Chapter 29: The Guild war (Arc 10 final)

Gajeel lay within the rubble as he stare up at the sky when Natsu approaches him and look down at him. Gajeel just looks away, not wanted to face his enemy but Natsu still ask him.

Natsu: I wanna know how you learn dragon slayer magic.

Gajeel: Why should I tell you?

Natsu: Hey don't be that rude!

Gajeel: Oh yeah!

The two heads collide which only hurt their heads as they move away to rub on theie heads.

Gajeel: I was train by my dragon name Metalicana. He disappear 7 years ago.

Natsu: Wait? Did your dragon also disappeared 7 years ago? Cause a dragon name Igneel also disappeared as well.

Gajeel: So your dragon slayer disappear on the 7th year, on the 7th month of the 7th day.

Natsu head butt's him once more while he barks at him.

Natsu: What's with all the sevens huh?!

Gajeel: (angry) How should I know!

Two break off the rub on their heads when suddenly the ground beneath them begins to shake. They also sense Jose power meaning the Magirangers is going to fight him. Rather than being worried Natsu just smiled, he knows they will defeat him along with their 6th member.



We cut to the Magirangers as they confront Jose while Jose stare at the six of them and begins to laugh. Erza, Gray, Elizabeth and Mirajane were at the side injured as Gray called out to them.

Gray: You all need to get out of here now!

MagiRed: We'll be fine. You four get out of here while we show him a lesson about trashing our guild and messing with Lucy!

Erza hesitated but comply as she along with the rest make theie escape and once gone it is now just the Magirangers and Jose in the room.

Jose: (smirk) I respect your bravery Magirangers but you all will die on my hands!

MagiRed: As long as light magic is within us! We will keep on fighting! Come on guys, let's do this!

They all agree and MagiGreen wave his magistick onto the ground and vines burst out of the ground below Jose and wrapped him up.

Then MagiYellow leaps up and shoots lighting at Jose. It deal some damages but not enough as he opens his eyes and creates a blast of darkness that kills the vines and pushes MagiYellow away. MagiPink catches him with her wind magic and set him down gently.

Then MagiBlue and MagiGreen charges forward with weapons in hand and then leaps up and try to land some blows at him.

However Jose catch them both and slowly give them pain when he gets shot by Magishine. He fire a few more shots at Jose, forcing him to let go of the two while Magishine charges towards him.

MagiRed also joins in as he runs up to Joss first then lands a fire slash at Jose. Jose turns towards him but then Magishine shoots at his back then leaps up and kicks him at the back of the head.

He leaps over and land next to MagiRed then the two fire their projectile attacks at Jose. Jose fires his dead wave at them but the two split apart, dodging the incoming attack then MagiYellow gets up close to him and shoot lighting at Jose.

Jose turn and was about to swing at him when MagiGreen leaps up and shoots seeds at him which cost Jose to block the incoming shots.

Then MagiPink blows Jose away with her wind magic and slam him against the wall. She continue blasting him with wind until he fire a blast that hits MagiPink and she lands onto the ground.

Jose: (angry) I'm starting to get pissed off!

He then slammed his fist onto the ground, costing a wave of dark magic to hit everyone and set them on the ground. They all get up and look over as Jose stare at them. He watch as they all begin to get up.

MagiRed: We won't rest till you are defeated! For Fairy Tail, for Makarov, for Lucy! We will never back down!

Magirangers: Yeah!

Jose: Then you all will did here!

Then he fires a large attack towards them and they were ready to block it. Suddenly the attack stops inches towards them then seconds later it breaks away.

Jose and the Magirangers are shocked to see Makarov standing in front of the Magirangers.

MagiYellow: About time.

MagiGreen: Makarov!

MagiPink: It's good to have you back!

Makarov: My apologies for taking so long to recover.

MagiRed: At least you have a good nap.

Makarov smirked then glance over to see Magishine and he looked surprised to see him. But he focused on Jose, Jose stare at Makarov then begins to laugh.

Jose: (smirk) You are a fool to come here! Not only I will destroy the Magirangers but I will also kill you for good! This will be your end!

Makarov: Magirangers. Let's show him a lesson that he will never forget.

They agree and the Magirangers combine their magisticks and aim it towards Jose. Magishine charge up his Magilamp buster and aims it towards Jose.

