Chapter 27: The Guild War (Arc 8)

MagiYellow and Natsu is seen fighting Aria but he is giving them a hard time as he launches powerful attacks at the two. Natsu rushes forward and tries to strike at him with his iron dragon fist but gets blown away and crash into the wall.

Happy: Natsu!

Happy flies over whole MagiYellow charges towards Aria and lands powerful lighting strikes at him. He try to swing his melee weapon at him but he disappeared into thin air.

MagiYellow: Man this guy is starting to piss me off!

Aria: Arr you getting mad? I am so sad about that.

MagiYellow: Cut the crap and show yourself!

Then he appears behind him and uses Metsu on him which blasted him and sent him back. He rolled onto the ground next to Natsu as the two gets up and glare at Aria.

Natsu: Screw it! Let's launch every singal attack at him all at once!

MagiYellow: Well it may not work but screw it, let's do this!

Then the two launches their attacks at Aria which he blocks the attack. They continue launching their attack at Aria and at first he gets the upper hand when suddenly three more attacks hits him from behind and it was the rest of the Magirangers.

MagiGreen: Someone call for back up?

MagiYellow: Took you all long enough!

Aria: How sad to think you all are gonna win. Unfortunately for you all, that will not hap-

Then Elfman leaps over and smashes Aria with his master large hand and crashing Aria. Once they were done they breath a sigh.

Happy: Is that all of the Element 4?

Magiblue: I believe there is one more. I bet Gray and Y/n is dealing with the last one.

MagiPink: Let's hope they are doing alright.

MagiGreen: Agree.

Suddenly the Magirangers Magic cellphones rang which they answer and it was Grace at the other side.

Grace: (phone) Magirangers......we have a situation.



We cut to Gray and MagiRed battling Juvia as she launches a blast of water towards Gray when MagiRed gets in front of him and summons a large fire wall to block the attack.

The water turn into steam and then he launches the fire wall towards Juvia, she then dodges the attack while Gray launches ice arrows towards Juvia which goes through her.

Gray: There's no point! Our attacks won't damage her!

MagiRed: Not unless we come up with a plan. You got any plans?

Gray: I figure I can trap her in ice and you come in and finish it with a final blow.

MagiRed: Not a bad idea. Okay, let's do this!

Juvia: Even if you two managed to defeat me, the rest of my team is far stronger than the both of you.

MagiRed: If you think that's ever gonna stop us then your wrong! We'll keep going and never give up!

Juvia: (thought) Such spirit, such courage, he's like a warrior who would swoop me up from a large tower without any fear. But can he truly my true love?

Gray: Man what is with this rain?

MagiRed: Huh? What do you mean?

Gray: This rain is just so...gloomy.

Juvia: (thought) Gloomy?!

MagiRed: I don't know, I think this rains fits well for an epic battle. I mean we're on top of a roof, fighting a strong water wizard while a battle is going on in the distances. I think it fits well.

Gray: Well at least you enjoy this gloomy rai-

Suddenly a massive hot water hits Gray and sending him flying back and nearly off the edge of the roof.

MagiRed: Gray!

Juvia: How dare you.

MagiRed: (turn to Juvia) Huh?

Juvia: (angry) I am tired you people saying that!

She then shoots out hot water as MagiRed which he immediately blocks the attack. He slide backwards but stood his ground and hold Juvias attack.

MagiRed: What are you talking about? Saying what word?

Juvia: (angry) You can never understand what I have been through because of this curse!

MagiRed: (thought) Curse? Wait, does she mean the rain?

Juvia: (angry) Throughout my life this rain has been following me ever since I was a child! Everyone bullies me and dumped me because I couldn't control the rain! Everyone has call me "gloomy" because of this! I'M TIRED OF IT!

MagiRed hears all of this and felt sympathy towards her. He then moves away from the attack and calls out to Juvia.

MagiRed: Juvia! I may can't relate to your curse but I sympathise with you. No one doesn't deserve to be mistreated because you have no control of your magic. But maybe I can help!

Juvia: (angry) How can you possibly help me?! I was never accepted by anyone except for Master Jose! He welcome me with open arms!

She then blast water at MagiRed once again but he move out of the way just in time as he gets closer to Juvia.

MagiRed: But he doesn't care about your situation or has no desire to help! He wants you to join just because of your powers. He doesn't care about anyone except for himself!

Juvia: (angry) Why do you care?! We're enemies!

MagiRed: That maybe true but when I see someone suffering so much in his or her life, I don't see them as evil, I see them as broken. They need someone to help them break free from the darkness and into the light, and that power is me!

He then charges towards while Juvia tries to launch her attack at him but he then tackle. Then they roll down the ramp and then the two got separated as Juvia rolls and then flies off the edge.

MagiRed quickly sees this and rushes over and then catches her arm. Juvia opens her eyes and realise that she wasn't fallen and then she look up to see MagiRed holding on to her arm.

Juvia: What are you doing?!

MagiRed: Helping you, like anyone should have!

Juvia is stunned how someone is truly helping her. Then MagiRed pulled her up and once onto safe ground the two breath heavily as MagiRed sat and let's out a sigh.

