Chapter 5: Eisenwald grand plan (Arc 1)

It was a nice morning at Magnolia as we can see Arthur and Noah heading to the guild and while they walked, Arthur and Noah started to talk about Y/n as they walked.

Arthur: So have you noticed something about Y/n?

Noah: Not really no, why?

Arthur: Well it seems that the girls give him a lot of a attention don't you think so?

Noah: So? They are friends with Y/n right? That doesn't sound so bad.

Arthur: No I meant give him "a lot" of attention. Like Lucy, Mirajane, Amy, Sophie, Levy, Cana, basically most of the girls give him a lot of a attention.

Noah: (smirk) Oooohhh I see what is going on here. Your jealous aren't you?

Arthur:.........Well not at all really I just........noticed something ever since Y/n joined us.

Noah: (smirk) Whatever you say Arthur.

Arthur: Hey what's with that smirk?!

Noah: (smirk) Oh nothing I was-

Suddenly a crowd of people in front of then stop what they doing and look over as they looked shocked whioe Noah and Arthur wonders what makes them shock until they turn around and suddenly their face turn pale with fear.

Arthur: (scared) Oh no. Is that?

Noah: (scared) Indeed......she's back.



At the Fairy Tail guild Hall we see Lucy, Mirajane, Amy, Sophie and Y/n at the booth of the bar as Mirajane was explaining Lucy and Y/n about the magic council and the other guilds since Makarov is a away to meet up with the other guild masters.

She even borrowed a pen that can be drawn in the air to show the places of the council and the other guilds while she gose on to explain.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow so they maintain and watch over the other guilds? That sounds like a lot of work.

Sophie: Yeah but they are also jerks sometimes. They always say they got this when it comes to the Hades Empire only for us to jump in and save the day. Then after a battle they just walk away, not even a signal thank you.

Mirajane: Yeah but they are only doing their jobs and they rather take care the Hades Empire and other threats on their own.

Amy: Not only they watch over the other guilds but also the towns, villages or cities that the guilds are in. They make sure there is no problems between the citizens and the guild members.

Lucy: Guess that would make sense.

Natsu: (Creepy smile) There is also wizard in black cloaks that kidnapped people only to never been seen again.

Lucy gets scared while Natsu let's out a chuckle while he tells Lucy.

Natsu: (smile) I was only joking Lucy.

Lucy: Jeez do you really have to scare me like that.

Y/n: Is that even true?

Mirajane: What Natsu is talking about are the dark guilds. They are like the rotten apple and they cost some trouble to the council or to other guilds.

Amy: There have also been reports of soke dark guilds teaming up with the Hades Empire since both sides have the same idea or likeness to dark magic.

Y/n: Guess we have to be careful of those guys as well.

Lucy: Actually we encountered a group of them while we were heading back to the guild.

Y/n: Really how?

Lucy: Well they kidnapped Happy and try to cook him for food. I'm not sure they are but I guess those guys were up to no good.

Amy: What happened to them?

Lucy: Well this shadow like hand came out from the ground and grab them and took them away.

Sophie: That's weird.

Amy: Agree.

Then suddenly the guilds doors burst open and they turn around to see Noah and Arthur as the rest see their scared faces.

Y/n: (smile) Hi there you two! Where have you guys been?

Arthur: (scared) Guess she's back. Trust us she is back.

Suddenly everyone except for Y/n panic and start to worry all of a sudden while Y/n is a bit confused and ask.

Y/n: Who is she?

Mirajane: (smile) They must be talking about Erza.

Y/n: Who?

Mirajane: (smile) She's a guild member here and she is one of the most strongest guild member here.

Lucy: Natsu and Happy told me that she destroyed a mountain with just a kick.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow that sounds pretty cool!

Lucy: (scared) To me it's kinda scary.

Suddenly she arrived at the guilds entrance while she was holding something large as the room felt slinet as she walk into the guild Hall and soon she placed what seems like a huge horn while filled with jewellery around it while Y/n gets to see her face as she announced herself.

Erza: I have returned. Where is Master Makarov?

Lucy: (surprised) Wow she's very pretty.

Mirajane: (smile) Welcome back Erza. Unfortunately Makarov is away for now but he'll be back.

Erza: I see.

Arthur: Hey Erza, what's with the horn filled with jewellery?

Erza: It's the horn from a monster I've slain, the locals were pleased they decorated with it to thank me, do you have a problem with it?

Arthur: (scared) N-No nothing at all!

Lucy: Arthur is a but scared of her.

