Chapter 4: A slimy situation
It was a nice day at Magnolia where we see Y/n at the park and doing some magic training as he points his magiphone into the air and try to do some good magic so he can even better with his magic.
Many people who were at the park watch him as he call out some spells that he found on a magic book that Grace have given each of his team to learn as he read through the book for a bit and trying to make a perfect magic spell as he look through the book.
Y/n: Let's see here. Fire blast that one is easy. Fire ball also easy. Fire teleport sounds kinda risky, Fire wing sounds cool but risky. Hhhhhmmmm what about this one.
He puts down the book and pulls out his magiphone and type in the number and then press enter.
Y/n: Tornado Fire strike!
Then a small fire tornado came out of the Magiphone and spin around but soon it fated away which disappointed Y/n but he is getting close.
Y/n: That was close. I need to get better in hopes I can be better with my magic. Maybe I can head to the library and see what I can find there.
And so he grab his book on the ground and head to the Magnolia library to research about new magic spells to use while somewhere in the alleyway a underground portal is opened and a slimy like hand came out and grab onto the ground as it came out from the hole.
We see Y/n at the Magnolia library and have gotten all the books about magic he can find and once he found a table he start looking through the books, trying to research about magic and possibly learn new magic skills by researching it.
He scroll through the pages of many books and he start to learn more and more about magic and wants to try out some of these new magic skills that could be useful in the future.
Y/n: (thought) Whoa who knew some of these magic spells would be useful. I might need to try some of these and hopefully they can be useful in the future. Still it will take a while for me to master these spells but I'll accept that challenge no sweet.
???: Um excuse me sir can I borrow that bo- Wait, Y/n?
He looks over and he was surprised to see Levy while holding some books on her as she looked surprised as well as she smiled and said.
Levy: (smile) Hey there Y/n. Sorry I didn't see your face since you are looking down at that book there.
Y/n: (smile) Oh no it's no probably, I'm just looking through all of these new spells for me to use and learn a bit about magic.
Levy: (smile) That's good to hear. I see you like to read them huh?
Y/n: (smile) Yeah, I mostly like fantasy like books. I even have a whole collection of them back at my place.
Levy: (smile) That's great! Say i also like reading those kinds of books as well.
Y/n: (smile) That's awesome.
She smiled and then she sat down next to him as the two start to chat to each other as Levy ask him.
Levy: So Y/n any new magic skills you've learned?
Y/n: Well I am getting a handle of fire tornado which is cool and a fire shield as well. Still I might need some help with it.
Levy: (smile) Maybe Natsu might help since he is a fire dragon slayer after all.
Y/n: Oh yeah your right. He might be back at the guild right now. Gonna head there and see if he's there, catch you later Levy.
Then he head off as Levy smiled while she noticed he left his book here so she take it and heads off to return the book to him.
(Sometime later)
Y/n enters the guild and looks around for Natsu but there was no sign of him nor Happy so he walked up to Mirajane while she's cleaning a glass cup as he ask her.
Y/n: Hey Mirajane has Natsu, Happy and Lucy back from their job?
Mirajane: Not yet but I may guess they be back here soon.
Y/n: Alright then. I wanna ask Natsu if he can train me to use some fire magic abilities.
Alzack: (chuckle) Seriously? Natsu teaches you? I mean Natsu isn't much as a teacher.
Bisca: Yeah besides Natsu may pull you in tough situations like he did when he was young.
Mirajane: (smile) Well Natsu maybe aggressive with his method of training but I'm sure he'll help you with a few magic skills as best he can.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah I guess so.
Mirajane: (smile) Say since your here mind if I can ask you something?
Y/n: Sure what do you wanna ask me?
Mirajane: (smile) Well I was wondering what type of girls you like? You like girls that are pretty?
Cana: (smirk) Or hot and sexxy.
Then Cana came up to him as she grab his arm and pulls his arm between he'd breadt which made Y/n blush while Cana gives him a smirk.
Cana: (smirk) Come on I know you like sexxy girls like me so what do you say?
Y/n: (blush) W-Well I.....I-I Well.
Cana giggled to see him blush like that while Mirajane is a bit jealous to see Cana flirting with him while the other guild members sees this happen.
Wakaba: Well looks at that. Seems like Y/n have some girls around him.
Macao: (smirk) Gonna say he's one lucky boy to have this attention.
Wakaba: Yeah he's one lucky boy.
Noah: Hey Y/n.
Then Y/n's team walk up to him and once they walk up to him Amy and Sophie looks a bit jealous at Cana as they ask her.
Amy: Um what do you think your doing Cana?
Cana: (smirk) What's wrong? I'm just giving Y/n nice huge. He seems to like it.
Y/n: Huh?