While Makarov charge up his most powerful magic yet. Jose is blind to not see this and just charge his magic more and them unleashes it apon them.

The Magirangers and Magishine fire their attack at Jose and their attack clash on Jose. They hold their attackso does Jose. Jose focus hard and his attack slowly moves towards them but they kept going.

Soon Makarov joins in as his eyes glow white then fires a powerful attack that breaks throw Jose attack ans hits Jose. There was a blinded light that everyone outside can see and they were also felt by light magic.

Soon the light slowly fades and we see Makarov and the Magirangers now standing at a destroyed room as they all look over and they see Jose is defeated. He lay on the floor with a pale face and white hair.

MagiRed: What was that?

MagiGreen: That was Fairy Law. The most powerful magic Makarov have.

MagiRed: (amazed) Awesome! I wanna know how to do that!

Makarov: (little chuckle) Maybe next time. For now, the war is over.

The entire Fairy Tail guild cheered with victory. The Magirangers high fived while Magishine chuckle a bit. Then MagiRed came over and lifted up his hand.

Magishine then accepts it as he high five MagiRed as they enjoy a bit of celebration as they can because although they have won the war....their guild is destroyed.


Everyone is gathered at the destroyed guild Hall with Makarov letting out a sigh.

Makarov: This is going to be a long time to fix this.

Grace: (approach Makarov) Yes but together we can rebuild it.

Lucy: Master Makarov.

They all turn Lucy as Lucy look down with guilt and tells them.

Lucy: I'm sorry for everything that has happen.

Grace: Lucy do not blame yourself for all of this. None of us here doesn't blame you.

???: Yeah! Cheer up Lucy!

They look over to see Levy, Jet and Droy up and here.

Y/n: Levy, Jet, Droy! You all are okay!

Jet: (smile) Yep we are back.

Lucy: Still none of this wouldn't happen if I hadn't ran away. I'm sorry.

Y/n: (approaches Lucy) Lucy don't apon for something you clearly didn't do. If anyone is to blame it is your father. Rather than accepting it, he sent out a guild to bring you back. That is wrong. You have every right to choose your own path instead of someone like your dad.

Then Y/n take her hand to show her comfort as he stare at her in the eyes and tells her.

Y/n: No matter what Lucy we all still here with you as a family. I'm here as well. We'll keep you safe because your apart of us, apart of Fairy Tail.

Lucy begins to cry so Y/n pulls her a hug and she let's it out. She cries on Y/n's shoulder while everyone smile, glad that Lucy is safe.

Arthur: So what happens now!

Sophie: Guess we need to rebuild.

Amy: Yeah but what about the mabi council. I bet they won't be happy about this.

Noah: Agree.

Makarov hears this and wished he could have stay down for a bit longer. Amy was right because soon the Magi council arrive and ask them questions.

After a while of questions being answered they concluded that the Phantom Lords started it all so they force Jose to disband the guild and punish Fairy Tail for a later date.

(Sometime later)

Night came as the Magirangers return back to base as they laugh and cheer. When they come in they look over to see a young man sitting on a table with Smokey and Ur around a table as they sip their fancy teas.

???: Ah it seems you finally arrive. You know I am surprised that the Magic Council is still around after all this time.

Arthur:......Who are you?

The person drops to the ground then immediately gets up.

???: How rude! Especially since I saved you five!

Arthur: Sorry I don't remember who you are.

Y/n: That's Magishine! That cool Magiranger that saved us!

Arthur: Oh that flashy guy.

???: I pleased that your reminded me. I suppose I will introduce himself.

With a snap of a finger the lights came off then a spot light hits the man as he does a spin then he formally introduce himself.

Lucas: I am Lucas! I am a legendary Mage that shines apon the darkness. Whenever shadows creep among the people, I will be the one who will shine them all away. (Snap his fingers) I am a hero that shines apon the world!

The Magirangers clap of his introductions while Grace enters the room and tells them.

Grace: (smile) So what do you think about them?

Lucas: hhhmmm Well although young but they Brute fight well so they are perfect.

Noah: Perfect for what?

Lucas: I believe you five are ready to involve your magic even more by learning how to unlock your legend forms.

Y/n, Noah, Arthur, Amy and Sophie: Legend forms? What is that?

To be continued...............................................

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