because you've never faced a team like us!

MagiMermaid: A team who will never give up even if things are seem impossible!

MagiFairy: We will protect this world and our friends!

MagiPheonix: Because that's what we are! We are.....!

Magirangers: Mahou Sentai Magirangers!

Suddenly a glow appear around their bodies which everyone was amazed by while Lullaby stood up and sees the glow around them.

Lullaby: What's happening?!

MagiTaurus: I think.....I think we unlock a new spell!

MagiGaruda: Seems like it! Time to test this out!

MagiPheonix: Right! Let's do this!

Magirangers: Change us into Majin King! Fusion! Maagi Giruma Magi Jinga! Magiking!

Then the five start to combine into one as everyone watched in amazement as the Magirangers formed into MagiKing.

(Battle them start)

The guild masters were shocked to see their magic levels higher then before while inside MagiKing we see the Magirangers appear in a larger room with the floor looked like a chess board and the chairs they are on are chair pieces.

MagiYellow: (surprised) Wow this is amazing!

MagiGreen: (surprised) Agree! I never feel this sort of magic before!

MagiPink: (surprised) Amazing!

MagiBlue: (surprised) Whoa!

MagiRed: Okay guys, let's show Lullaby what we can do!

Magirangers: Right!

MagiKing pulled out a massive sword and charge towards Lullaby while Lullaby fired its beams at MagiKing but they block the beams with the sword and then they land a slash at Lullaby, costing it to stumble back. Then Magiking lands a few slashes at Lullaby, costing it to stumble back more as Magiking approaches Lullaby.

But Lullaby charge at Magiking and swings its claws claws them but they blow it their a sword and they enter a blade lock until they pushed Lullaby back, and then MagiKing spins around and then lands a powerful slash at Lullaby, costing it to stumble back while its body starts to crack around it.

Lullaby: No! This can't be possible!

MagiRed: This ends here!

MagiKing raised their sword into the sky and slowly moves it around, forming a large magic circle with five mythical elements and once that Magiking ready their sword and then swings a powerful strike at Lullaby, slashing at Lullaby as it start to blow up while MagiKing turns away as Lullaby roars in pain.

Lullaby: I.....I can't be defeated! This ain't.......OVER!!!!!!!!!

Magirangers: Check mate!

And then Lullaby fells backwards and once Lullaby hits the ground there was a huge explosion while everyone were amazed by this and they start to cheer. Natsu, Happy, Gray, Lucy, Erza and Makarov smiled while they stare at MagiKing as they are impressed by their team work and their belief of magic.

(Battle theme ends)

We see Meemy, Branken and Vancuria watched through a Lacrima ball as Lullaby is defeated by the Magirangers whoch cost Meemy to get mad as he walk away form the Lacrima ball while he said.

Meemy: (anger) I can not believe this! Lullaby was suppose to be our victory but now it's gone! GONE!

Branken: I knew we shouldn't trust those pathetic Eisenwald guild to help us, they never get the work done.

Vancuria: Not only that but now they gotten a new fusion spell form. Seems like they are getting stronger every day.

???: I'll decide that.

They quickly turn to see the armor figure once again as Meemy approaches him and then tells him.

Meemy: You! I want you to head to the surface world and deal with the Magirangers! They must be destroyed at all cost.

???: I will do that but in one condition.

Meemy: What would that be?

Then the armor figure step out of the darkness to reveal himself as he look at Meemy and the others as he tell him and the others.

???: MagiRed is mine to take on. If anyone dears to interrupt our dual then they shall be destroyed. Both the Magirangers.....and to those who come with me.

To be continued............................................

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