Mirajane: (smile) Yeah everyone is afraid to get Erza's bad side. No one ever dears to challenge her patience or even in a fight.


Erza: Now listen up! While I was away I've heard a few things. Word is that this guild have costing nothing but trouble. Makarov may not care but I would! Cana, you need to stop drinking and find work, Arthur, if I find out that you  and Noah were arguing to see which girls like I swear. Nab, I knew I found you at the request board, just pick a job! Macao!

He flinched in fear while Erza stared at and then let out a sigh.

Macao: (scared) Aren't you gonna yell at me?

Erza: You all have been costing so much trouble it's given me a headache.

Lucy: She really bosses people around.

Happy: (smile) Aye, she mostly takes over the rule for Makarov when ever he's not around.

Lucy: So like a second in command?

Amy: Somthing like that?

Then she spotted Y/n staring at her for a while which she ask him.

Erza: What are you looking at? Do you have a problem?

Everyone was struck in fear, fearing that Y/n will do something stupid to make Erza made. Y/n opens his mouth and then said his first words to Erza.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow, your the most coolest guild member i have ever seen!


Lucy, Amy and Sophie:.....Eh?

Other guild members:.....Eh?

Y/n: (surprised) Sorry for staring at you but it's just that you look very cool amd your armor is amazing! Your like a actual Knight and that horn, the monster you fought must be bigger then a mountain! I know Natsu and some of the guild members are strong but I've never seen someone like you yo ever beaten a huge monster that maybe bigger then a Vulcan! Is it possible you can tell me how you defeated it?

The whole guild fell silent after that and all eyes landed on Erza who stare at him for a bit and then she let out a small smile which shocks everyone in the guild as Erza tells Y/n.

Erza: (small smile) Whoa I've never met a guild member that is exited about me before. Tell me, what is your name?

Y/n: Oh sorry, guess I should have introduced myself from the bigger Huh? Well the names Y/n but I'm also the leader of the Magirangers.

Erza: (surprised) Really? Well a pleasure to meet you and it's a honor.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks.

The two got along very well while the other guild members was shocked how Erza immediately got along Y/n because she was awesome.

Erza: Anyways I needed your teams helps and Natsu and Gray.

Natsu and Gray: (scared) Yes ma'am!

Erza: I need you two as well for tomorrow. Meet you all at the train station tomorrow. Don't be late.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry Erza, we won't be late we promise.

Erza smiles a bit with a node as she turns and heads hoke while she thinks to herself.

Erza: (thought) That boy.....he's actually pretty cute.

(Next day)

We see the Magirangers, Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Happy at Magnolia train station and they were just waiting for Erza to arrive but while they wait, Natsu ans Gray start to argue to each other while the crowd stops and watches while we see the rest far away from them a bit so they won't get involved.

Y/n: Should we stop them?

Happy: Nah it's best we let them be.

Lucy: Yeah let's just pretend we don't know them.

Y/n: Okay, say Erza seems like a cool guild member. How come you guys never told me about her?

Arthur: Because she is scary to think about.

Y/n: Why she's not that scary when I first met her.

Noah: What Arthur is trying to explain is that Erza is a type of guild member that doesn't take crap to any messing around. She wants to make sure all guilds won't draw out of the line like costing destruction, fighting each other or many other things. If any of us do, she'll beat us which is something you do not want to do.

Amy: Like this one time Gray was walking around the guild without a shirt on only for Erza to throw him into a wall.

Arthur: Or this one time me, Noah and Loki challenge ourselves to see who can get a girlfriend and....let's just say Loki gets punched when he tried to flirt with Erza.....and then beat me and Noah up for that as well.

Y/n: Wow........She's very strong!

They fell into the ground and then gets up while Noah tells Y/n.

Noah: I'm glad you find her cool but for now try not to make her mad.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry guys. I'm not a type of person to do that and besides, I'll make her proud by leading a team into battle.

Erza: Now that's a spirt coming from a leader.

Natsu and Gray immediately stop arguing while the rest turn to Erza only for Lucy and Y/n to be shocked to see how much logistics she has.

Lucy: (shocked) That's a lot of logistics!

Amy: Oh yeah she also rings a lot of logistics since she takes on jobs that took her months to complete.

Erza: (smile) It's nice to see you and your team here Y/n. And you must be?

Lucy: (smile) I'm Lucy, I'm the girl you saw yesterday, is it alright I team up with your guys?

Erza: (smile) Sure, we could use some help. So are you and Y/n new?

Y/n: (smile) Yeah, we both join the same guild on the same day.

Erza: (smile) I'm glad for that. Well let's get going before the train leaves without us.

