Chapter 25: The Guild War (Arc 6)

We see MagiPink and MagiGreen evacuating the citizens of Magnolia as far as possible so they will not be hit by the Phantom Lords devastating spell. They escort everyone out of Magnolia as MagiGreen rush up to MagiPink.

MagiGreen: That should be everyone.

MagiPink: Yeah I think so.

They turn to their guild and the battle that is going on. They stare at the still damaged guild as MagiPink let's out a sigh.

MagiPink: I can't believe the Phantom Lords are going out of their way just to take Lucy away from us.

MagiGreen: Yeah.

MagiPink: I know this isn't Lucy's fault in all of this. I just hope everyone is the same.

MagiGreen: We know them. They're never blame each other.

MagiPink: Yeah but without Makarov, who knows what's on their minds. You saw what they were like when Makarov is injured badly.

MagiGreen fall silent for a moment and then turn back to the battle and said.

MagiGreen: Even if Makarov can't join us, we'll keep on fighting until the end.

MagiPink: Yeah your right.

MagiGreen: We should check if there is anymore people still in town.

MagiPink: Right.

The two head back into town to check if there was anyone else still in town and then they rejoin the battle.



Within the Phantom Lords Castle we see MagiBlue and Elfman racing through the halls and all awhile MagiBlue ask Elfman.

MagiBlue: So how do we stop their gaint spell?

Elfman: There has to be something we can do. Maybe we damage its arms.

MagiBlue: Perhaps but I'm worried they may have another plan to destroy either our guild or Magnolia. It seems like Jose is one step ahead of us.

Elfman: Yeah he's smart but I'll show him in a manly way!

They keep running and soon Elfman step on a floor that open to reveal an eye. They were suddenly blown away when the floor beneath them broke apart and they were attacked by rocks but MagiBlue creates a water blast to blast the rocks away.

Elfman: I think we're not alone.

MagiBlue: Agree.

???: You two are correct.

They immediately turn around and watch as a man came out of the ground and show himself to the two.

MagiBlue: He must be one of the Element 4.

Sol: Indeed, I am Sol and I control the earth beneath me.

Elfman: If you wanted a fight then you got one.

MagiBlue: Wait! I saw how strong the first Element 4 member was, this one might be tougher.

Elfman: Let's see about that!

He changed his arm into a master arm and he charge towards him but then Sol struck on Elfman with a massive brike punch which cost him to slide backwards.

Sol: My, My so you can change any of your body part. How interesting. No wonder your stronger than the rest.

Suddenly he was blasted by water as MagiBlue shoots Sol with Water. Then Sol throws tones of rocks at her but she creates a large water bubble and catches all the rocks.

MagiBlue then rush at Sol and swing her MagiStick at him which he dodges.

Sol: Aren't you a fighter. As member of the Magirangers I am impress but unfortunately it will not last long.

The he struck at her with a large sand storm. She tried to hold on only for Sol to land a strike at her with a massive fist rock and she was sent flying. Elfman catches her and set hee down.

MagiBlue: Thanks for that.

Elfman: No problem. Let's do this together.

MagiBlue agrees and the two rush at Sol as they battle Sol.


We see MagiRed and Gray coming across large windows looking outside as well as a skylight as they run through the halls and then they stop.

Gray: This is pointless. This place is like a maze.

MagiRed: Yeah no kidding. Let's hope the rest are okay.

Gray: Same.

Then Gray looks up at the skylight and then said.

Gray: What about we go outside and see what we can find. Maybe we can get to Jose and ambush him.

MagiRed: Not a bad idea.

They leap up and get onto the roof and once onto the roof they were about to move when rain suddenly appear out of nowhere.

Gray: Rain? Wasn't it day time just a second ago.

MagiRed: Your right. I have a feeling magic is the cost of it.

Gray: You think so?

???: Drip, Drip, Drop.

MagiRed: Wait.......that voice.

They turn and they see a woman which MagiRed immediately recognise to be Juvia.

Gray: You know her?

MagiRed: Yeah. She was with Sol when they took Lucy.

Gray: I see.

Juvia: Yes I am. I'm surprised that you remember me.

MagiRed: I'll never forget. Now, let's do this, right Gray?

Gray: Yeah. I'm with you.

Juvia stare at MagiRed for sometime now which MagiRed thinks he is scanning him, seeing how much magic he has and he gets ready for it.

Juvia continues to stare at him and then turns around and said.

Juvia: I give up, you won. Bye.

Then she walk away as both MagiRed and Gray stood there stunned for a moment and then the two fell onto thr ground dumbfounded.

MagiRed and Gray: (thought) SHE GIVE UP?! WHAT GIVES!

Juvia's heart skips a beat for some reason as she touches her chest and thinks to herself.

