Chapter 6: Eisenwald grand plan (Arc 2)

We see a small train station that gose to a town of Oshibana as the passengers were waiting for their train to arrive when suddenly they were attacked by Zobils that attack them while every screamed. Then most of the Eisenwald guild arrived along side with the Zobils as the Eisenwald guild members took down the guards while some captured some of the humans.

We then see Vancuria looking around for the train to arrive and gets a bit annoyed when the train hasn't shown up yet.

Vancuria: When is one of your guild member gonna come here? He should be here a while ago.

???: Be patient, I'm sure Kageyama will come soon.

Then a man walk up to Vancuria grey hair and wearing a black scarf around his neck as Vancuria turns to him and tells him.

Vancuria: He better, as long those Magirangers don't find out our plan.

???: (smirk) Do not fear they won't find out I'm sure of it.

Vancuria: Very well then. I'll leave my troops to you. Don't fail this mission or you and your guild members will not be apart of the Hades Empire.

???: (smirk) We will not fail you.

Once that Vancuria flies off and makes her leave while the man smirked to himself and waits for the train to arrive so they can start their plan.



Inside the train we see the sickly Natsu sitting on the couch and trying not to throw up. Suddenly the door across from him burst and Magired leaps out from the smoke and lands hard onto the ground. He quickly gets up while Kageyama approaches him and then attacks him with shadows like first but he quickly dodges the attacks and lands beside Natsu while Natsu slowly turns to see him.

Natsu: Y...../n?

MagiRed: It's me Natsu! Here to save-

Suddenly he was punched and was sent flying back but managed to land his fall and looks over to Kageyama as he tells him.

Kageyama: (smirk) Your nothing but a kid! Once I finish you off, I'll finish your friend as well.

MagiRed: I won't allow you! I'll defend Natsu no matter wha-

Suddenly the train quickly stop and both MagiRed and Kageyama fell onto the ground and that's when a flute with a skull on top of it came out of Kageyama's pocket and rolled in the middle which MagiRed slowly gets up and sees it.

MagiRed: What is that?

Kageyama: (shocked) Oh no, you saw it!

MagiRed: (thought) Saw it?

He looks at the flute and knows it must be important so he rushed over and try to get it but Kageyama summons a large shadow hand and grabs him while he walk up to the flute and picks it up.

Kageyama: Great now Erigor is not gonna be happy when he found out that you seen it. Guess I have no choice but to kill you.

He was about to do it when suddenly Natsu fire punch Kageyama in the face which sent him flying while MagiRed is dropped as Natsu help him up.

Natsu: You okay?

MagiRed: Yeah I'm fine. We need to get that flute, that must be important to him.

Suddenly the two were hit by Kageyama shadow strike and sent the two of them crashing out of the train and land hard onto the ground. Before they can have a chance to climb inside the train starts going and take off as they were too late to catch Kageyama as he gets away.

MagiRed: Damn it! He got away.

He dehshin just as Erza, Gray, Happy, Lucy, Noah, Arthur, Sophie and Amy arrived on a magic vehicle that Erza found as they arrive up to them and rush over to them.

Erza: Are you two okay?

Y/n: Yeah we're alright Erza.

Natsu: (anger) Why did you guys leave me on that train, that's so mean!

Happy: At least your here.

Erza: This was my fault Natsu and I'm truly am sorry.

She then hugged him which she slammed his head onto her armor pretty heard which kinda hurt for Natsu. Once that she let go and Y/n tells Erza and the rest.

Y/n: Guys there was this guy on that train and he's working either Eirgor.

Erza: (surprised) Are you sure?

Y/n: Yeah his name is Kageyama and he uses shadow magic.

Lucy: Wait that's the same magic that took away those three guys that were cooking happy.

Happy: Seems like it.

Arthur: So why was he on that train?

Noah: Possibly meeting up with Eirgor and the others.

Y/n: That's one possibility but he also have something. It looked like a flute but it had this skull on it.

Lucy: Wait, I think I've heard something like that before. Yes, there was a book that tells about a flute that once heard I can kill anyone.

Then Lucy suddenly remember the name of it and she tells everyone.

Lucy: Guys it's called Lullaby!

Sophie: Wait so that would mean.

Amy: The Flute that Y/n saw is the one that Eisenwald is going to us!

Erza: Then we need to catch up to them before it's too late. Let's go before it's too late.