Y/n: (smile) Right!


We see them on the train as the train travels through the tracks. We see Natsu feeling sick so Amy uses sleep magic to put Natsu to sleep while they all sat down as Noah ask Erza.

Noah: Erza, do you mind telling us what mission you needed us for? Not be to rude but we wanna know what we are facing with.

Erza: Well while I was heading back to Magnolia I stop by a small cafe and I overheard three members from a guild called Eisenwald talking about something that seemed to be important. They talked about this flute which I'm not sure they have it or not.

Arthur: Why would they care about some flute?

Y/n: Wait Eisnwald? I think I've heard about those guys before.

Erza: Really?

Y/n: Yeah. Before I join a guild, I overheard some customers talking about a group of guild members who were pissed about something. Wasn't sure what but I think it was something to do with a job being banned.

Erza: I think I know what you mean. One of the members named Erigor only takes on assassin jobs. He was even called Erigor the ripper that is until the magic council banned assassin jobs. It's the reason why they have gone rogue but now they are on the move.

Amy: Guess that flute thing might be important to them.

Sophie: Yeah it's no telling what that flute can do.

Erza: Agree. Right now we need to head to their guild and put a stop to them before it's too late.

Y/n: (smile) Sounds great! It's time for us to save the day!

Erza let's out a small giggle and soon the train stops at a small food station and seconds later they have gotten their food they were on the move. They start to eat their favourite foods while Lucy ask Erza.

Lucy: So Erza what is your magic?

Happy: She had a beautiful magic. So much so she can make her enemies bleed.

Lucy: Don't need to know that last part.

Erza: I think Gray's magic is beautiful.

Y/n: Gray?

Gray: Here let me show you.

He then placed down it's fist on top of his hand and he used what seems like ice magic as he open her hand to reveal a ice statue of the Fairy Tail logo.

Gray: I use ice magic.

Lucy: (surprised) That explains why you and Natsu never liked each other. He's fire and your ice.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah, you know the saying gose, Fire and ice never mixed.

Noah: Who says that?


They laughed a bit including Erza who finds him quite funny as she stare at him while her heart slip a beat. Soon the train stop and they all got out from the train and they were walking away from the train and talking about the plan to attack the Eisenwald guild when Amy ask everyone.

Amy: Um where's Natsu?

They stopped and before they know it the train leaves the station while they watched it go.

Happy: There he gose again.

Erza: (shocked) This was all my fault. We were busy talking we forgot about Natsu. It was my fault, one of of you hit me for my punishment.

Lucy: There's no need for that.

Y/n: No need to blame yourself Erza. This is our mistake but  don't you worry, I'll get Natsu while you guys find a way to stop the train.

He pulls out his magiphone and type in the code and then Sky Hokie appeared in front of him as he climb onto the Sky Hokie and then heads off, going after the train while Noah tells everyone.

Noah: Come on! I think there is the control room we can stop the train.

Amy: Right. Let's go.

They agree and rush off to the station control room while we see Y/n chasing after the train and soon got leaps off the sky Hokie and landed on top of the last train cart.

He open the hatch and leaps inside the last cart as he landed on the ground and looks around to see no one around.

Y/n: (thought) Seems like its only me and Natsu here. Don't worry Natsu, I'm coming.

He walks over to the door and he was about to open it when  he felt a hand garb him on his leg so he looked down to see a shadow like hand as he was suddenly pulled to the ground and more shadow like hands appear and grab hold of his hands and legs so he won't escape.

Y/n: What's going on here?!

???: Well, Well, Well looks like I got myself a Fairy Tail member.

He then sees a man wearing a white jacket as he approaches him and then landed his foot on top of his back which hurt Y/n a bit while the man smirked and continues on saying.

???: (smirk) Looks like thid is gonna be my lucky day. Not only I got a dragon slayer in this cart but I also got the leader of the Magirangers, MagiRed. Whatever you have in mind boy you won't stop the Eisenwald guild!

Y/n struggled a bit and soon managed to pull out hid magiphone and open it as he press on the change code and then press enter.

Y/n: Mahou henshin! Maagi Magi! Magiiro!

MagiRed burne off the shadow like hands while he kicks the Eisenwald guild member back as he gets up and turns around and calls out.

MagiRed: Whatever your plans maybe that won't happened! Because we will stop you no matter what!

Kageyama: Whatever you say boy because your messing with the shadow guild member, me Kageyama! You along with your dragon slayer friend will die here!

MagiRed: Like to see you try! Let's do this!

To be continued...................................

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