Juvia: (thought) Why does my heart beat so fast, and why do I still think about that red one with a cape? He is our enemy but something about him makes my heart boil.

MagiRed: Hang on a minute here! Can you at least tell us how to stop that casting spell?

He rushed over to her and once he cam up to her he gose to grab hee shoulder when immediately he was trapped in a bubble of water which Juvia begins to panic as she didn't mean to do it.

Gray: Y/n!

Juvia: (thought) What am I doing?! I know I should attack but at the same time I-

Suddenly MagiRed begins to boil the water and then he exploded out of the bubble and land on his feet.

Gray: You alright?

MagiRed: Yeah I'm good.

Juvia: (thought) Incredible. He escape of that so easily. He is indeed a strong wizard.

MagiRed: So um......are we gonna fight or what?

Juvia: (clear her throat) You are interesting MagiRed however we are both on different sides meaning that you are our enemy and so I have to fight you. This is goodbye.

She then blasted the two with water which Gray creates an ice wall and blocks the attack.

Gray: What is with her?! First she give up and now she wants to fight us?!

MagiRed: Doesn't matter. We have to defeat her in order to push on.

Gray: Yeah! Let's do this!

MagiRed: Right!

Then Juvia dodges the fire coming out of the ground as both Gray and MagiRed rush at her as they charge towards her. Juvia doesn't want to hurt Y/n but she doesn't have a choose and battle them.


We see Natsu, Happy and MagiYellow walking down the hallway and while walking MagiYellow ask Natsu some questions to pass the time.

MagiYellow: Okay if you have to fight anyone besides Gray, Erza or Laxus. Who would it be?

Natsu: I suppose Mystogan. He's really strong.

MagiYellow: Yeah I bet the fight will be oven within a second.

Natsu: (anger) Hey i can beat him with no problem!

Happy: I'm getting the feeling we have been talking all awhile everyone else is fighting.

MagiYellow: Perhaps. But hey its good to have a break.

Natsu: Too bad we didn't bring some food.

Happy: Aye.

MagiYellow: Actually I have been wondering for sometime now and I must know. How can you eat lots of food and still fight? I mean one minute you'll full and the next you fight with no problems. It's both surprising and confused on how you do it.

Natsu: (smirk) Oh that's simple. You see-

Then Natsu stop what he was about to say and look around. Happy and MagiYellow also felt that as they look around.

MagiYellow: You feel that.

Natsu: Yeah and i don't like it.

Suddenly the ground lights up and they were struck with massive pain and sent stumbling back as a man with a blind fold around his eyes appear in front of them.

Aria: It seems I have to deal with you two. So sad. So sad indeed. I am Aria the leader of the element 4 and I control the air.

Natsu: So he's air magic huh? Well let's see about that!

Natsu charges towards him but was immediately blasted back and landed next to MagiYellow as he quickly gets up and then summons a cloud of thunder and blasted him with lighting.

MagiYellow: Taste that!

Smoke was covering them but then Aria burst out of the smoke and lands a blow at MagiYellow and he was sent flying and crash through two large wooden doors and slide onto the floor.

He slowly gets up and looks at the door nit realising that Aria appear behind him and when he realised this Aria blasted him with air.

MagiYellow land on his feet as he realise how strong Aria is and wished he could have faced someone else like any one of the Element 4.

Then Natsu came up next to him while Happy stays behind as the two stare at Aria.

Natsu: He's tough to beat.

MagiYellow: Yeah. Scared?

Natsu: (smirk) Not in a second.

MagiYellow: Yeah. Let's do this!

Aria: (tears) How sad. You both are gonna die together for the sake of your guild. How sad, How sad indeed. But no matter, time to die.

Both MagiYellow and Natsu charge towards Aria and battle him all awhile we cut to Jose and Meemy watches as three Magirangers battles each member of the element 4 along with their guild friend as Meemy begins ti laugh.

Meemy: Brilliant just Brilliant! Now all we have to do is to deal with the other two and the Magirangers are no more!

Jose: Yes and capture Lucy.

Meemy: Yes....her. But may I ask....why bother take this job? Sure we offer you help but may I ask why going out of your way just to capture one female human and bring her to her father?

Jose: (smirk) Did you think I'll hand her over to her father.

Meemy: Hm?

Jose: (smirk) I'm not planning to hand him his daughter. In fact I have a better idea. I simply have her as my hostage so her father will give me all the money he has. I will drain his fortune and I'll be the most powerful guild master that has ever lived!

Meemy: That's a brilliant idea! I never suspected a human like you to be so evil.

Jose: (smirk) When it comes to things I want I will get it and if anyone else tries to get in my way.....I sill crush them, just like Fairy Tail. Soon Fairy Tail will be no more!

To be continued..................................................

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