They agree and climb inside with Erza drive while Y/n sat beside her as they took off as they follow the train track.

Erza: Y/n.

Y/n: Yeah?

Erza: (smile) You did good holding off Kageyama while defending Natsu.

Y/n: Still I fail to grab the flute, sorry.

Erza: (smile) No need to apologise. We will get it together bit still good job, let's see what you can do with a team.

Y/n: (smile) Right!

Erza find Y/n's smiles cute as they continue following the tracks and catching up to the train.

(Sometime later)

They arrived at Oshibana Town where they arrived at Oshibana Station and once they arrive there they see smoke coming out of the building along with the magic council guards blocking the entrance. They climb off the vehicle machine as Arthur and Noah holds Natsu.

Arthur: Jesus Natsu lay off some pounds will you!

Noah: Looks like the entrance is blocked.

Amy: Still what's going on inside?

Erza: Excuse me?

Then they see Erza already at the guards as she ask them what's going on but when they refused she headbutt them and gose around and asking the guards the same question only for her to headbutt them while the rest watch this happen.

Y/n: Um dose Erza do this often?

Gray: Well that's Erza for ya.

Amy: Hey Gray can you put a shirt on please?

Sophie: Let's just hope we don't get arrested for this.

To Sophie surprised they didn't and Erza managed to get some information and we see them going inside and we through the halls of the station.

Erza: According to the guards outside, Eisenwald guild members attack the station and gotten everyone out. They sent in an attack team to attack them but they haven't come out.

Noah: They must be wiped out.

Sophie: Still stay sharp.

Happy: Hhhhmmmmmm.

Arthur: What's wrong?

Happy: For some reason there is something I need to tell Lucy but I can't remember what.

Arthur: Alright then. Good luck finding that out.

Soon they stumble apon the attack team of the magic council laying on the ground which shocked them to see they were wiped out.

Noah: Looks the Eisenwald guild members ain't alone.

Y/n: Right. Let's keep moving.

They climb up the steps and arrived at the train stop where they see the Eisenwald guild members along with Zobils ns seeing how many they were.

Lucy: (scared) Wow there's so many of them!

???: Looks like the Fairy Tail guild members have arrived.

They look up to see a man standing on the window as he look down at them.

Erza: Eirgor! What plan you have gotten?!

Eirgor: (smirk) Something that will make the Magic council pay for messing with us. This will make them listen to us now!

Then he leaps over and land onto the train stations speakers as Noah realised something and called out.

Noah: He's going to use the speakers around the station so people can hear Lullaby play!

Eirgor: (smirk) That's right, right now there is tons of people all gathering around this train station just wanting to see what's going on. As soon Lullaby is played through these speakers, there will be many bodies being dropped and this town will be wiped out!

Erza: (anger) You monster!

Y/n: We won't let that happen!

Eirgor: (smirk) Try your best. This will make those Magic council pay for taking away the jobs we liked. I was made to take away lives but they band all assassin jobs and now they will all pay.

Lucy: But killing people isn't gonna bring that all back! It's just gonna be a lot of deaths.

Eirgor: (smirk) Still we will make them all pay and now this is where you will die. Take them down!

He the disappeared within the wind while the Eisenwald guild members and the Zobils were ready for battle.

Y/n: Natsu, Gray go and stop Eirgor.

Gray and Natsu: Say what?

Y/n: There must be a room that controls the speakers so you two will go ams search for them.

The two glare each other when Erza snaps at them.

Erza: (anger) WHAT DID Y/N TELL YOU!!!

Natsu and Gray: Aya ma'am!

Then the two head off to go after Eirgor while Kageyama along with two other Eisenwald guild members go with him to stop Natsu ans Gray. Now it's just the Magirangers, Erza, Lucy and Happy vs Eisenwald guild members and Zobils.

Y/n: Okay team let's do this!

Sophie, Amy, Noah and Arthur: Right!

They pulled out and open their magiphones and type in the change spell and called out.

Magirangers: Mahou henshin! Maagi Magi! Magiiro!

MagiGreen: The Howling Earth element! The Green Mage, MagiGreen!

MagiPink: The Blowing Wind element! The Pink Mage, MagiPink!

MagiBlue: The Shaking Water element! The Blue Mage, MagiBlue!

MagiYellow: The Galloping Thunder element! The Yellow Mage, MagiYellow!

MagiRed: The Burning Flame element! The Red Mage, MagiRed!

