Chapter 22: The Guild war (Arc 3)
We see a nice peaceful town known as Oak Town. Everything seems nice with a lot of people going out their business and minding their own thing whenever suddenly there was a explosion coming from the Phantom Lords guild at the top of the mountain. They all turn and see smoke coming out of the guild.
We then cut to the guild where we see Fairy Tail fighting the Phantom Lords and unleashing their magic attacks on them. There were many explosions as a few Phantom Lords blowing up some members of Fairy Tail.
Phantom Lord member: Take that!
Suddenly vines came out of the ground and wrapped around them and that's when MagiGreen came out and then the vines tossed them away as MagiGreen have the vines to attack the other Phantom Lords members.
One sees him and goes to charge towards him onky to be wash away by MagiBlue as she summons a large amount of water and throws them towards a group of them.
MagiBlue: Got to admit their guild is pretty big.
MagiGreen: Yeah we might be outnumber here.
Then they hear screams which they turn and sees Makarov in his gaint form as he smash and throws every singal Phantom Lord member he sees.
MagiBlue: With Makarov and Erza with us, I think we'll be fine.
MagiGreen: Yeah. You think the rest are alright back at Magnolia?
MagiBlue: Either so they are lucky.
A few Phantom Lords members gets frozen by Ur as she came up to the two and tells them.
Ur: Let's keep fighting you two! We have a battle to win here!
MagiBlue and MagiGreen: Right!
At Magnolia we see Y/n getting patched up by Mirajane in the guilds basement while Amy and Arthur each try to call Noah or Sophie but no answer.
Arthur: Damn it! That nature idiot isn't answering!
Amy: Same to Sophie.
Arthur:......I still don't understand. Why didn't she not tell us that her family is rich? Why keeping this secret from us?
Mirajane: I'm sure she has a reason.
Amy: Still why would her family want her back?
Arthur: Obviously because they are jerks who wanted to hire someone just to get theie daughter back. I mean that's how rich families are when their daughter ran away.
Y/n: Either way Lucy is in trouble and we need to get her back.
Amy: But should we ask Grace about this?
Grace: There is no need.
They turn to see Grace as she approaches them and then said.
Grace: I've should've seen this coming. The fact theie plan was to lower us away only to kidnapped Lucy under our nose.
Y/n: We'll get her back Grace I know we can. All we need to do is to find out where they have taking her.
Arthur: Maybe they took her to their guild?
Amy: Too risky. A lot of Fairy Tail members would see her. Perhaps they took her somewhere so no one will not find her.
Arthur: Like a prison?
Grace: That is a possibility. I remember there was a prison outside of Oak Town that was abandon only to be owned by the Phantom Lords. If that's where they have taking Lucy then so be it.
Y/n: Then we need to go there and free her. Arthur, Amy let's go and save Lucy.
The two of them node and they make their leave while Grace and Mirajane watch then go. Mirajane looks concerned but Grace ensures her.
Grace: They will be fine. Have faith.
Mirajane: Yeah but with Levy, Jet and Droy injured and Lucy being kidnapped.....I don't know but feel worry on whoever else will get hurt.
Grace: Agree but I have faith that they will all make it out alive and well.
Mirajane: Let's hope so.
Back at the Phantom Lords guild we see Erza and Gray taking on a few Phantom Lords members when MagiGreen, MagiBlue and Ur came over to them.
MagiGreen: Where's Makarov?
Erza: He's going to confront Jose on top of the guild.
MagiBlue: You think he'll convince him to stop this?
Gray: I think he's not gonna use his words to stop this.
MagiBlue: Right.
MagiGreen: Move!
They all leap away to dodge a explosion as Gray land on his feet only to dodge a swing from a Phantom Lord member but before he could freeze him Ur freeze him first.
Gray turn to her as she smirk and said.
Ur: (smirk) Looks like your getting good with your ice magic.
Gray nodes and turns away which Ur walks over to him and the two talk while they fight together.
Ur: Look I know I have been going for a long time and I know things have changed since then but I just want to let you know that I'm proud of you. You kept going even though i was though to be dead. He keep on training and now look at you, you've becoming a great ice wizard just like me.
Gray: What about Lyon?
Ur: Well I'm proud of him as well.
Gray: How? He ruined your sacrifice.
Ur: I know what he did was wrong and I understand that. But he's still my son and I can't stay mad at him. You and Lyon are like my sons to me and I'm proud for both of you. Even though you have hate Lyon, you can't stay mad at him forever. (Smirk) Maybe one day we'll meet up with him and have a drink. What do you say?
Gray was silent for a moment and it felt like when he was a child and can't help but be glad to have Ur back. He turn to her and was about to say something when suddenly the ceiling exploded and something crashes onto the ground.