Then Cana suddenly hugged him which his face was at her breast which made Amy, Sophie and Mirajane even more jealous by this as Cana sees this and let's Y/n go as she wink at him while she tells him.
Cana: (smirk) Gonna go now, see you around Mt cutie pie.
And so she walk off leaving Y/n blushing by this while Arthur ask him.
Arthur: Say where is your book?
Y/n: Huh? Oh crap! I must have left it at the Library.
Noah: That's alright we can just head there and get.
Y/n: I think Levy could be there.
Noah: Alright then let's go.
And so they head out as they return to the library and they search around but they couldn't find the book anywhere. After a while of searching and asking the customers and the Librarian, they believed Levy must have token it so she can return it to Y/n.
And so we see them splitting up and searching around for Levy. Noah and Arthur check the park, Amy and Sophie head back to the guild and wait for here there but she hadn't shown up and we see Y/n walking down the alleyway as he look around for Levy.
Then to his surprise he found the book as he rush over to the book and picks it up.
Y/n: (thought) Huh I wonder why it's here? Wait is that?
He spotted a green slime which he touched it and it's very slimy when he touched it.
Y/n: Where did this come from?
Levy: (distance) Let go of me!
Y/n: Levy? Levy!
He followed her cries and soon he exit out of the alleyway and was shocked to see every with slimy and many people were stuck inside of slimes as Y/n looks around.
Y/n: (shocked) What is this?
???: Well hello there MagiRed!
He turns around and a Hades monster step forward while holding Levy by his slimy hands as green slime is all over her as she try to break free.
Y/n: So your responsible for this?!
Blob: That's correct. Call me Hades Beast Blob and this town will be my slimy city once its all done.
Levy: Let go of me!
Y/n: You let Levy go right now!
Blob: As you wish.
He tossed Levy away and then thtow up slime all over her which she get stuck and couldn't move as Blob laughs.
Blob: Now it's your turn MagiRed!
Then Noah, Amy, Sophie and Arthur arrived as they race up towards him and stand with him while they stare at Blob.
Amy: Aw that's one disgusting monster.
Arthur: I always knew we will face a slime monster someday.
Noah: Still we must defeat him before he'll cost even more chaos.
Y/n: Right. Let's do this guys!
Noah, Amy, Arthur and Sophie: Right!
They pull out their magiphones and type in the transformation code and then call out.
Y/n, Noah, Sophie, Amy and Arthur: Mahou henshin! Maagi Magi! Magiiro!
MagiGreen: The Howling Earth element! The Green mage, MagiGreen!
MagiPink: The Blowing Wind element! The pink Mage, MagiPink!
MagiBlue: The shaking water element! The Blue mage, MagiBlue!
MagiYellow: The Galloping Thunder element! The Yellow Mage, MagiYellow!
MagiRed: The Burning flame element! The Red Mage, MagiRed!
Magirangers: Mahou Sentai Magiranger!!!!
Blob: Enjoy my slime Magiranger!
He then shoot out slime at them which they dodged and then they charge towards Blob and try to land some hits at him but their weapons just get stuck when they try to land a swing at him.
MagiBlue: I can't pull my Magistick out.
MagiPink: Me too!
Blob laughs and then shoots out slime balls at them which hits them and sent them flying into the air and land hard onto thr ground.
Blob: You never land a hit at me. My body is all but slime and any attack you deal with him will not phase me!
MagiYellow: Oh yeah! How's about this!
Then MagiYellow shoot out lighting at Blob which did the trick as he stumble back but he shoot out a huge slime ball which hits MagiYellow and stuck him into a wall.
MagiRed: Arthur!
MagiYellow: Damn it! I can't move!
Blob shoots out more big slime balls at the rest which MagiPink, MagiBlue and MagiGreen gets hit and they get stuck onto the floor as MagiRed turns and sees this.
Blob: Well look at that, I've took on the Magirangers all myself! Now it's your turn MagiRed.
MagiRed: Your gonna pay for that!
Then MagiRed forced and tgen swings his magistick and throws out a fire tornado towards Blob which lands a hit at him really good and sent him flying.
While Blob is distracted he rushed over to free Levy as he help her free.
MagiRed: You okay?
Levy: (smile) Yeah thanks.
Then Blob sees this and charge towards which MagiRed pushes Levy out of the way and turn only for Blob to land ahit at MagiRed and sent him flying and land hard onto thr ground.
Levy: Y/n!
Blob: It's over now. I've won.
Levy: I don't think so!
She then write in fire and that shoot flames at Blob which cost him to stumble back from the heat and then MagiRed gets up and turns to Levy who nodes at him which he nodes back.
MagiRed: Alright then, let's end this!
He charge up his Magistick sword as it burst into flames as he forced even more and soon the flames get bigger and bigger which amazed Levy and MagiRed's team.