Magirangers: Mahou Sentai Magirangers!!!!!

Erza: (thought) Very impressive rollcall.

MagiRed: Let's do this guys!

They agree while Erza step forward and nodes as well and then summons a sword out of nowhere which surprised MagiRed.

Erza: Now charge!

They charge towards Eisenwald guild and Zobils, soon they clashed as Erza swings her sword and took out many Eisenwald guild members while the Magirangers handle the Zobils as MagiPink blows some away with her wind magic while MagiYellow swing his Magisticks and shoots them as lighting zaps all the Zobils.

Then MagiGreen and MagiBlue roll forward and turn around to see Zobils rushing towards them bit Magiblue shoots them with hit water, sending them flying back while MagiGreen slammed his Magisticks and tree vines came out of the ground and wrap around them. MagiRed leaps up in the air and slice up a few Zobils with hid Magisticks and kicks them as his flames on his feet sent them flying.

MagiRed: Sophie, Arthur combine your magic! Noah wrap the Zobils up and throw them towards me and once that Amy blow them towards Noah and Noah you crush them.

They agree as both MagiBlue and MagiYellow combine  their magic as Magiblue wets them with water and then MagiYellow zaps them all with hid lighting attack which sent them all flying and land hard onto thr ground.

Then MagiGreen summons a huge tree like hand and grabs them all up and throws them towards MagiRed which he leaps up and he quickly slices them up with hid Magistick as it burst into flames. Once that MagiPink blows them towards MagiGreen and then he catches them all up with his tree hand and then crushes them as they blow up.

MagiRed: Yeah nice work!

They look over to see Erza taking out a lot of Eisenwald guild members while she swapped weapons out of nowhere.

MagiRed: How dose she do that?

MagiGreen: She can swap weapons out of nowhere with her magic. It's called requip and it's like a store dimension for items.

MagiRed: Wow that's cool!

MagiYellow: Just you wait, you haven't seen nothing yet.

When Erza sees there is too many of them she suddenly summons a huge silver magic circle as it glows and soon the glow disappeared and she suddenly changed into a new armor with angel like wings behind back back.

MagiPink: That's one of her armor called Heaven's wheel armor. That's why her magic is pretty.

MagiRed: (surprised) Wow so cool!

Then she summons all of her weapons and as the Eisenwald guild members where about to attack her she immediately took them all out within seconds and sent most of them flying as they land hard onto thr ground. Once that only one is left and he was scared and make his escape while Erza changed back to her normal armor form.

Lucy: (surprised) Wow that was so cool!

MagiRed: (surprised) You can say that again!

Erza: One of them escape, he might know where Eirgor went.

MagiRed: Right. Noah, Arthur, Amy, go and check up on Natsu and Gray. Sophie, Lucy, Happy you three go after that Eisenwald guild member and bring him back here.

They node and they head off while Erza nearby fell but MagiRec rushed over and catched her.

MagiRed: You okay?

Erza: Yeah I'm okay, thank you. Guess I've used up magic on that magic car while getting here.

MagiRed: Yeah you were. Still if weren't for you, we couldn't have make it hereon time.

Erza: Thank you. I must say you and your team did a good job working together.

MagiRed: (smile) Thanks Erza.

He help her up and once she is up MagiRed ask her.

MagiRed: So what now?

Erza: There is a lot of people outside of the station. We need to warn them about Eisenwald's plan and get everyone out of there.

MagiRed: You think they will believe us?

Erza: They have to either way. At least I'm not alone.

MagiRed: (smile) Yeah. Let's go and warn everyone before it's too late.

Erza nodes with a small smile on her as the two head off while we see Meemy watching this happening through the crystal ball that is in the middle of the ground in his throne room as he laughs while he said.

Meemy: Those foolish Magirangers have not know what our true goal is. As soon they found out, they will be too late!

???: Meemy.

He turn around to see a dark figure within a small cave as he ask this dark figure.

Meemy: Ah I see you have return. How was your training?

???: I want to know who is that MagiRed.

Meemy: MagiRed? Well his name is Y/n L/n, a new team leader to the Magirangers and it seemed he's leading his team very well.


Meemy: Still this boy along with his team will fall. Actually what about you will-

He turn only to see the dark figure gone as he look around for him but let's out a sigh and sat down on his throne and waits for Eisenwald goal to be complete.

To be continued.......................................

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