MagiRed: You okay?

Juvia: Tell me? Why do you care about me? You don't even know anything about me so why saying those things and saving me?

MagiRed:.....Your right. I don't know much apart of your situation and your magic. But I wish to know more and I wish to help. My father use to tell me not everyone is pure evil, some are broken because how the world treated them. Rather than destroying them, we should help them in anyway they can.

He then crawl over to Juvia, gently grab both of her hands which made her heart skip a beat as the two look at each other.

MagiRed: I wish to help you Juvia. Let me give you something that no one never has giving you.....happiness.

Then something bright shot down from the sky as they look up and to Juvia's surprise she sees the sun. The rain finally stop and the sun finally came.

Juvia: (surprise) The sun!

MagiRed: Looks like it worked.

Juvia: (surprised) I don't believe it.

MagiRed: You know Juvia.

Juvia: Yeah?

MagiRed: I think your beautiful, no matter what you are.

Juvia blushes a lot more as hee heart felt like it is about to burst out and then she fate with hearts on her eyes.

Juvia: (thought) I was right. My true love is indeed the one that is in front of me, right now.

MagiRed: Um Juvia? Hey Juvia, you okay?

???: Huh nice work.

He then looks over to see the Magirangers. Gray camcorder and sees Juvia is defeated.

Gray: Huh nice work.

MagiRed: Thanks....I guess? Anyways ready to fight Jose?

MagiYellow: Um actually, we have a big problem.


We then cut to somewhere within the fortress where we see Lucy being smacked around by Gajeel. She slammed against the wall and we see her injured as she slowly gets up.

Gajeel walks over to her and was about to continue his fun when Wolzard stopped him.

Wolzard: Enough. Our orders is to keep her alive.

Gajeel: Whatever you say.

Gajeel walks away while Wolzard stood in front of Lucy while she stare at him and then she tells him.

Lucy: You think you and the rest may have won. Your wrong, my friends will come and when they do.....they are gonna make you pay.

Wolzard: None will not defeat the Hades empire. I will crush them. You will be wise to choose your words.

Lucy: (smirk) Or what? You gonna kill me?

Wolzard turns to her and stare coldly at her. Usually she'll get scared but she doesn't. They stare at each other for a moment and then Wolzard says

Wolzard: Disbite your magic being weak, your strong with the light. However that will all change. You will be tortured until you will break and summit to the darkness.

???: I don't think so!

Suddenly Wolzard quickly turns and blocks Natsu attack with his shield. Then Wolzard pushes him back and took out his sword ans swings it at Natsu which he dodges but then he launches his dark magic attack at him and he was hit and sent flying back.

He slammed against the wall and fell onto the ground. Then Gajeel came over ans stomp his foot onto his back whole Wolzard walks towards him.

Suddenly a hole blows open and the Magirangers leaps into the room and land onto the ground with their Magisticks ready for battle.

MagiRed: This ends here!

Wolzard: Indeed, this is the end, for the Magirangers.

Then Gajeel unleashes a iron dragon roar at them and at first they block his attack all together but then Wolzard swings his blade at them with waves of dark magic and there was a explosion.

The Magirangers dehenshin and fell onto the ground. Due to all the battles they have faced, they have ran out of magic and couldn't transform.

Lucy and Happy were in disbelief as Wolzard walks over to the Magirangers. He then looks at the hole to see the veiw of the guild.

Wolzard: You have me impress Magirangers. You along with the wizards has defeated the element four and save your guild. But I afraid its fate is still the same.

He them have his shield in front of him and begins to charge his attack.

Magirangers and Natsu: NO!!!!

Then Wolzard fires a powerful dark magic beam that hits the guild and blows it up. Everyone who was outside od the guild is shocked by this and some begin to cry.

The Magirangers, Natsu, Happy and Lucy were in disbelief to see the guild destroyed. Then Y/n slowly gets up and tries to swing his Magistick at him but Wolzard turns and grabs him by the neck.

He lifted him off of his feet while staring at him.

Lucy: (tears) No. This can't be happening. This can't end.

Wolzard: This is the end for you.

Y/n: Th-The darkness will never win. The light.....will defeat the darkness!

Wolzard: And who do you think will stop us now?

He swing his sword back, about to land a final blow at Y/n. Lucy and Happy cover their eyes and Wolzard was about to end him. Then suddenly he was shot behind which force him to let Y/n go.

He land onto the ground with the Magirangers as a ball of light zooms into thr room they were in and float in the middle of the room.

Gajeel: What is that?!

They stare at it and then the light fates to reveal a figure and then the figure lands onto the ground. He was on his knees as he slowly stood up and facing away from Wolzard.

Wolzard: Who are you?

Then he dramatically turns around with his cape shown similar to the Magirangers but gold as he then spoke.

???: The Shining solar element! Heavenly hero............

Magishine: Magishine!

Magirangers, Lucy, Happy and Natsu: Magishine?

Gajeel: (surprised) No way! They have a 6th ranger!

Wolzard: Impossible.

Then Magishine snap his finger and then points towards Wolzard and said.

Magishine: This is where this war comes to the end, because a hero....has arrived.

To be continued....................................................

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