Then MagiRed swings his sword back and then swings it towards Blob several times and then spin around, landing a strike at Blob starts to blow up and soon he let out a yell as he fell onto the grounr and blows up.
Levy: (smile) You did it Y/n!
MagiRed: Thanks and thanks for the help Levy.
Levy: (little blush) No problem.
But the fight wasn't over as a dark magic circle appear where Blob was blown up and he was brought back to life but this time grow big as he stomp around Magnolia while MagiRed and Levy frees the rest and once that they look up and see this.
MagiGreen: Looks like we gonna go big as well.
MagiYellow: Then what are we waiting for? Let's do this!
MagiRed: Right! Let's go!
Magirangers: Grant us our MagiDijinn forms! Magical Metamorphosis! Maagi Magi! Magiiro!
MagiTaurus: MagiTaurus!
MagiFairy: MagiFairy!
MagiMermaid: MagiMermaid!
MagiGaruda: MagiGaruda!
MagiPhoenix: MagiPhoenix!
Levy was left amazed how they can grow big and turn into forms that are based off their mythical creatures as the five charge towards Blob and try to battle him but Blob dodges their attacks and even their attacks gets stuck to his body.
They step back and MagiTaurus slam down his axe to summon vines and wrap around Blob while MagiMermaid summons water from the ocean and splash it onto Blob which made him stumble back but this made him mad as he shoot out slime at them which hits them, costing them to stumble back.
Then Blob throws up slime at them which sprey onto their bodies as they step back as they kneel down on one knee while Blob chuckles and tells them.
Blob: You will never defeat me. Soon thos town will be all mine!
MagiGaruda: I'm starting to hate slime even more. There has to be a way to defeat him.
MagiTaurus: If we get too close to him, we get stuck by his slime. There's gonna be a way to defeat him somehow.
MagiPhoenix: Wait. What about we try a fusions spell?
MagiFairy: Fusion spell?
MagiMermaid: But we haven't learn that type of spell yet.
MagiPhoenix: Well it's now or never.
MagiGaruda: I don't know about that. Who knows what it can do to us once we fused.
MagiTaurus: We don't have a choice so let's do this Y/n.
MagiPhoenix: Right. Everyone together!
They get up and then they call out their first fusion spell.
Magirangers: Change us into the Majin Dragon! Magical dragon fusion! Maagi Giruma Jinga! MagiDragon!
Then MagiTaurus, MagiFairy, MagiGaruda and MagiMermaid start to combine into MagiDragon as MagiMermaid is the tail, MagiGaruda is the wings, MagiTaurus is the body and MagiFairy is the head as MagiPhoenix is amazed by this and leaps up and rides on top of MagiDragon as they fly around in the sky.
Levy: (surprised) Wow that's amazing!
Blob: (shocked) What?! How is this possible! Doesn't matter, time for all of you to die!
He shoot out slime out from his mouth but they were too fast as they dodge the incoming slime and then they dive down towards him and they land a strike at him as they circle around him as MagiDragon shoot out slimes which hurts Blob as he stumble back.
Then MagiPhoenix spins his staff around and land several hits at him and then MagiDragon landed a tail strike which sent Blob flying and landed hard onto the ocean as he gets up to see MagiDragon flying around him.
MagiPhoenix: It's over for you Blob!
Blob: You will pay for this Magirangers!
He shoot out even larger slime balls at them which they dodge them and even MagiPhoenix slice them with his spear as they dive down towards Blob as MagiPhoenix's staff lit up in flames as he swings his staff back and then land a strike at Blob as he yelle out in pain while Magidragon stops as MagiPhoenix snap his fingers and calls out.
MagiPhoenix: Check mate.
Blob yelled even more until he blows up in a huge explosion and once that, the fight was over.
The Magirangers changed back to their normal forms as they land onto the sand as Levy is there and once that they dehenshin as Noah ask Y/n.
Noah: "Check mate?"
Y/n: (smils) Yeah. I figured that will be our catchphrase when ever we defeated a Hades Beast. You guys like it?
Noah: Huh.....I guess it doesn't sound that bad.
Arthur: (smile) I think it sounds cool to me.
Amy: (smile) Me too.
Sophie: (smile) Agree.
They smiled while Levy sees this and smiles back and then Y/n walks up to Levy and place his hand onto her shoulder as he ask her.
Y/n: (smile) You okay Levy?
Levy: (little blush) Y-Yeah I'm okay. All thanks to you.
Y/n smiles back at her which made her blushed even more while her heart skip a beat while Amy ans Sophie is jealous by this while Noah and Arthur slightly laugh a bit while in the distances we see Grace as she smiled as she thinks to herself.
Grace: (thought) I always knew I've picked the right choice. Your father would be so proud of you to see you like this.
To be continued.......................................
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