Everyone stop fighting and turn and to everyone's shock they see Makarov laying on the green with his skin being sickly green.
Erza: Master!
Erza rushes over to him including MagiGreen, Gray and MagiBlue as MagiGreen check his pales.
MagiGreen: He's okay but this isn't good. I can't sense his magic.
Gray: (shocked) What how?!
Then all the Phantom Lord members charge towards them and pushing them back. Natsu and Happy rush over seeing this which Natsu gets angry and turn to fight more but MagiGreen grab his shoulder.
Natsu: Let me go!
MagiGreen: Makarov is down and we are getting overwhelmed! We need to pull back!
Then vines wrapped around Natsu as MagiGreen takes him while the other Fairy Tail members begin to fall back as they leave the Phantom Lord guild and soon leave Oak Town.
We see MagiRed, MagiYellow and MagiPink riding their Sky Hokies through the sky as they soon approaching Oak Town and they look down and see the Fairy Tail members retreating.
MagiYellow: Did we won?
MagiPink: It doesn't look like it.
MagiRed: We'll worry that later for now we are getting close.
They go pass Oak Town and soon sees the prison. MagiRed can see Lucy on top of the building so he tells MagiYellow and MagiPink.
MagiRed: I'm going in. Cover me.
MagiPink and MagiYellow: On it!
MagiRed gets close and soon leaps through the window while MagiYellow and MagiPink guards the outside as MagiRed came up to the unconscious Lucy and shakes her.
MagiRed: Lucy wake up! Lucy!
She then woke up and sees MagiRed shaking her.
Lucy: Y/n?
MagiRed: Hold on let me free you.
He breaks the cuffs on his arms and legs. He then help Lucy up and they turn to the window and walks over towards.
MagiRed: I got Lucy! Let's get ou-
Suddenly the window gets blocked by a skeleton hand which leaves the two trapped.
???: It seems we have a guest.
They turn to see Jose as he open the cell and step in.
MagiRed: You!
Jose: (smile) You must be MagiRed aka Y/n L/n. Well allow me to introduce myself. My name of Jose Porla, guild master of the Phantom Lords. I've heard a lot about you boy.
MagiRed: You leave Lucy alone you hear! She's apart of our family!
Jose: Hm so you di not know that Lucy's family is wealthy? Or the fact her father hired us to bring his daughter back.
Lucy: (thought) My dad?!
Y/n: I don't care about that! I don't care her being rich or that her father hired your guild to get her. She's not going with you! Not a chance!
Jose: How unfortunate.
Then Jose eyes glow purple which MagiRed immediately lifted up his arm the same time as Jose and the two fired a magic attack which both their attacks clash which cost the whole room to shake.
MagiRed slowly moves back after seeing how strong Jose magic is but he stood his ground. Jose smiles even more sinister and thrust his arm foward as his attack magic gets closer and closer to MagiRed until there was a explosion.
The roof along with the room gets blown up and MagiRed dehenshin and and falls on one knee and breaths heavily. His left arm is bleeding as he holds it along with his cover up wounds is revealed as he then cough out some blood.
Lucy: Y/n!
Lucy came over to Y/n's side while Jose stood over them as Y/n looks up at him.
Jose: (smirk) Now you see what I can do. I can just end you along with your friends within seconds.
MagiGreen and MagiPink came to aid him but Jose blasted the two away which they fell and land hard onto the ground.
Jose: It's over. Hand over Lucy or you will suffer the same fate as your master Makarov.
Y/n: (shocked) What?
Jose: (smirk) I've already dealt with Makarov and now he is close to death and without him, your Fairy Tail friends will surrender to us for sure!
He begins to laugh while Y/n couldn't believe what he can hear as everything around him becomes silent. But then he felt something that is wet so he turn and he sees Lucy crying.
He sees this and then he slowly forms a fist and slowly to get up. Suddenly Jose stops laughing when he suddenly sensed something unbelievable and turn to Y/n to see him giving off a magic energy like no other while his eyes begin to glow.
Jose: (thought) What is this power?! I have never feel this type of magic in my life!
Then fire like wings appear on Y/n's back and then he let's out a blast of flames that made Jose to stumble back while bits of his clothes begin to burn.
After a while he stop unleashing his attack and summons the sky Hokie and both her and Lucy climb on. Noah and Amy also joined them looking injured as well as they fly away all awhile Jose watch them leave and is amazed how much power Y/n he holds within him.
He makes a note to be carful if he ever has to fights him but for now he walks off to active his next plan.
Jose: (thought) You may have rescued your lover Y/n but I will have her back by any means necessary. Even by means doing you, your friends and your guild into the ground. Fairy Tail will fall in my hands.
To be continued..................................................
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